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Such a small village yet so many people around....
I thought the Dead Kingdom is a rather quiet place, didn't thought to be this lively. There are many people on the streets.
But their destination seems to be the same.
Yeah, they are all walking towards the same direction.... Where are they heading to?
To the church.
wtf mate
When did you appear!?
Did I scared you? Sorry, it's my habit.
....? You said that everyone is heading to the church? Is something happening there?
It's the Shine Stone Festival yoo.
Shine Stone Fest?
.... Oh I see, you are from other kingdoms.
Uh? Yeah. We escort the traders and travel around the world.
Although Albi looks like this, he is actually a Healer.
Ah I see. Just by looking at both of you, you guys seems to be good people.
Good people....
But still, getting to travel.
That is so nice, I would like to travel as well. I can only look at the paintings in the room. I also want to see those beautiful scenery with my own eyes.
Oh yeah. We were talking about the Shine Stone Festival just now right?
From the moment of birth until their death, the people in this kingdom will carry a stone with them which is called Shine Stone.
Yeah. A shining stone.
Mew, is it different from a jewel?
Yeah, a shining stone. It is not a metaphor, it actually glows and shines hence the name. People say it is a miracle from the God.
Miracle from the God....
Cut open the Shine Stone, the inside will be glowing. The bible says because the God pity the people and gave light to them.
Before there was Shine Stone, the world is engulfed by the darkness, and people can only pray to the god.
Which is why it is said as a miracle from the God.
And also our path.
When the soul leaves the body, it will moved into the Shine Stone. That's why we say the Shine Stone is our path. The route, proof and memories of our entire life.
Miracles and path...
Kinda sounds like a pun. (In Jap, miracle and course/path is pronounced the same [Kiseki].)
Mew, I am sorry! I didn't mean it!
Ahahaha! Daijobu, I am not angry.
The first time when I heard this from my teacher I thought the same as well. I even said that God might like to joke around.
The Shine Stone Festival is the day of discarding the Shine Stone.
Isn't that a very important stone?
In our kingdom, by throwing the stone into the sky, it can lead the souls of that relative into the peace of darkness.
At that moment the stone will break apart, so tonight the sky will be glittering, which is very beautiful.
I see... The peace of darkness you speak of, I thought it would be complete darkness.
The darkness I meant was the afterlife. Over there, it is completely covered in darkness. Just like the world before the miracle has happened.
But it is said that people in there will be peacefully dreaming. Although no one knows what kind of dream it is.....
However, the teachers who teaches bible have different sayings about sleeping in the darkness.
But in conclusion, for people to reach the endpoint and sleep in the darkness, it is the biggest blessing.
ehh.... So for the people of the Dead Kingdom, today's festival is a very important day.
Yeah.... If the stone is not tossed into the sky, the beloved family and friends will not be able to sleep in happiness and can only lurk around in this world.
So does that mean misfortune?
Who knows. Even I am not sure about that.
But I think it is a very sad thing if no one can see you, even though you are in this world.
In order to save these people, the God created this festival.
Shine Stone Festival?
Moving on to another topic.
Oni-san are you afraid of ghost?
Hold on.....! I feel something is not right....
Only today you can see people who has passed away/
I thought so....
So that means, the family which we walked past just now......!
Could be.
.....hehehe, just joking.
Mew!? Man, stop joking around~
Did I scared you guys? Sorry, it has been a a long time since I have talked to someone, so I was so happy and got carried away.
A long time... anyways you are wearing what looks like to be a kid from a royal family, could it be that you are a kid of a rich background?
And got locked in to study.....
Oh, so you can tell just by looking at the cloths....
Actually you are correct. I was always studying in the room. But I still have friends.
Oh is that so.
But then now we can no longer meet up. Even though we have promised each other to travel together.
Could it be that because of the difference background! Mew, never thought that this would actually happen in reality.
I am not sure if this counts as a difference in background. However, we have a lot in difference.
The end result was not preventable... but I am still very sorry to him. Even though we have made the promise, but I went off by myself.
Can't you go meet this person again?
....By myself, it is impossible.
If that is so, we will help you out! Just leave it to us!
Yes.... If we are able to help then please say it.
Since we will be staying in this village for a while. I have heard the pets around are all healed, so we should not have much work to do.
Albi... you say that you are jobless in such an easy manner.
No!? I am just saying that now we are quite free!
.... Thank you.
And also, sorry?
Actually I knew that you guys are gonna say this, which is why I came over to talk with you.
What a shock....!?
... but this means that, you really wanted to ask for help. Is there anything we can help you with?
Yup. This right. I would like you to help me deliver this thing to my friend who lives in the castle in mountain.
....This is......
Where is this place?
The village of dreams.
Dream? What kind of dream?
That is for you to decide, or for me to decide.
.... I don't quite understand. And who are you?
Who am I...... meaning "who are you" right? (He says "who are you" in English). I see, this is a difficult question.
Why is that?
Why? Then little girl, do you know who you are?
....? My name is Cosetto.
No no. I wanted to know, what you are.
I am just Cosetto.....
Just a Cosetto! Then what is a Cosetto?
.... Cosetto is Cosetto.
This has no end. You are Cosetto of what?
... I am, a human, living in Rio village...., Papa's.....
...... I am actually Papa's what.... (This part she is questioning what does she actually means to her father. or what is she to her father)
Hmm, so this means, you also actually don't know who you are.
.... You don't know who you are too?
Yup. I don't know, or you can say I have forgot about it.
This can be forgotten?
Yeah it can be forgotten. That is because in this place, a split second can be 1 day, 1 day can be 1 year, 1 year can be a split second.
So forgetting about who you are is quite normal. The only important thing is that I am here, do you get it little girl? And go to the places I want to go.
What places....
Or you can say, the things you are after.
You must have something you also wanted little girl. Which is why you came to this place.
.... The things I wanted can be found in here?
That's right. This place is the village of dreams after all.
....but, there are many things in here. I am not sure what kind things there are.
Then little girl, I shall guide you around this village.
Yeah, for a small person like you this place is huge, you will need a guide.
Just leave it to me, I have practiced before on how to escort females. So lets...
I have forgotten when did I practiced it.
Don't worry! Even though with this pumpkin head, I still remember the method!
Firstly....., mmmm....
Right! Girl, lend me your hand.
.... I think that sounded a bit weird.
ok, ok, don't bother about the minor details!
Then, hold on to my hand! 1, 2, 3!
dhfauiehwjdhnfuiew!? um, um, I am floating!
Hahaha! Didn't I say I will guide you around?
The place is huge, there is never enough time. So we look from the above.
But, what if we drop!
Girl, your thinking is not flexible. This place is the village of dreams remember?
If you want, you can walk in the sky, and even walk on the stars.
Anyone who would have at least thought about it once! A personal world of fantasy!
Ah, Oops! I haven't told you my name.
I am Sitoluiu. Mister, or call me Mister Sitoluiu.
This is the cursed castle..., Cosetto...., where are you....
....what kind of sound....
......, ah a rat.....
Just kidding!
....! Where did that came from.....
Over here, here! Man, have you forgotten about it?
Yes, over here! Behind your foot.
....You are....
Hey hey, don't tell me that you have forgotten how I looked? I am the world's most handsome rat, by the name......
That's right!
Hey, partner! It has been a while, what is with that expression on your face?