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Hey guys welcome to my channel in this video
I'm gonna give you top 50 English phrases that you can use in your everyday life
So if you are just about to embark on your journey to an english-speaking country, you can totally use this
Phrases if you have been learning English for a while and you want to resume learning
This is the best video to start with so let's go 50 phrases in English in hopefully 10 minutes
Phrase number one this is another way to ask. How are you? How is it going? How's it going?
So you meet someone and you time how is it going?
Phrase number two when you haven't seen somebody for a while you tell him a long time no see
So that means that you haven't seen this person maybe weeks or months a long time no see phrase number
three if you want to ask you what have you been doing
You ask what have you been up to so what was going on in your life?
What have you been up to raise them before if everything is going? Well you can just answer can't complain
Everything is really cool. Can't complain
next phrase somebody tells you something and you haven't really mentioned it in the
Conversation like they guess somehow that you have a new job, and you ask him. How do you know?
Where did you get the news like how do you know if somebody tells a cool joke you can tell that's a good one
That's a great joke so the phrase is that's a good one
If you want to thank somebody you can say it's very kind of you
Thank you so much for doing that that's very kind of you it is very
Kind of you if somebody was trying to help you, but couldn't reach the result you can say. Thank you anyway
It doesn't matter, but thank you anyway. Thank you for your effort. No
Thank you anyway, and another phrase that I use in my email sometimes when I haven't asked for a person
I ask and then I say in the end
Thank you in advance, which means that I really hope that you're gonna. Do it some thanking you in advance
Thank you in advance if somebody made a mistake, and he's really
Upset about it. You can just say no worries. Don't worry
No worries, which means don't worry about it. It's fine. No worries imagine
You came home and there are all of your friends sitting on your couch
And you're like what's going on in here like what are you doing here?
What is going on if you didn't catch something or it didn't understand the person you can always ask did I get you right?
And then go ahead and explain where you got did I get you right?
If you ask somebody not to be upset not to cry you can say don't take it to heart
Don't take it to heart like seriously don't be so upset don't take it to heart
Another way to ask if you didn't catch a part of a phrase you can say I didn't catch the last word
I'm sorry
Can you repeat it because I didn't catch the last word if he wants somebody to repeat the whole phrase again
You can say sorry. I wasn't listening because maybe you were busy
Maybe you were talking on the phone and somebody was talking to you, and you're like. Oh my god. Sorry
I wasn't listening. Can you repeat it?
I'm sorry. I wasn't listening another phrase that I use all the time
It doesn't matter like don't worry if you drop your coffee all over me. It's like it doesn't matter. I'll be fine
I'm going to laundry anyway
It doesn't matter if you want to wish somebody luck
And I always do that you can say fingers crossed and you cross the fingers like that
fingers crossed
another phrase that Americans use is Oh bad that explains it and
The situation is you didn't get something and then you get an extra effect, and you get it
And you're like oh that that explains it that explains it
Another way to tell the person to not be upset is you can say things happen like it's okay
Things happen do not be upset if you don't have the name of a person you want to talk to him
You can say sorry to bother you you know you see
Somebody's busy you can always say sorry to bother you and then you can go ahead and ask
Sorry to bother you
If you are in the middle of something in somebody's asking you something you can say oh
You're in the middle of something and somebody somebody's asking you to do something you say, I'm sorry
I'll be with you in a minute
I'll be with you in and then you resume doing something and you say where were we?
Like when did we stop where were we and you have to repeat it because what it's the sound that somebody some people
mistake with B
So this is a great way to practice where were we again if you're in the middle of a conversation?
and you didn't get what the other person was saying you can say you were saying and with a question mark
Which means which prompts the person to repeat once again?
You were saying
If somebody got a job of his dreams of whatever you can say
Lucky you or somebody got into the university of their dreams like lucky you
this is a way of congratulating the person lucky you or like just
Emphasizing that he's lucky lucky
you another way to say that you're really angry is to say I freaked out like I was so angry I
Freaked out this is super angry. Oh, this is like almost crazy. I freaked out
Another phrase that native speakers use is good for you
and this could be both positive and negative when you say I got promoted and if they say good for you like congratulations and
Sometimes if you say like I'm leaving this place. They're like good for you
It would be better without you and this is a negative meaning so really listen to the intonation
If something surprises you you can also say you gotta be kidding me like oh my god
I cannot believe it you gotta be kidding me
To tell somebody to smile and to be happy you can always say cheer up cheer up
If you want somebody just sound like crying and complaining about something that is not happening you can say come
I'm you can do it I?
Come on. You can do it
You can pass the TOEFL you can pass the GMAT you will get it come on. You can do it
If somebody is doing really well, you can tell them keep up the good work keep up the good work
Like be as good as you are and keep up the good work continue being
Another phrase is colloquial, and this is what Americans say. That's lit which means that's amazing
Many Americans said in California. Oh that's lit and you probably heard it in songs
That's lit if somebody is successful after failures, so you can say there you go
I told you you're gonna make it there you go
If somebody's asking you if you're tired
And you want to say you're not tired at all you can say not a bit nah. I want to continue
I'm not tired not of it when somebody is asking you
Are you sure and you're pretty sure you can say there is no room for that?
There is no room for doubt in America if you want to SMS somebody or send them a message
you say
text to text so I'll text you means I will send you a message through whatsapp or a
Telegram or messenger of whatever using I'll text you
Again to cheer somebody up to tell them to not be upset you can say it's not worth it
Like why are you crying? It's not worth it. You're so much better than the problem
You are crying about it's not worth your tears. It's not worth it
I personally love the phrase you rock which means you're amazing. Oh my god. You rock you rock?
No, you've done an amazing job. You rock if somebody's not working really well, and you want them to work harder
You can say you should go an extra mile
Which means like work harder you should go an extra mile
Another way to say the very same thing you can say step up your game like work harder work better
Step up your game. If somebody's crying and doesn't want it. It sinks you say pull yourself together
Like literally take yourself and pull yourself together stop working stop crying pull yourself together. Hey calm down
yourself together
another phrase that
I love you sold me because sometimes people describe their trip or somebody they bought and they describe it is so well
And they're like I want to buy the same thing and I tell them you sold it you sold me I wouldn't buy this
Alright, you sold me if you're not interested in the conversation. You're like sitting you can say I could not care less
This is so boring. I'm not interested. I couldn't care less if
Somebody's asking you something and this is a really easy decision for you like somebody tells you take my 1 million dollars
And you say this is a no-brainer. I'll take it. This is a no-brainer means
It's a really easy decision for you if you've done something wrong and you admit it you can say I screwed up
Yes guys. I know. I'm sorry. I screwed up. This is my mistake. I screwed up
I screwed it up if you want somebody to work instead of me
you can say can you cover me like can you work instead of me while I'm
seeing my friend
Can you cover me it's time to leave and guys I'd better be going which means I should go already
It's you know. It's actually 1 9 p.m.. Right now. I'd better be going another way to say goodbye
I can say take care, which means take care of yourself. I'll see you later
Take care. I don't know what day is it when you're watching this video, but if it's Friday for example weekend
You can say thank heavens is Friday or think heavens said Saturday weekend discovery
I'm so happy this was it guys 50 phrases in English
Let me know if this was helpful by liking this video and commenting below if you know any more cool phrases. That would be great
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