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- So now we're gonna talk about Loop Idioms.
Loop Idioms are patterns that have to do
with how we construct loops.
We have the mechanics of "fors" and "whiles",
but ultimately we want to get something done.
We want to solve a problem with a loop.
And often what we have to do is,
if we have a set of things,
whether it's lines or strings or characters or numbers,
we're looking for something like the largest or the smallest
or we want to add them up or something like that.
So we can't just say, "Add 'em up",
we have to say, "Go through each one
"and do something to each one."
And somehow achieve adding them up.
The pattern that we're going to follow is
we're going to have this loop that gonna
run once for each thing in some chunk of data.
We're gonna set something at the beginning
and then we're going to do something to each one.
And then at the end we're gonna get the payoff.
We're gonna get the result.
So if we're summing things,
we're going to have a running total.
This will be like T equals zero.
And then this will be T equals T plus the thing value.
But this is not the real total.
It's the running total during the loop,
but at the end it is the real total.
So we're going to look at what you do
before the loop starts, during the loop,
and then what you get after the loop
and how you can use that.
We're gonna use this loop.
It's just going to loop through
a set of six numbers over and over and over again.
We're going to do something before the loop,
we're going to do something after the loop,
and we're going to run the loop some number of times.
In this case "thing" is our iteration variable
because I'm using unpneumonic variables now.
It's gonna run 9, 41, 12, 3, 74, and 15.
It's going to run and print these things out.
It runs its loop six times and away we go.
Now this loop does nothing except print stuff out.
Of course, I like to do that first.
I always print things out
to make sure that my brain is functioning.
So, to understand how these loops work
I'm gonna ask you to function as a program.
I'm gonna show you some numbers in succession
and I want you to mentally figure out
what the largest number is.
But more importantly, think about how
your brain is solving this problem
of what is the largest number,
given that I'm only going to show them to you
one at a time for a little while.
You brain has to do something.
Imagine I was going to show you thousands of numbers.
I'm not, but imagine I was.
How would you organize yourself in a way so that
for an hour and a half you could sit here
as I showed you numbers and you'd keep track
of the largest number that you've seen of all the numbers?
Okay, here we go.
Here's your first number.
Second number.
Third number.
Fourth number.
Fifth number.
Sixth and last number.
What was the largest number?
What was it?
Well, it wasn't too hard.
It was 74.
But that's not the question.
How did you brain arrive at 74?
Here's all the numbers.
If I was showing you all the numbers
and asked you, "What's the largest number?"
you're eyes would have sort of gone
(zooming of eyes moving around the screen)
and then you'd got to 74.
You wouldn't do it in any particular order.
Your eyes would just see the 74
and it would just throw the smaller numbers away
and it would move really quickly to what the answer is.
Even if there was several hundred numbers on the screen
your mind would sort of move fluidly
wherever it felt like moving and then arrive at it.
Probably what it would do is
it would do something like move like this,
find this, and then check to make sure that it's okay.
Then say, "Okay, I got 74.
"I'm done."
That's not how computers do it.
That is not how computers do it.
They do not move fluidly.
But they are highly dedicated.
They're gonna do something.
(buzzing imitating a computer)
But how would you construct a loop to achieve this?
Let's take a look.
You could create a variable called "largest_so_far".
This is the largest value that you have seen
in the list so far.
Now I haven't shown you any number yet,
so we'll just set this to -1 to get us started.
Now we see 3 and we're like,
"Oh, that's better than -1."
It's our first number so it's probably
the largest we've seen so far, right?
Oh, that's bigger than the largest we've seen so far,
so we'll keep it.
12 is not bigger than 41 so we're not gonna keep it.
Notice this keeping thing.
9 is not bigger than 41 so there's no point to keeping it.
74 is bigger than 41, so we'll keep it.
Is this the largest number?
We don't know.
We don't know until we're done.
15, not better than 74.
So now we're all done and hooray, hooray, hooray,
we have the largest number.
We have this variable that we kept the largest number
that we'd seen up to this point.
Then when we know that we're done at the end,
that becomes the largest.
So if you look at all the numbers,
keeping track of the largest so far,
at the end of all the largest so far and the largest
are the same thing.
That's how you get this idea of
something you're doing during the loop
is not really the answer,
but by the time the loop is done
you will have the answer.
So here's a bit of code that does this.
Use it with our numbers.
Let's take a look.
I have this variable called "largest_so_far".
I set it to -1 before the loop.
Remember there's a loop before, and a loop after,
and a loop in the middle.
Before, it's -1.
Now "the_num", remember underscores are okay.
That's my iteration variable.
If 9 is greater than largest_so_far.
Well, largest_so_far is -1 so that's true,
so this code is gonna run.
We're gonna remember the new number.
This is 9, so 9 ends up in largest_so_far.
And then print it out.
So largest_so_far is 9 after we saw the number 9.
Then we do it again.
So now 41 comes in.
Is 41 greater than 9?
The answer is, "Yes, it is."
So we're going to run this code,
copy 41 into largest_so_far and then print it out.
largest_so_far is 41 after we saw the number 41.
Now we're going to run the loop again with 12
and you get the idea, I hope.
Is 12 greater than 41,
which is the largest we've seen so far?
The answer is, "No, it is not."
So we skip.
The largest_so_far stays 41,
even though we saw 12.
Meaning we're sort of ratcheting up,
but we never ratchet back down.
We run it again with 3 and 41.
We skip this.
Then the largest_so_far is 41,
even though we just saw 3.
And now we see 74.
Is 74 greater than 41?
See, we never are looking at all the numbers.
We're only are looking at the window on the numbers
of the current number that we're looking at.
So is 74 greater than 41?
The answer is yes, so we run this code.
Then we capture the 74.
We just saw 74 and it is the largest_so_far.
And then we run it again with 15,
but 74 is our largest_so_far and so it skips.
So 74 remains largest so far after 15.
Now we're finished.
We just ran the last thing.
Our loop takes care of everything
and jumps to this print statement and says,
"Afterwards, largest_so_far is 74."
But at this point it's also the largest.
So largest_so_far became largest
when our loop finished.
So that sort of gives you this notion
of how we construct something at the beginning,
some kind of thing that we're going to do
over and over and over again,
and then something at the end.
We've put some print statements in
just so we can watch it and see what's going on.
Coming up next we're going to talk about
some more loop patterns.
Some counting, totalling, averaging,
and finding the smallest number.
(relaxed jazz)