字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey everybody, it's Steve from Asian Boss 嘿,大家,這是史蒂夫亞洲老大 North Korea is arguably the most isolated and secretive nation on the planet, 朝鮮可以說是在這個星球上最孤立的和隱秘的國家 and chances are you probably have no idea what's going on there. 而很大可能你根本不知道那裡到底發生了甚麼事 Other than what you see on the news from time to time. 除非是你有時在新聞上看到消息 So, what do we do? 那麼我們該怎麼辦? We come up with a whole bunch of stereotypes about North Korea 我們有著許多對於北朝鮮的刻板印象 and we start criticising and ridiculing them. 並且批評和嘲笑他們。 But in the process, what we may have forgotten is the people of North Korea. 但在這個過程中,我們可能已經遺忘北朝鮮的人民 In that spirit, we're able to interview a couple of young North Korean 本著這一精神,我們能夠採訪到一對年輕的朝鮮的 defectors to hear their stories. 叛逃者,聽聽他們的故事。 Given the importance of this topic, 鑑於這一問題的重要性, We're going to separate this interview into two videos. 我們將這次面試分成兩個視頻。 In this video, you'll get to hear what life is actually like 在這部影片中,你能聽到在北朝鮮的實際生活 in North Korea. 現在,他們的一些故事可能是令人不安的一些觀眾, Now, some of their stories might be disturbing to some viewers, 但我們並不是故意編造的 but we didn't edit them out on purpose because we think it's important 因為我們認為讓這些聲音被聽到是很重要的 that their voices be heard. 所以,我希望你能專注 So, I hope that you really pay attention 聽聽他們說了什麼 and listen to what they have to say. -感謝您的時間。 -感謝您的款待。 -Thank you for your time. -Thanks for having me. 很多人,包括我在內,都對於北朝鮮非常好奇。 A lot of people, including me, are very curious about North Korea. 對。 Right. 作為北朝鮮的叛逃者, As a North Korean defector, 我相信你能夠描繪出更加準確的描述。 I trust you'd be able to paint a more accurate picture. 是。 Yes. 能說一下您是在幾歲時逃離的嗎? How old were you when you escaped? 我在12歲時逃離。 I escaped when i was 12. 我離開朝鮮於2001年 I left North Korea in 2001, 在中國呆了三年... spent three years in China... 在韓國十年。 and ten years in South Korea. 為什麼你決定逃離北朝鮮? Why did you decide to escape from North Korea? 最大的原因是... The biggest reason was... 我不知道我會什麼時候餓死。 I didn't know when i was going to die of starvation. 自從金正日上台後, Since Kim Jong-il came into power, 朝鮮經歷了一次大飢荒...... North Korea experienced a major famine... 聲稱波及了多達300萬人的生命。 that claimed as many as three million lives. 這都是我親身經歷過的事實。 I experienced it all first hand. 在90年代的飢荒被稱為“艱苦長征”。 The famine in the 90's is known as the "Arduous March". 這是殘酷的時代。 It was brutal times. 我看到我家鄉3分之2的人死於饑荒 I saw two-thirds of the people in my hometown starve to death. 他們因為沒東西吃而餓死了 They died because there was nothing to eat. 由於政府無法提供食物? Because the government couldn't provide food? 他們沒有提供食物。 They didn't provide food. 你有親眼看過人死嗎? You actually witnessed someone die? 我看到一個兩歲女童就死在我的面前。 I saw a two year old girl die right in front of me. 你知道的,當一個人將死去...... You see, when a person dies... 蒼蠅是第一個知道。 flies are the first to know. 儘管她還在呼吸,他們一定知道她快要死了...... Even though she was still breathing, they must've known she was going to die... 就像是老鼠或其他動物會在地震前逃跑。 like how rats or other animals run away before earthquakes. 所以,他們知道 So they knew and 他們開始聚集 they started gathering around 她的眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,肛門...... her eyes, nose, mouth, anus... 圍繞這些領域...他們開始瘋狂的聚集。 around those areas... they start gathering like crazy. 當我看到這樣的事情, When I saw things like that, 我認為我沒有理由最後不會成為她那樣子 I thought there was no reason why I couldn't end up just like her. 幸運的是,在那個時候,我的母親能夠前往中國幾次 Luckily at the time, my mother was able to travel to China a few times 並告訴我中國是一個富裕的國家。 and told me China was a rich country. 於是,她決定去中國,我跟著走。 So she decided to go to China and I tagged along. 在我們去中國之前, Before we went to China, 我們認為這(北韓)是地球上最偉大的國家。 we thought it was the greatest country on earth. 我始終記得,一個關於塑膠瓶的經驗。 I always remember my experience involving plastic bottles. 當我在北朝鮮時,我跟我的繼父住在一起。 When I was in North Korea, I lived with my stepfather. 但他是個酒鬼 He was an alcoholic but 在那時,酒的價格 at the time, the price of alcohol was 相當於足夠養活五口人的一頓飯。 equivalent to a meal enough to feed five people. 在冬天,因為沒有電 In winter, because there was no electricity 在鄉村,我住在...... in the country side I was living in... 完全沒有電? Like zero electricity? 他們一年僅給了幾次電力給我們。 They gave us electricity only a few times in a year. 像元旦,因為 Like on New Year's Day because 我們不得不聽金日成金日成或金正日的新年廣播。 we had to listen to Kim II-Sung or Kim Jong-il's New Year's address. 於是,他們給了我們電力開啟我們的電視。 So they gave us electricity to turn on our TVs. 沒有電你如何生活? How do you live without electricity? 燈。 Lamps. 用油作為燃料的燈 You use oil based lamps. 所以每當我不得不在晚上幫繼父跑腿 Anyway, so whenever I had to run errands for my stepfather at night 我曾滑倒並且打破酒瓶,因為我什麼也看不到。 I'd slip on ice and drop the alcohol bottle because i couldn't see anything. 我雖然很小心,但一年下來我至少跌倒四次。 I tried to be careful but I'd fall at least four times a year. 我並不在意繼父打我 I didn't mind getting beat up by my stepdad. 而是我很愧疚,摔破一個可以餵飽五個人的價值的東西 It was the guilt I destroyed something valuable that could've fed five people. 讓我愧疚的要死 that killed me at the time. 所以,我總是習慣希望我能有一個不破瓶子。 So I always used to wish that I could have a bottle that doesn't break. 因此有一天,我跟我媽去一個跳蚤市場,我看到了一個塑膠瓶 But one day, I saw a plastic bottle when I went to a flea market with my mom 所以,我知道這世上有這種瓶子 and I thought "wow, so such bottles do exist!" 但它是太貴了,所以我買不起它。 But it was too expensive so I couldn't buy it. 所以這個世界有這種瓶子的情況下 So knowing that such bottles existed, 當在逃離時,經過圖們江,發現這種瓶子被當成垃圾 I saw plastic bottles among garbage later when I was escaping via the Tumen river. 這確實是令人震驚... It was truly shocking and... 在這生死攸關的時刻,那時我還試圖把它撿起來 when I tried to pick it up in that life or death moment, 跟我在一起的掮客告訴我在中國有大量的新塑料瓶。 the broker I was with told me there were plenty of new plastic bottles in China. 當時我還在想是真的嗎! I was like, "really"? 才記起要逃跑而不是拿塑膠瓶 and remember escaping without the plastic bottle. 去中國容易嗎? Is it easy to go to China? 一點也不。這是攸關生死的問題。 Not at all. It's a matter of life and death. 所以,為了逃避,你需要爬過柵欄還是什麼嗎? So in order to escape, do you need to climb over a fence or something? 不,當你逃跑,必須經過圖們江。 No, when you escape, there is the Tumen river. 北朝鮮跟中國是江為分界 North Korea and China is divided by a river. 因此你必須經或圖們江或是鴨綠江才能夠到達中國 So you have to cross either the Tumen River or the Amnok River to go China. 透過划船? By boat? 我在冬天時逃脫 It was winter when i escaped. 那時候是二月,那裡的河水會結成很厚的冰 In the next video, you're going to find out how their lives have changed 所以你只能透過走路? 對只能走路 after arriving in South Korea. 所以當你們經過時士兵會射你們嗎 So stay tuned, and make sure to subscribe to Asian Boss to be notified 是的。北朝鮮士兵的槍會從地底指著我們 whenever we release new videos. 所以人們在逃跑時看不到士兵 Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the next video. 所以任何時刻都會被射擊? 對,他們完全不會知道(甚麼時候會被射)
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 北韓 南韓 北朝鮮 中國 射擊 處決 北韓脫北者對北韓的看法|亞洲BOSS--------。 (What North Korean Defectors Think Of North Korea | ASIAN BOSS) 987 54 martin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字