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  • Hi there, I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crashcourse Mythology and today is the first of a few

  • episodes focused on one of the greatest aspects of myths-in-general: Mythical cvreatures.

  • More specifically: monsters.

  • And today: one, terrible, international monster in particular.

  • But don't worry Thoth, I'll protect you.

  • Uuhhas long as you also promise to protect me.

  • HEY!



  • INTRO What do we mean by the wordmonster”?

  • Well, quite a lot!

  • In English we usemonsterto describe something or someone outside the bounds of

  • acceptable form or behavior.

  • Monster comes from the Latin word that meansto show,” and we see its root in words

  • like demonstrate.

  • But, monsters don't just act monstrously, their monstrosity is usually pretty visible

  • without much action.

  • Almost any mythical creature could technically qualify as a monster, but from our studies

  • you probably get a sense it's trickier than that.

  • Unicorns, for instance, are way outside normal appearance and behavior... but no one calls

  • them monsters.

  • The sphinx provides another way to think through this.

  • There are actually a number of sphinxesbut most applicable here are the Egyptian Androsphinxes,

  • with a male head... like the Great Sphinx at Giza, and the Greek Sphinx, with a female

  • head.

  • The Egyptian Sphinx was mighty, and powerful - but mostly considered benevolent, guarding

  • entrances to temples and pyramids.

  • While the Greek Sphinx was considered FEROCIOUSand would mercilessly eat those who were

  • not able to answer her riddle.

  • So we might ask - in that duo - which is the creature? and whichis the monst er?

  • Beyond some naturalistic boundary, to get labeled a “monster,” a mythical creature

  • usually has to transgress some kind of social boundary, as well.

  • If you consider it from a psychological perspective, particular brands of monstrosity often embody

  • particular human fears.

  • Shapeshifters aren't automaticallymonstroussimply because they change formsthink of

  • Professor McGonagall, or even The Doctorbut because often that ability can be used to

  • DECEIVEthink Mystiqueor lead to UNCONTROLLABLE URGES, like with werewolves.

  • Vampires are another example: they may be a human-bat combobut that's not REALLY

  • why they're monstrous.

  • Vampires are bad because of their thirst for human blood - which is a pretty serious transgression

  • of social norms.

  • Often some naturalistic transgression is simply an outward sign of what makes monsters TRULY

  • evil: what anthropology professor David Gilmore calls, anunmotivated wickedness towards

  • humans.”

  • This can take ... different forms.

  • The most common version is: monsters eat people.

  • But sometimes that wickedness is more complicated, and has more to do with the person who is

  • afraid than the thing doing the scaring.

  • But why do monsters even exist?

  • Well, lots of reasons!

  • Monsters are often sent by gods to punish humans for some transgression.

  • One of the most common images of a monster in western art for example, is the sea monster

  • sent by Poseidon to devour Andromeda.

  • Why?

  • Because her mother Cassiopeia had bragged that she was more beautiful than the Nereids.

  • Humans, just... don't brag when gods are around.

  • It never goes well.

  • Luckily, Andromeda was saved by Perseus.

  • And hey, that's another reason to have some monsters around: you gotta give heroes something

  • to fight!

  • Our friend Joseph Campbell, among otshers, has identified the basic pattern of hero vs

  • monster stories.

  • It's a three-part, repetitive cycle where the monster mysteriously appears from a dark

  • shadow world to menace some previously-peaceful locale.

  • After the monster brings death and destruction, the besieged community calls upon a hero who

  • saves them.

  • The community rejoices, only to have the monster, or one of the monster's kin, return and

  • re-start the cycle.

  • A classic example of this is Beowulf.

  • Grendel shows up, Beowulf defeats him, and just when he thinks he's all done, Grendel's

  • MOM shows up, and Beowulf has to get all heroic all over again.

  • Today, however, we have a monster even more terrifying than Grendel's super mad momma.

  • This incredibly frightening monster comes from

  • Canada.

  • Sorry, Thoughtbubble: this one's for you, eh.

  • Once upon a time in the late 19th century, a first nations group is living in a camp

  • on the Berens River.

  • One day, a hunter is driven by hunger and leaves camp to go trapping.

  • A few days later, people in the camp hear the trapper screaming and howling in the woods.

  • Everyone knows what's happening.

  • The trapper has become a Wendigo, a terrifying, man-eating ogre.

  • But wait.

  • It gets worse.

  • A brave group goes to look for the trapper and find his family, all dead.

  • And hey, worse still, half eaten.

  • They return and tell their story, and panic runs through the camp.

  • The people know that soon the Wendigo will come for them, and they don't feel like

  • being eaten.

  • So they call a council.

  • At the council an intrepid young warrior named Rotten Log stands up and volunteers to fight

  • the Wendigo.

  • That night they go to the forest and build a fire.

  • Sure enough, a huge monster arrives, Thisis almost certainly the Wendigo.

  • The Wendigo attacks Rotten Log, trying to slash his throat and eat him, but Rotten Log

  • has a guardian spirit he calls on to save him.

  • The spirit gives Rotten Log supernatural strength, and after a long battle, he finally defeats

  • the Wendigo.

  • The hunters bring the creature back to the camp and the people rejoice.

  • But the Wendigo isn't dead.

  • Not yet.

  • The only way to kill a Wendigo is to melt its icy heart.

  • So the peoplethrow him on a raging fire.

  • The flames heat the beast, his heart defrosts, and the Wendigo finally dies.

  • Thank you Thoughtbubble.

  • Yeah, as far as ogres go, I think I prefer Shrek.

  • As I mentioned that this story was from Canada, but there are countless others.

  • According to Gilmore, the Wendigo has the distinction of being the monster whose mythology

  • has the greatest geographical reach in the world.

  • Wendigo stories, and the hysteria that accompanies them, have been reported all across Canada

  • and as far south as...North Dakota.

  • They are common among most of the Algonquian-speaking native tribes, but especially the Ojibwa and

  • Salteaux Manitoba.

  • The Wendigo is, in many ways, the quintessential monster.

  • It's big, it has superhuman strength, and it's really mean to people.

  • Wendigos are humanoid in appearance, with two legs, but almost everything else about

  • them is misshapen and grotesque.

  • Their hands are paws with twelve inch long claws, and their feet, each a yard long, have

  • a single toe with one long, sharp nail.

  • Wendigos have huge yellow eyes, like an owl, and a giant mouth and no lips, because their

  • cannibalistic hunger causes them to devour THEIR own flesh.

  • Their breath is so powerful and loud that it seems like a windstorm, and their howling

  • sends those who hear it into a panic.

  • Think you can hide from a Wendigo?

  • Maybe in the river?

  • Nope.

  • They can walk on water or swim beneath it like a seal.

  • They can subsist on mushrooms, rotting wood, moss... basically anything you find on the

  • forest floor.

  • But their favorite food is people, and THATreally, is what makes them MONSTERS.

  • There are both male and female Wendigos and when a male and female meet, they fight until

  • one of them dies.

  • Butif male and female Wendigos would rather fight than breed, then where do new

  • Wendigos come from?

  • A monster stork maybe?

  • As the story makes clear, they come from us, the ranks of the desperate and hungry.

  • Ordinary humans, often driven by hunger, can become possessed by the spirit of the Wendigo

  • and turn to cannibalism.

  • These metamorphoses are often brought on by the starvation that can occur in cold winter

  • months.

  • In many of the stories, this Wendigo possession is accompanied by incredible physical changes.

  • A person who hasgone Wendigowill grow in size and their appearance will become coarse

  • and wild.

  • As the Wendigo's heart freezes, the urge to eat human flesh grows, eventually becoming

  • irresistible.

  • This idea that anyone can transform into a Wendigo is found in the most typical Wendigo

  • origin story.

  • That very first, ancient Wendigo was a Native North American who was transformed into a

  • monster by overpowering hunger.

  • This story is so real to many who hear it that it has caused actual Wendigo panics in

  • Canada up through the twentieth century.

  • How do we understand the endurance of the Wendigo legend?

  • Well, I think just about all of us can agree that cannibalism is a pretty terrifying and

  • taboo thing.

  • The Wendigo represents a fear of cannibalism and a fear that we might lose control of ourselves

  • and violate, perhaps violently, some set of social norms, likenot eating your neighbor.

  • People usually don't grow three-foot monster toes, but they do sometimes lose their grip.

  • Which is to say, themonster legendis alive and well... although maybe more as

  • a metaphor than as a real yellow-eyed creature.

  • All humans have the capacity to become monstrous.

  • Even me... and maybe even...

  • Thoth.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • We'll see you next weekunless this guy sees you first.

Hi there, I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crashcourse Mythology and today is the first of a few


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B1 中級 美國腔

怪獸:他們是我們,男人。世界神話速成班#36 (Monsters. They're Us, Man: Crash Course World Mythology #36)

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