字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Catherine: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Catherine: 哈囉 ! 歡迎來到六分鐘英語 English, I'm Catherine. 我是 Catherine Neil: And I'm Neil. Neil: 我是 Neil Catherine: Now, Neil, you're a dad, Catherine: Neil 是一位爸爸了 aren't you? 不是嗎 ? Neil: I am a dad. How did you know? Is it Neil: 我是個爸爸,你怎麼會知道 ? the grey hair in my beard? 是我鬍子上的白毛嗎 ? Is it the wrinkles around the eyes? 還是我眼周的皺紋 ? Catherine: I thought that was Catherine: 我想只是因為 just your age. 你的年紀 Neil: Well, yes, maybe. In today's Neil: 好吧,或許 programme we're going to be talking 在今天的課程,我們要來聊聊爸爸 about fathers and how being a father 還有當隨著時間過去時 has changed over the years. 身為一個爸爸會有哪些改變 But before we hear more about this topic, 在我們聽更多這個話題以前 our question for the day. According to 我們今天要問一個問題 recent research in the UK, what 根據英國最近的研究 percentage of men are present when 有多少百分比的爸爸在小孩出生時有在旁邊 ? their children are born? Is it: a) 55%, 選項 a) 55% b) 75% or c) 95%? What do you think? b) 75% 或 c) 95% ? 你認為是哪個 ? Catherine: I think a lot of men these days Catherine: 我認為現今有越來越多爸爸 like to see their children born. It's not 會想看自己小孩出生 culturally inappropriate so I'm gonna 這並無不好,所以我認為有 95% 的爸爸 go for 95%. 會在小孩出生時在旁邊 Neil: Well, we'll find out if you're right Neil: 好吧,在課程的尾聲 at the end of the programme. 我們來看看你說得是否對 Now, Dr Anna Machin is an evolutionary Anna Machin 博士是一位人類演化學家 anthropologist. She studies, among other 除其他事項外 things, how human behaviour has 她研究人類行為是如何變化的 changed and is changing. She's 以及一些正在變化的行為 written a book called The Life of Dad. 她寫了一本書叫 The Life of Dad She's been studying new fathers and 她研究現代的爸爸 spoke about her research on the BBC's 並在 BBC 的 Woman's Hour 課程 Woman's Hour programme. 談論她的研究 She asked why men want to become 她提出為什麼男人會想要成為爸爸的問題 fathers. She starts by saying that there 她首先表示 are lots of reasons but how many does 那背後有許多原因 she mention in her answer? 但她在回答中提到了幾個呢 ? Dr Anna Machin: There's lots of different Anna Machin 博士 : 男人會想要成為爸爸 reasons why men want to be fathers - for 有很多不同的原因 some of them it's just a stage in life 對有些人來說這是人生的一個階段 they've reached. They've got the house, 他們有房子 they've got the job, now it's time to have a 有工作,所以到了該有家庭時候了 family. Sometimes they admit that 而有些人承認 actually they're not that 成為爸爸並非本意 keen, but their partner wants a baby, so 而是伴侶的意思 they're kinda going along with it. And a 所以他們只是配合 reasonable number actually say they do 而有些人成為爸爸 it because they want to undo what their 只因為他們想要屏除自己爸爸對他們做過的事 father did to them, so rewrite history in 去改寫他們對自己爸爸的 relation to fathers and the experience of 關係及經歷 fathering, to be a better 而成為比自己的爸爸 father than their father was. 更好的爸爸 Neil: How many reasons does Neil: Anna Machin 博士提到了 she mention? 多少理由 ? Catherine: She mentioned three reasons. Catherine: 她有提到三個理由 The first was that it was that time in life - 第一個理由,就是這是人生的一個階段 the guys had a home and a job and 一個男人有了家、工作後 having children was the thing to do next. 下一階段就是有孩子了 Neil: Another reason was that it was what Neil: 下一個成為爸爸的理由 their partners wanted, even if they weren't 是配合伴侶的意思,即使他們自己不想要 that keen themselves. If you're 'not keen 如果你「不渴望做某件事」 on something' it means you are 'not 代表你「對此件事 enthusiastic about it', it's not really 沒有熱情」 something you want to do, but because 代表這不是你想做的事情 it's what their partner wants they agree to 但因為是他們伴侶想要的,他們才這樣做 it, or as Dr Machin said, 或像 Machin 博士說的 they're going along with it. 他們妥協了 Catherine: Yes, 'going along' with Catherine: 對,「妥協」某件事 something, is a phrase that means 為一個片語 'agreeing to do' something 代表「同意去做」某件事 even though you don't really want to do it. 即使你不是真的想做 It's interesting that Dr Machin said that Machin 博士提到的一點很有趣 some men admit to this. 'To admit to' 她說有些人承認這件事 something is 'to say or agree' that 「承認於」某件事代表「去說或同意」 something is true even if you're perhaps 某件事是真的 ashamed of it or you 即使你或許羞於承認 don't want it to be true. 或你不希望那是真的 Neil: There was one more reason she Neil: 最後一個理由 mentioned and that was that some men Machin 博士提到 become parents because they want to be 有些人成為爸爸 a better father than their own father had 是因為他們想成為比自己爸爸更好的爸爸 been. Let's listen again. 我們再聽一次 Dr Anna Machin: There's lots of different Anna Machin 博士: 男人會想要成為爸爸 reasons why men want to be fathers - for 有很多不同的理由 some of them it's just a stage in life 對有些人來說這是人生的一個階段 they've reached. They've got the house, 他們有房子 they've got the job, now it's time to have a 有工作,所以到了該有家庭時候了 family. Sometimes they admit that 有些人承認 actually they're not that keen, but their 成為爸爸並非本意 partner wants a baby, so they're kinda 而是伴侶的意思 going along with it. And a reasonable 所以他們只是配合 number actually say they do it because 而有些人成為爸爸 they want to undo what their father did to 只因為他們想要屏除自己爸爸對他們做過的事 them, so rewrite history in relation to 去改寫他們對自己爸爸的 fathers and the experience of fathering, 關係及經歷 to be a better father than their father was. 而成為比自己的爸爸更好的爸爸 Neil: So what is it about some father's Neil: 那麼某些爸爸不喜歡自己的爸爸 own dads that they didn't like? 是什麼意思呢? Here's Dr Machin again. Machin 博士說 Dr Anna Machin: Well, in some cases, you Anna Machin 博士: 在某些情況下 know, the father would be neglectful, 爸爸會有一點疏忽 some fathers were absent and others 有些爸爸不常在孩子身邊 they just felt they were a very, I suppose, 而有些爸爸,我們會覺得,像是 we'd say a 1950s father so distant, 我們會說他們就像 1950 年代的爸爸 disciplinarian not actually involved 紀律嚴明但並沒有 in their children's daily life and certainly 真正參與孩子們的成長 not involved in their care. So today's 也沒有參與其照顧 generation fathers, even in the 10 years 所以這個世代的爸爸 that I've been studying dads we've seen 即使在我研究爸爸的十年裡 a massive evolution in 我們看到有巨大的變化 how hands-on fathers are. 開始有親手照顧小孩的爸爸 Neil: She talks there about some negative Neil: Anna Machin 博士開始談論 characteristics associated with dads 過去有關爸爸不好的印象 in the past. She suggests that some 她暗示道 fathers didn't have a very close 過去的爸爸與自己的兒子 relationship with their sons, they were 沒有很親密的關係 'absent' which means they 'weren't 爸爸們通常「缺席」,代表 at home a lot and didn't spend time' 他們不常在家 with their children. 陪自己的小孩 Catherine: Yes, and some fathers were Catherine: 對,而有一些爸爸 seen as a 'disciplinarian'. That describes 被認為是「紀律嚴明的人」,代表著 someone whose main communication 過去的爸爸與孩子主要溝通方式 with their children was to give them strict 是透過訂定嚴明規則並要求遵守 rules and tell them off or punish them 而如果做錯事 if they did something wrong. 將會受到懲罰 Neil: These days, according to Dr Machin, Neil: 現今,根據 Machin 博士所述 fathers are much more 'hands-on'. 爸爸們比較「親力親為」 This phrase means they are 'much more 這個片語代表著他們相較以前 involved' with their children and share 會更多地參與 bringing up their children 並且與伴侶一起 with their partners. 撫養小孩 Catherine: And talking of sharing, Neil, Catherine: 說到分享,Neil come on - it's time to know the answer 是時候該回答 to today's question. 今天的問題了 Neil: Yes, indeed. According to recent Neil: 沒錯 research in the UK, what is the percentage 根據英國最近的研究 of fathers who are there when their 有多少百分比的爸爸在小孩出生時 children are born? 有在旁邊的 ? Was it 55%, 75% or 95%? 55%、 75% 或 95%? Catherine: And I said a very optimistic 95%. Catherine: 我非常樂觀地認為是 95% Neil: Being optimistic is good obviously Neil: 顯然樂觀是對的 because you are correct. 因為那是正確答案 Catherine: That's fantastic! Catherine: 太棒了 ! Neil: And now, for something else Neil: 現在,還有其他很棒的事是 fantastic, our review of 我們來複習 today's vocabulary... 今天學到的單字 Catherine: We started off with 'admit to' Catherine: 我們從 「承認於」開始 for when you say something is true, even 代表某件事情是真的 if it might make you look a little bit bad. 即使是你覺得不好的事 And before we go on I have to admit, Neil, Catherine: Neil 在我們繼續往下以前 that it was me who ate your biscuit. 我必須承認是我吃了你的餅乾 Neil: Which one? Neil: 哪一個餅乾 ? Catherine: The one that you left on the desk. Catherine: 你放在我桌上的那個 Neil: That's all right. I wasn't really keen Neil: 好吧,我其實沒那麼在意 on it anyway. It had been on the floor. 它掉到地上過 Catherine: What? Yuck! Catherine: 什麼 ? 真噁心 ! Neil: Yeah, well, it serves you right! And Neil: 是的,反正你都吃了 ! 'to be keen on' something is our next 而「渴望於」某件事是我們的下一個片語 phrase, meaning 'being very interested in 代表「非常有興趣於 and enthusiastic' about something. 或熱衷於」某件事 Catherine: Then we had 'to go along with' Catherine: 再來是「妥協於」某件事 something. This is when you 'agree to do 這是在於當你「同意做某件 something even if you are not keen' on it. 你不那麼想要做的事情時」 Neil: An 'absent' father is one who is 'not at Neil: 一位「缺席的」爸爸是代表 home to spend time' with his children. 他「不常在家與孩子在一起」 Catherine: And some fathers are Catherine: 而有些爸爸被視為是「紀律嚴明的」 'disciplinarians'. They have strict rules and 代表他們訂定嚴明的規則要求孩子遵守 they give out punishments but these 而做錯事將給予逞罰 days more fathers are 'hands-on' which 但現今越來越多的爸爸們「親力親為」 means they are 'very much involved' in 代表他們「積極參與」於 looking after and bringing up 照顧以及扶養 their children. 孩子長大 Neil: Well, that's all we have time for Neil: 這是我們今天的課程 today. Join us again next time and 下次記得再加入我們 remember you can find us on Instagram, 還有記得可以在 Instagram Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and of course Facebook、Twitter、YouTube our website bbclearningenglish.com. 或我們的網站 bbclearningenglish.com 找到我們 See you soon. Goodbye! 下次見。掰掰 ! Catherine: Bye! Catherine: 掰 !
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 爸爸 博士 代表 成為 小孩 承認 男人為什麼想做父親?觀看6分鐘英語 (Why do men want to be fathers? Watch 6 Minute English) 194 14 Evangeline 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字