字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Human babies are kind of pathetic. 人類小孩有點 ... 可憐。 We can't run from predators, feed ourselves, or even lift up our own heads. 我們不能逃離獵食者、餵飽自己,或甚至抬起自己的小腦袋都不行。 But not all newborns are totally helpless. 但不是所有的新生兒都是完全無能為力的。 After all, it's a treacherous world out there, and some babies must go to extremes to survive. 畢竟,地球是很危險的,而有些小寶寶需要在極端環境下生存。 Take barnacle geese. 以白頰黑雁為例。 They lay their eggs 120 meters up the side of the cliff, away from predators. 為了遠離獵食者,牠們在 120 公尺高的懸崖邊下蛋。 That's the same height as a 36-story building. 這樣的高度等同於 36 層樓高的建築物。 But there's no food for the chicks to eat up there. 但這裡沒有食物給雛雁吃。 So when they're a few days old, still incapable of flight, they leap off the cliff. 所以當牠們才幾天大、還沒辦法飛行的時候,牠們就會跳下懸崖。 Thousands are injured or killed on impact. 成千上萬的雛雁會在這樣的衝擊下受傷或死亡。 But the lightest, fluffiest chicks survive by floating down and landing on their soft stomachs. 但最輕的、羽毛最旺盛的雛雁藉著用柔軟的肚子著地,可以順勢而下得以倖存。 Baby marine iguanas also have it rough. 海鬣蜥的小寶寶也有個艱難的童年。 They don't have to leap off a cliff, they just have to outrun swarms of hungry snakes. 牠們不用跳下懸崖,牠們只需要逃離一大群飢餓的蛇。 Mothers lay their eggs in underground burrows for protection, but they don't stick around after laying the eggs. 為了保護蛋,雌性海鬣蜥會將蛋下在地下洞穴中,但牠們下完蛋後不會留在附近。 By the time the babies hatch up to four months later, the Galapagos racer snakes have gathered for a feast. 到四個月後小寶寶孵出來了,加拉帕戈斯游蛇便要齊聚一堂開宴會了。 So the hatchlings have two options. 所以這些剛孵化的小海鬣蜥有兩個選擇。 Stay put and starve or make a run for it. 留在原地挨餓,或是奮力逃離。 The snakes are attracted to movement, so the second the iguanas take off, snakes give chase, and only the quickest survive. 這些蛇會被牠們的動作吸引,所以小海鬣蜥起跑的瞬間,蛇群就會追過去,只有跑得快才能活下來。 While iguana hatchlings must be fleet of foot, greater guinea pigs are speedy in a different way. 剛孵化的小海鬣蜥必須用雙腳來奔馳,大豚鼠則是在其他方面進展神速。 Pups can have babies of their own, just one month after birth. 大豚鼠寶寶出生一個月後就能夠懷孕。 That's like humans giving birth at 11 months old. 就像人類 11 個月大就能生小孩一樣。 And unlike other rodents, the pups are born with furry coats, open eyes, and can walk on their first day. 不像其他嚙齒動物,大豚鼠寶寶出生時身上布滿毛皮、雙眼可以睜開,並且在第一天就能走路。 They're pretty much just mini-adults. 牠們更像是一個小大人。 Disturbing, right? 很困擾,是吧? Just wait till you hear about braconid wasps. 那是因為你還沒聽到小繭蜂。 Their babies are extreme predators from the moment they hatch. 牠們的小寶寶從出生那一刻起就是個完全的獵食者。 Adults hijack a caterpillar and lay over 100 eggs underneath its skin. 成年小繭蜂抓住一隻毛蟲,在牠的皮膚下產出超過 100 個卵。 Once hatched, the larvae feed on the caterpillar's internal organs, and once it's on the brink of death, the larvae chew their way out, spin cocoons, and emerge as fully formed adults. 一旦孵化後,幼年小繭蜂依靠毛蟲的內部器官為食,當毛蟲瀕臨死亡,小繭蜂幼年期就會竄出毛蟲身體,吐絲作繭並蛻變為成熟期小繭蜂。 Ready to have deadly babies of their own. 準備好繁殖致命的小繭蜂寶寶。 Speaking of which, sand tiger sharks eat their own siblings before they're even born. 說到這,沙虎鯊在出生之前就會在子宮內補食自己的手足。 You see, mom has many suitors, and they all fertilize her eggs at different times. 你看,雌性沙虎鯊有許多追求者,那些雄性沙虎鯊都會在不同時間讓雌性沙虎鯊受精懷孕。 So the eggs that are fertilized early on develop sooner in the womb before the rest, and once they're big enough, they eat their less developed siblings. 所以那些比較早受精的卵跟其他卵比起來,很快就在子宮中出生長大,而一旦牠們長得夠大,牠們會把其他長得慢的手足吃掉。 And you thought you had annoying siblings? 你還覺得你的手足很討人厭嗎?
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 雌性 小寶寶 受精 子宮 豚鼠 孵化 【動物】動物界超強小寶寶,才剛出生就超厲害! (The 5 Most Extreme Babies In The Animal Kingdom) 11183 545 April Lu 發佈於 2019 年 01 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字