字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There's a stigma today that the older you get, the more popularity points you lose 如今有一種成見,認為年齡越大,失去的人氣值就越多 We're afraid to age because it often translates to additional responsibilities, 我們害怕變老,因為這往往意味著要承擔更多的責任、 set routines, and monotony. 套路和單調。 But what if getting older, or rather, being an old soul, 但是,如果年紀大了,或者說,靈魂老了、 regardless of what age you are, is actually rewarding? 無論你是什麼年齡段的人,實際上都有收穫嗎? When asked what attracted him to make the film, Howl's Moving Castle, Hayao Miyazaki states 當被問及是什麼吸引他拍攝電影《哈爾的移動城堡》時,宮崎駿說 "Sophie, the girl, is given a spell and transformed into an old woman. "女孩索菲被施了咒語,變成了一位老婦人。 "It would be a lie to say that turning young again would mean living happily ever after. "如果說重返青春就意味著從此過上幸福的生活,那是騙人的。 "I didn't want to say that. I didn't want to make it seem like turning old was such a bad thing. "我不想這麼說。我不想讓人覺得變老是件壞事。 "The idea was that maybe she'll have learned something by being old for a while "我的想法是,也許她老了一段時間,會學到一些東西 and, when she is actually old, make a better grandma. 並在她真正老去時,做一個更好的奶奶。 "Anyway, as Sophie gets older, she gets more pep. She says what's on her mind. "總之,隨著蘇菲年齡的增長,她變得越來越有活力。她把心裡話都說出來了。 "She's transformed from a shy, mousy, little girl to a blunt, honest woman. "她從一個害羞、靦腆的小女孩變成了一個直率、誠實的女人。 "It is not a motif you see often, and, especially with an old woman taking up the whole screen, it's a big theatrical risk. "這個主題並不常見,尤其是一個老婦人佔據了整個銀幕,這是一個很大的戲劇風險。 "But, it's a delusion that being young means you're happy." "但是,年輕就意味著幸福,這是一種錯覺" Miyazaki breaks away from the stereotype of starring young faces when he lets old Sophie be the center 宮崎駿打破了由年輕面孔主演的刻板印象,他讓老蘇菲成為中心人物 because he understands the value of her journey of maturing, giving the audience an authentic message. 因為他了解她成熟歷程的價值,給觀眾帶來真實的資訊。 Being an old soul means having a sort of wisdom and outlook on life that indicates intelligence. 作為一個老靈魂,意味著擁有一種智慧和人生觀,表明自己很聰明。 This type of intelligence isn't synonymous to memorizing textbook definitions 這種智力並不等同於背誦教科書上的定義 but, rather, it can only be gained by observing what happens in the world 而只能通過觀察世界上發生的事情來獲得 and understanding the intricacies of why those events occur. 並瞭解這些事件發生的複雜原因。 On the surface, an old soul might seem bland because they usually don't take part in culturally hip activities. 從表面上看,老靈魂可能顯得平淡無奇,因為他們通常不參加文化時尚活動。 but there's always more to them than meets the eye. 但是,他們總是比我們看到的更多。 Sound familiar? Here are 10 sure signs to look out for, if you think you identify as an old soul. 聽起來熟悉嗎?如果你認為自己是一個 "老靈魂",那麼這裡有 10 個值得注意的跡象。 One: you have a deep thirst for knowledge. 其一:你求知若渴。 You're constantly tying together information you pick up on, 你要不斷地把自己收集到的資訊串聯起來、 whether it's from literature, film, or social interactions. 無論是文學、電影還是社會交往。 Instead of just skimming over various topics, you take the time to go in-depth, 你沒有對各種主題浮光掠影,而是花時間深入探討、 and carefully investigate things you strongly connect with, developing your wisdom. 仔細研究與你有強烈共鳴的事物,開發你的智慧。 Two: you hate superficial small talk. 第二:你討厭膚淺的閒聊。 Forget mentioning the weather or what you had for dinner last night. 別提天氣或昨晚吃了什麼。 Instead, you like having meaningful conversations that stimulate your thinking. 相反,你喜歡進行有意義的對話,激發你的思考。 You're careful and selective about your word choice, because you like making every thought count. 你對自己的用詞謹慎而挑剔,因為你喜歡讓每一個想法都有價值。 You naturally have strong communication and verbal skills. 您天生具有很強的溝通能力和語言表達能力。 Sometimes others can't keep up with your conversations, making you feel lonely. 有時,別人跟不上你的對話,會讓你感到孤獨。 Three: you see the big picture. 三:你能縱觀全局。 Philosophy intrigues you. You're not afraid to question the systems and institutions of society, 你對哲學很感興趣。你不怕質疑社會制度和體制、 and ask the wise instead of just accepting things at face value. 並向智者請教,而不是信口開河。 You're comfortable delving in the realm of abstraction, exploring theories, and what-ifs. 你喜歡深入抽象領域,探索理論和假設。 You lean towards possibilities, and you're fixed on the future. 你傾向於各種可能性,並著眼於未來。 because what's more abstract than the idea of a moment that hasn't happened yet? 因為還有什麼比尚未發生的時刻更抽象呢? Four: you don't want to date. 四:你不想約會。 Hook-up culture is something that is difficult for you to wrap your head around 勾搭文化讓你難以理解 and your prefer not to participate in it. 而你寧願不參與其中。 Shallow flirting, playing games, and stringing others along, are all languages you simply don't speak. 膚淺的調情、玩遊戲、串門,這些都是你根本不會說的語言。 You have a strong sense of self, and hold standards you refuse to lower, 你有強烈的自我意識,並堅持自己的標準,拒絕降低、 because that would only mean denying a core part of who you are. 因為那隻會否認你的核心部分。 after all, there's bound to be someone else out there who wishes to meet someone like you. 畢竟,一定會有其他人希望遇到像你這樣的人。 When you finally find someone who gets it, you don't take them for granted 當你終於找到能理解你的人時,你不會認為他們是理所當然的 because it was hard for you to find them in the first place. 因為你本來就很難找到它們。 Five: you can see right through people. 五:你能看穿別人。 You can detect lies and deceit miles away. 你能在數英里之外識破謊言和欺騙。 You're good at reading peoples' intentions, and you don't let just anyone in, 你善於揣摩別人的意圖,不會讓任何人隨便進來、 being extra careful about who you associate yourself with. 對自己的交往對象格外小心。 People often find it uncanny that you're able to figure them out right from the get-go, 人們常常會覺得不可思議,因為你從一開始就能猜到他們的心思、 making you a natural psychologist. 讓你成為一個天生的心理學家。 Six: people often go to you for advice. 六:人們經常向你尋求建議。 They gravitate towards you because they admire your maturity. 他們向你靠攏,是因為他們欣賞你的成熟。 You're often seen as a role model 您經常被視為榜樣 Even if you don't have it all together, somehow you can take even the most chaotic situations 即使你不在一起,不知何故,你也能把最混亂的局面處理得井井有條 and find some sort of valuable lesson in them. 並從中找到某種寶貴的經驗。 Your introspective nature is what helps you make important revelations and reflections, 你的內省天性有助於你做出重要的啟示和反思、 leading people to respect and trust you for having clear, sound judgments. 讓人們尊重和信任你,因為你有清晰、正確的判斷。 Seven: empathy is your middle name. 七:換位思考是你的中間名。 Sensitive by nature, you are an emotional sponge, and can pick up how the people around you feel. 天生敏感的你是一塊情感海綿,能捕捉到周圍人的感受。 You're always willing to lend a helping hand to someone in need, 你總是願意向需要幫助的人伸出援助之手、 and you're naturally skilled at seeing from different perspectives. 而且你天生擅長從不同角度看問題。 Instead of being judgmental, you're very open minded and open hearted. 你沒有妄加評論,而是非常開明和豁達。 Eight: you like your space. 八:你喜歡自己的空間。 You value your alone time, as it helps you recharge. 你很珍惜獨處的時間,因為這有助於你充電。 You find it meaningful to roam off on your own 你覺得獨自漫遊很有意義 because distance and time away from the social scene helps you connect the dots 因為遠離社交圈的距離和時間會幫助你把事情聯繫起來 and make sense of things that can't be understood in a busy environment. 並在繁忙的環境中理解無法理解的事情。 Nine: you have a hard time fitting in with people your age. 九:你很難融入同齡人。 You often feel light years away from your peers and seek people with wiser personalities 你常常覺得自己與同齡人相去甚遠,並尋找性格更睿智的人 and more life experiences to become your friends and lovers. 和更多的生活體驗,成為你的朋友和夫妻。 You always feel out of place with what is currently trending in pop culture, 你總覺得自己與當前流行文化的趨勢格格不入、 which can easily cause others to categorize you as a non-conformist or an oddball. 這很容易讓別人把你歸類為不合群的人或怪人。 But you're willing to be misunderstood if it means keeping some of the genius you have tucked away. 但你願意被人誤解,如果這意味著你要保留自己的一些天才。 You want to keep growing at your own, unique pace. 你希望以自己獨特的步伐不斷成長。 Instead of hanging out with a group of people who make you feel even more alone, 而不是和一群讓你感到更加孤獨的人混在一起、 you find the special few who encourage and nurture you to be the authentic old soul you are. 你會發現有少數特殊的人在鼓勵和培養你,讓你成為真正的老靈魂。 Ten: and yet, despite feeling out of place, no one gives you as much clarity as yourself. 十:然而,儘管你感到格格不入,但沒有人能像你自己一樣給你帶來清晰的感覺。 Knowledge is power, and you cherish every ounce of knowing who you are. 知識就是力量,你珍惜瞭解自己的每一分每一秒。 Even if it's in disagreement with your generation. 即使與你們這一代人意見相左。 At one point, you realize that you're not obligated to explain yourself. 有一次,你意識到你沒有義務解釋自己。 You just are. 你就是 And no matter how lonely the path may seem at first glance, 無論這條路乍看起來多麼孤獨、 you ultimately realize the way you function plays an important role in this world. 你最終會意識到,你的工作方式在這個世界上扮演著重要角色。 Old souls have their own special niche. 老靈魂有自己的特殊位置。 So may you always have the courage to embrace it. 所以,願你永遠擁有擁抱它的勇氣。 If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out our website and other social media, 如果您喜歡這段視頻,請務必訪問我們的網站和其他社交媒體、 as well as our new Patreon account for more content. 以及我們新的 Patreon 賬戶,以獲取更多內容。 And don't forget to subscribe. Thanks for watching! 別忘了訂閱。感謝觀看!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 靈魂 天生 孤獨 抽象 成熟 幸福 你是一個老靈魂的10個標誌 (10 Signs You're an Old Soul) 104 6 歐小拉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字