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  • One of the things that I do daily as an entrepreneur and blogger is checking your DMS on

  • Instagram and sometimes I find that the questions are really really basic but I also understand that in some questions

  • I'm a real pro

  • So I get it when you ask me them

  • But I recently realized that the skills that you should learn in 2018 that can definitely change your life

  • it's googling. When you google something and when you ask yourself first, you can get a lot more information. "Google it."

  • And yes, I normally understand that sometimes a person can help you better, but it's also about saving other person's time

  • Like I'm this blogger who is still getting back to you on DMs.

  • I don't really answer comments on YouTube because that's too much but I always read them. So I know some bloggers wouldn't do that

  • I reach out to some famous people asking them a question. They would never reply

  • They're always looking for something that people can offer them instead of like giving back

  • I still try to give back to my community and answer those questions

  • What my CTO have recently told me when I kept asking him stupid questions

  • He was like Marina buy yourself this golden Roberta put it on your desk

  • And whenever you have a question, please ask the duck first

  • Maybe it has an answer because you know why there are some questions that you don't have to ask, the answer is in your head

  • In other situations, you can just google because sometimes people ask me like Marina. How do I learn English?

  • But I also understand there are some specific questions like Marina

  • How do I get financial aid for my bachelor's and I think it's really important to answer them

  • So I'm starting my own podcast where I will answer your questions

  • So the link will be below subscribe! When you google, when you watch other

  • Professionals speak about the topic you're interested in you become the best in whatever you do

  • And I'm especially talking about professions like marketing SMM

  • Social media like you can do so many things yourself without having the proper education

  • I recently talked to a chief marketing officer of a company

  • Everybody knows like it's a huge company and she was talking about

  • Really stupid things. I was like I couldn't really understand how she can be a CMO without understanding the basic. Current education,

  • It's good. But I also think that self education rocks this world like on your own with Google with YouTube

  • You can learn a lot in this world. And another thing that I just found out there are some professions like doctors

  • Okay, you have to have 12 years of education

  • But in some topics like for example hair health or whatever trichology

  • I visited a couple of doctors in Russia and they're like they were so tired of their jobs

  • They were like, yes, they got their doctor education whatever but they just didn't care about the customer

  • But when I reached out to a blogger who has no education being a doctor

  • But she has hair that is that long and she's interested in the health of hair

  • She gave me so much advice and I'm like wow

  • If you google if you're really interested in the topic, you can become top specialist

  • That's why guys skill to learn in 2018

  • Googling, watching YouTube videos, and self-education. Subscribe to my podcast and I'll see you soon

One of the things that I do daily as an entrepreneur and blogger is checking your DMS on


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A2 初級 美國腔

2018年要學會的終極技能。 (THE ULTIMATE SKILL TO LEARN IN 2018)

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    Quiet 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日