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  • Hey guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name's Kyle. If you've been on the site

  • before,

  • of course you know this young lady. This is Erin, she's one of our instructors. For today's

  • posture

  • breakdown, she's going to be our model for Tadasana or 'mountain pose'. This is a very

  • fundamental

  • posture that you see in almost every single one of our Yoga flows, so we wanted to give

  • you guys just a

  • quick posture breakdown to make sure that you're doing it with proper alignment.

  • So, Erin's going to get started at the top of our mat here. So the feet can be either

  • together, with your

  • big toe mounds kissing and then just a slight sliver facing the heels or they can be inner

  • hip width

  • distance apart, whatever feels good for you. Erin's going to go inner hip width distance

  • here. All ten toes

  • facing forward and we start from the ground up here, so we're really rooting through the

  • four corners of

  • the feet. That's the corner behind the big toe mound and pinky toe mound and then the

  • two corners in

  • the heels. So when you root down through these parts of your feet, all ten toes should be

  • able to lift and

  • sort of wave back at your face. Moving up from there, we activate the quadriceps so

  • much that the knee

  • caps lift. We don't want to lock out or hyperextend the knees but we want to stay active. So Erin,

  • use

  • your left leg here to really pop it back, like hyper extend it. See like that, she's

  • lost all alignment, lost all

  • muscle engagement. Know the difference, you'll feel this in your body. Know the difference

  • from being

  • active and then really just throwing the legs back.

  • Now the tailbone is the biggest point of concern in Tadasana. Too many people tend to bring

  • it way

  • back, go 'cheerleader butt' style. That's not good for anybody; a lot of crunching in

  • the lower spine. Or

  • if we bring it too far forward, that doesn't look very comfortable either. So, the hips

  • stack directly above

  • the knees and then the shoulders are directly above the hips, so Erin's honoring the natural

  • curvature

  • of her spine and then on the inhale, we'll take the arms up high for mountain pose; Tadasana.

  • So Erin,

  • do me a favor and scrunch up real high. See, that's not comfortable for anyone. So we set

  • the heads of

  • the arm bones back into the shoulder girdle and then raise the fingertips up towards the

  • ceiling. I prefer

  • to turn the pinkies in and then spread my hands to really tone up the muscles of the

  • forearms. Gazes

  • forward, chin is slightly lifted and you'll notice Erin has one straight line from heels

  • to hips to shoulders

  • to crown of head and out her hands, so that is our breakdown for Tadasana. I know it seems

  • like there's

  • a lot going on in a fairly simple pose, as you'll find that tends to be the case with

  • almost every Yoga

  • posture you visit as you get deeper into your practice. Please check us out for more posture

  • breakdowns

  • and full-length videos here at Reflexion Yoga. I think that's it for us. I'm Kyle, this is

  • Erin. You guys have a

  • great day.

  • ˛ What's up guys? Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name's Matt, this is Kyle and we're

  • going

  • to break down a pose that comes up a lot in Yoga practice; upward facing dog pose. We're

  • actually

  • just going to talk as we do this, so just start out with downward facing dog, if you

  • would Kyle. So from

  • downward facing dog, just take a moment here, find your distance and our focus here for

  • this is going

  • to be upward facing dog. So we're going to work through the Chaturanga. We have a breakdown

  • of

  • Chaturanga on our site, so we're really going to focus and get into detail on upward facing

  • dog. So come

  • forward to plank if you would, inhale. Exhale, Chaturanga, lower halfway down, thinking about

  • keeping

  • this external rotation of your shoulders. Good. Now from here, flip your feet, press

  • into your palms,

  • lift up through your heart. Come into upward facing dog. So first you'll notice the tops

  • of Kyle's feet

  • have flipped over, so they're on the ground, so avoiding the tucked toes under. And then,

  • press down

  • through your feet so much that your thigh bones start to lift up. Now, starting to get

  • into what's going

  • on here. Think about rolling open through your shoulders and you'll notice Kyle doesn't

  • have a bunch of

  • muscles around his elbows. He's not crunching here, he's rolling open and then his shoulder

  • blades are

  • working down. That allows for his heart to lift up, so his heart's breathing through

  • his chin. He's reaching

  • up through the crown of his head and he's not tilting his chin so that he's crunching

  • on the back of his

  • neck. He's reaching up through the crown of his head and then just reaching back through

  • his ears. So

  • this is kind of a breakdown of what's going on with upward facing dog. Go ahead and tuck

  • your toes and

  • just press back to downward facing dog. So I just threw a lot of information at you there,

  • so feel free

  • to watch this again; that's the beauty of this site. And be sure to check out all our

  • posture breakdowns

  • here on Reflexion Yoga. Thanks.

  • ˛ Hi. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name is Ben, this is our lovely model Casey

  • and today, we're

  • going to be working into downward facing dog. Now we're going to begin this posture in tabletop.

  • So

  • first, we're going to set up the hands. You want the wrists to be underneath the shoulders,

  • but you

  • want your hands to be a little wider than shoulder-width distance. Then your fingers

  • are spread wide,

  • index fingers point straight forward. Once you have your hands set, go ahead and walk

  • your feet back

  • and come to plank pose. So in plank pose, again the shoulders are over the wrists, hug

  • the shoulder

  • blades together to draw the heart forward. Pull the belly in and up to support the lower

  • back and

  • energetically extend back through the heels to create length through your entire body.

  • Now the reason

  • why I'm having Casey come to plank first is because if you set your plank up correctly,

  • plank is going to

  • automatically give you the right distance between your hands and feet for downward facing

  • dog. So go

  • ahead and send your hips high for down dog. Okay so again, plank gives you that distance

  • between your

  • hands and feet. Now once you come into down dog, you want to actively grip the mat with

  • the hands.

  • Your fingertips root down and the knuckles at the top of the hand root down. And then

  • energetically

  • draw the power up into your arms and feel the chest move back towards your thighs. But

  • at the same

  • time, you want to draw the head and the arm bones forward so that you stay strong and

  • supported.

  • Now as the hips rise, you're going to allow the heels to mount down towards the mat and

  • feel the

  • backs of the legs open. Not everyone's going to be able to bring their heels flat to the

  • mat. In fact, not

  • everyone's going to be able to keep a long, lengthy spine like this. So if that's the

  • case, know that it is

  • okay to take a subtle bend of the knees to help you create that length in your spine.

  • And if your heels

  • don't go all the way down to the mat, don't let that stress you out as well. Go ahead,

  • come back forward

  • to plank and then release to tabletop.

  • Thank you for joining us. Namaste.

  • ˛ Hi guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. I'm Julia and today, Kyle and I are going

  • to be showing

  • you a crescent lunge. So stepping forward with the front leg, Kyle's going to show you

  • here on his

  • left side. When you come into a crescent lunge, you're opening up a lot in the hip flexor.

  • You want to

  • stay low in your lunge. Again, just like our warrior poses, we want this 90° bend in the

  • front leg. What

  • we're doing here is we're strengthening our legs. We're really rooting into our bodies.

  • So knee presses

  • forward enough, you want the stacking knee over ankle. You're going to hear this a lot

  • but this is an

  • important part of these poses. Reach the arms up towards the ceiling. Now if you start to

  • reach the

  • arms up and your shoulders are lifting up towards your ears, drop them down your back.

  • So you should

  • have imagined grapefruits in-between your shoulders and your ears. You have that much

  • space there.

  • Shoulder blades are coming together, so if you're super tight, you're rounding forward,

  • then I'm going to

  • invite you to bring your palms forward. The palms come forward and the head and the shoulder

  • bones

  • are to draw back. If you need to modify this pose, drop your back knee down to the floor.

  • There is never

  • anything wrong with modifying this if you feel super tight one day. We want this opening

  • in the hip

  • flexor. Again, so you want to keep the front knee forward and if you can't do that with

  • the legs straight,

  • then drop down. Kyle's going to lift his knee just so you can see this again. Now if you

  • start to pull the

  • butt back, I want you to root down towards the floor so that you have a full length in

  • your spine coming

  • out of this pose. And that's our crescent lunge.

  • ˛ Hi guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. I'm Julia, and today Erin and I are going

  • to be showing you

  • warrior two. So coming into the right leg, warrior two posture is something that we do

  • in most of our

  • classes when we come into any kind of warrior sequence. You're drawing the front knee forward,

  • so

  • notice Erin's knee is stacked over the ankle. Our goal here is to come down deep enough

  • that we have

  • a 90° bend in our front leg. Now noticing where your back leg is, the back leg is straight,

  • not locking,

  • pressing the knee out but keeping a soft knee here, engaging your leg. Outer edge of the

  • foot is pressing

  • into the ground. Now you're looking over your front arm. If this is really hard on the neck,

  • you can

  • always look forward -- whatever feels more comfortable. But our goal here is to keep

  • looking over the

  • fingertips, so your middle finger, you're looking directly over the finger. Shoulders

  • come together on the

  • back. We want this engagement, so think about where all parts of your body are. Inner thighs

  • are lifting,

  • you're rooting your tailbone down, not to curl the tailbone but lengthening in the spine

  • so that you root.

  • Now coming out, Erin's going to show you now on the left side. Your feet are perpendicular,

  • so your feet

  • are at a 90° angle. Your heels are in one line. Your toes pressing forward, knees are

  • pressing forward.

  • Again, staying low enough that you find this 90° bend in the front leg. Again, look forward

  • if you need to,

  • if your neck is hurting you. Coming out of this pose. And that is warrior two.

  • ˛ Hi. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name is Ben, this is our model, Julia. And

  • the pose that

  • we're going to be working today is extended side angle. Okay, we're going to be starting

  • for this pose

  • beginning in a lunge. So setting up your lunge, the first thing you want to make sure is that

  • your feet

  • are parallel, running inner hip-width distance apart. Your back leg is strong and active,

  • the hands are

  • under the shoulders and your front knee is stacked over your front ankle. Okay, now the

  • reason why you

  • want to set your feet parallel is when you spin your back foot flat (go ahead and spin

  • the back foot flat),

  • when your feet are parallel, your front heel is going to automatically bisect the back

  • of the foot. That

  • way, you'll have the right foot stance for extended side angle. Now what Julia's going

  • to do is she's going

  • to go and bring her right elbow on top of her left knee and then bring her left bicep

  • by her left ear and

  • reach forward and up. Again in an extended side angle, you want to try to create length

  • all the way from

  • the outside edge of your foot out through the fingertips of the hand. As you reach the

  • hand forward,

  • you want to relax the shoulder back and down and then press the right elbow into the right

  • knee to help

  • you spiral the lung to the sky. And then gaze under the armpit and breathe. So this is a

  • basic way to get

  • in the pose. You can take this posture deeper by bringing the hand to the outside edge of

  • the foot. Okay,

  • now not all of us are going to be open enough to do this right away, so if you do have a

  • block and you

  • want to practice on getting deeper, you can bring that block to the outside of the foot

  • and use the block

  • to help support and lift the torso, then eventually remove the block to help you deepen the pose.

  • Go

  • ahead and release.

  • All right, so now we're going to go ahead and give you the back view of the extended

  • side angle. So

  • go ahead and bring the elbow down to the knee, the bicep by the ear, fingertips reaching

  • forward. So

  • again, you want to create length all the way from the outside edge of the foot. Again,

  • you want it sealed

  • down to the mat, the back leg strong and active and again, there's length through the leg

  • all the way

  • out through the fingertips and again, as you reach forward, you want to hug the shoulder

  • blade onto

  • the back, creating space between your ear and your shoulder. And then again, use the

  • elbow to press

  • into the knee to help you spiral the bottom lung up to the sky, allowing you to twist,

  • gaze upwards and

  • breathe. And again, to deepen the pose, you can always bring the hand to the outside edge

  • of the foot,

  • but if you're not ready to bring the hand all the way down, you can always bring a block

  • to the outside

  • edge of the foot and use the block to help you support you in the pose. And that's our

  • extended side

  • angle. Thank you.

  • ˛ Hi guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. I'm Julia and today, Erin and I are going

  • to be showing you

  • reverse warrior. So coming into a lunge, we come into this pose similarly as we do into

  • a warrior two.

  • You'll notice these poses a lot through our flows. Important here to come into the legs

  • first. So here,

  • Erin's knee is stacking over her ankles, she's drawing herself forward. Now for reverse warrior,

  • you take

  • the back arm, start to draw the arm down the leg. You're coming into a side bend, so reaching

  • the right

  • arm up, you're scooping back. Now lengthening here, if you start to rotate back, be sure

  • that your chest

  • is still square and you're lifting out of the right side, reaching back. You can start

  • here, keeping the hand

  • onto the leg. When you feel ready, this back arm is going to wrap behind you and you keep

  • stretching

  • back. Point the fingers back so the palm is coming back, looking up towards the ceiling

  • to where the

  • momentum is going. Coming out of this pose, you come back into the warrior two, so you

  • want to keep

  • the legs really engaged here. And that's our reverse warrior.

  • ˛ Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name is ben, this is our lovely model Julia and

  • today we're

  • going to be breaking down tree pose Vrikshasana. Okay, so we're just going to have Julia stand

  • facing

  • the camera and what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead, reach down, grab

  • your right foot

  • and bring it to the inside of your left thigh. Once you have that set, go ahead and bring

  • your hands to

  • heart center. So I'm going to leave Julia here for a moment. Now, not everyone's going

  • to be able to

  • bring their foot to the inside of their thigh. If this is the case, if you're one of those

  • people that are

  • bringing your foot up into your leg and you're constantly having your foot slide down and

  • you're

  • constantly grabbing your foot, then you're not actually practicing balancing. You're

  • just practicing

  • grabbing your foot and letting it slide down your leg. So if that's the case, what you

  • want to do is just

  • simply bring your foot to either your calf or your ankle. It doesn't matter where the

  • foot's at, as long as

  • you're just balancing on one leg. So once you have your foot placed either on the inside

  • of your thigh,

  • your calf or your ankle, let's go ahead on work on activating our midline. So what you

  • want to do is you

  • want to feel your leg press into your foot, and your foot press into your leg. Now when

  • this happens,

  • you want to draw the belly in and up and hug the knee out to the side to help you open

  • the hip and then

  • when the belly draws in and up, that's going to help you elevate the heart and then when

  • you're ready,

  • go ahead and reach the hands high. And this is your tree pose, Vrikshasana. Go ahead,

  • bring your hands

  • to heart center and release the foot to the mat. So again, we'll go ahead and show you

  • this pose from

  • the side again so that you can see the opening and closing of the knee. A lot of times, peoples'

  • knees will

  • be in. You want to hug the knee out. So go ahead and face the front of the mat and we'll

  • go ahead and

  • switch things up. Go ahead and now reach down and grab the left foot, bring it to the inside

  • of the right

  • thigh, calf or ankle and once you've got your foot set, return the hands to the heart center.

  • Again,

  • feeling strong in your balancing leg. Activate the midline by pressing foot into thigh, thigh

  • into foot.

  • Then draw the belly in and up and allow your knee to open up to the side. Feel the heart

  • lifted and then

  • go ahead, reach the hands high. Bring your hands to heart center and release the foot

  • to the mat. So,

  • that's our tree pose, Vrikshasana. Now not everyone's going to be able to balance as

  • gracefully as Julia,

  • so know that if you do sway and wobble as you practice this pose, know that's okay.

  • Practice makes

  • perfect. Thank you again for joining us at Reflexion Yoga. Please check out the rest

  • of our posture

  • videos. Thank you.

  • ˛ Hey guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. I'm Kyle, this is Erin. She's one of our instructors

  • on the

  • site. Today, she's going to be our model for this posture breakdown where we visit eagle

  • pose. Eagle

  • pose is a really interesting one. It's a one-legged balance and it's also what they call a compression

  • pose,

  • so we're binding at the joints which tends to slow down the blood flow which in general,

  • over long

  • periods of time, not a good thing. But when you do it in short burst, what it does is

  • it slows blood flow

  • and then you get this huge, huge burst of blood that is rich in nutrients, oxygen; all

  • that good Yoga juju

  • and delivers it straight to your muscles. So we're going to have Erin demo actually

  • two ways; one facing

  • forward so you can see that view and then one from the profile. So let's get started.

  • We'll ground down

  • and we'll start on the right side here to begin with. So really ground through the four

  • corners of the right

  • foot and then begin to sit the hips back, like you're sitting into chair pose. And then

  • take the arms up,

  • find chair briefly, and the left arm is going to wrap underneath the right. So from here,

  • if you guys are

  • real tight in the shoulders, go ahead and bring the hands to the shoulders here. If

  • you want a deeper

  • bind, you take that left arm, wrap it and you can connect at the back of the hands if

  • you'd like or Erin is

  • showcasing of course, bringing palm to palm. So for all you big dudes out there that are

  • really tight in

  • the shoulders, move slowly through this. Getting palm to palm comes with time. And now to go

  • into full

  • eagle, we ground down through the right foot and left leg begins to rise and come on over

  • the right. So

  • we're bound at the elbows and we're bound at the knees. Now Erin's using her left toes

  • as a kickstand

  • here. If you want to take it a bit deeper and make it a one-legged balance, you can

  • begin to bring those

  • left toes off of the earth and if you can, then bind them all the way around that right

  • shin. Not all of us

  • can get there. I for one, certainly cannot. We'll give Erin just a little break. Go ahead,

  • come out, unwind.

  • Take the arms tall. After eagle, I just kind of like to shimmy out the hips, wiggle out

  • the arms and the

  • legs. Here, we'll have her move on into the front of the mat here so you can get the profile

  • view of what

  • this looks like. So we begin once again by sitting the hips down, arms go up, getting

  • into our chair. And

  • this time, right arm comes underneath the left. Hands to shoulders, hand to hand on

  • the back side or

  • palm to palm if you can get it. And then when you're ready, root down through the left foot

  • and the

  • right leg comes up and over. So you notice, Erin can get her toes to the ground here or

  • bring them up

  • and take them around her shin. One thing about eagle pose, the deeper you sit into it, the

  • easier it

  • becomes. Now Erin's already pretty good with her arms here. For those of you at home, think

  • of lifting,

  • so your elbows are parallel to shoulders and then taking forearms away from the face. And

  • I think she's

  • had enough. We'll come on out. Go ahead, unwind, shimmy it out. So that's a good one to practice.

  • You

  • see this a lot in the flows that we do here on Reflexion Yoga or you see it a lot in the

  • studios as well, if

  • you practice there. So take the time, practice your eagle. It might feel a little weird at

  • first but like all

  • Yoga postures, of course it comes with time. I think we're all good to go here. Thank you

  • guys for joining

  • ˛ Hey everybody. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. Today's posture breakdown is definitely

  • a special

  • one. Everyone's most beloved pose in all of Yoga, that is of course Shavasana, dead man's

  • pose, corpse

  • pose; whatever you want to call it. A few things I'll say before we move into the breakdown

  • of where

  • the body should be. Is that the reason we end every practice in a Shavasana is because

  • you just put

  • yourself through quite a bit of work and the Yoga philosophy is that you need to give your

  • body an

  • opportunity to rest in order to absorb the benefits of the hard work. So physically,

  • it is the single easiest

  • pose that you could possibly do in all of Yoga, mentally it is by far in a way the most

  • challenging. What

  • you want to do is only hear, feel, think about your breath and at some point, you even want

  • to detach

  • from that and not be thinking about anything. So thoughts will come into the mind, just

  • let them go. You

  • can revisit them later, I assure you.

  • So we'll have Alyssa just pop right into Shavasana and queue through a couple of things here.

  • So the

  • entire body lays flat here. You're seeing if you can really take the shape of your mat.

  • Your feet and your

  • hands spray out wide to wherever they land. If you have some space at home, I definitely

  • recommend

  • taking up as much space as possible, sort of making a human star on the floor. If you

  • can practice in the

  • studio and you have a person that's a few inches away from you, obviously, you've got

  • to be a bit more

  • mindful of that. So palms facing up, both shoulders are plugged into the ground. The

  • heart is shining

  • up towards the sky and then the feet actually begin to spray open as well. So in Shavasana,

  • there's

  • no movement; maybe just a slight rise and fall of the belly. We have this at the end

  • of practice, so it's

  • a great opportunity of course, to let your breath return to its natural state. Drawing

  • big, long inhales

  • through nose and then just gently releasing out the mouth. And then eventually, the breath

  • returns to

  • something so normal that it's not even audible any more. So during Shavasana, if at the beginning,

  • you

  • have to wiggle out, maybe do a bit of fidgeting, that's okay but the idea here is to settle

  • in to complete

  • in total stillness. Let the mind go. And so we'll end this posture breakdown here but

  • for those of you

  • at home, just know at the end of every practice, whether we cut the video short at Reflexion

  • Yoga or

  • your practicing just on your own, stay in Shavasana for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes

  • at the end of every

  • single practice. This is definitely a pose you don't want to rush through. Okay? If you're

  • doing AM Yoga,

  • this one will set you up for the day, give you a calm, clear mind. If you're doing evening

  • Yoga, this one

  • will definitely start to relax the mind and calm you down, get you ready for bed. So that's

  • it for our

  • posture breakdown of Shavasana. Please come back and check us out for more videos. Bye

  • guys.

Hey guys. Welcome back to Reflexion Yoga. My name's Kyle. If you've been on the site


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