字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Now I thought I'd share some of my favorite #MyWeirdFears from you guys. Here we go. 現在我想分享一些我最喜歡的#我的怪異恐懼 貼文。我們開始吧。 This first one's from @MrKdub. 第一則是@MrKdub寫的。他說... He says I've always been afraid of birds flying indoors. Outside is fine. Inside, they only have one place to go: beak-first into my eyes. 我很怕鳥飛進室內。鳥在室外飛沒關係,一旦飛到室內,牠們只有一個地方去: 尖嘴首先朝向我的眼睛。 This one's from @sjrMDR. She says... 第一則是@sjrMDR的。她說... When I lived alone and would come home at night, I would throw the door open and yell "NYPD!" before I walked in. I lived in Dallas. 每當我一個人住半夜獨自回家的時候,進家門前我會把門打開,然後大叫「紐約市警察」,對了,我住在達拉斯 (位於德州)。 This one's from @CassssyMillller. She says... 下一則是@CassssyMillller的。她說... When I have to pop open one of those Pillsbury biscuit tubes, I'm so afraid they'll explode that I find the longest spoon I can, stand really far away, and whack at it. 每當我打開Pillsbury比司吉速發麵包的罐子時,我總是很怕罐子會爆開,所以我會找最長的湯匙,站得遠遠,然後敲爆它。 -I do the same thing. -Doonk! -我也是這麼做 -咚咚![史蒂夫咯咯笑] This one's from @armyofangelss. She says -這則是@army ofangelss的。她說... I'm so afraid of accidentally liking someone's post from 18 months ago that I have a secret account just for Instagram stalking. 我很怕不小心按讚某人18個月前po文然後被發現,所以我有個拿來偷窺跟蹤別人用的IG帳號。 This one's from @tashh-woahh. She says... 這則是@tashh -woahh的。她說... I won't brush my hair outside because I'm scared the hairs will somehow end up at the scene of a crime and I'll be blamed for it. 我不會在外面梳頭髮,因為我怕頭髮會莫名其妙出現在某個犯罪現場,然後我會變成嫌疑人。 [ Applause ] [掌聲] "It was Tash." -Didn't think about that. -"結果是鬍子" -我沒想到這個。 This one's from @Padfoot93. She says 這則是@Padfoot93的。她說... Whenever I go to a restaurant, I always wait for my friends to start eating before I do, just in case the food is poisoned. 每次我去餐廳吃飯都會讓朋友先吃,因為我怕食物被下藥。 [ Applause ] [掌聲] That's nice. -"Go ahead." 這很棒。 -"你先吃" This one's from @usertalia. She says... -這則是@usertalia發的。她說... I never shower while it's storming, because I'm afraid I'll get zapped by lightning coming through the shower head. I just don't want to die naked. 我不敢在暴風雨時沖澡,因為我怕雷會從蓮蓬頭穿過把我劈死,我不想全裸死去。 [ Laughter ] [笑聲] And this last one here is from @Melen-Dez. He says... 最後這個是@Melen -Dez發的,他說... Whenever I get pulled over, I start panicking that there might be drugs in the car. I've never even used drugs. 每次我被警察要求停在路邊的時候,我會開始慌張,覺得車子裡可能真的有毒品。但其實我根本沒吸過毒。 There you have it. Those are our "Tonight Show" hashtags. 今天先到這邊,這些就是我們的 "今夜秀 "的標籤。 To check out more of our favorites, 要查看更多我們的最愛的標籤。 go to tonightshow.com/hashtags. 記得去tonightshow.com/hashtags。
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