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Hi everyone, I'm Kelsi!
嗨,大家好,我是 Kelsi 凱西莓
In Taiwan I often hear some pretty interesting English terms,
like "he's so man," "you're so fashion," or "too over."
像「他很 man」或是「你好 fashion」或是「 太 over 了」
So today I'm teaming up with VoiceTube to find out
所以今天我跟 VoiceTube 要來做一個測驗
if Taiwanese people know how to use these words in English.
It's called the the "Chinglish Street Challenge"!
Let's go!
Have you two studied English?
- Yup! - Yup!
- 有 - 有
- For how many years? - How many years? I'm still learning! ##
- 幾年? - 幾年?一直都在學
Are you confident in your English?
- No. - No?
- 沒有信心 - 沒有信心?
Okay, are you confident in your English?
- No way! - No?
- 沒有! - 沒有?
So here we have five sentences in Mandarin,
and we want to know how you would translate them into English.
- Translate them into English? - Yeah, only English.
- 要翻成英文喔?- 對,全英文
Only English?
- Translate them into English? - Yeah.
- 翻成英文喔? -對
Too hard, too hard, too hard!
My English is so bad! So bad!
The first one is "I'm so high."
第一個是「我好 high」
How would you say that in English?
In English?
This translation is definitely wrong.
- Is it "I'm so high"? - "I'm so high"? Nope!
- 是 I'm so high 嗎? - I'm so high? 不是
- "I'm so high." - "I'm so high?"
- I'm so high. - I'm so high?
- "I'm... very high!"
- I'm... - very high!
- "I'm so excited." - Excited? - Yeah.
- I'm so excited. - excited? - Yeah.
Yeah, that's right! "I'm so excited" is correct.
對,沒錯,就是 I'm so excited.
- I'm so excited? - Yup! Perfect!
- I'm so excited? - Yup! Perfect!
- C. - C? I'm so excited. That's right!
-D. -D? I'm so excited. 沒錯
- I'm so excited. - Yup! Perfect! Right!
- I'm so excited. - Yup! Perfect! 對
But when someone says "I'm so high," do you know what that means?
那如果你用英文說 I'm so high 你知道這個意思嗎?
- It means they've done drugs, they're intoxicated. - Oh yeah, like "get high"!
- 就是吸毒,覺得我很 ㄎㄧㄤ - 喔,他就是 get high、get high
The next one is "You are too over."
好,第二個是「你太 over 了」
You're too over.
You're too over.
So... so... over.
So... so... over.
"You're too across."
You're too across.
"You went over."
You went over.
"You're too over." Or "You crossed the line."
You're too over. Or You crossed the line.
- C? - C? "You're too over."
- C 吧? - C? You're too over.
- I pick C! - Okay let's go with C.
- 那我選 C - 好啊,選 C 好了
- C? Wrong! - Wrong? - Yup!
- C? 錯了 - 錯了嗎?- 對
- Too much. - You're too much?
too much. - You're too much?
- "It's too much." - "It's too much"? "You're too much"? That might actually work as well.
- It's too much. - It's too much? You're too much? 可能可以耶
- You think it's this one? - Uhh...
- 你覺得是這個?- 欸...
- "You've crossed the line." - Right, "You've crossed the line."
- You've crossed the line. - 對 You've crossed the line.
- This one? - Yeah. - That's right!
- 這個? - 對 - 對
- This one. - This one?
- 這個 - 這個?
- Yeah. - Correct!
- 嗯嗯 -對
- Crossed the line. - That's the one!
- 過線了 - 對對對,沒錯
- D? Right!
- D? 對 ,沒錯,okay...
- And he says his English isn't good! - Yeah!
- 還說英文不好 - 對啊
The third one is "He's so man."
第三個是「他好 man」
"He's so man."
他好 man
Man... I don't know how to translate this!
man... 我不知道怎麼翻耶
"He's so man"... "He's so man"...
他好 man... 他好 man...
This is so hard!
Can you translate it literally? He's so man.
可以直翻嗎?He's so man.
"He's a man." "He's so manly." "He's so man." "He's so mannish."
He's a man. He's so manly. He's so man. He's so mannish.
- He's so mannish. - This one?
- He's so mannish. - 這個?
- What about you? - I say... this one.
- 你覺得呢?- 我覺得... 這個
- This one? - Yup. - You're both wrong!
- 這個?- Yup. - 都錯
"He's so man"?
- He's so man? -哈哈哈
- It's definitely not A. - There's no way it's A.
- 絕對不是 - 絕對不是 A 啊!絕對不可能是 A 啊!
- I say D - You choose D? Okay then I choose B.
- 那我猜 D - 你猜 D?那我猜 B
- Okay. - Okay.
- 好 - 好
- B is correct! - B is correct! - "He's so manly."
- B 是對的 - B 是對的 - He's so manly.
- B 吧? - He's so manly.
- B 吧? - He's so manly.
- This one? - "He's so manly"?
- 這個嗎?- He's so manly?
- Yeah. - Correct!
- 嗯 - 對
- B maybe? - Yup, that's right!
- B 吧 - 對,沒錯
Didn't you say your English wasn't good? You got them all correct.
- Can you say "He's so manly"? - Yup! You can!
- He's so manly 可以嗎?- 對,可以
How is "manly"? - He's so manly?
How is manly? - He's so manly?
- Yeah. - Yes, that's right!
- Yeah... - Yes 對
- "He's so manly"? - Yup, perfect! - Ok.
- He's so manly? - Yup, perfect! - Ok
The word "mannish" is more for referring to women who seem very man-like.
這個 mannish 的話,我們只會用在女生感覺很像男人
- It's a bit more negative. - I see!
- 就是不好的意思 - 哦哦
"She's very mannish."
She's very mannish.
"I'm so bored"
Just kill me now.
... 殺了我好了
- "I'm so boring." - "I'm so boring"?
- I'm so boring. - I'm so boring?
- A - A? "I'm so boring."
- A - A? I'm so boring.
- This one, "I'm so bored." - "I'm so boring."
- 這個「我好無聊」- I'm so boring.
- "I'm so boring?" - Yeah.
- I'm so boring? -Yeah
I feel so bored.
I feel so bored.
- Uhh... "bored"? - Yup! "Bored" is right.
- 呃... bored 吧 - 對 就是 bored 對
- This one's actually pretty easy. - I'm bored.
- 這其實很簡單 - I'm bored.
- I'm bored. - "Bored?" Yeah!
- I'm bored. - bored? 對 沒錯
- I'm so bored. - I'm so bored?
- I'm so bored. - I'm so bored?
Yap, perfect! Correct.
Yap, perfect! 對了
Is it this? "Boring"?
- A lot of people say that. - Yeah.
- 很多人都會講這個 - 對啊
But it's actually B.
但是其實是 B
- A. - The first one?
- A 啊 - 第一個?
- This one's wrong. - It's wrong? - Yeah, sorry.
- 噢,這個錯了 -這個錯了? - 對,對不起
- "I'm bored" isn't "I'm boring"? - No, it's actually "I'm bored."
- 我好無聊不是 boring 嗎? - 不是,其實是 bored
Do you know what A means?
那你知道 A 是什麼意思嗎?
- I feel like it's saying you as a person are boring. - Very boring, uninteresting?
- 好像是會說我自己這個人好無聊 - 好無聊、無趣?
That's right!
"I feel unpleasant," "I'm uncomfortable," "I'm not feeling well," or "I'm not comfortable"?
I feel unpleasant. I'm uncomfortable. I'm not feeling well. Or I'm not comfortable.
- B? - B? "I'm uncomfortable"?
- B 嗎? - B 嗎? I'm uncomfortable?
"I'm uncomfortable"?
I'm uncomfortable?
- Well, actually... - Is that even an option?
- 好,其實... - 都沒有這個答案?
- It is, but it's still wrong! - Huh?!
- 有、有這個選擇,但是是錯的 - 蛤!
- "I'm uncomfortable"? - "Uncomfortable"?
- I'm uncomfortable? - uncomfortable?
A lot of people think that, but it's actually "I'm not feeling well."
很多人也都這樣講,但是其實是 I'm not feeling well.
Ah! This is a hard one!
Is it... this one?
嗯... 應該是這個吧?是嗎?
- I think it's B. - B?
- B 吧 - B?
Actually, it's C!
好,其實是 C
I'm always off by one!
- “I feel sick.” - Yeah, that works as well!
- I feel sick. - 可以、可以,這個可以
”I'm feeling sick“?
I'm feeling sick?
- ”I feel sick.“ - ”I feel sick“?
- I feel sick. - I feel sick?
- "I'm not feeling well." - That's right! "I'm not feeling well."
- I'm not feeling well. - 對,沒錯,I'm not feeling well
- Because "I feel sick" is almost like you need to actually throw up. - Throw up?! I see...
- 因為 I feel sick 就是真的可能想吐 - 真的很想吐?喔....
"I'm not feeling well"?
I'm not feeling well?
Yup, perfect! Same thing.
Yap, perfect! 對啊,一模一樣
- "I'm not feeling well." - Yup! Perfect!
- I'm not feeling well. - Yap! Perfect!
Yeah! Your English is amazing!
- Really? - Yeah, it's really good!
- 真的嗎? - 對啊!很好、好
Okay, so we've seen that Taiwanese people have pretty good English!
But there are a few sentences that are a little tough to translate.
The most common mistake was "I'm so bored."
A lot of people thought it was "I'm so boring"
大部分的人是說 I'm so boring.
when it should really be "I'm so bored."
但是其實是 I'm so bored.
As for "I'm so high,"
我覺得這個的話,「我很 high」
a lot of people already knew that "I'm so high" was incorrect,
已經有很多人知道 I'm so high 不是正確的說法
and they knew what the actual meaning was,
which is to take drugs, to get high.
就是嗑藥了,或是很 ㄎㄧㄤ
"You're too over."
「你太 over 了」
Some people translate this as "You're too much,"
也有一些人會翻成 You're too much.
and this is also correct.
It just means that you're taking something too far.
Many people pick this one
because they see that it's an adjective,
but the correct usage in this case is "manly."
但是正確的是 manly
And some people also said "He's so muscular"
然後也有人會說什麼 He's so muscular.
or "He's so handsome" and so on.
He's so handsome. 之類的
These are also correct, but they have a slightly different meaning.
It depends on the situation.
The last one is "I don't feel well."
I think a lot of people still say "I'm uncomfortable,"
我覺得還是很多人都說 I'm uncomfortable.
but that means you're emotionally uncomfortable,
so the correct answer is "I'm not feeling well."
所以正確的是 I'm not feeling well.
Also some people translate this as "I'm feeling sick"
然後,也有一些人會翻成 I'm feeling sick.
or "I'm sick."
I'm sick. 之類的
These are also fine if you're actually sick,
so it depends on the situation.
So next time you speak English,
try to keep in mind these "Chinglish" terms,
and avoid making the same mistake!
Thanks for watching, see you next time!
謝謝你們收看,see you next time!