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  • Every open world game is different, because each game uses its gigantic map for a different

    每個開放的世界遊戲都是不同的 因為每個遊戲配置如此巨大的地圖均有不同的目的

  • purpose.

    也許是給予玩家接近任務目標的不同方案, 抑或是個政治肥皂劇的舞台。

  • Maybe it's to give the player options in how they approach their objectives. Perhaps it's


  • a stage for a shifting political drama, or a sandbox so the player can blow off steam

    只是有時候,這只是丟給玩家 一大串待辦事項清單的手段。

  • between missions. And, sometimes, it's just a way to dump a big checklist of content on

    而以《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》來說 任天堂用開放世界完成一個非常具體的目標:

  • the player.


  • For The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo used an open world for a very specific

    而在這個影片中,我想看看任天堂如何 採用和拋棄各種不同的開放世界設計手法

  • purpose: to let players go on an adventure.


  • And in this video, I want to look at how Nintendo used, and ignored, different bits of open


  • world design to make a fantasy kingdom that you'll want to explore, survive, and conquer.


  • For starters, Nintendo gives players an enormous amount of freedom in how they approach the game.

    完成新手教學、挑戰最終魔王Ganon 在這之間的一切由你決定

  • There are only two things you have to do in Breath of the Wild, after all: finish a tutorial,


  • and fight Ganon. Everything in between is up to you.

    喜歡的話你可以盡量挑戰更多的祠堂, 追尋盡可能多的回憶。

  • You can do the four major dungeons out of order, or not at all. You can finish as many


  • shrines as you like, track down as many memories as you want, and it's up to you whether you


  • take Link's famous sword into the final battle... or a wooden mop.


  • What this means is that you carve your own path through the world, which is a pretty

    這也是一場冒險之旅的重要因素: 林克的故事就是你的故事

  • important factor in an adventure. Link's story is your story, defined by what you do - and


  • what you don't do - as you explore Hyrule.

    這與以往的薩爾達遊戲 - 以及其他大多數 開放世界遊戲相比可說是大不相同

  • This is very different to previous Zelda games - but also to most other open world


  • games, which feature a rather linear story - made up of mandatory main quests - where

    你唯一的選擇就是馬上跟隨 - 或等會再跟上主線任務。

  • your only choice is to either follow it - or delay following it.


  • And, aside from limiting the player's freedom, this often has the unfortunate side effect

    總會發生脫節的情況 當你應拼命追蹤你那被綁架的兒子時

  • of providing a disjointed story where you desperately need to track down your kidnapped


  • son - but you'll get to that just as soon as you explore the entirety of Boston.


  • But I think Zelda gets around this in a clever way.


  • You can take on Ganon at any point. But because you'll likely get killed before you can even


  • approach Hyrule Castle, you're not delaying your showdown with the big bad -


  • you're training for it.

    這意味著你在遊戲中做的一切 - 從收集心之碎片、到擴充武器插槽

  • Which means everything you do in the game - from collecting heart pieces to boosting

    乃至喚醒聖獸 - 都是在為最終決戰做準備。

  • your equipment slots to activating the divine beasts - is in preparation for that fight.


  • Zelda shatters that barrier between following the story and doing side activities, because


  • everything you do is relevant.


  • Well, almost everything.

    另一個薩爾達不同於多數 其他開放世界遊戲之處:

  • Another thing Zelda does differently to most other open world games, is in how much information


  • it gives you about the world. Which is to say: hardly any.


  • At the start, your map is completely blank and you need to climb up, and activate these

    遊戲開始時,你的地圖是一片空白 你得爬上並啟用這些塔,來填補空白。

  • towers, to fill in the gaps. But unlike the towers in Assassin's Creed and Far


  • Cry games, this doesn't litter your map with icons for nearby activities, side quests,

    這不會讓你的地圖充斥著 附近的活動、支線任務、和收集品等標示,

  • and collectibles.


  • Instead, you have to find all of that stuff yourself, and this means you are lead through

    這意味著你是基於自己的好奇心探索這世界, 而不是標示和導航點。

  • the world, not by icons and waypoints, but by your own curiosity.


  • You might see something interesting on top of a mountain, and decide to hike up there.


  • You might choose to climb up a tower, and use your magic iPad to survey the landscape,


  • before dropping down pins and stamps to mark locations you want to check out. Or you might


  • scour the map screen for interesting place names and structures, and then go find out

    重要的是,那裏通會有好東西。 你可能會發現真正有幫助的收集品

  • what's there.

    特別是你剛打爛了你第325把劍... 且任何祠堂都提供了獨特的謎題

  • Importantly, there's probably something good. Any collectibles you might find are genuinely


  • helpful, especially after your 325th sword just broke. And any shrines you might find provide genuinely

    或者你可能會發現些能告訴你關於海拉爾世界的事情 這個遊戲的大多數敘事

  • unique puzzles, instead of the usual copy-and-paste side content we see in open world games.


  • Or you might find something that tells you about the world of Hyrule - because most of this game's


  • storytelling is done through the ancient ruins, giant bones, forgotten battlefields, and other


  • bits of the environment.

    我之前玩《地平線:期待黎明》, 山上巨大的機器骨架吸引了我。

  • It's also important that you can always go where your curiosity leads you.


  • I was playing Horizon Zero Dawn the other day, and was intrigued by these gigantic robot bones up on the side


  • of a mountain. But when I tried to get there I was greeted by a cliff side too steep to

    薩爾達,不僅提供了完全的自由, 且這個絕妙的攀爬系統意味著你可以

  • climb, and an actual invisible wall. Bummer.

    爬上任何牆壁 - 只要你有足夠的 耐力,或能找到落腳點喘口氣。

  • Zelda, though, not only offers complete freedom, but a generous climbing system means you can


  • clamber up any wall - provided you have enough stamina, or can find spots to rest.


  • By the way, Zelda makes it really fun to traverse Hyrule, whether that's climbing, riding a

    或 - 最好玩的方式:拿你的盾牌當滑板!

  • horse, paragliding down from a tall tower, or - best of all - surfing on your shield.


  • Exploration is always encouraged when it's fun to move around.


  • Anyway. Maybe that invisible wall in Horizon was to stop me from coming across a mad robot


  • dinosaur that I was not yet ready to fight. But, Breath of the Wild shows that letting

    然曠野之息展現了讓玩家被殺手級敵人秒教做人 也許不是壞事

  • players get pummelled by killer enemies is no bad thing.


  • In the game's opening hours I stumbled upon this centaur chap - a Lynel - and the fight


  • didn't exactly go well.


  • Immediately, the world no longer felt like a playground to enjoy,

    而是個得掙扎求生的世界 - 這更有利於展現冒險這個主題

  • but a daunting world to survive. Much more conducive to an adventure.

    且不僅是巨大的敵人,這個世界 本身,感覺都在處處針對你。

  • And it's not just big enemies, but the world itself feels out to get you. You'll need to

    你得面對嚴酷的氣候,如冰冷的 湖泊,會燒毀你木質裝備的火山地區、

  • contend with harsh climates, like ice-cold lakes, volcanic areas that burn up wooden


  • weapons, and deserts that flit between hot and cold. And weather affects you too, such


  • as rain that makes surfaces too slick to climb, and lighting storms that... well..


  • But the thing about adversity, is how good it feels when you overcome it. I returned

    50小時後我回到那個體育館 - 帶著更好的設備,更多的❤︎❤︎❤︎

  • to that coliseum 50 hours later - now with better equipment, more hearts, and a stronger

    且更深刻理解了戰鬥系統 - 於是我好好的教了那隻半人馬做人的道理。

  • understanding of the combat system - and destroyed that Lynel. Zelda games have often explored

    薩爾達遊戲通常會探索關於成長與成為英雄的主題, 但從沒有像這樣嚴苛的身教。

  • the themes of growing up and becoming a hero - but never quite like this.

    曠野之息也利用了強悍的敵人、 更陡峭的牆壁和更惡劣的氣候

  • Breath of the Wild also uses those tough enemies, as well as steep walls and harsh climates,


  • to discourage you from exploring the map in one go and immediately seeing everything the


  • game has to offer. By withholding bits of the world, in this fashion, - you'll still

    你依然會發現驚喜:包括整個 鄉村和不同的部落

  • be discovering surprises, including entire towns and different biomes, well past the

    很好的度過了其它開放世界遊戲 開始讓玩家覺得無趣和老梗這點

  • point where other open world games would start to feel plain and predictable.


  • Let me just go back to the map marker thing for a second.


  • Breath of the Wild does actually use some typical, open world-style wayfinding. The


  • main dungeon quests, for example, are marked on your map with yellow dots - though, thankfully,

    但謝天謝地的是,遊戲不顯示這些虛線, 而讓你找出自己的路線前往這些主任務地點。

  • the game avoids the little dotted line, instead asking you to find your own route to one of


  • the four dots, and no doubt getting lost and distracted along the way.

    你也可以把這些提示關掉,我也推薦這麼玩。 和其它遊戲不同,沒有這些幫助薩爾達還是完美可玩。

  • You can also turn them off, which I'd recommend. Unlike some games, Zelda is perfectly playable


  • without this help, as characters give directions, the map features place names, and most forks


  • in the road feature signposts.

    但這只是主線任務 在所有的支線任務中,任天堂決定

  • But that's just the main quest, and with all of the side missions, Nintendo decided to

    將這些輔助導引完全拋棄 而更多秘密、支線、祠堂...

  • ditch these navigational aids altogether, and instead, the secrets, side quests, and shrine


  • quests can only be found by following scraps of information.

    這裡有個例子。這兩小伙子正在討論寶藏的事, 這給了我一點線索。

  • Here's an example. These two lads are talking about a treasure, and they give me a clue to find


  • it. "The little twin steps over the the little river. My cave rests above that river's source".

    所以我四處遊蕩,找到個路標『小雙胞胎橋』 聽起來好像就是這樣

  • So I wander around, find a sign pointing towards the little brother bridge - that sounds about


  • right -, follow the river to its source, climb up beside the waterfall, and then uncover


  • the hidden stash. Get in.


  • By following these rumours, as well as song lyrics, paintings, and riddles, you're asked


  • to really explore the world, and take in environmental details that, in a different game, you might

    而在其它遊戲中,你可能只會直接匆匆而過。 再加上,找到這些解答往往更有獎勵感。

  • blow straight past. Plus, finding these solutions is always more rewarding, if you ask me, than

    如果你問我其它遊戲在這點怎麼做, 它們通常只單純的放導航點和狀似臭氣的踪跡......

  • simply following waypoints and stink trails.

    如果這些聽來都很耳熟, 那正是因為我幾乎說到了所有的東西。

  • If all of this sounds a bit familiar, it's because I talked about almost all of this stuff last


  • month in my video about the very first Zelda game. Breath of the Wild features more than


  • just old men, Spectacle Rock, and centaurs - but also the freedom, mystery, and general


  • standoffish design of Zelda 1. Though, you are going to have to turn off the HUD and


  • objective markers to really get that experience.

    但任天堂不只喊著回歸原點來做這個遊戲, 他們也向外取經。

  • But Nintendo didn't just look backwards to make this game - it also looked outwards,

    遊戲開發者說他們研究了像是 巫師、當個創世神等遊戲。

  • with the game's creators saying they researched games like The Witcher and Minecraft.

    於是你可以在曠野之息中看到 大量來自開放世界遊戲的元素呈現

  • And you can see elements from loads of open world games in Breath of the Wild. The Korok


  • puzzles feel like the Riddler trophies in the Arkham games. Cooking, to prepare for a big


  • battle, brings to mind the Witcher's alchemy. Smashing ore is totally Minecraft. And Breath


  • of the Wild capture Skyrim's wanderlust, and horse bugs.

    曠野之息還仿效了上古卷軸中天際省的旅行癖 ...以及馬的Havok bug。

  • But you can tell that Nintendo used these ideas with careful consideration - deciding


  • which bits of design to use, and which bits to forgo - because an open world isn't just


  • an excuse to chuck in loads of random features and hope they all stick together. Like any


  • good game, everything should work together to contribute to a specific experience.

    任何好遊戲,一切設計都該是 為了提供某種特定的體驗。

  • And in the new Zelda - the level of freedom you're provided, the focus on exploration,

    而新的薩爾達提供了你高水平的自由度, 讓你聚焦在探索這個世界。

  • the use of cryptic clues, the daunting enemies, and the consistent surprises - all add up


  • to give Breath of the Wild a truly adventurous spark.


  • Hey everyone! Thanks for watching. GMTK is funded by everyone on my Patreon - including

    大家好!感謝收看。 GMTK收到了在我的Patrean上的所有人的資助

  • these top tier supporters.


  • If you're a long time viewer of my channel, you might be surprised to hear me praise a


  • gigantic open world game, after making videos about the joy of exploring much smaller, more


  • compact worlds, like Batman: Arkham Asylum and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.


  • But in that Batman video, what I said was "game environments should be measured by how


  • much meaningful content is inside, rather than in square metres", and Nintendo is one


  • of the few companies, alongside Rockstar and (sometimes) Bethesda, who are capable of actually


  • filling a massive world with unique and interesting stuff.

    真正有能力在大型世界裡填充大量 獨特且有趣內容的公司

  • Plus, the game uses its space to make your adventurous treks more epic, and provide those


  • all-important moments of quiet and introspection during travel. So, like everything in game


  • design, the size of a world comes down to what sort of experience the creators are going for.


  • Anyway - at the risk of turning this channel into Zelda Maker's Toolkit, my next video

    總之 - 在這個頻道有可能 被定型成薩爾達開發工具包的風險下

  • will be a Boss Keys episode on Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. And yes, I will finish


  • that series by talking about the dungeons in Breath of the Wild. And then I will never

    是的,我會完成並結束那個地下城系列的影片, 以曠野之息的地下城謝幕。

  • talk about Zelda ever again. Until the next one.


Every open world game is different, because each game uses its gigantic map for a different

每個開放的世界遊戲都是不同的 因為每個遊戲配置如此巨大的地圖均有不同的目的


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