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  • The presidency of Donald Trump.

  • The man voted "Least Edible" by Cannibal Magazine

  • -six years in a row. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • -A-- And I know, I honestly know

  • that the prospect of talking about Trump yet again

  • feels exhausting.

  • We're all so tired of him, every room in America

  • should have a sign on the wall that counts

  • the number of minutes that it's been

  • since someone brought up his fucking name.

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -But-- But that is the thing.

  • Trump's presidency is like one of his handshakes.

  • It pulls you in, whether you like it or not.

  • He's had so many terrible moments this year,

  • you probably forgot about many of them.

  • Remember when he creepily told the French president's wife

  • -that she was in good shape? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • Or-- Or when his tacky golf resort was touted

  • on the States Department website?

  • Or, when he shoved the prime minister

  • of Montenegro out of the way, at a NATO event.

  • Look how proud of himself he is!

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Look how proud he is!

  • You should at least have to know that Montenegro is a country

  • before making a move that says, "Suck it, Montenegro."

  • And there were also quieter but no less alarming moments

  • like when he explained how hard he's been fighting

  • to bring "clean coal" back without appearing to understand

  • what that actually is.

  • It's just been announced

  • that a second brand new coal mine

  • where they're going to take out clean coal,

  • meaning they're taking out coal,

  • -they're gonna clean it, -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • is opening in the state of Pennsylvania.

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Listen, is it possible

  • that Trump is well-versed in and is referring to

  • flue gas desulfurization, fluidized bed combustion,

  • and selective catalytic reduction?

  • Sure, it's possible,

  • but let's agree it's considerably more likely

  • that he thinks you just take a bunch of coal

  • and scrub-a-dub it with a big ol' sponge.

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Oh, yeah, that's right.

  • I'm saying the president fundamentally doesn't understand

  • what he's talking about, and you know what that means.

  • -We got him! -(AIR HORN BLARING)

  • -♪ (PRESIDENTIAL THEME SONG PLAYING) ♪ -We got him! We got him!

  • I got him-- wha-- I didn't get him?

  • -Did I not get him? -♪ (MUSIC FLUBS OUT) ♪

  • I thought-- I thought-- I thought we got him.

  • I thought-- I thought we got him that time.

  • Well, that's fair-- okay.

  • What? You think I don't hate myself, too? Alright!

  • -(AUDIENCE CHEERING) -The point is--

  • The point is tonight... let's pull back

  • from the daily Trump-induced chaos

  • and take a look at the norms that his presidency

  • has violated, and not the obvious ones,

  • like the fact that he never released his tax returns,

  • or that his own daughter and son-in-law

  • work in the White House, although, admittedly,

  • I am using the word "work" there so generously

  • that I should be able to deduct it

  • as a charitable donation on my taxes.

  • Or-- Or that instead of putting his assets

  • into a blind trust to help reduce conflicts of interest,

  • he simply showed America

  • that he has many large stacks of paper,

  • presumable containing the sentence

  • "I can't believe I'm getting away with this,"

  • printed 750,000 times.

  • No, instead, we're going to talk about Trump's assault

  • on something even more basic, the norms governing

  • how our leaders engage with us,

  • and how in turn, that affects the way

  • that we engage with one another.

  • It's why even the notion of "getting him"

  • can feel so hopelessly futile.

  • And let's first stipulate that it definitely doesn't help

  • that so often what Trump says is complete nonsense.

  • We often read transcripts of Trump's speeches,

  • and it's something that everyone should actually do

  • once in a while, because when you strip away

  • his blindly confident entertaining delivery

  • and just read his words, it is staggering

  • how incoherent he is.

  • Here is a word-for-word reading of a speech

  • where he talked about the Iran nuclear deal.



  • -(AUDIENCE CACKLING) -Holy shit.

  • That is not a functional use of language,

  • that is a drunk driver crashing a pick-up truck

  • -full of alphabet soup. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • Trump's actual speech patterns

  • sound like when you write a long text

  • by choosing only the predictive text

  • your iPhone suggests for you.

  • Seriously, we wrote a message like that,

  • starting with the words, "the nuclear,"

  • and here is what we got.


  • -(AUDIENCE CACKLING) -That makes exactly as much,

  • and potentially more sense, then Trump's speech

  • about the Iran nuclear deal, meaning an iPhone

  • would be a more coherent president of the United States.

  • But with Trump, we are familiar enough

  • with his speech patterns that you get the basic gist

  • of what he's trying to say.

  • The real damage isn't in how he says things,

  • but from three key techniques that he uses to insulate himself

  • from criticism and consequence.

  • And if we are not extremely careful,

  • all three could have serious impacts

  • that far outlast his presidency,

  • and let's start with the first one.

  • Delegitimizing the media.

  • Now, Trump has been attacking the press

  • since he declared his candidacy,

  • and in a broader sense, he's been waging war

  • on the very concept of truth

  • ever since he first turned to his mom and said,

  • "Dada," and she said, "No, I'm mama,"

  • and he said, "Fake news," and shit his pants.


  • the difference now is, he's crying fake news

  • as President of the United States,

  • and he is openly proud of it,

  • to the point that he recently tried to take ownership

  • of the term itself.

  • The media is... is-- really the word--

  • I think one of the greatest of all terms

  • I've come up with is "fake."

  • I guess other people have used it perhaps

  • over the years, but I've never noticed it.

  • -(AUDIENCE GROANING) -He just took credit

  • for inventing the term "fake news,"

  • which, for the record, he did not,

  • meaning what he just said

  • was technically "fake" fake "news" news.


  • A-- And you can imagine him saying, "Well,

  • I'm not the first politician to criticize the press.

  • What about Hillary Clinton?

  • What about Barack Obama?

  • What about Bernie Sanders?

  • And that actually brings us to Trump's second technique,

  • something called "whataboutism."

  • It's the practice of changing the subject

  • to someone else's perceived wrongdoing.

  • Now, Trump does this all the time,

  • most famously when he was asked

  • why he hadn't forcefully condemned the neo-Nazis

  • in Charlottesville, and this was his response...

  • What about the alt-left that came charging

  • at the-- as you say, the alt-right?

  • Do they have any semblance of guilt?

  • What about the fact they came charging--

  • that they came charging with clubs in their hands,

  • swinging clubs?

  • Do they have any... problem?

  • Well, actually, no, because a Nazi killing someone

  • with a car is so heinous,

  • any other issues that might be up for debate,

  • under any other circumstances, kind of have to wait their turn.

  • You can be wearing Crocs with socks,

  • but if you're using those socked-Crocs

  • to kick Hitler in the balls, do you know what?

  • I'm suddenly not so fucking focused

  • -on the footwear. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • Now-- Now this technique of saying "what about..."

  • is actually an old Soviet propaganda tool,

  • and the reason it is dangerous is because it implies

  • that all actions, regardless of context,

  • share a moral equivalency, and since nobody is perfect,

  • all criticism is hypocritical

  • and everybody should do whatever they want.

  • It is a depressingly effective tool,

  • which is why, on Trump's favorite network,

  • you hear it all the time.

  • The mainstream media focused on the Trump campaign

  • and allegations of collusion with the Russians.

  • But what about the Democrat's possible ties to Moscow?

  • FEMALE ANCHOR: Former national security adviser

  • General Michael Flynn,

  • investigated for his private meeting with Russia,

  • but what about Hillary Clinton?

  • The media wants to call into question the credibility,

  • uh, and the trustworthiness of this administration, uh,

  • but what about Benghazi? What about the blatant lies

  • that the Obama administration told us?

  • What about the fact that Ben Rhodes bragged

  • about lying to the media and the public

  • -about the Iran deal? -HANNITY: Great point.

  • What about the fact that Jonathan Gruber

  • basically said the American people were stupid?

  • Okay, stop, stop, stop, because here is the thing,

  • none of the errors those people may have made in the past

  • excuse the Trump administration's actions.

  • A defense attorney could not stand up in court and say,

  • "Maybe my client did murder those people,

  • but I ask you this... What about Jeffrey Dahmer?

  • -What about Al Capone? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)

  • What about the guy from the Silence of the Lambs?

  • I rest my case here, people. I rest my case."

  • The problem with whataboutism is it doesn't actually

  • solve a problem or win an argument.

  • The point is just to muddy the waters

  • which can make the other side mad,

  • and that actually brings us to Trump's

  • third technique... trolling.

  • Now trolling itself has been around for years.

  • It's basically 80% of what happens on the internet.

  • It's-- it's when a YouTube commenter

  • says something willfully provocative

  • like saying, "I've aged like an apple core in a dumpster."

  • or that I "look like a fucking pickle with glasses."

  • Now, it doesn't matter whether they mean any of that,

  • the point is just to get a reaction

  • and to hurt my feelings which, by the way,

  • it absolutely does.

  • But-- But Trump... Trump may well be the first ever troll

  • to be elected president. And that's right,

  • I said elected.

  • Remember tenth president, Sprinkles Fuzzwizard?

  • He assumed office after William Henry Harrison died

  • and if you're thinking, "Hold on,

  • Sprinkles Fuzzwizard was not America's tenth president"...

  • Really?

  • Who was America's tenth president?

  • Exactly. Let's assume I'm right.

  • The point is, as a troll, Trump often does things

  • that have no effect other than

  • to piss off his perceived enemies.

  • Like when he tweeted this wrestling GIF

  • of himself body slamming CNN,

  • or attacked Mika Brzezinksi by saying she was,

  • "bleeding badly from a face-lift,"

  • or, as we mentioned earlier tonight,

  • called a leader with nuclear weapons

  • "short and fat."

  • And Trump even once retweeted a claim

  • that he was the most superior troll

  • on the whole of Twitter, calling it

  • "a great compliment."

  • Which it is not, because sometimes

  • when you do something that makes a lot of people mad,

  • it's because, and bear with me here,

  • -you're a dick. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

  • If you-- If you sneak into someone's house

  • and urinate in every heating vent

  • and they get mad at you, you're not an epic troll

  • sticking it to the snowflake cucks,

  • you're just some fucking asshole.

  • But the thing is, Trump's trolling

  • is not actually without political value.

  • Despite Trump's few real policy accomplishments to date,

  • he has consistently achieved one thing,

  • and that is making his enemies unhappy.

  • And for many Trump supporters, that itself counts

  • as a major victory.

  • Just listen to how Fox & Friends reacted

  • after Trump freaked people out

  • by standing with military leaders

  • during rising tensions with North Korea,

  • and suggesting that it was the "calm before the storm."

  • I feel like he's trolling the media.

  • He is-- I think he's totally trolling the media there.

  • You do something like that-- even the smile and the wink.

  • Those of us that are sick of the status quo,

  • the forgotten men and women who voted for President Trump,

  • want that town to freak out. I want those reporters going,

  • "What do you mean? What do you mean?"

  • It's beautiful to watch.

  • Is it?

  • Why? I'm genuinely serious.

  • Who benefits from mass confusion about whether or not

  • we're about to go to war?

  • Are there thousands of unemployed factory workers

  • across the Midwest going, "Well the plant closed down

  • and I lost my healthcare. But somewhere,

  • a Washington Post reporter is scared of dying,

  • so things are looking up. Mega!"

  • Judging your political success on how bad you make

  • other people feel makes just about as much sense

  • as judging your success as a zookeeper

  • by how many bears you fuck.

  • Oh, wow, that is not your job.

  • I mean, I guess it's impressive in its own way,

  • but it is definitely not what you're supposed to be doing.

  • And the surest proof of trolling often comes

  • when a troll is confronted.

  • Because that's when they have to either

  • put up or shut up.

  • You may have heard about cases where

  • people tracked down the source of something awful

  • that was posted online, only to find

  • some sullen fifteen-year-old who just shrugs and goes,

  • "Well I don't know why I wrote that. I just did it.

  • Stop asking me so many questions."

  • Well, that is basically our president now.

  • I'll show you. Remember when Trump said

  • that Obama had surveilled him in Trump Tower, tweeting...

  • "How low has President Obama gone to tap-p my phones?"

  • Watch what happens when he was asked to justify that.

  • Well, you saw what happened with surveillance

  • and I think that was inappropriate.

  • -That's the way-- -What does that mean, sir?

  • Uh, you can figure that out yourself.

  • Well I-- The reason I ask is you said he was--

  • You called him "sick and bad."

  • Look, you can figure it out yourself,

  • he was very nice to me with words, but--

  • and when I was with him, but after that

  • there has been no relationship.

  • But you stand by that claim about him?

  • I don't stand by anything. I just, uh...

  • You can take it the way you want.

  • Okay, so let's walk through what just happened there.

  • On the internet he claimed that his predecessor

  • committed an extremely serious crime.

  • But in person, he is suddenly backing down.

  • First saying Obama was "very nice to me with words,"

  • then that, "I don't stand by anything."

  • Which is one of the most

  • frighteningly nihilistic sentences a president can say.

  • I would honestly rather hear that

  • from a clown holding a knife than a president.

  • Because at least when a clown says,

  • "I don't stand by anything," you think,

  • "Yeah, that kind of makes sense. Please make it quick."

  • -And... -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)

  • And look, it gets worse, because that interview kept going

  • and Trump was explicitly given the opportunity

  • to set the record straight for the "fake news media,"

  • but he flat-out refused.

  • I just wanted to find out that--

  • You're the president of the United States,

  • you said he was "sick and bad"

  • -because he attacked you-- -You can take it any way--

  • You can take it any way you want.

  • -But I'm asking you, because you don't want it to be fake news. -You don't--

  • -I want to hear it from President Trump. -You don't have to ask me.

  • -You don't have to ask me. -Why not?

  • Because I have my own opinions, you can have your own opinions.

  • But I want to know your opinions.

  • -You're the president of the United States. -Okay. That's enough.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you very much.


  • Okay, so...

  • There is a lot that is infuriating about that clip.

  • But Trump going back to his desk and pretending to work hard

  • is an objectively funny thing to do.

  • That's like your dog avoiding questions

  • by pretending to do his taxes. You never do this,

  • why would you need to do it now?

  • Look, while there is nothing new about any of these techniques,

  • they are now coming out of the Oval Office.

  • Which not only legitimizes them, it risks them spreading,

  • and that, sadly, is happening.

  • Last month, Congressman Paul Gosar

  • used all three techniques.

  • First, he suggested in an interview

  • that the march in Charlottesville

  • may have been a false flag operation

  • created by the left, which is pretty troll-y behavior.

  • And when confronted about it, he deployed the other two tools.

  • -It's all been debunked. -It's not been debunked.

  • Absolutely not debunked whatsoever.

  • -So stay tuned. -The conspiracy theory

  • that you have put out there has been debunked.

  • It has not been debunked. Look at-- Look at what CNN

  • has talked about with, uh, with what's going on

  • with the Clinton administration right now with the dossier.

  • Hardly an aspect in regards to debunk.

  • You're not real news, you're fake news.

  • Sir, everything you've said has been debunked,

  • why are you continuing to put this out there?

  • So he's basically just copying Trump.

  • And if there is one thing worse than something terrible,

  • it's a cover band of that terrible thing.

  • If Trump is Nickelback, that man is Bickleknack.

  • Not as good at it as the original,

  • and a horrible sign that the disease is spreading.

  • The problem is if that becomes

  • the level of discourse in this country,

  • we are seriously and lastingly fucked.

  • And just this week, we saw some of these techniques

  • pushed to the absolute limit by the scandal involving

  • Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore,

  • who has denied allegations of sexual misconduct

  • with a 14-year-old when he was 32

  • and called them "fake news."

  • Now, watch Sean Hannity then use whataboutism

  • to derail a discussion about it.

  • This 14-year old girl, purportedly,

  • according to The Washington Post,

  • told two of her girlfriends

  • -what happened in real time. -SEAN HANNITY: Here's a tough question...

  • Do you think Bill Clinton, in retrospect, was a predator?

  • But, that is not what this discussion is about.

  • You might as well have said, "Here's a tough question,

  • 'If you had to guess, how many lobsters are there?'"

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -"Like total? In the world?"

  • Is that worth discussing? Sure, but first let's finish

  • talking about the Senate candidate

  • who may have made sexual advances on a child.

  • And, look, whether Clinton engaged in predatory behavior

  • is absolutely a legitimate question, but

  • it shouldn't really inform what we do about Roy Moore.

  • And, even if you believe the Democrats are guilty

  • of a double standard, the solution is not to have

  • no standard whatsoever.

  • That is why it's so important to train ourselves to identify

  • these techniques because their natural endpoint

  • is the erosion of our ability to decide what's important,

  • have an honest debate, and hold one another accountable.

  • And that erosion could be so gradual

  • that it's difficult to spot.

  • It's like being murdered by a sloth.

  • It happens very slowly and you might not notice

  • -until it's too late. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)

  • Now, listen, this is all very bleak.

  • I cannot pretend that it isn't,

  • which is why it is so important to take some hope

  • from this year's small victories like the Muslim ban

  • being blocked by the courts after massive public protests.

  • -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS) -Or, or, the attempts...

  • to appeal Obamacare stalling,

  • thanks in part to people pressuring their lawmakers.

  • And, just this week, just this week in Virginia,

  • voters rejected Ed Gillespie for governor

  • after he ran a Trump-style, dog-whistle campaign.

  • And that is encouraging because it's nice to know that

  • if you use Trump tactics

  • in a Virginia gubernatorial election,

  • you do not get to be "gubernator."

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) -Now...

  • further down the ballot there,

  • Tuesday also marked the defeat of Bob Marshall,

  • who earlier this year proposed a so-called bathroom bill.

  • He lost to Danica Roem, who will now be Virginia's

  • first openly transgender legislator.

  • And the tone that she has taken is already markedly different.

  • Danica, you were running against, um, Robert Marshall,

  • an incumbent, thirteen-term incumbent.

  • He's also a man who referred to himself

  • as "Virginia's chief homophobe."

  • He refused to debate you during the campaign.

  • Do you have anything you wanna say to him?

  • Come January, delegate Marshall will be one of my constituents

  • and I'm not gonna disrespect my own constituents.

  • Wow, that is incredibly refreshing.

  • Just think about that.

  • She beat a man who openly disrespected her,

  • but given the opportunity, she chose not to respond

  • by tweeting...



  • It's nice! It's nice not to have that.

  • And, look, Tuesday's results should not make you complacent.

  • They are absolutely no guarantee that the midterms

  • will turn out at all well.

  • That is why, though,

  • you should take these moments of encouragement

  • to help you keep going.

  • Because the Trump Presidency is basically a marathon.

  • It's painful, it's pointless, and the majority of you

  • didn't even agree to run it.

  • You were just signed up by your dumbest friend.

  • And-- And the fact is

  • we are not even at mile six right now,

  • or possibly even mile three.

  • So, there is a long way to go,

  • and though you're exhausted and your whole body

  • is screaming for you to give up, and your nipples are chafing

  • for some reason, the stakes are too high

  • for any of us to stop.

  • And, I do realize that I'm saying that

  • as we're about to stop doing shows for the year.

  • But-- But here's the thing,

  • we won't actually be going away entirely.

  • You might remember earlier this year,

  • we used our "Catheter Cowboy" to try and get information

  • to the president in the ad breaks of Fox & Friends.

  • Well, Trump is still watching that show and we know this

  • because The Times wrote a generally negative piece

  • about its enormous influence on him.

  • And because of that called it

  • "...the most powerful TV show in America."

  • A sentiment that the hosts were very excited about.

  • This program, the program you're watching,

  • is, according to The New York Times,

  • "...the most powerful TV show in America."

  • -TUCKER CARLSON: Wow! -AINSLEY EARHARDT: Do you know why Steve?

  • Because we have the best viewers.

  • Yes.


  • No, you don't. Uh, you-- you absolutely don't.

  • Oh, an-- and look, don't misunderstand,

  • I'm not saying that we have the best viewers.

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, CHEERING) -No, no. I'm not saying that.

  • No! I'm explicitly not saying that.

  • You guys... are fine.


  • The best audience belongs to Ellen because this

  • is how they greet her...

  • ANNOUNCER: Here she is now... Ellen DeGeneres.


  • None of you fuckers did that

  • -when I came out. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS LOUDLY)

  • None of you did it!

  • But, the point is, the point here is,

  • just 45 minutes after that information was on Fox,

  • Trump tweeted...


  • So information goes right from that show

  • into his brain, which is terrible.

  • Because we would genuinely be better off if Trump was getting

  • daily briefings from an actual fox

  • and his friends, a hedgehog and a weasel

  • with its head stuck in a tin can.

  • But, if Trump is going to keep watching that show,

  • we are going to spend our hiatus

  • sneaking information through our Catheter Cowboy.

  • So-- so a number of commercials are going to be airing

  • on Fox News over the next few months.

  • Here is the first one...

  • NARRATOR: Attention catheter patients...

  • I'm a professional cowboy.

  • I use catheters and there's two things I know.

  • I don't like pain when I "cath" and the term "clean coal"

  • doesn't refer to the physical act of cleaning coal,

  • that would be impossible.

  • Coal is coal. Clean coal is a marketing term the coal industry

  • came up with for stuff like

  • carbon capture and sequestration,

  • an expensive process that's shown limited results at best.

  • Also, Frederick Douglass is dead.

  • -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -More tomorrow. Bye-bye.

  • -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS) -That's good information for him to know.

  • That will be on Fox in the D.C. area later this week.

  • And keep an eye out for more of them,

  • because that cowboy has got a bunch up his sleeve.

  • The U.S. Virgin Islands has a governor,

  • not a president.

  • Here's a fun fact...

  • There's actually no federal law against this,

  • thanks to something called the "First Amendment."

  • Just because Jared Kushner is smarter than you,

  • doesn't mean that he's smart.

  • The Navy Seals aren't actually seals.

  • I know buddy. I was disappointed, too.

  • There are many non-gold decor schemes that are actually

  • very appealing.

  • During an eclipse, don't do this...

  • Buddy, this can't be that hard.

  • Nazi's... bad.

  • One fish, two fish, red fish...

  • Arm of the executive branch that should operate

  • free from White House interference

  • so as to avoid politically motivated prosecution.

  • -Donald, Donald. -(GLASS TAPPING)

  • I don't think he's gettin' any of this.

  • That's all for now, Donald. See ya tomorrow.

  • And, remember, if you're not enjoying this,

  • there's no shame in quittin'.


The presidency of Donald Trump.


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B1 中級 美國腔

特朗普的總統任期。約翰-奧利弗(HBO)的 "上週今晚"。 (The Trump Presidency: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO))

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    Aprilgogo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日