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It makes a big difference when you trust God's holy and preserved words
Let me give you an example.
Hi, I'm David Daniels from Chick Publications.
On November 30, 1998 I came to a firm conviction that God had preserved His words
and that those words were preserved perfectly in the King James Bible.
As you know from another vlog, a few days after that I also came to the conviction
That I would no longer question what it said in these words,
and I would trust what God had given me.
And you know what happened?
God put faith into my heart.
But He also did a couple other things I did not expect.
The first one was an awareness of hell.
I didn't want people to go there!
This seems so small. But I graduated from Fuller Seminary. And you know what?
After some years of seminary education it kind of goes down,
your worry about hell and your thinking about all the things that are eternal.
You're thinking in a different wavelength, while you're a student.
But man! I realized these things are true.
And guess what happened a couple days after that?
A Jehovah's Witness, and his son, came to my door.
Now normally I would have told them, "I'm a Christian,
and I don't want to talk, have a good day, bye..."
(Go away)
But today I didn't.
That day I walked out and I wanted to talk with them.
I said, "OK, let's come out," and we went to the picnic table in our front yard.
And he sat down, and his son.
And I got out the Bible (actually I started with the JW Bible--you'll see why).
I started in Isaiah 45, toward the end of the chapter.
I'll read it in the King James, but you'll get the idea.
It says, in the middle of Isaiah 45:21,
"...who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time?
have not I the LORD?..." (Now in a JW Bible, "LORD" is "Jehovah")
"...and there is no God else beside me;
a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me."
And then it goes on:
22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:
for I am God, and there is none else.
23 "I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness,
and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow,
every tongue shall swear."
And after reading THAT to them, I said "Now let me turn to the New Testament."
And many of you already know where I'm going.
Philippians chapter 2!
I love that God put this in here.
Where it says in 2:9,
9 "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,
and given him a name which is above every name:
10 "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 "And that every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
And I said, "In Isaiah, to whom shall every knee bow?
There is only one God. There is no one else beside Him.
And here it says every knee shall bow... the same event! The same prophecy!
What's His name? JESUS. Jesus is Jehovah.
And this guy was shaken.
And I asked him to look at a couple other scriptures,
I gave him Acts 7:59, for instance, when Stephen was being stoned
and called upon the Lord Jesus, and he prayed to Jesus!
And Jesus accepted his prayer. He didn't rebuke him for praying to Him!
In the same way, in John 20:28-29
where Thomas looks at Jesus, and says "My Lord and my God"
Jesus didn't rebuke him.
In other places where people weren't supposed to be worshipped,
whether an angel or human, they said "No no no, wait, don't do this!
I'm just a man" or "just a servant like yourself."
But Jesus accepted the worship.
And he said he'd have to go back to the Kingdom Hall and check these things out.
And I said, "Do you PROMISE? You're in front of your son right now.
Do you PROMISE that you will look these things up?"
And he said yeah, he would!
So I said, "Can I pray for you?" And amazingly, he said "Yes"!
So THAT's when I grabbed my King James Bible
and I held it up in the air,
and I prayed, and I said, "Father, please, honor this man's prayer,
this man's promise in front of his son.
And grant him that he may go to the Kingdom Hall, or wherever,
and that he may look these things up, and that he may check the scriptures,
and that You may bring him to FAITH that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
and that You will turn him over to Jesus in faith,
and that You'll let him trust in Your words, the King James Bible."
You'll never believe what happened next!
I started to go back into the house, and then what I suddenly noticed
as I looked out the window was,
all the JWs all around the neighborhood cleared out!
All the women and the children were GONE.
And then there came this marching...
and as I looked up the center of the street,
there were 3 men across, 7 men deep, 21 men
and at the far corner, was that father that I had just talked to.
And they're marching along the street!
Doing a "Jericho march," around my house, as it were!
So I ran out there to the men and I said, "Do any of you men read Greek?"
And one of them said, "I do!"
And he comes out of the line toward me, and I said,
"Good! Let me grab my Greek Old Testament and let's read some scriptures!"
He stopped. And he turned around, and went back into the line,
and they went back. And they kept their march,
looking straight forward, not turning their head.
The last thing I did is I ran over and jumped over my fence,
and I called out down the street, "I JUST DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO GO TO HELL!!"
That was the last time I've seen a Jehovah's Witness at my house.
That was over 14 years ago.
It really makes a difference
when you trust the words that God has given you.
I pray He puts that same faith in your heart,
and you may do all YOU can to be a soulwinner to these desperately lost souls.
God bless you, and have a wonderful day.