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  • Hello everyone and welcome! In this video

    哈囉大家好, 今天我們會介紹

  • we are going to be comparing inline four-cylinder engines with boxer 4-cylinder engines and talking about the individual advantages and

    直列式和水平對臥引擎之間的差異, 以及他們各自的優缺點

  • disadvantages of each engine layout. We have a 3D printed EJ20 Subaru boxer engine as


  • well as a 22RE Toyota inline four-cylinder engine

    一具是水平對臥的Subaru EJ20, 另一具是直四的Toyota 22RE

  • we'll start fairly basic and work our way through several different topics for each layout

    我們會從最基本的部分開始, 慢慢地和大家討論兩種引擎排列方式的各種差異

  • including the four strokes the firing interval and order the

    其中包括四行程的點火時間和順序, 不同引擎排列所產生不同的振動,

  • vibrations of each layout the packaging differences the cylinder head differences and finally a bit about the sound of each engine.


  • Looking at either layout, they're both based on the same four strokes intake, compression, power, and exhaust.

    這兩種引擎的排列都是基於四行程運作 - 進氣, 壓縮, 燃燒和排氣

  • Both engines fire one cylinder for every 180 degrees of crankshaft rotation


  • but they have slightly different firing orders on each engine. We can see cylinders 1, 2, 3, and 4

    但是兩種引擎的點火順序不同, 畫面上可以看到引擎的1,2,3,4 缸

  • for the boxer engine the firing interval is 1, 3, 2, 4 while on the straight four it's 1, 3, 4, 2.

    在水平對臥的引擎上, 點火順序是 1, 3, 2, 4. 在直列的引擎上則是 1, 3, 4, 2

  • So the order of the last two cylinders firing is switched.


  • Now these layouts matched with the firing interval make for some interesting differences as far as how the engines are balanced on the

    在這兩種不同的引擎排列上, 這兩種不同的點火順序也會衍生出不同的特性

  • boxer engine you'll notice the pair of pistons move in and out together


  • this means that the primary forces when the pistons reach the top of the cylinder as


  • well as when they reach the bottom of the cylinder are canceled out on the inline four-cylinder engine


  • it's the same story the primary forces cancel out as the pairs of pistons reach the top and bottom at the same time

    在直四引擎上也同樣能看到在汽缸頂和汽缸底的位置時, 兩兩一對的活塞主要動能會互相抵消

  • when we get into secondary forces however the engines begin to differ.


  • Secondary forces are created due to the piston traveling faster at the top half of the cylinder then at the bottom half something

    次要動能來自於活塞在一個循環的前半圈速度比在後半圈快 -

  • i'll include a link to in the video description


  • that breaks it down in great detail what you need to know though is that?

    次要動能的重點是, 當活塞來到汽缸頂或汽缸底的時候

  • when the piston reaches the very top of the cylinder or the very bottom the secondary forces point up we're out from the piston


  • now with the boxer engine since the pistons point opposite each other these forces are balanced out

    在水平對臥引擎上由於活塞的方向是相反的, 次要動能也會被互相抵銷

  • resulting in a very smooth running engine for the inline 4 all of the forces point in the same direction

    所以引擎整體是非常平順的 而在直列引擎上, 四個活塞的方向都相同

  • and thus do not cancel each other out causing the engine to vibrate unless balancing shafts are used the boxer engine isn't perfect however

    所以次要動能並無法被抵銷, 在沒有平衡軸的情況下就會造成引擎的震動

  • because the pistons do not perfectly align with each other it creates a rocking moment which makes the engine want to rotate back and forth along the vertical axis.

    不過即便如此, 水平對臥引擎也是有缺點

  • What's fascinating though,

    因為對立的活塞並沒有對齊, 所以也是會引發一些左右的搖擺

  • is that if you add two cylinders to either of these designs whether it's a boxer six or an inline six you can

    不過非常有趣的是, 如果我們用六缸引擎來討論

  • perfectly eliminate all first and second order forces and moments

    不論是六缸直列或是六缸水平引擎, 主要和次要動能都能夠百分之百的被抵消

  • you might think the boxer six would have a rocking motion from the cylinder banks of three

    你可能會覺得在水平排列上, 六缸引擎還是會有左右的搖擺,

  • but each bank of three cancels out the rocking motion of the other unlike in a V6 configuration

    不過在一邊三缸的情況下, 左右兩邊的搖晃是會互相抵銷的

  • looking at the two engines both of these 3D printed engines are at 35% scales


  • you can actually compare them size-wise to one another

    這兩具模型都是35% 的比例

  • because of the inherent vibrations of inline four-cylinder engines you won't tend to see engine size as much larger than about three liters

    因為直四引擎天生震動的特性, 一般來說大於三公升的引擎很少見

  • so historically they have existed at much larger sizes one of the largest gasoline four cylinders currently made is in fact a Toyota engine a

    現在常見的大直四引擎之一就是豐田Toyota Tacoma的 2.7 公升引擎

  • 2.7 inline 4 used in the Toyota Tacoma only porsche and Subaru currently used flat engines in their vehicles

    目前只有Porche 保時捷和Subaru 速霸陸有在使用水平對臥引擎

  • so the size doesn't tend to be any larger than typical inline 4 cylinders even though it does have better vibration characteristics


  • the other biggest advantage of the boxer engine is the low profile which keeps the center of gravity low and thus reduces the amount of


  • load transfer you have in the car during braking cornering or


  • accelerating which improves grip with a lower center of gravity you can also reduce body roll and choose to use softer springs

    所以在轉彎或加速的時候離心力也會比較低, 同時也能選用比較軟的彈簧

  • additionally in the event of a collision


  • it's easier to position the engine so that it goes underneath the passenger compartment rather than into the passenger compartment


  • for improved safety. Now that's not to say that the inline four doesn't have its own size advantages


  • generally, it's a bit more compact with only one cylinder head

    一般來說直四引擎的體積會比較小, 只需要一個汽缸頭

  • and it's not quite as wide as the boxer engine


  • this leaves more room for


  • suspension geometry and can also allow for a better steering angle since the tires won't have as much of an interference at full lock


  • moving on to the valvetrain although this particular inline 4 has a single overhead cam you'll much more commonly see dual overhead


  • like the boxer engine on modern vehicles


  • the big advantage with the inline 4 is that there's only one cylinder head meaning only one intake and one exhaust


  • camshaft less moving parts

    也就是說只有一套進氣, 一套排氣

  • and some weight saved. It's also far far easier to access the cylinder head for service, whether it's adjusting the valves or

    更少的零件也意味著較輕的重量 同時直四引擎也比水平引擎容易維修保養

  • replacing spark plugs the I-4 design makes it a much easier task

    不管是調整節氣門或是更換火星塞, 都比水平引擎要簡單許多

  • finally we get to the topic of sound and here's where most people will agree the box rumble is a better sound but it's not

    最後我們來看看排氣聲浪, 很多人都會覺得水平對臥引擎得打鼓聲比較好聽

  • really a true advantage


  • The boxer rumble is a result of unequal length headers and because Subaru is moving away from this exhaust design

    這個聲音來自於不等長的排氣頭段, 但是Subaru速霸陸漸漸的不再使用這個設計

  • New ones will generally sound pretty similar to other four-cylinder engines it would in fact be possible to design an inline


  • four-cylinder engine with different length exhaust pipes to create a unique rumble generally associated with Subarus.

    其實在直四引擎上也是可以設計一套不等長排氣頭段產生Subaru 的打鼓聲浪

  • But it's not ideal for exhaust scavenging to have unequal pulses


  • it's not the smartest way to route an exhaust or


  • four-cylinder engine

    00:05:10,900 --> 00:05:11,470

  • however

    00:05:11,470 --> 00:05:18,749 最後感謝Eric Harrell 提供這兩套3D列印的引擎

  • packaging does not the unequal header length seem appealing when paired with a boxer engine. And a big thank you to Eric Harrell for providing


  • the 3D printed models you can find links in the video description. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below,


  • thanks for watching!

Hello everyone and welcome! In this video

哈囉大家好, 今天我們會介紹


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