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  • here's another tip from English

  • here's another tip from English anyone . com about how to get

  • anyone . com about how to get

  • anyone . com about how to get fluent in English faster to get

  • fluent in English faster to get

  • fluent in English faster to get fluent faster play with accents

  • fluent faster play with accents

  • fluent faster play with accents hello there I'm drew badger

  • hello there I'm drew badger

  • hello there I'm drew badger co-founder of English anyone .

  • co-founder of English anyone .

  • co-founder of English anyone . com

  • com

  • com and this is another edition of

  • and this is another edition of

  • and this is another edition of how to get fluent in English

  • how to get fluent in English

  • how to get fluent in English fast time today I'm going to

  • fast time today I'm going to

  • fast time today I'm going to have a little bit of fun with

  • have a little bit of fun with

  • have a little bit of fun with accents to help you improve your

  • accents to help you improve your

  • accents to help you improve your pronunciation and have a bit

  • pronunciation and have a bit

  • pronunciation and have a bit more fun when you practice your

  • more fun when you practice your

  • more fun when you practice your speaking

  • speaking

  • speaking remember to enjoy speaking you

  • remember to enjoy speaking you

  • remember to enjoy speaking you don't have to be so serious

  • don't have to be so serious

  • don't have to be so serious about it and think about one

  • about it and think about one

  • about it and think about one kind of accent that you want to

  • kind of accent that you want to

  • kind of accent that you want to master today

  • master today

  • master today let's go over some different

  • let's go over some different

  • let's go over some different kinds of accents and a little

  • kinds of accents and a little

  • kinds of accents and a little bit of interesting accent

  • bit of interesting accent

  • bit of interesting accent training that you can do to

  • training that you can do to

  • training that you can do to improve your accent in your

  • improve your accent in your

  • improve your accent in your pronunciation if you really want

  • pronunciation if you really want

  • pronunciation if you really want to have a more

  • to have a more

  • to have a more I guess a louder voice and more

  • I guess a louder voice and more

  • I guess a louder voice and more confident voice and want to be

  • confident voice and want to be

  • confident voice and want to be able to speak in English with a

  • able to speak in English with a

  • able to speak in English with a more native sounding accent

  • more native sounding accent

  • more native sounding accent let's get started first I used

  • let's get started first I used

  • let's get started first I used to work at a junior high school

  • to work at a junior high school

  • to work at a junior high school here in japan and i would spend

  • here in japan and i would spend

  • here in japan and i would spend a lot of time trying to work

  • a lot of time trying to work

  • a lot of time trying to work with students about their accent

  • with students about their accent

  • with students about their accent and I learned as I became a

  • and I learned as I became a

  • and I learned as I became a better and better teacher and I

  • better and better teacher and I

  • better and better teacher and I had done it for a longer period

  • had done it for a longer period

  • had done it for a longer period of time that one

  • of time that one

  • of time that one an accent isn't really that big

  • an accent isn't really that big

  • an accent isn't really that big of a deal and it shouldn't be

  • of a deal and it shouldn't be

  • of a deal and it shouldn't be something you want to focus on

  • something you want to focus on

  • something you want to focus on as a beginning learner or even

  • as a beginning learner or even

  • as a beginning learner or even before you're speaking

  • before you're speaking

  • before you're speaking confidently with a lot of other

  • confidently with a lot of other

  • confidently with a lot of other people remember about accents

  • people remember about accents

  • people remember about accents first you want to get confidence

  • first you want to get confidence

  • first you want to get confidence speaking just practice speaking

  • speaking just practice speaking

  • speaking just practice speaking and then your accent will

  • and then your accent will

  • and then your accent will continue to improve naturally as

  • continue to improve naturally as

  • continue to improve naturally as you're listening to more native

  • you're listening to more native

  • you're listening to more native speakers when you're spending

  • speakers when you're spending

  • speakers when you're spending time around native speakers

  • time around native speakers

  • time around native speakers your accent is not something you

  • your accent is not something you

  • your accent is not something you should worry about practicing

  • should worry about practicing

  • should worry about practicing when you're just sitting around

  • when you're just sitting around

  • when you're just sitting around in your room trying to listen to

  • in your room trying to listen to

  • in your room trying to listen to some listening practice CD and

  • some listening practice CD and

  • some listening practice CD and mimicking or practicing what the

  • mimicking or practicing what the

  • mimicking or practicing what the sounds you're hearing are so get

  • sounds you're hearing are so get

  • sounds you're hearing are so get out if you want to practice your

  • out if you want to practice your

  • out if you want to practice your accent you need to get out and

  • accent you need to get out and

  • accent you need to get out and be around more native speakers

  • be around more native speakers

  • be around more native speakers when you practice but today

  • when you practice but today

  • when you practice but today let's talk a little bit more

  • let's talk a little bit more

  • let's talk a little bit more about accent training and

  • about accent training and

  • about accent training and how I came to understand accent

  • how I came to understand accent

  • how I came to understand accent training myself again when i was

  • training myself again when i was

  • training myself again when i was working at a junior high school

  • working at a junior high school

  • working at a junior high school I had lots of practice teaching

  • I had lots of practice teaching

  • I had lots of practice teaching students about accent training

  • students about accent training

  • students about accent training but i noticed a lot of it didn't

  • but i noticed a lot of it didn't

  • but i noticed a lot of it didn't work very well

  • work very well

  • work very well a lot of students were

  • a lot of students were

  • a lot of students were interested in improving their

  • interested in improving their

  • interested in improving their English because the Japanese

  • English because the Japanese

  • English because the Japanese pronunciation of English is

  • pronunciation of English is

  • pronunciation of English is often quite bad but one thing I

  • often quite bad but one thing I

  • often quite bad but one thing I did notice is that some of the

  • did notice is that some of the

  • did notice is that some of the students were really good at

  • students were really good at

  • students were really good at making fun of me and trying to

  • making fun of me and trying to

  • making fun of me and trying to pronounce English like i

  • pronounce English like i

  • pronounce English like i pronounced it by over

  • pronounced it by over

  • pronounced it by over pronouncing and mimicking what I

  • pronouncing and mimicking what I

  • pronouncing and mimicking what I say

  • say

  • say so what I want you to do and

  • so what I want you to do and

  • so what I want you to do and what I want to help you do in

  • what I want to help you do in

  • what I want to help you do in this edition of how to get

  • this edition of how to get

  • this edition of how to get fluent in English faster is to

  • fluent in English faster is to

  • fluent in English faster is to practice over pronouncing and

  • practice over pronouncing and

  • practice over pronouncing and mimicking or copying lots of

  • mimicking or copying lots of

  • mimicking or copying lots of other accents around the world

  • other accents around the world

  • other accents around the world and you can do this by watching

  • and you can do this by watching

  • and you can do this by watching movies or listening to other

  • movies or listening to other

  • movies or listening to other speakers and just enjoy over

  • speakers and just enjoy over

  • speakers and just enjoy over pronouncing and speaking badly

  • pronouncing and speaking badly

  • pronouncing and speaking badly and this will get you more

  • and this will get you more

  • and this will get you more confident to speak and because

  • confident to speak and because

  • confident to speak and because you are over pronouncing it will

  • you are over pronouncing it will

  • you are over pronouncing it will help you bring your natural

  • help you bring your natural

  • help you bring your natural accent up to where it should be

  • accent up to where it should be

  • accent up to where it should be if you want to become a more

  • if you want to become a more

  • if you want to become a more native sounding speaker without

  • native sounding speaker without

  • native sounding speaker without an accent from a different

  • an accent from a different

  • an accent from a different country so i'm going to do a few

  • country so i'm going to do a few

  • country so i'm going to do a few accents right now these are not

  • accents right now these are not

  • accents right now these are not perfect accent but you will

  • perfect accent but you will

  • perfect accent but you will notice that there are lots of

  • notice that there are lots of

  • notice that there are lots of different kinds of English

  • different kinds of English

  • different kinds of English accents and these are the things

  • accents and these are the things

  • accents and these are the things that you should be practicing

  • that you should be practicing

  • that you should be practicing yourself if you want to improve

  • yourself if you want to improve

  • yourself if you want to improve your own accent

  • your own accent

  • your own accent so here I go this is an

  • so here I go this is an

  • so here I go this is an Australian English accent and

  • Australian English accent and

  • Australian English accent and it's not going to be very good

  • it's not going to be very good

  • it's not going to be very good but i'll show you anyway what

  • but i'll show you anyway what

  • but i'll show you anyway what you should be doing good I might

  • you should be doing good I might

  • you should be doing good I might throw a few shrimp on the barbie

  • throw a few shrimp on the barbie

  • throw a few shrimp on the barbie it sheilo there

  • it sheilo there

  • it sheilo there it's not a perfect Australian

  • it's not a perfect Australian

  • it's not a perfect Australian accent and my friends who are

  • accent and my friends who are

  • accent and my friends who are Australian would probably think

  • Australian would probably think

  • Australian would probably think that was pretty funny if I was

  • that was pretty funny if I was

  • that was pretty funny if I was saying that in front of them but

  • saying that in front of them but

  • saying that in front of them but it's something that because i

  • it's something that because i

  • it's something that because i want to explain to you how to

  • want to explain to you how to

  • want to explain to you how to improve your accent I'm just

  • improve your accent I'm just

  • improve your accent I'm just giving you a little taste of

  • giving you a little taste of

  • giving you a little taste of that

  • that

  • that now I'll move over to Britain

  • now I'll move over to Britain

  • now I'll move over to Britain and give you two different

  • and give you two different

  • and give you two different British accidents up

  • British accidents up

  • British accidents up british accents the first one is

  • british accents the first one is

  • british accents the first one is the kind of the high street the

  • the kind of the high street the

  • the kind of the high street the more the more proper the more

  • more the more proper the more

  • more the more proper the more proper english action and

  • proper english action and

  • proper english action and remember that when you speak you

  • remember that when you speak you

  • remember that when you speak you can even you know change the

  • can even you know change the

  • can even you know change the expressions on your face a

  • expressions on your face a

  • expressions on your face a little bit like this

  • little bit like this

  • little bit like this so you're speaking and maybe

  • so you're speaking and maybe

  • so you're speaking and maybe you're thinking about the war

  • you're thinking about the war

  • you're thinking about the war and you really can't understand

  • and you really can't understand

  • and you really can't understand what I'm saying right now but

  • what I'm saying right now but

  • what I'm saying right now but their part in things that you

  • their part in things that you

  • their part in things that you you not only speak but use the

  • you not only speak but use the

  • you not only speak but use the expressions on your face

  • expressions on your face

  • expressions on your face now that was a kind of old

  • now that was a kind of old

  • now that was a kind of old proper old man speaking English

  • proper old man speaking English

  • proper old man speaking English and he's maybe Wellborn and now

  • and he's maybe Wellborn and now

  • and he's maybe Wellborn and now i'm going to go down to the the

  • i'm going to go down to the the

  • i'm going to go down to the the lower rungs of kind of British

  • lower rungs of kind of British

  • lower rungs of kind of British pronunciation this is called a

  • pronunciation this is called a

  • pronunciation this is called a cockney accent again it won't be

  • cockney accent again it won't be

  • cockney accent again it won't be very bad a very good but it's

  • very bad a very good but it's

  • very bad a very good but it's fun to try to speak this way

  • fun to try to speak this way

  • fun to try to speak this way not because you want to make fun

  • not because you want to make fun

  • not because you want to make fun of people but because it helps

  • of people but because it helps

  • of people but because it helps you improve your English accent

  • you improve your English accent

  • you improve your English accent here we go well good i might how

  • here we go well good i might how

  • here we go well good i might how are you doing today well I was

  • are you doing today well I was

  • are you doing today well I was you know I actually you know my

  • you know I actually you know my

  • you know I actually you know my cockney accent sucks i'm sorry i

  • cockney accent sucks i'm sorry i

  • cockney accent sucks i'm sorry i can't really do that one very

  • can't really do that one very

  • can't really do that one very well but the point is I tried

  • well but the point is I tried

  • well but the point is I tried and you should think about doing

  • and you should think about doing

  • and you should think about doing the same thing

  • the same thing

  • the same thing now we'll move over to Canada

  • now we'll move over to Canada

  • now we'll move over to Canada americans love to talk about

  • americans love to talk about

  • americans love to talk about Canadians because their accent

  • Canadians because their accent

  • Canadians because their accent is a little bit different but

  • is a little bit different but

  • is a little bit different but because they are so nice

  • because they are so nice

  • because they are so nice it makes them seem so innocent

  • it makes them seem so innocent

  • it makes them seem so innocent and it's more fun to try to try

  • and it's more fun to try to try

  • and it's more fun to try to try to copy their accent and try to

  • to copy their accent and try to

  • to copy their accent and try to make them sound the way you know

  • make them sound the way you know

  • make them sound the way you know we're trying to figure out the

  • we're trying to figure out the

  • we're trying to figure out the way they sound a Canadian uses

  • way they sound a Canadian uses

  • way they sound a Canadian uses lots of things like a when they

  • lots of things like a when they

  • lots of things like a when they speak

  • speak

  • speak hey how are you doing it or

  • hey how are you doing it or

  • hey how are you doing it or maybe something like that and

  • maybe something like that and

  • maybe something like that and the Canadian accent it's very

  • the Canadian accent it's very

  • the Canadian accent it's very similar to America but they just

  • similar to America but they just

  • similar to America but they just use a a lot if you want to

  • use a a lot if you want to

  • use a a lot if you want to listen to more Canadian people

  • listen to more Canadian people

  • listen to more Canadian people you should find some good

  • you should find some good

  • you should find some good Canadian speakers of English and

  • Canadian speakers of English and

  • Canadian speakers of English and then they will be able to help

  • then they will be able to help

  • then they will be able to help you with all of your accent

  • you with all of your accent

  • you with all of your accent training now we will come back

  • training now we will come back

  • training now we will come back to America because even in

  • to America because even in

  • to America because even in America there is not one kind of

  • America there is not one kind of

  • America there is not one kind of way to pronounce American

  • way to pronounce American

  • way to pronounce American English America is a huge

  • English America is a huge

  • English America is a huge country it's about the size of

  • country it's about the size of

  • country it's about the size of China

  • China

  • China we've got even many different

  • we've got even many different

  • we've got even many different time zones and areas in America

  • time zones and areas in America

  • time zones and areas in America and these are all different

  • and these are all different

  • and these are all different places that have lots of

  • places that have lots of

  • places that have lots of different unique accents and

  • different unique accents and

  • different unique accents and pronunciations and even the

  • pronunciations and even the

  • pronunciations and even the words are a little bit different

  • words are a little bit different

  • words are a little bit different for all of these areas in

  • for all of these areas in

  • for all of these areas in America

  • America

  • America so I'm from Chicago and maybe my

  • so I'm from Chicago and maybe my

  • so I'm from Chicago and maybe my voice has a little bit more

  • voice has a little bit more

  • voice has a little bit more nasal sound so I speak with my

  • nasal sound so I speak with my

  • nasal sound so I speak with my nose a little bit but maybe

  • nose a little bit but maybe

  • nose a little bit but maybe other people in different parts

  • other people in different parts

  • other people in different parts of America like the people in

  • of America like the people in

  • of America like the people in the South they have we call this

  • the South they have we call this

  • the South they have we call this a country accent so a country

  • a country accent so a country

  • a country accent so a country accent what they say

  • accent what they say

  • accent what they say y'all come back now you hear

  • y'all come back now you hear

  • y'all come back now you hear you're here you're here means

  • you're here you're here means

  • you're here you're here means you here

  • you here

  • you here I pronounce my are very very

  • I pronounce my are very very

  • I pronounce my are very very strongly you here

  • strongly you here

  • strongly you here but a person in the South in

  • but a person in the South in

  • but a person in the South in America would say ya hear y'all

  • America would say ya hear y'all

  • America would say ya hear y'all come back now you hear you all

  • come back now you hear you all

  • come back now you hear you all come back now you hear

  • come back now you hear

  • come back now you hear remember that you should just be

  • remember that you should just be

  • remember that you should just be having fun trying to mimic

  • having fun trying to mimic

  • having fun trying to mimic accents

  • accents

  • accents if you have actors that you like

  • if you have actors that you like

  • if you have actors that you like watching on TV and you enjoy

  • watching on TV and you enjoy

  • watching on TV and you enjoy their performances and you

  • their performances and you

  • their performances and you really want to practice sounding

  • really want to practice sounding

  • really want to practice sounding like them then practice that in

  • like them then practice that in

  • like them then practice that in front of a mirror and practice

  • front of a mirror and practice

  • front of a mirror and practice that in front of other people

  • that in front of other people

  • that in front of other people because you don't want to worry

  • because you don't want to worry

  • because you don't want to worry about having just one accent

  • about having just one accent

  • about having just one accent that you can do practice lots of

  • that you can do practice lots of

  • that you can do practice lots of different things and it will

  • different things and it will

  • different things and it will help you improve your accent or

  • help you improve your accent or

  • help you improve your accent or at least get you closer to

  • at least get you closer to

  • at least get you closer to whatever kind of accent you'd

  • whatever kind of accent you'd

  • whatever kind of accent you'd like to have and you'll have

  • like to have and you'll have

  • like to have and you'll have more fun speaking

  • more fun speaking

  • more fun speaking well I hope it's been an

  • well I hope it's been an

  • well I hope it's been an interesting episode for you of

  • interesting episode for you of

  • interesting episode for you of how to get fluent in English

  • how to get fluent in English

  • how to get fluent in English faster

  • faster

  • faster I love to do different kinds of

  • I love to do different kinds of

  • I love to do different kinds of accents and talk to different

  • accents and talk to different

  • accents and talk to different people and see how you know

  • people and see how you know

  • people and see how you know maybe they can copy my accent

  • maybe they can copy my accent

  • maybe they can copy my accent just like my students were doing

  • just like my students were doing

  • just like my students were doing here

  • here

  • here back in japan so get out find

  • back in japan so get out find

  • back in japan so get out find some accents that you enjoy and

  • some accents that you enjoy and

  • some accents that you enjoy and copy copy copy them have fun go

  • copy copy copy them have fun go

  • copy copy copy them have fun go over the top

  • over the top

  • over the top use your face and try to match

  • use your face and try to match

  • use your face and try to match their facial expressions and how

  • their facial expressions and how

  • their facial expressions and how they speak and you will enjoy

  • they speak and you will enjoy

  • they speak and you will enjoy speaking in English improve your

  • speaking in English improve your

  • speaking in English improve your accent and you will get fluent

  • accent and you will get fluent

  • accent and you will get fluent in English faster

  • in English faster

  • in English faster have an excellent day and we'll

  • have an excellent day and we'll

  • have an excellent day and we'll see you next time bye bye

  • see you next time bye bye

  • see you next time bye bye to learn more about our monthly

  • to learn more about our monthly

  • to learn more about our monthly master English conversation

  • master English conversation

  • master English conversation audio and video lessons and to

  • audio and video lessons and to

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  • get fluent in English faster

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here's another tip from English


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A2 初級 美國腔

33-英語學習者輕鬆減口音!- 如何更快地獲得流利的英語 (33 - Easy accent reduction for English learners! - How To Get Fluent In English Faster)

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    James 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日