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  • Time's up is

  • time's up to sexual harassment,

  • bullying, abuse and

  • the lack of representation and equality.

  • My big passion in all of this has been to make sure that

  • this is a global movement

  • this is about women standing shoulder to shoulder, women and men

  • Across all workplaces, because we know this is happening everywhere.

  • I can't be up after, I'm working elsewhere right now

  • which is killing me.

  • But I'm there in spirits it just feels good to be bringing that home

  • We are really important as part of it.

  • We are integral part of it.

  • And we need to make sure that our voices are uplifted

  • and heard too.

  • That's the positive changes that we've seen happening

  • You know here in the states are also happening elsewhere

  • in industry

  • This is which this moment is about.

  • This is truly something that affects everyone.

Time's up is


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A2 初級 美國腔

艾瑪-沃森 - 時間到了 (Emma Watson - Time's Up Now)

  • 990 52
    小巴 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日