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  • - [Narrator] Manta rays are very large.

  • They're one of the largest animals in the ocean.

  • Certainly they're the largest of any of the ray species.

  • They can get up to about 25 feet across.

  • When they come towards you and they're that size,

  • they look like an alien spacecraft as they go overhead.

  • They actually block out the sun.

  • It's just so incredible to be that close to such

  • a large animal, especially one that you don't have to fear.

  • My name's Andrea Marshall.

  • I'm a manta ray researcher and a marine biologist.

  • I've been in love with the ocean all of my life.

  • Ever since I could remember, I wanted to be

  • a marine biologist.

  • When I moved out to Africa with the intention

  • of studying things like great white sharks,

  • I actually shifted my focus over to manta rays

  • when I realized that no one had ever done

  • a study on manta rays before.

  • (soft classical music)

  • One of the things that makes manta rays so special is

  • that they're large and sometimes people feel frightened

  • by them just because of their sheer size,

  • but actually they're one of the most gentle animals

  • in the entire ocean.

  • (soft classical music)

  • Manta rays are very intelligent animal.

  • They actually have the largest brain of any marine fish,

  • but one of the things that surprises me the most is

  • just the fact that they seek out encounters with humans.

  • So this isn't an animal that swims away from you,

  • this is an animal that swims to you.

  • They recognize you almost as a friend.

  • (soft music)

  • (motor runs)

  • (upbeat music)

  • Southern Mozambique is just an incredible location.

  • I've lived here for the last 15 years

  • and even though I travel all over the world

  • to do my work, I enjoy coming back here

  • because this is such a wild place.

  • It's so exciting.

  • One of the reasons I began work on mantas is

  • because I knew that these animals were under threat.

  • Recently you know within the last 15 to 20 years,

  • they have started to be fished for Asian tonics

  • and as a result of this, we've seen manta populations

  • crashing across the globe.

  • Even here in Mozambique where we don't even have

  • a very aggressive fishery, we've seen

  • the population collapse by up to about 98%

  • over the last 15 years.

  • We're starting to lose them faster

  • than we can study them.

  • So it's really important for me to get

  • these messages across to people

  • who don't have the opportunity to peak down

  • into the underwater world.

  • (soft music)

- [Narrator] Manta rays are very large.


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B1 中級 美國腔

與海洋中的和平巨人--蝠鱝一起游泳 (Swim With Manta Rays, the Ocean's Peaceful Giants)

  • 158 7
    Justin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日