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What happens when you drink lemon water?
[ah] the humble lemon this little yellow fruit has so many wonderful uses that you've probably never heard of
[~啊~]這顆不起眼的黃檸檬 有很棒的好處,是你從不知道的
Do you know what happens to your body when you drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning try it out right now?
當你每天早上喝一杯溫檸檬水, 身體會發生什麼現象呢?
The results will impress you in less than a month
這個結果不用一個月 就能讓你印象深刻
Here's an ultimate list of Eleven health and beauty benefits of Lemon water
現在就告訴你檸檬水對 健康和美容的11項好處
Number Eleven will definitely make you say wow and change your morning Routine forever
這11項絕對會讓你發出「哇!」 並永遠改變你早晨的例行常規
One it improves your digestive health
It's often said that a healthy digestive system is the Cornerstone of good health
Lemons are a primary source of Pectin fiber
Which is necessary for good call and health therefore a glass of warm lemon water acts as a kickstart for your digestive system
Reminding it to eliminate accumulated waste from the previous day
- it keeps the right balance of minerals in your body
00:01:05,389 --> 00:01:08,600 2.維持體內礦物質平衡
before energy drinks
00:01:11,240 --> 00:01:17,540 在能量飲料、口服補鹽液和 葡萄糖電解質液充斥市場前
Rehydration salts and glucose electrolyte solutions flooded the market Lemon water was used as a highly efficient
Dehydration treatment when we exercise we lose minerals including sodium potassium and chloride through sweat
當我們運動時會經由流汗失去礦物質, 包含鈉離子、鉀離子和氯離子
Drinking water alone will rehydrate you but if you had a few slices of lemon [it] will speed up the process
[of] rebalancing the minerals in your body
3 Lemon water improves your eyesight
You remember being told as a child that eating carrots would make you see in the dark well
你還記得小時候有人跟你說 吃胡蘿蔔就可以使你在暗處看得見
There's a new manager in town as a citrus fruit lemons are packed full [of] Vitamin C and antioxidants
作為柑橘類水果的檸檬 富含維生素C和抗氧化劑
Which work together to form a [protective] effect against cataracts and macular degeneration?
It's time to make some lemon water isn't it
number four it makes your skin soft
Now this one seems like it should be [a] no-brainer
[since] we all know that staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is the number one thing
You should do for your skin turn that water into lemon water and you'll get [supercharged] benefits lemons contain powerful
你應該為你的皮膚著想,將水轉為檸檬水, 並且你會得到檸檬所含的強大好處
Antioxidants so that you'll notice a decrease in blemishes and wrinkles and smoother healthier looking skin [as] a result of its
抗氧化劑因其排除毒素的效果讓您看到 肌膚的瑕疵和皺紋減少,讓肌膚更光滑健康
detoxifying benefits
00:02:35,640 --> 00:02:38,480 5.檸檬是肝臟最好的朋友
Five lemons are your livers best friend?
保持你的肝臟快樂 ( 舒肝 ) 是您 可為整體健康做最重要的事情之一
Keeping your liver. Happy is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health
喝檸檬水可幫助您的肝功能維持在 一個最佳狀態並沖除毒素
Drinking Lemon water can help your liver function at a tip-top level as well as flushing out toxins
通過提高酶功能,發現檸檬中的 檸檬酸可以有助於消除有害細菌
By enhancing the enzyme function the citric acid found in lemons helps dispel harmful Bacteria
Sinks lemons are rich in potassium
We all know about bananas and potassium
但你是否知道檸檬也富含這個 人體內第三大巨量礦物質:鉀
But did you know that lemons are also high in this essential mineral or that has the third most Abundant mineral in the human body?
Its importance is often underrated
喝檸檬水,將有助於確保最佳的 心臟、大腦、腎臟和肌肉功能
Drinking Lemon water will help to ensure optimal heart brain Kidney and muscular function
7 a limit a day keeps the doctor away
Well sort of those who drink lemon water every day tend to experience fewer colds
檸檬中含有豐富的維生素C,這是 抗病毒感染和免疫系統虛弱時無懈可擊的後衛
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C. Which is the undisputed defender against viral infections and immune system weaknesses?
8 it's an inflammation buster
Inflammation isn't only your body's natural response to energy
Chronic inflammation in your body is an essential [component] in serious illnesses
And it's been linked to excess acidity in the body lemon water decreases your body's acidity levels which in turn
assists your body in removing Harmful Uric acid which might cause inflammation
[9] it Maintains Ph perfection
檸檬是自然酸性的,但是您可能會 驚訝地發現,一旦吸收到血液中
Lemons are acidic by Nature, but you might be surprised to learn that once absorbed into the bloodstream
Lemon water has an alkalizing effect on the body tissue
Why is this a good thing although?
We need acid to aid in the digestion of food
我們應該平衡身體的pH值, 身體太酸會導致高膽固醇和糖尿病
We should balance our body's ph levels too much acid leads to diseases from High Cholesterol to diabetes
10 it boosts your metabolism
如果你想自然減肥,改變飲食習慣 和生活方式,檸檬水會是完美的良伴
If you want to lose weight, naturally and change your diet, and lifestyle lemon water is the perfect accompaniment
Lemons Contain Pectin fiber so they can help you increase your metabolism and reduce hunger cravings
11 you'll step away from the coffee
Many of us rely on our morning coffee for a booster shot of energy which makes us feel super productive
Until about 10:30 a.m.
when the mid morning slump sets in if
您將早晨的咖啡用一杯溫檸檬水取代, 只需2週,您就會感到靈敏、
You replace your morning coffee with a cup of warm lemon water for just 2 weeks you [will] feel so alert
Refreshed and healthy that you won't ever go back to [Caffey]
Haven't you started drinking lemon water yet? Go to the kitchen and make a glass of this magical drink right now?
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