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[ Applause and Cheering ]
[ Music ]
>> Northern California's bay
Here is the stage for a truly
remarkable natural occurrence.
Every year, a great migration is
made by one of the world's most
mysterious species.
To reach this utopian
destination, these unique
mammals will instinctively
embark on a nomadic journey from
all corners of the world.
This is the developer's
[inaudible], or as it is more
commonly known, the developer.
[ Music ]
Eleven and a half months of
hibernation has taken its toll,
and the sun is harsh as these
nocturnal cave-dwelling
creatures must greet daylight.
For most, this momentous
migration is their first; while
for a select few the pilgrimage
is a time-honored tradition.
Originating in the remote
garages of Silicon Valley,
developers evolved at an
unprecedented speed.
To understand how, we must
observe them here, in their
sacred temple.
And so, it begins.
As developers congregate at the
event, access to the herd can be
hard to come by.
For some, blending in is easier
said than done.
To distinguish themselves,
developers identify each other
through decorative tribal
These extraordinary coolidges
[phonetic] are designed to
entice and attract.
[ Music ]
Here, a pack of rogue younglings
at play.
The safety of numbers allows
them to-- oh, wait a moment.
They have now entrapped an
indigenous silver-crested king
Although tempting, one may look
at but not touch the mane.
The feeding frenzy at the great
Moving in like a pack of
famished piranhas, this frugal
breed will spare no morsel.
Those who can, pull rank on the
prime cuts.
The event culminates in what is
known as the keynote.
As the doors open, a behavior
[inaudible] can be found.
Developers running at full
speed, battling to secure a
coveted front-row seat.
Following the ceremony, the
latest beta software is
unleashed, it's nature at its
Only the strongest apps will
The many languages of the
developer are a mystery to
modern science.
Just look at these letters,
symbols, formulas, and mumbled
Only these enlightened shamans
can decode their true meaning.
The creative bonds formed during
the great migration will enable
these geniuses to unlock our
future world.
The developer is no doubt a
species scientists will continue
to study for [inaudible].
[ Music ]
[ Applause and Cheering ]
>> Good morning!
Good morning.
[ Applause and Cheering ]
I hear the student developers.
Good morning and welcome to WWDC
It is great to be back in San
Jose with everyone.
We have developers here from all
over the world this morning,
from 77 countries.
That's more than ever before.
[ Applause ]
And I couldn't be happier to
announce that we now have over
20 million Apple developers
around the world.
[applause] That's more than ever
We've got 6000 folks in the hall
this morning.
Welcome. And many millions more
watching online.
Now the way the developers get
to share their amazing work is
through the App Store.
Your creativity and hard work
have made the App Store the best
place to get the very best apps.
Next month, the App Store turns
[ Applause ]
And in these ten years, the App
Store has fundamentally changed
the way we all live.
It's enabled countless new
companies, created tens of
millions of jobs, spawned
entirely new industries, and it
has forever changed our lives.
The App Store is the world's
largest app marketplace
[applause], and we now welcome
over 500 million weekly
This is mind-blowing.
It's the most incredible app
marketplace that the world has
ever seen.
We're also happy to announce
that this week we're going to
achieve another huge milestone.
The money that developers have
earned through the App Store
will top $100 billion.
[ Applause ]
This is just, this is beyond
The App Store is clearly the
best place for you to be
rewarded for your hard work and
Now at Apple, we know that
developers are a powerful group
of creators, that they can
achieve and they can develop
anything that they can imagine
with their code.
We want more people to learn the
power of code, and it all starts
with Swift and Swift
We created Swift to make it
easy, to make it so easy to
learn to code that it was as
easy as our products are to use.
Swift is extremely popular.
In fact, it's the fastest
growing programming language out
Now Apple developers are already
using it in huge numbers.
In fact, over 350,000 apps have
been written in Swift on the App
Now [applause] we believe that
coding is an essential skill and
believe it should be offered by
every school in the world.
Learning to code has so many
It develops problem solving and
critical thinking skills.
That's why created Everyone Can
Code with free teaching and
learning resources so that
everyone could learn to code.
It's been so successful and is
now available to tens of
millions of students around the
Just imagine what this new
generation of coders will
Whatever it is, I'm sure that
it's going to change the world.
At Apple, changing the world and
making it a better place is what
it's all about for us.
We aim to put the customer at
the center of everything that we
That's why, together with you,
the developer community, we're
working hard to provide new and
better experiences for our
customers to help them live a
better day.
And these experiences of course
are expressed through our four
amazing platforms.
Today is all about software, and
we've got some very exciting
updates across all four
We're going to get started with
IOS embodies our philosophy of
putting the customer at the
center of everything that we
Every year, we deliver a major
iOS update that brings awesome
new features that will impact
the world.
To tell you all about what we
had planned for this year, I'd
like to introduce Craig
Frederique [phonetic].
[ Applause ]
>> Hey, good morning.
[ Applause ]
All right.
The next release of iOS is, you
guessed it, iOS 12.
Now, our customers, of course,
are going to receive iOS 12 as a
free software update.
Now, it's easy to forget now,
but iOS pioneered this approach
of helping you get more out of
the device you already own
through free updates.
And some of those updates have
been really quite profound.
Like the App Store, giving us a
whole new way to discover and
download apps.
It itself was delivered via
software update, as were the
folders we used to organize
those apps.
And can you imagine living
without Find My iPhone or
iMessage with its end-to-end
securely encrypted messaging.
Or the revolution in iPad
productivity with Slide Over,
Split View, and Drag and Drop,
or AR, changing the way we
interact with the world around
us, all delivered via software
And of course we want to get
these improvements to as many of
our customers as possible.
IOS 11 supports devices that
were introduced as far back as
2013, like the iPhone 5S.
And we just love the way
customers race to update to our
newest releases.
In fact, half of our customers
upgraded to iOS 11 in just seven
It's incredible.
[ Applause ]
Now as we stand here today, 81
percent of our over a billion
active iOS devices are running
our latest release.
And now, when you look at the
competition, well it's hard to
say they really have a software
update model.
[ Applause ]
So iOS has the fastest adoption
of any operating system, but
what's much more important to us
is customer satisfaction, and
we're thrilled to report that
customer sat for iOS 11 is at 95
[ Applause ]
Now, delivering all of these
features across such a wide
range of devices will
maintaining high performance is
a challenge we take really
seriously, and so for iOS 12, we
are doubling down on
We're working top to bottom
making improvements, to make
your device faster and more
responsive, and because we want
these changes to be available to
the full range of our customers,
iOS 12 will be available on all
the same devices as iOS 11.
[ Applause ]
This is the largest base ever
supported by an Apple release,
and we're focusing our efforts
especially on the oldest
And while it's still early days,
we're really pleased with some
of the results we're seeing.
And so I'd like to share some
with you.
And I'm going to use an example
of a popular phone from a few
years ago.
This is the iPhone 6Plus.
Now on that device, iOS 12
delivers a number of
improvements across common
You'll see that apps launch up
to 40 percent faster.
The keyboard can come up up to
50 percent faster, and you can
slide to take a photo at up to
70 percent faster.
[ Applause ]
Now our deepest focus this year
is optimizing the system when
it's under load, and that's
where you need performance the
most and where iOS 12 really
Now, we've put iOS 12 through
our stress test, and we saw in
those conditions Share Sheet
coming up twice as fast and apps
launching twice as fast.
These are big, big improvements.
Now this took changes-- thank
you very much.
This took improvements in many,
many places in the system, and I
want to highlight just one.
And it starts with the silicon.
You know, our tight
collaboration with our chip team
has enabled us to optimize iOS
across the full range of our A
series silicon.
Now CPUs traditionally respond
to increased demand for
performance by slowly ramping up
their clock speed.
Well now on IOS 12, we're much
When we detect that you need a
burst of performance, like when
you begin scrolling or launching
an app, we ramp up processor
performance instantly to its
highest states, delivering high
performance and to ramp it down
just as fast to preserve battery
Now, these are just some of the
improvements that are coming to
not just our older devices, but
the full range of devices, and
that's a quick update on
[ Applause ]
Now if this is all we'd done in
iOS 12, I think it would be a
great release, but we've done
Much more.
And we have a lot to cover
today, and it starts with
augmented reality.
Yeah. [applause and cheering]
Now AR is transformational
By bringing experiences into the
real world, it enables all kinds
of new experiences, changing the
way we have fun and the way we
work, and in iOS 12, we wanted
to make an easy way to
experience AR across the system,
and to do that, we got together
with some of the greatest minds
in 3D at Pixar, and together we
created a new file format for
It's called USDZ, and it's a
compact, single-file format
that's optimized for sharing
while retaining great 3D
graphics and even animations.
Now, you can use USDZ across the
system from the files app, to
Safari, even sharing them over
messages and mail, and what's
great is you can place these 3D
objects into the real world.
It's something that's like AR
quick look.
It's really awesome.
Now, we want all kinds of
creatives to be able to create
content for AR, and so we're
working with the leading
companies for 3D tools and 3D
libraries to bring their support
for USDZ.
Now one company that's been all
in on USDZ and ARKit is Adobe,
and to tell you about what
they're up to, I'd like to
invite Abhay Parasnis, their
CTO, to the stage.
[ Applause ]
>> Thanks Craig.
It's great to be here this morn.
So at Adobe we believe augmented
reality is an incredibly
important technology.
And with ARKit, Apple is by far
the most powerful platform for
So earlier Craig talked about
USDZ format.
It's actually a pretty big deal.
There is now a way to deliver AR
experiences across the entire
iOS experience.
And so today we are actually
announcing that we are going to
bring native USDZ support to
Adobe's Creative Cloud.
[ Applause ]
With Creative Cloud, designers
and developers will now be able
to use familiar apps, apps that
they know and love, like
Photoshop or Dimension, to
create amazing AR content and
bring it easily via USDZ.
And of course, we are not going
to stop there.
We are going to bring the power
of immersive design to Creative
Cloud with a new set of services
and applications including a
brand-new iOS application that's
going to let all of you design
amazing AR experiences quickly.
So, you will be able to bring in
images, videos, text, any object
from Creative Cloud directly
into a native AR environment.
In fact, for the first time with
Creative Cloud and iOS, you will
have a what you see is what you
get editing in AR.
It's pretty cool.
So, come join this afternoon
State of the Union where we're
able to give you a sneak peak of
some of these new immersive
design tools for the first time.
Thanks. Back to you Craig.
>> Thank you, Abhay.
[applause] Now a critical part
of enabling AR is accurate
measurement, and fortunately the
precise calibration of sensors
in iOS devices and our tight
hardware software integration
mean that we do this really
well, and we want to enable
everyone to take advantage of
this capability.
So we're introducing a new app,
and it's called Measure.
It makes it really easy to
measure objects, detect
rectangles and get their
dimensions, and measure lines
along surfaces, and I'd like to
show it to you now.
[applause] Now, in looking for
something to measure, I ended up
digging through the attic and
came upon my old suitcase from
my traveling days in college.
A lot of memories in here.
Now I'm actually in the Measure
app, and you see I can easily
measure along this suitcase by
just tapping and dragging out a
line, like that, and check that
It's a measurement.
[applause] Now, what's really
cool is I can extend these
measurements so I can just tap,
drag along another edge just
like that, and even take it into
full 3D by dragging down to the
bottom like that.
Isn't that cool?
[ Applause ]
Now I mentioned that we could
automatically detect rectangles
and show you dimensions of
So I have a photo here actually.
It's one my mom always wanted me
to travel with of me as a baby,
and so, you see, what I can do
with Measure is it automatically
detects the dimensions of that
I can just tap and get, oh,
yeah, a cute little baby, wasn't
And you can get measurements
just like that.
It's really fantastic.
[ Applause ]
Now, I'd like to turn now to
USDZ and its support throughout
the system.
You know, you can experience
USDZ in so many places, and one
of those places is news.
Now here's an article.
We're all accustomed to seeing
images in news articles.
But check this out.
Here you see a USDZ asset.
It can just tap on this little
3D control and jump right in and
experience it.
You can see the amazing
animations that are possible,
and of course it's fully
So I can zoom in and pan.
Isn't that amazing?
[applause] Now USDZ is also
great in the web.
So here I am at the Fender
website and actually let you
configure your guitar with the
kind of finish and pickguard
that you want.
So I can select a configuration
option here, and then I can see
the guitar I've configured.
So I'm just going to tap in.
Of course I can see the guitar
here, but wouldn't it be cool if
I could see it in the real world
in its real size?
Well, there it is.
Check that out.
[applause] I think I'm going to
capture that for posterity.
And that's a quick look at USDZ
and Measure in iOS 12.
Next-- thank you.
[applause] Next, I'd like to
talk about the key technology
behind these augmented reality
experiences, and that's ARKit.
ARKit opens up the world of AR
to hundreds of millions of
users, making it the world's
largest AR platform by far.
And we're on a relentless pace
of advancement with AR, and that
continues today with ARKit 2.
Yes. ARKit 2 delivers advances
with improved face tracking,
more realistic rendering, and
support for 3D object detection
and persistence, which enables
launching into AR experiences
associated with a particular
object or a physical space, like
starting a game built around a
physical toy or having a
physical classroom serve as the
foundation for a lesson that was
authored in AR.
But probably best is the support
for shared experiences.
Now this delivers true,
multiuser augmented reality.
You and the people around you
will be able to see your own
perspective on a common virtual
And to help all you developers
get started, we created this
sample app written in Swift that
you'll all be getting today.
Now, check out how both players
and even a third observer can
all experience the same
environment in real time.
It's really fun.
[ Applause ]
Now, we've also brought in a
select few developers into our
labs over the last couple of
weeks to work with ARKit, and
they love it.
Now, one of them is Lego.
And what they've done is so fun,
you just need to see it.
So I'm pleased to invite Martin
Sanders, director of innovation
of Lego, to the stage to give
you a live demonstration.
>> Craig, thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
Creating and playing with
physical Lego sets brings great
joy to millions of children and
Lego fans all over the world.
And now, with ARKit 2, we get to
expand those creative
possibilities like never before
and take things beyond the
What we try to do is combine
physical and digital together to
really open up those creative
play possibilities, because our
Lego sets are really the start
point for all of those
children's imaginations.
And when we get a chance to
really imbed ARKit 2, it takes
it to the next level.
Let me show you what I mean.
Here we have Assembly Square.
It's one of our Lego creator
sets and already has so many
great details it's awesome to
play with.
But wouldn't it be great if we
could take things even further?
Well now with 3D object
detection, we get to recognize
our models and bring them to
[ Music ]
And just look at all of those
rich details we can now bring
into our sets, because when we
combine physical and digital
together like this, it really
opens up those creative play
And there's so much to do here.
Did you see these icons of the
people and objects?
Well they represent missions and
stories that we can explore.
And with a world as rich and as
immersive as this, who wouldn't
want to play?
So let's add a character.
How about this little guy here?
>> Welcome back, let's go on an
>> Awesome.
Let's go on an adventure.
But going on an adventure with
friends is often way more fun.
Anders, why don't you pop in
>> I'm always up for an
>> Perfect.
Because now with ARKit 2's
multiuser support, we get to
play with up to four friends in
the same space.
Let's go ahead and add a few
things from our collection,
>> Okay. I will add a bank over
>> Very nice, I like it.
How about taking this for a
Let's just look at all those
rich details you can see on the
outside of the building and even
on the inside.
Yeah, I think I'm going to add
this guy.
He's definitely going to keep
the bank safe.
Oh look, my character's hungry.
Let's take him over to the
Well let's see what they have.
Because now with ARKit 2, we get
to see inside our physical
creations and check out all the
details that were hidden before.
We've got a ballerina, a little
music session going on, and
let's make a bathroom-- oops
Moving on.
Oh, another play trigger in the
Let's see what happens when I
click on this.
>> Um, fresh [inaudible].
>> Oh, that doesn't look too
>> Anders, I've got a situation.
I'm going to need your help over
>> Yeah, okay, okay.
I've got a firetruck.
>> Perfect.
You put out those flames while--
oh, oh dear.
Somebody's got themselves
trapped on the roof, so I'm
going to use this helicopter to
go and pick up these clowns.
[music] How are you getting on
down there Anders?
>> I'm almost done, almost done.
>> Great. Those guys are safe.
And the flames look like they're
almost out.
Perfect, we did it.
Yeah. What?
[ Applause ]
And we've even unlocked a new
item for our collection.
But the fun doesn't need to end
there because with ARKit 2, we
get to save our entire world
back into our physical set and
pick up where we left off.
[applause] All right.
That's awesome.
So much fun.
But what makes this truly
amazing is how with just a
single Lego creation and ARKit 2
it really opens up those
creative play possibilities.
So look out for more Lego AR
experiences in the App Store
later this year.
Thank you very much everybody.
[ Applause ]
>> Isn't that great?
So that's our update on AR and
iOS 12.
Next, I'd like to turn to
You know, over a trillion photos
are captured on iPhone each
year, and Photos is the best way
to relive and share those
This year we're making photos
even better, and it starts with
Search has powerful object and
scene recognition.
It lets you search for photos
based on things like searching
for cars or dogs or flowers, and
that's a great way to explore
your library, but in iOS 12,
Search now starts working for
you even before you start typing
with Search suggestions.
It'll highlight things for you
like key moments and people that
are important to you, places
where you've taken some great
photos and even categories of
photos like hiking and water
And Search is much more powerful
than ever.
You can search for places by
business name.
So you could search for SFMOMA
or even a broad category like
And, Photos indexes over four
million events by time and
Things like sporting events and
concerts, and so you can search
for them and find photos you
took at those events.
And search is super powerful.
You can now search for multiple
search terms like surfing and
vacation and even get
suggestions for additional
search terms to help you find
exactly what you're looking for.
And now in iOS 12 we have an all
new tab.
It's called For You.
And with For You, you have all
of your memories, so those great
memory movies, but more like
featured photos highlighting a
photo that you took on this day
in past years.
And Effects Suggestions, for
instance, suggesting looping a
live photo or applying a new
portrait effect to one of your
portrait photos.
And we even highlight your
shared album activity.
Now when it comes to sharing,
there are many ways you can
share photos, but our focus is
on sharing great photos with the
people you care about most, and
that's why this year in For You
we've added Sharing Suggestions.
So imagine you've gone out for a
great dinner with some friends
and you took some photos.
Well afterwards in For You,
you'll see a suggestion like
this to share those photos.
If you tap in, you'll see that
photos is even recommending a
set of photos from that set that
you might want to share and
suggest who you might want to
share them with based in part by
the people that appeared in the
And when you share them, they're
shared at full resolution out of
your iCloud photo library and
when you're friend receives
them, something really magical
Their phone searches their
libraries for other photos they
took at that event and suggest
that they share them back to
you, so you both can end up with
a full set.
[ Applause ]
Now this is built around
iMessage so of course it's
private, using end-to-end
encryption, and all of those
smarts are done with on-device
machine learning.
So that's your quick update on
Photos in iOS 12, and next,
let's turn to Siri.
Now Siri is by far the world's
most used digital assistant with
over 10 billion requests
processed per month, and because
Siri works across all your
devices, it's always there to
help you through your day
getting things done.
Now we all know that Siri works
with many third-party apps for
things like messaging, ride
sharing, and payments.
But we wanted to make Siri able
to do much more for you, and
we're doing that by taking
advantage of the power of apps
with a new feature we call
Now with shortcuts any app can
expose quick actions to Siri.
Let's look at some examples.
Now say you have the Tile app
because you're always losing
your keys.
Well, the Tile app can expose
the option to add a shortcut to
And you can assign your own
phrase, such as I lost my keys
would be a good choice, and when
you then say it, Siri will
automatically activate Tile and
show you right in the Siri UI
start ringing your Tile just
like that.
It's really great.
[ Applause ]
Of course there's so many uses
for this kind of thing.
You could say game time to get
your team's schedule from
TeamSnap or help me relax to
kick off a meditation or order
my groceries to order your
You know, with millions of apps,
Shortcut enables incredible
possibilities for how you use
Now, as you know, Siri is more
than just a voice.
Siri is working all the time in
the background to make proactive
suggestions for you even before
you ask, and now with Shortcut,
Siri can do so much more.
So, for instance, let's say you
order a coffee every morning at
Phil's before you go to work.
Well now, Siri can suggest right
on your lock screen that you do
You tap on it, and you can place
the order right from there.
Or if when you get to the gym
you use Active to track
workouts, well that suggestion
will appear right on your lock
And this even works when you
pull down into Search.
You'll get great suggestions.
Like say you're running late for
a meeting, well Siri will
suggest you text the meeting
Or when you go to the movie,
suggest that you turn on Do Not
That's just being considerate.
And remind you to call grandma
on her birthday.
Just tap, and it'll dial the
call for you.
Now, we think we're all going to
really enjoy using Shortcuts,
and so we went a step further.
We wanted to let you create your
own shortcuts as users, multiple
steps across multiple
applications, and we're doing it
with a new Shortcuts app.
So with the Shortcuts app, you
could do something like create a
shortcut for surf time, and it
could go get you the surf
report, look up the current
weather, get you the ETA to the
beach, and even create a
reminder for you to put on
sunscreen when you get there.
Now, it's all done with simple
drag and drop steps in the
Shortcuts editor right here.
It's really easy.
Now to show you how Shortcuts
can streamline your day, I'd
like to invite one of our
leaders from our Siri Shortcuts
project, Kim Beverette
[phonetic], to the stage to give
you a live demo.
>> Hey!
[ Applause ]
I'm am so stoked to show you
Siri Shortcuts.
To do that, I'm going to walk
you through my day.
So imagine it's the morning.
I'm headed to work, and I pick
up my phone, and I see this
suggestion from Phil's Coffee.
Siri has learned that I do this
most mornings, so now I can just
tap on the suggestion and I see
all the details I need to
confirm my perfect Mint Monkey
Dough right here on the lock
screen without even going into
the app.
So let's get caffeinated.
And I'm done.
Fast forward a little bit, and
I'm sitting at my desk at my
office and I need to know when
my next meeting is.
I'll go to the Up Next widget,
and it looks like I am running a
little late for a rather
important meeting, so I should
probably let someone know.
And it looks like Shortcuts is a
few steps ahead of me.
I could call into the meeting,
or I could let the organizer
know that I am running late.
I should probably tell Arie
what's up.
That looks like just what I want
to say, sorry Arie, let's send
Perfect. I also want to show you
how you can add a shortcut to
So let's take a look at Kayak.
I keep all of my travel details
in Kayak.
Most important is my post WWDC
relaxation trip to Los Angeles.
You can see I have got my
flight, my hotel, all the
details, everything I need, but
what I really want is to be able
to use this and get to this
information with my voice while
I'm on the go.
So, let's head back, and I can
just tap add to Siri, record my
custom phrase, travel plans
[beep], and I'm done.
So now when I land at the
airport and I'm about to get in
a cab and I could really use
that hotel address, I can just
say, travel plans.
>> Kayak says your hotel is at
929 South Broadway.
You can check in after 3 p.m.
>> Isn't that cool?
[applause] It's pretty cool.
[ Applause ]
So I would love to be on that
vacation, but I should, I don't
know, probably finish this demo,
so let's head back to work, and
I can show you how the Shortcut
app can help me with my commute
We start in the Gallery where
there's hundreds of premade
shortcuts that you can download,
or we can hop over to the
library, and I've got a bunch of
shortcuts here, but I want to
show you my heading home
You can see that it's just
really a series of steps.
It grabs my location and travel
time, and it sends my ETA to my
It sets my HomeKit thermostat to
70 degrees, and it turns on my
And last, it gets directions
home with Apple maps with the
best route to avoid traffic.
Now this is already pretty cool,
but I happen to be an NPR News
junkie, so I should probably
just add that to my shortcut to
save me some trouble on the ride
Let's tap search, and there's a
bunch I can add here, but I can
just tap Siri suggestions, and
there it is, play KQED Radio,
we'll drag this in, drop it, and
we're set.
I've already added the shortcut
to Siri with a custom phrase,
heading home, so now, whenever I
leave work, I can just say,
heading home.
>> You will get there in one
I sent a message to Cheryl.
Your thermostat is set to 70
degrees, and I turned on the
Playing KQED Radio.
>> Right?
[ Applause ]
That's Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12.
Thank you so much.
>> Thank you, Kim.
[ Applause ]
>> And that's Siri Shortcuts.
It works on iPhone and iPad, and
of course you can run your
shortcuts from your home pod and
your Apple Watch.
And that's your quick update on
Next, let's talk about apps, and
to tell you about the latest,
I'm going to hand it off to
[ Applause and Cheering ]
>> Hello. Thanks Craig and it is
so great to be here.
I'm excited to tell you about
some great updates in some of
our most popular apps, starting
with one of my favorites, News.
So News is a personalized feed
where you can see all the
stories you want to read pulled
together from trusted sources.
And, our top stories are
handpicked by the Apple News
editorial team to make a great
collection of curated content.
With our new browse tab, you can
discover new channels and
topics, and we've made it even
easier to jump to your favorites
because that's why they're your
favorites, right?
News shines on the iPad.
We've added a new sidebar, and
it's a great way to navigate.
It makes it easy and I fun to
dig into the areas you're most
interested in.
So that's news.
Now, we've completely rebuilt
the Stocks app, and it's got a
beautiful new design.
Of course, you can still see the
stock prices and the changes at
a glance, but we've added spark
lines, those little charts, that
show the stock performance
throughout the day.
And that's cool, but are you
We are so excited to announce
we're bringing Apple News to
[ Applause ]
I'm really excited about that,
and the top stories in Stocks
features business news, right,
curated by the Apple News
It's pretty terrific.
You can tap on any stock to get
a more detailed view, so you can
see an interactive chart that
now includes after hours
pricing, and you see relevant
headlines from Apple News
curated by our Apple News
So it looks great.
And if you tap on one of those
headlines, you'll see the full
article without leaving the app,
and of course it's formatted to
look gorgeous on the iPhone.
Now, with iOS 12, we're bringing
Stocks to iPad.
[ Applause ]
It's pretty great, and we take
advantage of the larger display,
so you can keep your eye on your
stocks on the left while you
browse through your financial
It's a pretty great experience.
Next up, Voice Memos.
We've also completely rebuilt
Voice Memos to make it even
easier to use, and we're
bringing Voice Memos to the iPad
for the first time.
[ Applause ]
Importantly, we've also added
iCloud support so your
recordings stay in sync across
all your devices.
We think iPad users are just
going to love this.
And we think that iBooks is the
best way to discover and
experience eBooks as well as
audio books, and with iOS 12,
we're introducing an all new
design, and we think the update
is so great, we're calling it
Apple Books, a new name.
Very dramatic.
We dropped the i.
[applause] Apple Books has some
great new features.
For example, Reading Now, with a
preview that makes it really
easy for you to pick reading
right where you left off.
And there's so much more,
including a stunning new store
that makes browsing through your
eBooks and audio books better
than ever.
We love these updates, and we
think you will too, but we also
have a smart and safe way to use
your apps in the car.
I think you know I'm talking
about Car Play.
Car Play already supports
third-party audio and voice
messaging, you know, voice
calling and messaging apps, you
problem know that.
But what you might not know is
with IOS 12, Car Play will also
support third-party navigation
[ Applause ]
So now you have even more
choices when you use Car Play.
That is a really quick look at
some of our app dates, and
Craig, back to you.
>> Thank you, Susan.
[applause] Well, now I'd like to
take a moment to talk about
something that's on a lot of
people's minds lately.
You know, iPhone and iPad are
some of the most powerful tools
ever created for learning,
exploring, and keeping in touch,
but some apps demand more of our
attention than we might even
They beg us to use our phone
when we really should be
occupying ourselves with
something else.
They send us flurries of
notifications, trying to draw us
in for fear of missing out.
And some of us, it's become such
a habit that, you know, we might
not even recognize just how
distracted we've become.
Well, we've thought deeply about
this, and today we're announcing
a comprehensive set of built-in
features to help you limit
distraction, focus, and
understand how you're spending
your time and balance the many
things that are important to
Now it starts with Do Not
There are times of the day, or
times when you just don't want
to be disturbed, and one of
those, of course, is at night.
Sometimes you wake up in the
middle of the night, and you
look at your phone, maybe just
to check the time, and you're
confronted with something like
this, a barrage of notifications
that spin you up and keep you
from falling back asleep.
And so we're introducing Do Not
Disturb during bedtime where all
you'll see is this.
Nothing to get you spun up.
And in the morning, yeah.
[ Applause ]
In the morning when you wake up,
you're gently eased into your
You can tap when you want to
start confronting those
Now we've all found ourselves in
situations like this.
[laughter] Now, rest assured, he
stuck the landing on this one.
But now Do Not Disturb can help,
and we made it easier than ever
to use Do Not Disturb because
now we have a great new mode
where when you press in to Do
Not Disturb and Control Center,
you can set an ending time for
Do Not Disturb for when you
leave a particular location or
when an event ends on your
So I think we're all going to be
using Do Not Disturb a bunch
Now next I want to talk about
Now, Notifications help keep us
informed and connected to
important things that happen
throughout the day, and we'd
like to give you more control
over how many notifications you
receive, and so we're enabling
what we call Instant Tuning for
Notifications right from the
lock screen.
You can press in to a
notification, and from there,
you can decide to send future
notifications from that app
directly to Notifications
Center, bypassing your lock
Or turn them off altogether, and
Siri will even help by
suggesting that you turn off
Notifications for apps that
you're no longer using.
Now, we also wanted to give you
help managing large numbers of
So I'm thrilled to announce that
we're bringing to iOS support
for grouped notifications.
[ Applause ]
Notifications are grouped not
just by app but also by topic
and thread.
It gives you a great overview of
the notifications you've
You can tap in and look at a
particular group.
But of course just as important
with a single swipe, you can
triage a whole group of
notifications away.
So that's Notifications.
[ Applause ]
Now, in addition to these great
features for helping you limit
distractions, we wanted to go
further, and it's with a feature
we call screen time.
Screen time empowers you with
both insight and control over
how you spend your time, and it
starts with reports.
Every week, you get a weekly
activity summary that details
how you used your iPhone or
You tap in, and you get to view
your full activity report.
It's really detailed.
You get deep insight on how much
time you're spending, where
you're spending it, and even how
your use breaks down during the
day or the night.
You get a summary of the time
you're spending in apps, how
much time you're spending, how
often per hour you're picking up
your phone and what's drawing
you in and what apps are sending
you the most notifications.
Now, equipped with this insight,
you can make decisions about how
much time you want to spend with
your device each day.
But we know there are people who
would like a little extra help
in managing their use of apps,
and for them we've created App
So if in your activity report
you see an app where you might
want to be spending a little bit
less time, well you can set your
own limit, and then during the
day, when you're using the app,
you receive a helpful
notification letting you know
time is almost up.
[ Applause ]
And once you've reached your
limit, instead of the app,
you'll see this.
It's time to move on.
Now, we'll let you grant
yourself and extension if you
want, but we'll give you a
reminder later to move along.
Now, this is also in sync across
your iPhone and iPad, so your
limits apply to your total
And we think this is going to be
helpful for many people, but
especially for some kids.
And we know this is something
that can help families achieve
the right balance for them.
And of course it starts with
providing your kids with great
information so they get an
activity report of their own,
but as a parent, you get one as
well on your device, and based
on what you see, you have the
option of creating allowances.
[ Applause ]
Now you have many options.
One of them is downtime, time
when you want your kids to
unplug altogether.
For instance, at bedtime.
And you can also limit your
kids' time in apps by category
or by individual app.
Now, there's some apps you may
want to always allow them to
For instance, you may want them
to be able to get at the phone
at all times, so they can
contact you.
Or you may want to give them
access to educational apps.
And you can also limit access to
only movies, apps, and websites
that you deem age appropriate.
Now, this works of course across
their iPhone and iPad, and it's
uses family sharing, so it's
super easy to set up, and you
can manage it all remotely from
your parent parental device.
And so that's are some-- Screen
Time has great features to help
you better manage your time.
[ Applause ]
Now, next I'd like to talk about
one of the most important uses
of our devices, and that's
And we'll start with messages.
Messages has given us fun ways
to express ourselves with emoji
and now Animoji, and one of the
things that make Animoji so fun
is how expressive they are, you
know, from smiles to frowns, to
nods of the head and blinking of
the eye.
Animoji does such an amazing job
tracking our expressions.
And this year, we're taking
Animoji to a whole new level,
the breakthrough new technology
we call Tongue Detection.
[applause] That's right.
Now, you can make your favorite
Animoji do this.
We're all going to be sticking
out our tongues to our phones in
the near future.
Now, we've also, we're also
introducing some great new
Animoji that I think you're all
going to love, like ghost,
koala, tiger, and T-Rex.
But we wanted to take Animoji
even further by making them even
more personal.
So I'm thrilled today to
announce the arrival of the era
of Memoji.
[applause] That's right.
With Memoji you can create your
very own personalized Animoji.
[ Applause ]
Now, these Animoji can look like
you or the real you.
And we've worked hard to build a
deep set of customization
options to let our customers
create an incredibly diverse set
of Memoji.
It's really incredible what you
can create.
And we've designed a beautiful
new experience to create these
Memoji that makes the process
fun and easy.
Now, to tell you more about it,
I'd like to invite one of the
managers of our Messages and
Animoji features, Kelsey
Peterson, to give you a live
[ Applause and Cheering ]
Good morning.
I cannot wait to tell you what's
new with Messages.
Let's get started with Animoji.
First, you need to meet the
newest members of the team.
We've got a new cat in town, our
She's so cute.
And now, my personal favorite,
the koala.
Just getting excited scrolling
through here.
They can't all be cute and
cuddly though, so here's our
And we've our very own friendly
little ghost.
So much fun.
And if I swipe right, here's
where I can create my very own
Let me show you just how easy it
I recently chopped my hair, so I
want one that matches the new
So I've selected a skin color,
and now I'm trying to figure out
just the right amount of
It's a real Goldilocks scenario.
Yeah, these are just right.
Okay. Onto the main event.
There are so many hairstyles to
choose from.
First, I'm going to grab my
color, and then like I said, I
need to go a little bit shorter.
All right.
Nope, this is the one.
Now that I'm all set, I can of
course select my eye color, and
what's really amazing is as I'm
making changes, the character up
above is coming to life.
There are tons of options for me
to customize.
I could add earrings, but what I
really want is a great pair of
Sunnies, so I'm going to come
over to eyewear and pick out
some frames.
Maybe not for today.
I think I need two lenses.
These are the ones.
Now that I have frames, I'm
going to tint my lenses to make
a great pair of sunglasses.
[ Applause ]
Perfect. Okay.
I think I'm all set.
I'll tap done, which saves my
grandly created Memoji right
here into the drawer alongside
the rest of my team.
And that's how simple it is to
create your very own Memoji.
[ Applause ]
Now I have a brand-new feature
to introduce you to.
This wasn't even in Craig's
We are bringing fun effects into
the Messages camera.
Let's take a look.
I've a message here from my
It looks like he's informing me
that he's bought our dog,
Ferdinand, yet another tiny dog
This isn't even the first.
I think this is the perfect
opportunity for a response with
this new fun camera.
So I'll tap to pull up the
camera, and then I can see this
little star over here on the
Tapping on that gives me a strip
with all sorts of new effects.
So I could add things like
shapes or text.
But let's check out these
Ooh. So this is comic book.
It's really fun, but for a
response about a tiny dog hat, I
think I'm going to go in a
different artistic direction.
So what I really need to do is
add a sticker from one of my
favorite sticker packs.
Ferdy looked really excited
about that new dog hat, so I'm
going to put him right here, and
now we have an all new way for
you to use Animoji.
I can apply my favorite Animoji
right here live.
[ Applause ]
Here's the Memoji I just
created, but I actually have
just the one.
It's of me in a very similar red
hat, which is kind of perfect
for twinning with my pup.
So I'm going to set up my shot,
snap, and send.
And that's a demo of the fun new
effects in messages.
To you Craig.
[ Applause ]
>> So that's Memoji and some fun
new effects in the camera and
Next, let's talk about Facetime.
Yeah. Facetime is the way that
so many of us connect with the
people in our lives and share
some of our most important
moments, and it's helped us
deepen our connect with people
important to us wherever they
are, and of course it's a fun
place just to hang out.
Now this year Facetime is going
to take a big leap forward
because today we're introducing
Group Facetime.
[ Applause ]
Now, you'll be able to facetime
with two people, three people,
actually up to 32 simultaneous
[ Applause ]
Now, setting up a group call
couldn't be easier.
Just instead of typing one
person's name, you can do many.
You can ring them by tapping
audio or video, but we also
introduced a great new way
because Facetime is now
integrated into messages, so you
can quickly go from a group chat
you have going directly into a
group Facetime, and members of
the group can join in and drop
out at any time.
It's really great.
Would you like to see it?
[applause] Well let's do a demo.
[applause] Well I think for our
first live demo of group
Facetime, I'm going to contact
the folks back in Cupertino.
I can just dive in to this
conversation I have going with
the members of the Facetime
team, and it looks like actually
they're already on a group
Facetime call, so I'm just going
to join right in.
Hey everybody.
>> Hey Craig.
>> Check it out.
So it's this beautiful Facetime
UI with these big gorgeous tiles
right up front where you see
some of the leaders of the
Facetime team, and down at the
bottom there's and area we call
the roster that contains
everybody else.
And of course I'm right there in
the lower right-hand corner.
>> Hey Craig.
Wait, am I on the big screen?
>> Yes, Lauren, this is not a
You're in front of 6000 of your
biggest new fans.
[ Applause ]
Now, what you probably notice is
when Lauren spoke, her tile
automatically got larger to
reflect her prominence in the
This is totally automatic.
Hey Roberto, how's it going back
there in Cupertino?
>> I'd say it's going pretty
well, and Lauren, sorry for
stealing your spotlight.
>> So this works of course for
people in the roster as well.
When they speak, they come
Hey Christopher, you ready to
make your big entrance?
>> Finally, my moment has come.
Hello world.
>> Now, well done.
Now you can control this too, so
I want to bring Woody front and
center, I just double tab.
There he is.
Woody, your baby is performing
admirably here.
>> Thanks Craig.
It's exciting to finally be able
to share Group Facetime with
>> It sure is.
Now, we have not only all of
this, but we've also brought the
fun effects to the Facetime
I can just tap in, and I have
access to Animoji, filters, and
all of my sticker packs, and
everyone else on the call can
apply them too.
Now this is the future.
>> Hey, Craig.
Check this out, I'm a comic book
koala, something I've always
wanted to be.
>> I'm glad you've finally been
able to express that side of
yourself, Roberto.
Hey, Tim, is that you?
>> Yeah, it's me.
I've signed up to help test
>> All right.
[applause] Well, well thank you,
Every little bit counts.
>> Happy to help, and thanks to
everyone on the Facetime team
for making it a reality.
I can't wait to start using it
every Sunday night to follow the
leadership team.
>> Looking forward to that, Tim.
Of course what I'm really
looking forward to is getting
Group Facetime to everyone on
iOS 12.
Thanks guys for a fantastic
We'll see you back in Cupertino.
[ Applause ]
So that's Group Facetime.
It works on iPhone, iPad, and
Mac, and you can even answer an
audio on your wrist on your
Apple Watch.
So that's Facetime and Messages,
and this is iOS 12.
Improved performance, new AR
experiences, Siri Suggestions,
Screen Time, Memoji and fun
effects in the Messages camera,
and Group Facetime.
I hope you like it.
I'm going to hand it back to
Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you, Craig.
IOS 12 looks fantastic, and we
can't wait for everyone to get
their hands on it.
Next up, we'd like to talk about
the Apple Watch.
Yeah. [applause] When we began
development of the watch many
years ago, we had a vision for
just how impactful and essential
it could become in our lives, so
we worked very hard to create
something that you would love
and want to wear all the time,
and customers do love it.
In fact, Apple Watch is number
one in customer satisfaction,
[applause] and not just this
year, but every single year
since we launched in 2015.
And growth has been off the
Apple Watch grew 60 percent last
We're constantly hearing from
customers about the many ways
that the Apple Watch has changed
their lives.
And I'd like to share just one
of them with you this morning.
Mary Dovgen was boating with her
husband, John, when due to a
medical condition all of John's
muscles went completely limp,
and he fell into the ice cold
With her arms wrapped around
John to keep him from drowning,
Mary could not reach her phone
to call for help.
But with her Apple Watch, she
was able to call Siri, or to use
Siri to call 911, rescuers soon
arrived, and saved John's live.
[ Applause ]
As Mary told us, if it wasn't
for my Apple Watch, he really
would not be here today.
This is just one of the many
stories that we've heard about
about how Apple Watch is
impacting people's lives.
They range from getting people
to be more active, to helping
users live a healthier life, or
even to alerting users to an
elevated heart rate.
Apple Watch brings such amazing
capabilities right to the wrist,
and of course at the heart of
this is watchOS.
We're excited to introduce
watchOS 5 today, which brings
even more ways for you to stay
active and connected, and I'd
like to hand it off to Kevin
Lynch to tell you all about it.
[ Applause ]
>> Good morning.
You know, stories like that,
about how Apple Watch is
supporting people around the
world in even extreme situations
like Mary and John's but also in
their daily lives is really
super motivating to us as a
And there are things you do
every day that shape your life.
And Apple Watch has two
[inaudible] working to help you
support those activities every
First, staying active to
increase your well-being and
health and second being
connected to the people and the
information that you care most
about, and we're moving watchOS
in both of these areas.
Let's start with health and
Now much of the power in the
health and fitness features that
we've put in Watch are really
empowered by the investment we
do to make sure the data you see
is accurate.
The data from our custom-built
heart rate sensor,
Accelerometer, Gyro, GPS, are
all thoroughly validated.
In fact, from our fitness lab,
we've studied over six terabytes
of data where 12,000 study
participants logged over 90,000
hours of sessions.
And they actually burned 2.3
million calories doing this.
We believe this is the largest
biometric data collection of its
And we take this information and
we work to integrate this
seamlessly with the user
experience so when you raise
your wrist and you look at your
activity rings, the information
is not only accurate, but it's
also meaningful to you.
We really love hearing about
your focus on closing these
And we really enable this
through a number of ways in
Apple Watch.
First, of course, we do daily
coaching so you can see what
your goals are for the day.
We also support celebrations
when you achieve your goals, and
we have special edition
challenges like the most recent
birthday challenge that we did.
And on a monthly basis, we do
monthly goals that are
personalized to you.
And of course the activity app
also supports activity sharing,
which has become one of the most
popular features of the activity
Many of you love the excitement
of good old-fashioned
competition though, so in
watchOS 5, you can challenge any
of your activity-sharing friends
to a seven-day competition
whenever you would like.
And if they accept, you each try
to win the week by closing your
rings and earning points.
You earn one point for each
percent of a ring that you
And while you're in the middle
of a competition, your progress
notifications are updated, do
not only show you the progress
your friends are making, but
also where you stand in the
And when you win, you receive a
new award.
We're really excited about this
edition, and if you're
competition, it gives you a
whole new way to enjoy the
activity app.
Now when you're doing
[applause]-- now when you do
want to go do a workout, there's
a lot of workout types you can
choose from, and they all have
custom algorithms to measure
things like calorie burn, pace,
distance, elevation gain, and
when you're swimming, it even
counts laps and detects which
swim strokes you're using.
And with Gym Kit, your metrics
are in sync with your favorite
gym equipment.
And we're really excited to
bring more enhancements to
workouts in watchOS 5, starting
with a new workout type for
Now this works primarily from
your heart rate, and we
calibrate this to your fitness
through the rest of your day, so
now you can more accurately
track those yoga sessions
including those intense Vinyasa
New we've also added a new
workout type for hiking.
This takes into account pace and
heart rate and elevation gain so
you can more accurately get
exercise credit while you're
hiking on steep terrain or
really long stages.
And Apple watch has become a
really great running companion
especially now that we've added
GPS and cellular and music
And we're making this an even
better experience now for
training runs and races.
In addition to current and
average pace, you now have the
option to keep track of your
rolling mile pace, which is how
fast you ran the immediately
preceding mile.
You can also now set a custom
pace alert, so your Apple watch
will tap you when you're above
or below the pace that you've
And finally, runners will now
get cadence so you can see your
current steps per minute.
We're really excited for runners
to try these out.
[ Applause ]
Now there are sometimes when you
forget to start a workout on
watch, but you've started
working out, and to solve this
now, we're adding automatic
workout detection.
[ Applause ]
So your Apple Watch will now
offer to start tracking your
workout if it senses that you're
beginning one.
And even if you press start
sometime after you began working
out, you'll get retroactive
credit for the workouts that you
[ Applause ]
And [inaudible] wills support
all these great workouts on
Apple Watch.
Now when you reduce the
intensity of your movement or
your heart rate decreases but
you forget to end your workout,
of course Watch will also detect
that and suggest that you stop.
[ Applause ]
So, all these new features,
activity competitions, the new
yoga and hiking workout, new
features for runners and
automatic workout detection are
all enabling you to more
accurately track your workouts
and stay motivated while you do.
Now let's talk about being
Apple Watch enables you to
remain in the moment while also
easily connected to the people
and information that you care
And the introduction of cellular
made this even better.
You can stay connected even when
you're going out for an evening,
running some errands, or even
going for a swim.
Or, stay in touch when your
phone might not be easily
available to you.
And staying connected with
people you love is something
that our customers love about
Apple Watch.
You can easily make or receive a
phone call, and you can hear the
emotion and tone at the other
end of the voice as you talk in
real time.
Or you can use Messages to have
impromptu, short conversations
with loved ones in a Message
In watchOS 5, you'll have an
entirely new way to communicate
on your watch.
That's real-time voice but with
a spontaneity of short
>> Did you steal my chips?
>> Maybe.
>> I cannot wait until you go to
>> Introducing Walkie Talkie.
[ Applause ]
This is a new app by Apple
It's fun, easy way to talk with
friends and family.
Let's take a look at how it
First you choose who you'd like
to enable Walkie Talkie with,
and it suggests some people that
you often communicate with, so
you could easily add them.
Now the first time that you do
this, your friend will receive a
one-time request to allow a
walkie talkie connection with
If they accept, then you can
speak to each other with walkie
talkie whenever you like.
And to do this, you just press
to talk, and then your friend
can hear your voice just like a
walkie talkie.
And they're going to feel a
[inaudible] beep beep sound
right before your voice comes
And this new watch-to-watch
connection works over cellular
or Wi-Fi, and it has really high
audio quality.
And it's a lot of fun.
We can't wait for you to try
this out.
That's walkie talkie.
[ Applause ]
Now last year we introduced a
Siri watch face, which presents
the right information to you at
the right time.
And Siri does this using machine
learning, so it's going to get
better at predicting your
actions over time by combining
inputs like the time of day,
your location, your daily
routines, or which apps you use
We're making some great
enhancements to the Siri watch
face now.
First, we're adding new content.
So now you can get live sports
scores, you can get commute time
home or to work, or you can see
your heart rate, for example,
after a workout or your resting
heart rate.
And we're also adding Siri
So the shortcuts you saw coming
to iOS 12 are also going to be
available in watchOS.
So in addition to getting
relevant information, you'll
also receive predicted shortcuts
right on the Siri watch face.
So in a wrist raise, you'll be
able to directly do things like
turn on your leaving home scene
or start an outdoor walk or play
your favorite morning playlist.
And these shortcuts app based on
whether you typically do those
actions at those times.
So super easy now to just tap
and do those actions.
Also for the first time, you can
now use third party apps on the
Siri watch face.
So now you can see both relevant
content and shortcuts from your
favorite apps.
[ Applause ]
So if you always go running with
Nike Plus Run Club at a certain
time or you're logging your
meals with LoseIt or you use
City Mapware to find your
commute home, you just raise
your wrist and tap, it's that
So new content, support for
Shortcuts, and third-party apps
making for an even more powerful
Siri watch phase.
Now currently to talk to Siri
you raise your wrist and you
say, hey Siri.
And when you think about this,
it's quite a strong signal when
you raise your wrist and talk to
your watch.
It's kind of like when someone's
standing right in front of you,
you don't need to say hey
because you have their attention
already, so we're bringing this
same social cue to Siri on the
watch so you no longer need to
say, hey Siri.
You just raise your wrist and
talk to Siri.
[applause] Now we're also
bringing a number of
improvements to Notifications,
which are now more actionable
and interactive.
So, for example, with this
notification from Quantis, you
can check in and share your
flight details right from the
After you finish a ride with
Dee, you can scroll down.
You can rate your ride and pay
with Apple Pay right there in
the notification.
And with this one from Yelp that
your table is ready, if you need
a bit more time, you can extend
the reservation out a bit just
by tapping here.
So super easy now to interact
right in place inside
We've also improved our Message
Today if someone sends you a
weblink, you aren't able to view
it on your list.
With watchOS 5, we've integrated
WebKit, so now you have the
ability to view web content and
mail or messages.
You can even tap on that link,
yes, to easily view things like
menus here.
And while we think full browsing
doesn't make sense on your
wrist, there are times you get
You'd like to see it right in
the moment, and now you'll be
able to do that and watch OS 5.
And the contents can be
formatted for the small screen,
and the where reader made is
available, it uses that on the
So WebKit on watchOS.
[ Applause ]
Now with watchOS 4, we
introduced an entirely new way
to listen to music while you're
on the go.
You can stream 48 million songs
on your wrist with Apple, or you
can listen to automatically
synced and created play lists.
And now with watchOS 5, we're
giving you even more to listen
[ Applause ]
That's right.
The Apple podcast app is coming
to Apple Watch.
Upcoming episodes from
subscribed podcasts will be
automatically synced to your
watch, so you can get them right
there, or you can just ask Siri
to stream a podcast for you, and
it'll start playing and playback
resume across all your devices
so you can continue just where
you left off.
So that's Podcast.
Now those are the great new
features coming in watchOS 5.
So stay connected with people
and information that you care
most about, interactive
notifications, web content, new
content and shortcuts in the
Siri face, podcasts and of
course walkie talkie.
Now we'd like to show you this
stuff live in action, and we
thought we'd increase the
challenge a bit in our live demo
here today to keep it
So, Jules, who helps lead our
fitness experiences, is actually
going to do the demo while
[ Applause ]
So Jules has expertise in
coaching, and she knows how to
move and demonstrate and
motivate all at the same time.
Take it away, Jules.
>> Thank you, Kevin.
I've got some great stuff to
show you that I think you're
really going to love, and the
bonus is, I get to work on
closing my rings while I do it.
So, first, I'm super excited to
show you how easy it is to start
a workout with GymKit.
I just tap to connect and accept
on the watch, and now I can
control and start the workout
right here from the console on
the bike.
All of my data between the watch
and the bike is in sync, and all
of my workout metrics are
Now, I wouldn't typically be
trying to demo things for you
and sneak in a workout at the
same time, but I want to show
you activity competitions.
And to do that, I need to keep
This morning I got this
notification, and it says, your
competition with Jay is down to
the last day, and it's a close
Have you got what it takes to
Have I got what it takes?
You bet I do.
[ Applause ]
But if I scroll down, I can see
that Jay has moved ahead of me
by a couple of points, and
that's not okay because this
thing ends tonight.
So, I think I'm going to add a
little resistance to this
workout here and work to earn as
many points as possible and move
ahead of Jay by the time this
demo is done.
I can simply tap here and send
him a little smack talk to let
him know I'm coming for him.
Let me show you interactive
notifications because I have a
dinner reservation tonight that
I made through Yelp.
If all goes well here, I'm going
to go out with my girlfriends
from work to celebrate.
And because we all know that Jay
is going to lose this
competition, maybe I should
invite him along so it can be
his treat.
Now I can simply add to the
number of guests and confirm
right here in the app without
ever having to open it.
It's that simple.
[ Applause ]
Now in watchOS 5, notifications
from apps are smartly grouped
together, and here are a couple
messages from my friend
We're trying to get to a yoga
retreat this summer, and it
looks like she sent me a link.
Now, I can tap it here and see
if she's found somewhere great
for us to go.
Oh yeah, this looks beautiful.
I'm already in, but I can
continue to scroll through the
site and maybe read a little bit
more about the retreat, even
check the dates to make sure
that they work.
And I can do all that right here
from my wrist.
[ Applause ]
Let me show you the enhancements
that we've made to the new Siri
watch face.
At the top here, you see the
workout that I'm in right now,
and when I'm ready to get back
to it, I can just tap.
Next up is Glow Baby, because
it's about this time each day
that I check the app to see if
my husband has logged our
one-year-old's nap.
Oh, good job, baby.
You slept two hours, and you
parents know that good naps
equal good nights, so I'm
looking forward to that.
AR. As I scroll through my day,
I can see my next meeting.
I can see traffic and directions
to places that I'm going later
Here's that dinner that Siri
found in my calendar, and
waiting for me at the end of my
day is a shortcut to my evening
meditation or ten percent
happier, nice.
Now, I want to check back in on
this competition, but I thought
it might be a good idea to get a
little moral support from my
number one fan.
And you heard Kevin say how
walkie talkie is so great for
staying in touch with close
friends and family.
So I set my daughter up with
walkie talkie so that she can
help demo what it's like to
receive one and maybe give me a
little bit of love up here.
Oh, there she is.
>> Mommy, I see you on TV.
>> Isn't that fun?
How am I doing?
>> So good.
I know you'll beat Uncle Jay,
>> Thanks Peach.
I love you.
[ Applause ]
And that's how walkie talkie
AR. The time is now to check in
on this competition and see if I
have done enough to pull ahead.
I'm going to tap into activity
and swipe over to see the score.
Oh, yes.
[ Applause ]
Sorry Jay, but the day is still
Thanks everybody, and back to
you, Kevin.
[ Applause ]
>> Way to go, Jules.
So in watchOS 5 we've enabled
even deeper integration on the
watch for apps, enabling them to
work right in the moment.
And apps can include interactive
controls within notifications so
you can quickly do more without
even opening an app like extend
your parking with Pay by Phone.
And with Shortcuts, there's also
new opportunities for
third-party apps to appear on
Apple Watch right on the watch
You can tap on a shortcut on the
Siri face to order coffee, rent
a bike, or pick up where you
left off in a workout.
You can even use your custom
Siri commands that you created
on your phone to speak on your
And for native apps building
rich experiences, we've improved
the workout API for greater
performance, and we've added the
ability for third-party apps to
play background audio.
[ Applause ]
This enables you to easily sync
things, of course, like audio
books, favorite playlists,
guided meditations right to your
watch and to be able to play
continuously in the background.
Now there are so many other
features coming into watchOS
including things like the
ability to customize the button
arrangement in your control
center, or you can add an air
quality complication to your
watch face, but one really
exciting one is student ID
You're going to have the ability
to add your student ID card to
wallet on your iPhone and Apple
And this works by simply holding
your watch near a meter anywhere
you can use your student ID
cards on and off campus.
You can get access to places
like your dorm or the library or
events on campus.
You can even pay for things like
snacks or laundry or dinners,
and this works with your watch
or your phone, and it will be
available this fall starting
with these universities and will
expand to more campuses over
[ Applause ]
Now this is also Pride month,
and we're really excited to
introduce an all-new Pride
education watch band.
[ Applause ]
And we didn't stop there.
We made a beautiful new face
that matches perfectly with the
[ Applause ]
And the face and the band are
available today.
And if you'd like to use the new
watch face, you can choose to
add it from the watch face
gallery starting at noon today.
That's just some of what's
coming in watchOS 5.
Thank you very much.
Back to Tim.
>> Thanks Kevin.
Thank you, Kevin.
WatchOS just keeps getting
better and better, and we're
excited for you to try all of
these great new features to help
you stay more active and
Next up is Apple TV.
Last September, we introduced
Apple TV 4K, and our customers
love it.
Since its introduction, the
Apple TV business has grown an
incredible 50 percent.
Today, we've got some great new
enhancements to Apple TV 4K and
tvOS, and we think you're going
to love them.
So I'd like to invite Apple TV
lead designer, Jen Fuls
[phonetic] to the stage to tell
you all about it.
Jen. [applause]
>> Thanks Tim.
[ Applause ]
Apple TV is built on an
incredible platform, tvOS.
And tvOS is built specifically
for the living room, to make it
easy to enjoy your favorite TV
shows, movies, apps, and games.
Now as Tim mentioned, last
September, we introduced Apple
TV 4K with the goal of bringing
the highest quality cinematic
experience right to your home.
It offers both 4K and high
dynamic range, including support
for HDR 10 and Dolby Vision.
Time said, the new Apple TV is a
high fidelity powerhouse.
And to ensure you can enjoy this
beautiful experience with as
much content as possible, iTunes
offers the largest collection of
4K HDR movies.
[ Applause ]
And we've upgraded your
previously purchased movies to
4K HDR for free on all available
There are also, thank you, there
are also many 4K and HDR TV
shows available from popular
services like Amazon Prime video
and Netflix.
And we know what makes for an
amazing cinematic experience is
not just great picture quality.
It's also incredible sound.
So Apple TV 4K is bringing you
the latest in audio technology,
Dolby Atmos.
[ Applause ]
With Atmos, you get room-filling
The perfect complement to the
stunning visuals of Apple TV 4K.
Now what makes Atmos so special
is that unlike a traditional
surround sound setup, where
sound is assigned to channels
like the left or the right,
Dolby Atmos has the ability to
completely immerse you.
Atmos moves sound in
three-dimensional space,
creating an experience with
powerful audio that flows all
around you.
It puts you right in the center
of the action.
All this with a home theater
setup as simple as a Dolby Atmos
enabled soundbar and an Apple TV
In fact, Apple TV 4K is the only
streaming player to be both
Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos
[ Applause ]
And this Fall, iTunes will be
bringing you the largest
collection of Atmos content
And just like with 4K HDR, your
iTunes libraries will be
upgraded to include Dolby Atmos
on all supported titles for
[applause] Now of course these
movies and so much more are
available in the Apple TV app.
The Apple TV app is the center
of your video experience, a
single place to find and watch
what you love across your
favorite apps.
It's on Apple TV, iPad and
iPhone where you can find not
only On Demand TV shows and
movies but also live content
including sports.
The Apple TV app now offers a
huge range of live sports.
And we've added live news to
make it even easier to stay
The edition of live sports and
news providers brings the
coverage of the TV app to over
100 video channels, giving you a
massive selection of content all
in one place.
With all this, Apple TV is the
best box to connect to your TV.
And that's now more true than
ever as more and more cable
companies fundamentally shift
how video gets to your TV.
This typical cable box is
becoming a thing of the past as
these companies embrace
internet-based delivery.
And many of them share our
vision of Apple TV as the one
device for live, On Demand, and
Cloud DVR content.
And we've already started
working with partners around the
world to make this a reality.
In France, we're working with
Canal Plus.
Almost a third of French
households subscribe to Canal
services, and their subscribers
can now choose Apple TV to
access more than 100 live
channels and some of the biggest
sports including the French Open
in 4K.
In Switzerland, we've partnered
with Salt.
Salt just launched a new TV
service with more than 300 live
TV channels, and it's available
exclusively on Apple TV.
And I'm really excited to
announce that here in the U.S.,
Charter Spectrum will be coming
to Apple TV late this year.
[ Applause ]
That means that up to 50 million
homes will be able to choose
Apple TV to access all their
live channels and thousands of
On Demand programs.
And, they'll be able to use Siri
and the TV app to get access to
their TV service not only on
Apple TV but on iPhone and iPad
as well.
Now with nearly any cable
subscription, you can get access
to dozens of video channels like
ESPN, Showtime, NBC, and many
more, but it used to be really
painful to set up, having to
authenticate each app
I'm sure all of you have seen
that six-digit code you have to
go online and type into a web
Well, last year we introduced
single sign-on.
Enter your cable credentials
only once, and we unlock all of
the apps your subscription
Well now we're making it even
easier with zero sign-ons.
[ Applause ]
So now if you're on your TV
provider's broadband network,
we'll securely and automatically
unlock all the supported apps
included with your TV service.
No credentials needed.
It just works.
Charter Spectrum [applause]--
this is really awesome-- and
Charter Spectrum will be the
first to support zero sign-on
and we'll be adding more
providers over time.
We're also giving you even more
options for ways to control your
Apple TV.
For example, you can get quick
access on your iPhone where
Apple TV users will get the
Apple TV remote automatically
added to control center.
And, for those that have
installed home control systems,
we're working with the leading
providers so that you can use
their remotes to control your
Apple TV, even including support
for Siri.
At Apple, I love working with an
amazing team designing for a
product that I enjoy every day
and on the biggest screen in my
I get to watch all my favorite
movies, TV shows and more.
Over 40 million songs including
the best metal on Apple Music.
All of my photos, videos, and
memories as well as thousands of
apps and games that many of you
have built.
And, Apple TV brings some
amazing views right to my living
room with Aerials.
Now, one of the questions I get
asked the most about Aerials,
especially by my family members
is where is this?
Well, this ball with just a tap
of the Siri remote, you'll now
be able to see every Arial
[ Applause ]
And, you can even swipe between
locations so you can see even
And today, I have an incredible
new location to share with you.
For the past year, we've been
collaborating closely with an
amazing partner, filming some
stunning footage from around the
world with a very unique vantage
point, and here it is.
[ Applause ]
This is filmed by astronauts
aboard the International Space
You can see Sicily just off the
boot of Italy, and check out
that Mediterranean Sea.
The blue is just phenomenal.
So here's a fun fact.
The Space Station makes an orbit
every 90 minutes, so that means
they get 16 sunrises and sunsets
every day.
And with all those sunsets,
nighttime can be particularly
stunning the way those urban
areas pop with light.
Here we are flying over South
Korea toward Japan.
You can see Tokyo coming into
view at the top, some distant
stars, and even upper reaches of
the Earth's atmosphere, which is
that orange band enveloping the
And here's one that might look a
little more familiar.
This is the Northern California
coast heading southward.
You can see Lake Tahoe
surrounded by snowcaps and the
San Francisco Bay.
These are truly incredible and
offer such a unique perspective
on the world.
I'd like to give a huge thanks
to the International Space
Station National Lab and CASIS
for all their help in making
this a possibility.
[ Applause ]
These are going to look
incredible at home in 4K HDR.
So that's tvOS.
Apple TV gives you amazing
picture and sound with 4K HDR
and now Dolby Atmos.
And the Apple TV app is the
center of your video experience.
Available on Apple TV, iPad, and
iPhone, it's the one place to
find all your favorite TV shows,
movies, sports, and news.
And with that, I'll hand it back
to Tim.
Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> Thanks Jen.
Apple TV 4K and tvOS look and
sound awesome.
You're really going to love it.
Next up is the Mac.
At Apple [applause]-- yeah.
We love the Mac.
The Mac was the first computer
that made powerful technology so
easy to use and put the customer
at the center of the experience.
And of course that remains at
the core of all Apple products.
For more than 30 years, the Mac
has empowered people to create
all kinds of amazing things,
from the personal to the
Today, we're excited to take Mac
a huge leap forward.
The next version of macOS is
chock full of new features
inspired by pro-users but
designed for everyone.
I'd like to bring Craig back up
to talk about it.
[ Applause ]
>> Hello again.
It's true that macOS is the
heart of what makes a Mac a Mac.
And we want as many Mac users as
possible to have access to our
latest software, and that's why
six years ago with the
introduction of OS 10 Mavericks,
we began offering our macOS
updates free for Mac users.
And 2013 was also the year that
we first introduced our
California naming theme.
Now after spending a year by the
ocean, we not only modernized
the look and feel of macOS, but
we headed to the mountains with
macOS Yosemite.
Now, as you may be aware, our
naming of Mac releases is
handled by our crack marketing
organization, and as you've
probably noticed, they went on a
four-year mountain-bound bender.
[laughter] In El Capitan we
added metal, our ground-breaking
graphics technology.
In Sierra, we brought Siri to
the Mac and extended our
capabilities and continuity.
And last year with High Sierra,
we focused on deep technology,
preparing the Mac for future
Well this year, we made some
striking changes to macOS, and
we've left the high country for
a place entirely different but
not less beautiful and here
still in California, and I'd
like to take you there now.
Our next release of macOS is
macOS Mojave.
[ Applause ]
Now, Mojave is beautiful during
the day, but what really
captured our imagination was the
beauty of the desert at night.
And this inspired one of our
most distinctive new features,
and I'd like to show it to you
So here we are live in macOS
Mojave, and I'd like to show you
a new side of Mojave.
We call it dark mode.
[ Applause ]
And as you see, dark mode is not
just about the dock or the menu
It extends to your Windows
Chrome, your sidebar, and even
the content of the Windows, and
it's so great for Pros.
It makes photographic content
absolutely pop off the screen.
It's just gorgeous.
It's so nice.
And this is great not just for
photography but when working on
presentations or documents.
It's also great doing ordinary
Maybe you're working in a dark
Just look at calendar.
Even mail in dark mode.
It's so great.
And I think some of us are going
to want to run dark mode just
because it's so cool.
I mean your emoji look great.
Your photos look great.
I mean check out your album art
and music or your For You feed
in Apple Music.
But I think one audience that's
going to especially appreciate
dark mode are some of you here
in this room, our developers,
because Expo looks fantastic in
dark mode.
[ Applause ]
Whether it's your source code or
even interface builder and all
of its inspectors, they just
look fantastic in black.
And that's a quick look at dark
Now, we were so inspired by this
changing desktop wallpaper that
we decided to add a new feature
to Mojave that I think you'll
It's called dynamic desktop, and
when you're using it, you're
desktop actually subtly changes
throughout the day from morning,
to afternoon, to evening.
It's really cool.
Now, there's much more to Mojave
that I'd like to share with you
through demos, and it starts
with the desktop.
Now, the desktop is so crucial
to how many of us use our Macs.
When we have files that we're
actively working on, we often
put them on the desktop, but the
result can be a desktop that
looks something like this.
And so now in Mojave we have a
really great solution, and we
call it Desktop Stacks.
[ Applause ]
All of the contents of your
desktop are automatically
arranged into these stacks, and
they can be arranged by kind, by
date, or even by tag, and
they're really easy to use.
You just click on them.
You can see all the contents in
the stack.
You can double click to open a
document and put it away.
And they stay organized.
So for instance, if I bring
forward mail, maybe I drag an
image out, I want you to watch
what happens because the image
flies right into the right
Now you can also scrub your
So, for instance, I'll just
scrub across this stack.
You see I can select between
different photos, pick one up.
Actually let me just hide mail
here mid drag.
I got a little excited with my,
with all of my stack action.
So I can just drag this out and
drop it in just like that.
And that's a quick look at
[ Applause ]
We've also brought some great
new changes to the finder.
I'd like to show them to you
Now it starts with a new view.
We all enjoy using icon view,
list view.
There's of course column view,
but now we've added an all-new
view called gallery view.
It has a big preview up top, a
set of thumbnails along the
bottom, and it makes it easy to
preview images, video,
presentations, documents,
spreadsheets, PDFs, and of
course with images sometimes you
want to know more detail about,
for instance, how they were
captured, and now the new
sidebar in Mojave really helps
because it now supports full
metadata, so you can see around
your photo, the camera you took
the photo on, the kind of lens,
the aperture settings, and so
It's really handy.
And you'll notice also along the
bottom there's this new area
called Quick Actions, and Quick
Actions that you act on the
current photo.
So, for instance, if I have a
photo like this and I want to
edit it, I don't have to open it
and go through a new app.
I can rotate it right here
inside the finder.
It's really powerful.
Now this sidebar is available in
other views of the finder.
So for instance, I'm just going
to bring up the preview pane
here, and I'm going to do a
multi selection of a PDF as well
as several images, and you'll
notice that the quick actions
area is contextual, so it shows
me create PDF as an option.
I'm going to click create PDF,
and it's going to assemble all
of these photos into a PDF just
like that.
But what's really great is these
actions are also customizable,
so you can create automator
actions and assign them to
buttons here inside of Finder.
So you'll notice that now that I
have this PDF selected, I have
an option to run a custom
automator action that I've
created called Watermark PDF.
When I click it, my custom
action runs, and my document is
watermarked, just like that.
And those are some quick
enhancements to the finder.
[ Applause ]
Now a tool that I think many of
us love when working with files
is Quick Look, and now in
Mojave, we made Quick Look more
powerful than ever by
integrating Markup.
Let me show you how it works.
So you see down here I have a
permission slip and it's a PDF
I'm just going to hit tap
spacebar to Quick Look it, and
you notice now I have the option
to invoke Markup.
I click, and now I have access
to my markup tools, including my
ability to sign this document.
I can just drag out my signature
like this, and I'm done.
Now this works for all kinds of
So, for instance, with images I
can rotate and crop, and with
video I can even trim right here
inside of Quick Look.
And that's a quick look at Quick
[ Applause ]
Next, I want to talk about how
we capture content on our Mac
because one of the tools I think
many of us use all the time is
Screenshots, and we've made
Screenshots more powerful than
ever in Mohave.
So let's take a look here at a
webpage, and I'm just going to
take a screenshot in the
traditional way.
I'm going to screen shot a
selection of the page, and I
want you to watch what happens
in the lower right.
I get a thumbnail instantly of
that screenshot, and when I
double click in, I get an
accelerated workflow right into
Markup where I have access to
all of my tools.
So, for instance, if I want to
create a magnification here, I
can just drag that out.
Magnify. It's that easy.
But now we've also made it
easier to access a variety of
tools, so when I bring up my
screenshotting, you see I'm
presented with this hud that
tells me I can capture the
entire screen, a selected window
or selection, but we've also
added screen capture for video
right into screenshotting.
Let me show you how that works.
So I'm going to go to a webpage
here that has an animation
I'm going to bring up my
screenshotting tools, and say
record the selected area.
I'll just make a nice selection
Okay. And I'm recording just
like that.
Of course I can manipulate the
app, so all will be reflected in
my recording, and when I'm done,
I can click the stop button
right up here.
And now you notice I have this
thumbnail in the lower right.
Well I can actually pick this up
and drag it into a new space and
incorporate it right into a
document, just like that.
Now, we've further enhanced the
way you capture content, and
that brings me to Continuity.
So Mac users love Continuity for
the way it lets us work across
our devices with things like Air
Drop or the ability to unlock
your Mac using your Apple Watch.
When it comes to capturing
content, we'll walk around with
one of the best content capture
devices in the world in our
pockets, our phones.
And so we wanted to take
advantage of continuity to bring
that to the Mac with a feature
we call Continuity Camera.
Let me show you how it works.
So here in my Keynote
presentation, I have a space
that's just waiting for a new
photo, and on my phone right
Well, when I select this object,
I can choose to take a photo.
And I want you to watch what
happens when I select this to my
It automatically immediately
lights up ready to take a photo.
So I can take one like this, and
when I do, I can select use
photo, and it apps directly in
my document.
Isn't that cool?
[ Applause ]
Now, this works as well for
scanning documents.
So here I have a place where I
could use a scan.
Once again, I'm going to select
from the menu and this time scan
Again, my camera lights up, this
time right in my document
I just scan like this.
I can save it.
And my scan goes immediately,
and I think I forgot to push the
save button.
Sorry about that everybody.
There you go, appears
immediately in my document.
Thank you.
[applause] And so just like that
I can take photos, stills, and
even capture video, and this is
a quick look at some great new
features in Mojave.
[ Applause ]
Next, I'd like to turn to apps.
We are bringing News to the Mac.
[ Applause ]
Now News has all of the stories
you've come to expect from News
on iOS, and it looks amazing on
the Mac display.
You get top stories picked by
our editors, trending stories,
you're personalized for you and
that's not for me, and you also
get this great new sidebar where
you can drill in and jump right
to the topics and channels you
News is going to be great.
We also have Stocks coming to
the Mac.
Now you get your stock prices
combined with high-quality
business news delivered from
Apple News.
It shows you your watch list
with your prices on the left,
and you can drill in to this
interactive chart to get more
information and, of course,
great news.
We're also bringing Voice Memos
to the Mac.
Now Voice Memos is the most
popular voice recorder on iOS,
and so many of us use it to
capture music recordings or
lectures, and now that Voice
Memos syncs via iCloud to your
Mac, you can take those
recordings that you make and for
instance drag them right into
Garage Band as the foundation
for a song.
Finally, thrilled to announce
Home is coming to the Mac as
[ Applause ]
You have all of your accessories
You can run your scenes as well
as monitor your video cameras,
and of course with Siri you can
command your home with your
So those are four great new apps
coming to Mojave.
[ Applause ]
Next, I'd like to talk about
security and privacy.
You know, one of the reasons
that people choose Apple
products is because of our
commitment to security and
And we believe that your private
data should remain private, not
because you've done something
wrong or that you have something
to hide but because there can be
a lot of sensitive data on your
devices, and we think you should
be in control of who sees it.
Now, to begin we protect your
information on your devices
using state of the art hardware
and software, and this year
we're adding greater protections
about how apps can access that
Today, Apple devices check in
with you before granting an app
access to information like your
You could tell because you'll
see an alert just like this one,
and macOS already provides
API-level protections for things
like contacts, photos, calendar,
and reminders, but now in
Mojave, we're extending these
protections to include your
camera and your microphone as
well as protecting sensitive
parts of your file system, like
your mail database, your message
history, and your backups.
And all of this is protected by
default for any app that you run
on the system, an important
[ Applause ]
Next, I want to turn to some
great enhancements to Safari.
Safari works really hard to
protect your privacy, and this
year it's working even harder.
Last year, we introduced
intelligent tracking prevention
to dramatically reduce the
ability for apps to track you
across websites using cookies.
This is the kind of thing where
you look at a product on one
Then you move to another site
and another site and somehow
this is just following you
wherever you go.
Well, we've all seen these,
these like buttons and share
buttons and these comment
Well, it turns out these can be
used to track you, whether you
click on them or not, and so
this year we are shutting that
[ Applause ]
Now if you do want to interact
with one of these or one of
these apps tries to access that
information, you'll get this,
and you can decide to keep your
information private.
Now next let's talk about
You know, data companies are
clever and relentless, and in
addition to cookies, they use
another method called
And here's how it works.
Just like you can be identified
by a fingerprint, it turns out
that when you browse the web,
you're device can be identify by
a unique set of characteristics,
like its configuration, its
fonts that you have installed
and the plug-insulin that you
might have on the device.
And these data companies can use
the set of characteristics to
construct a unique fingerprint
to track your device from site
to site.
With Mojave, we're making it
much harder for trackers to
create a unique fingerprint.
We're presenting webpages with
only a simplified system
We show them only built-in
fonts, and Legacy plug-insulin
are no longer supported, so
those can't contribute to a
fingerprint, and as a result,
your Mac will look more like
everyone else's Mac, and it will
be dramatically more difficult
for data companies to uniquely
identify your device and track
[ Applause ]
Now, we're bringing all of these
new protections to Safari on
both Mojave and iOS 12.
Next, let's talk about the mac
App Store, and to do that, I'd
like to invite to the stage Anne
Tye, our product marketing
manager for the App Store.
[ Applause ]
>> Last year, we launched a
completely redesigned App Store
on iOS.
Every day, we celebrate apps,
games, and developers.
We've written more than 4000
stories for the New Today tab,
and hundreds of them have each
been read by more than a million
The response has been
incredible, and we've learned a
We've got a bunch of great new
features coming later this year
that we'll cover in sessions.
This year, we are turning our
attention to the Mac App Store.
[applause] Since it launched in
2011, it's changed the way we
download and install software
for Mac, making it easy with one
It's the biggest catalogue of
Mac apps in the world.
It's also a trusted and safe
place to download software.
Entrusting where you get your
apps from has become more
important than ever.
Developers can distribute their
apps to 155 countries and get
worldwide payment processing,
and it offers seamless software
updates from one place.
This adds up to a great
experience for our users.
We've spent a lot of time
thinking about what people do on
their Macs and wanting to create
a place organized around those
So we've redesigned an all new
Mac App Store from the ground
up, and we're thrilled to show
it to you now.
[ Applause ]
It's got a beautiful UI that
should feel familiar but new and
designed first and foremost to
be a great Mac app.
Starting with the new discover
tab where each week you can find
in-depth editorial about the
best Mac apps through stories
and collections and see what's
most popular with top charts.
Here's a story about musician
and founder Karim Morsy.
Learn about how he uses his app,
Djay Pro 2, and get inspiration
for your own set.
Helpful videos auto play, so you
can see what apps are capable of
before downloading them.
Visit the all-new create, work,
play, and develop tabs where
you'll find helpful
recommendations and expertise
around each theme.
Here's the create tab where you
can find apps that bring your
artistic ideas to light.
These tabs will also help you
make the most of apps you might
already have with tips and
tutorials even the most expert
users will find useful.
The work, play, and develop tabs
share the same beautiful design,
and you can still browse by
category on the categories tab.
We've redesigned product pages
too, bringing many features over
from iOS based on our learnings
It has more useful information
like video previews available on
the Mac App Store for the first
time, an apps rank if it's
charting and if it's been named
editor's choice.
Ratings and reviews are now
front and center, and these are
so important for app discovery.
So we're introducing a ratings
and review API for Mac apps.
Now, it'll be easier than ever
for people to leave feedback.
We're really excited about the
all-new Mac App Store.
We've talked to some developers
already, and they're really
excited too.
Like Microsoft, who will bring
Office 365 to the Mac App Store
later this year.
[ Applause ]
And Adobe is bringing Lightroom
Panic is bringing Transmit.
And Bare Bones is bringing BB
[applause] And many more great
names are coming to the all-new
Mac App Store too.
We can't wait for you to check
out the new Mac App Store.
Now, I'll hand it back to Craig.
[ Applause ]
So we think the Mac App Store is
going to inspire whole-new
generations of apps, and so we
want to talk about some of the
technologies that will be behind
some of that next generation.
We spoke earlier about ARKit.
I want to talk about two more.
And let's start with Metal.
Now Metal is the technology to
get the highest performance
graphics and computation from
graphics processors.
Metal was designed for modern
It's incredibly efficient, and
that enables amazing
console-level games like
Fortnight from Epic to run great
for the first time on mobile.
But Metal also enables these
games to scale to take full
advantage of modern Macs.
In fact, across iOS and the Mac,
there are over one billion
Metal-enabled devices, and we're
constantly making Metal better.
To bring the highest GPU
performance in reach of all
Macs, we've recently added
support for external GPUs, and
this is powered by Metal, and
the results are truly mind
For instance, running a filter
in DaVinci Resolve, look at how
it scales on the incredibly fast
iMac Pro as you add up to four
Now, the results are even more
staggering when you take a
13-inch MacBook Pro and add
eGPUs to it, achieving up to 8.5
times speedup.
It's pretty awesome.
Now, eGPUs also enable Macs to
achieve all-new levels of
performance and realism in 3D
rendering and gaming.
Now this beautiful forest you
see here, this isn't a video
This is from Unity's new Book of
the Dead interactive demo, and
it's being rendered live right
now on a MacBook with an eGPU
powering this display.
I mean doesn't this look
[ Applause ]
Now, of course because this is
rendered live, we can check
what's up ahead, so let's start
Now Unity is using Metal's
unified graphics and compute to
generate real-time lighting and
complex post-processing effects.
So cool. And that's all rendered
live on a MacBook running with
an eGPU.
It's pretty great.
[ Applause ]
Now another place where we're
doing incredible acceleration
with Metal is in machine
And today ML specialists usually
use one of these third-party
libraries to train their models
using servers, and now it turns
out we can accelerate tools like
this with our new Metal
performance shaders.
We're seeing speedups of up to
20 times and using the GPU with
Metal instead of CPU-based
And while speeding these tools
up is great, we actually thing
there's a better way for most
developers, and that's training
on the Mac you already have
using a great new tool we call
Create ML.
[ Applause ]
Now, Create ML is designed to
let you train without being a
machine learning expert.
You can train vision and natural
language models.
You can bring your own custom
data, and it's really easy to
use because it's all built in
In fact, you can use Xcode
Playgrounds to train your model.
Just drag one in, you're
training set, you can drag in
your test set as well, and the
training is all GPU accelerated,
so it's incredibly fast.
Now, as an example, we worked
with Memrise.
They're a developer who uses the
camera to identify objects and
speak them in multiple
languages, and in the past, they
would train their model with
20,000 images, and it would take
them 24 hours to do so.
Well now with Create ML, they
can train that same model in 48
minutes on a MacBook Pro.
[ Applause ]
And on iMac Pro, it's just 18
And what's even more incredible
is that model in the past for
them was 90 megabytes, and now
it's just three megabytes.
It's a huge difference.
[ Applause ]
Now we also are making models
run much faster on device using
Core ML 2.
Now Core ML is our technology
for high performance on-device
machine learning, and now it's
better than ever.
It's 30 percent faster in
on-device processing using a
technique called batch
predictions, and you can reduce
your model size by up to 75
percent using quantization.
And so that's Core ML and Create
You no longer have to be an
expert in machine learning to
build those techniques into your
Now, these technologies are
redefining what's possible in
apps, and they're common not
just to macOS but also to iOS,
and the fact that the mac and
iOS share so much technology has
led people almost every year to
keep asking us the question, are
you merging iOS and macOS?
So I'd like to take a moment to
briefly address this question.
No. Of course not.
[ Applause ]
We love the Mac because it's,
and we love macOS because it's
explicitly created that a unique
characteristics of Mac hardware,
like the ergonomics of the
keyboard and the trackpad, the
flexibility in displays and
storage and because of the power
it exposes.
It makes the Mac able to
accomplish almost anything.
So we think that this question
is actually coming from
something else.
You know, Mac users have access
to a rich set of great native
applications, apps that take
full advantage of the power of
Mac technologies.
But Mac users also use apps
based on other technologies.
We routinely access web-based
experiences like Netflix that
build on WebKit, the
standards-based web technology
in Safari, and we also run
sometimes cross-platform games
built on technology like metal.
And all of these platforms
enrich the Mac user's
But we think there's room for
one more, and so we'd like to
give you a sneak peek of a
multiyear project we have going
Because we see a huge
opportunity for the Mac to tap
into the world's most vital app
It's called iOS.
I think you might be familiar
with it.
Now, there are millions of iOS
apps out there, and we think
some of them would be absolutely
great on the Mac, and Mac users
would love to have them there.
And from a technical standpoint,
it's actually a really good fit
because from day one iOS and
macOS have shared common
But iOS devices and Mac devices
of course are different, and the
user interfaces are somewhat
different and so the frameworks
underneath are as well.
And that makes today porting an
app from one to the other some
We wanted to make this much
easier, and so we've taken some
key frameworks from iOS and
brought them to the Mac.
And we've adapted them to
specific Mac behaviors like use
of trackpad and mouse, window
resizing, integration of things
like copy and paste and drag and
drop into the system services on
the mac.
Now, phase one of this effort is
to test it on ourselves.
So this year in macOS, we've
taken some of our own iOS apps,
and we brought them to the Mac
using those technologies to make
sure it works well.
You've actually heard about
several of them earlier today,
and it turns out they make
fantastic Mac apps, and we're
able to bring them to the Mac
with very few code changes.
Now, this is going to be coming
to you developers next year.
So you can easily bring your iOS
apps to the Mac, and in the
meantime, we hope you enjoy
News, Stocks, Voice Memos, and
Home in Mojave.
Now we're really excited about
From desktop, Stacks, to Finder
with gallery view to enhanced
screenshots and markup, News and
Home on the Mac for the first
Stocks and of course the
redesigned Mac App Store.
And of course there's even more.
Like APFS now supports Fusion
and hard drives, and Safari tabs
can now have favicons if you
want them there.
And, of course, Group Facetime.
So that's macOS Mojave.
I hope you like it.
I'm going to hand it back to
Thank you so much.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you, Craig.
What a huge update to macOS and
what an extraordinary morning.
We got started with iOS 12 with
all-new capabilities including
taking AR further than ever
before, bringing Siri to any app
with Siri Shortcuts and
ScreenTime and cool new
communication features like
Memoji and Group Facetime.
And watchOS, now with Walkie
Talkie, Activity, Competitions,
New Workouts, New Siri
Capabilities, and so much more.
And Apple TV 4K now with Adobe
Atmos, some great new
partnerships, and the ease of
zero sign-on.
And you're going to really love
those new Aerial screensavers.
And macOS Mojave with all new
dark mode, great updates to
desktop and finder, enhanced
privacy and security, and a
completely redesigned Mac App
The updates will be available to
our users this Fall, and there
will be developer betas for each
of them after the Keynote this
[ Applause ]
Thank you.
Now, before we close, we wanted
to celebrate you and the amazing
work that you do, so we went out
and talked to some of the most
important people in your lives,
the ones that know you the best,
and we made a short video, and
I'd love to run it for you now.
[ Music ]
>> I don't have any idea at all
how to create an app.
I don't understand any of it.
Ask me another question.
>> My son is a developer at
>> My daughter, Jody, is a WWDC
2018 scholarship winner.
>> My brother started and
founded Yelp.
>> All the apps.
>> Timeless.
>> One drop.
>> Splitter critters.
>> Homework.
>> Homework, you talk to her.
>> My brother Derek created
the app Refugees and Immigrants
the creative, the collective.
Why did I say the creative.
>> At Christmastime, when most
kids maybe would want skis or
something, he wanted computer
He stayed in his bedroom, making
games while the other kids were
outside playing.
>> And when she is really doing
the coding almost always we have
to tell my daughter to stop,
but then my daughter will be
like, just give me another ten
I want to get this solved first.
>> When I watch him code, his
eyes move in a weird way, and
he's like totally focused.
Even when my friends are over,
I'd say, we'll look at
Christopher, look at him.
And they'd go, wow.
>> When he first came to us with
the idea, we were like, okay,
good luck.
>> He started off in his small
little one-bedroom apartment
with next to nothing,
and sacrificed eating a burger
and just have ramen just so that
he could, and I'm like just buy
the burger.
And he's like no, that's three
bucks that I could put towards
the app.
>> Jeremy went out to build the
first version of Yelp, and it
was a total bust, a total
>> She tried really hard on a
couple different titles, and
you've never heard of them.
And, you know, that's a really
rough feeling.
>> That was definitely a low
point for Jeremy because it was
like, hey we got to retool and
try again.
What Jeremy did notice in the
data was that people loved
writing comments, and that was
really the genesis of the second
version of Yelp, which worked.
>> You have to be really okay
with waking up to failure and
then at the end of a whole bunch
of failures is something that's
>> Tessa didn't really think I
want to make an app.
Tessa found a problem, a food
waste which you could use the
app to help to solve.
>> Emma's grandma was diagnosed
with Alzheimer's.
She even forgot my daughter's
So Emma tried to search for an
app that would help,
but she couldn't find it.
So she said, you know, why don't
we just do it ourselves.
>> My husband was a diabetic.
That inspired Jeffrey to do
something about diabetes, and
it's an answer to a lot of
people's prayers.
>> Jessie won the iPhone game of
the year.
I couldn't believe that he made
I mean to me it was remarkable.
>> She pulled out her cell
phone, and I saw his app on her
phone, and I was like trying not
to freak out, but oh my gosh.
>> For my wife, it's not just
creating, it's really wanting to
be a part of something big.
>> The one lesson that I learned
from Jeremy every day is just
that determination, tenacity, to
He foresaw the impact that the
iPhone was going to have, and he
bet everything on getting an app
for it,
and I think that it was one of
the most important things that
Yelp did.
>> I think he's made a big
difference, and so do thousands
of other people.
>> She wants to not just learn
also teach others and it makes
me really proud to see her
>> As a parent, no better thing
is letting your kids do what
they want to do, because it
isn't how much money you've
It's really changes you've left
And she's hoping to leave a lot
of change behind.
[ Music ]
[ Applause ]
>> I love that video, and I'm
pleased that some of the
developers are in the audience
this morning.
Their stories are great examples
of all of your passion and your
We love the work you do and the
impact that it has on the world.
It inspires all of us at Apple
deeply every day.
On behalf of everyone at Apple,
thank you.
[ Applause ]
And I'd also like to thank
everyone at Apple who made today
Days like this only come from
years of effort and hard work
and great sacrifice, and so I
thank them and their families.
Let's have an incredible week
Thank you.
[ Applause ]