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  • What's up guys!

  • Just want to say huge thanks to Xiaomi for partnering with us to make this video

  • Xiaomi is actually behind some of the world's coolest tech like these superfast charging power banks

  • or these really awesome portable electric scooters

  • We're actually gonna be doing giveaway so stay tuned to the end of the video to find out how you can win one of these

  • for now, enjoy this video!

  • Hey guys, it's officially summer break we're outside soaking up the sun

  • We got our mimosas here. Cheers, and I'm just living.. wait... Oh, no!

  • What's wrong?

  • -My battery's low can I use your external battery for a second?

  • What percent you at?

  • That was the most hurtful thing you've ever asked me. I'm at 10%

  • Talk to me at 3.

  • Girl, give me a charge!

  • Ugh! You know, you are what's wrong with this generation. So concerned about your social media and your gadgets

  • why can't you just sit back and enjoy this beautiful day?

  • It's dead.

  • No!

  • Ugh, it wasn't charging mine either. What are we gonna do?

  • There's Ray, he always has so much techy stuff. I'm sure he'll have an extra battery

  • What's up, ladies?

  • I have so many questions, but first we need to charge our phones. Do you have an external battery?

  • Yeah? I have five

  • Thank God!

  • home.

  • Ugh can't you just... scooter back?

  • I will not put extra wear and tear on my baby.

  • Let's just ask someone here.

  • There

  • It's... beautiful

  • All right, I'm going for it.

  • Hey, hey ask for us too.

  • Man, you're on your own.

  • Hey! Mind if I sit here?

  • Sure, go ahead.

  • Cool

  • Oh! What book are you reading?

  • Uhm? It's just a legal thriller

  • Oh! Lawyers...

  • What are the charges?

  • What?

  • Assault on battery

  • Mm. I'm gonna go ahead and move over... over there... the sun

  • it's... shifting... Nice to meet you!

  • Not it's not though..

  • Damn it

  • What was that?

  • I couldn't have been any clearer

  • Let me try

  • Hey! I've got charm

  • What a cool guy!

  • Well?

  • Well what?

  • The battery?

  • Oh shoot! My bad, I completely forgot to ask. He saw my scooter and he has one also so we ended up talking about that.

  • He used to be a pro skater, too. What a guy...

  • Ugh! Okay, this is ridiculous. I didn't want to resort to this but...

  • Hi! I'm Michelle. I couldn't help, but notice you over here, you're just so cute, you know

  • Bricen, nice to meet you. Yeah, I think I saw you over there with your other friend.

  • I don't know her

  • Hey, what's this?

  • Oh, uhm...

  • Me? Is this for..? Me? Aha?

  • He's packing his stuff we scared him away

  • Hey! Sorry, I'm late guys. What's going on? You look super creepy huddled here like this

  • All of our phones are about to die

  • so we're trying to get this guy over here to let us use this external battery for a second

  • We tried being friendly, we tried flirting,

  • hilarious puns. Nothing's worked on him

  • Well let me show you how it's done

  • Hi!

  • Oh hi

  • The reception is terrible here, huh?

  • Tell me about it. I've been on 4G for the past hour

  • Gegegeeez that sucks

  • Well I've got a mobile hotspot if you want to use it..?

  • Really? Sure, yeah, that'd be great!

  • Oh no, it's...

  • out of battery!

  • Wait! Here... you can charge it with my power bank!

  • Perfect!

  • What a match we are huh? You keep sending me electricity, I'll keep sending you signals

  • My name is Donna by the way.

  • Bryson. What's your password?

  • Rain drops hot spot.

  • No. I meant, to your heart.

  • Oh, I like what you're networking with!

  • Wi-Fi...t the inevitable

  • Did you want to grab by to eat cuz I'm on my way out anyways?

  • Yeah!

  • Cool, cool sounds good! I actually know this awesome a little burger place.

  • I thought you'd never ask!

  • It's the best. It's got...

  • What the hell just happened?

  • I thought my puns where way better

  • Dating is weird nowadays

  • Well hope you guys like that video! I think we can all relate to the frustration of having a phone that is not charged.

  • Again, thanks so much to Xiaomi for making this video happen! You can check out their power bank Pro

  • and the electric scooter on Amazon, in the links below

  • As you guys saw in the video the power bank pro is perfect for when you're on the go,

  • it stores a lot of power it can charge like an Android phone two and a half times

  • or an iPhone 7 like four times, on one charge

  • And also the electric scooter is a ton of fun! It's lightweight and portable, easy to carry around

  • it can go up to 15 miles per hour and last up to 18,6 miles

  • So be sure to follow Xiaomi online! Follow their Instagram and Facebook and all their socials to find out more about their products

  • We're actually going to be doing a giveaway of some of these scooters and the batteries on our Instagram

  • so head over to our Instagram page to find out how you can win one of these babies.

  • For now, see you later!

What's up guys!


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B1 中級 美國腔

手機可以充電嗎!? (Can I Charge My Phone?!)

  • 103 3
    AABBY 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日