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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.

  • You probably already know how to tell someone in English that they are doing a good job

  • by saying, “Good job!”

  • But when you say, “Good job!” all the time it gets a little bit boring.

  • So let's look at more ways that you can tell someone that they've done a good job

  • in English.

  • Let's imagine that a friend has cooked you a good meal.

  • You could say:

  • Good work.

  • Good work Dave.

  • That meal was delicious.

  • You could also say:

  • That was great.

  • That was great Dave.

  • Nice job on the meal.

  • You could also say:

  • Not bad.

  • Not bad Dave.

  • That meal was really good.

  • You could also say:

  • Good stuff.

  • Good stuff Dave.

  • That meal was delicious.

  • Or you could say:

  • Nice going.

  • Nice going Dave.

  • You are a good cook.

  • Maybe you're helping a child learn to ride a bike.

  • You could say to give them encouragement:

  • Way to go.

  • Way to go John.

  • Keep pedalling.

  • Or you could say:

  • That's it.

  • That's it John.

  • Keep your head up.

  • Or you could say:

  • That's the way.

  • That's the way John.

  • Keep going.

  • You could also say:

  • You're getting the hang of it.

  • You're getting the hang of it John.

  • Don't fall.

  • And you could also say:

  • I knew you could do it.

  • I knew you could do it John.

  • Keep going.

  • But maybe you want to tell someone they are doing a good job really quickly using only

  • one word.

  • You could use any of the following words:

  • Excellent.

  • Awesome.

  • Super.

  • Cool.

  • Fantastic.

  • Well that is a grand total of 15 different ways to tell someone that they are doing a

  • good job in English.

  • So get out there and give someone some positive feedback.

  • Bob the Canadian here.

  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

  • Have a great day.

Hi Bob the Canadian here.


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A2 初級 美國腔

15種表達方式 (15 Ways to Say )

  • 101 10
    Yukiko 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日