字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Top 10 Ways China Is Ruining Its Own Environment 造成中國環境危機的前十大原因 10. 第十 Poor Air Quality Is Creating A Tremendous Death Toll 低劣的空氣品質造成高人口死亡 The air pollution problem often keeps many people indoors, and forces them to wear masks 空氣污染讓居民時常待在屋內,也迫使他們戴上口罩來隔絕有毒空氣 to keep out toxic fumes even on days where total avoidance of the outside isn't advised. 就連不得不外出的日子也得戴上口罩 This problem is giving China a black eye on the national stage. 這個問題讓中國在國際舞台上黯然失色 Even after the Beijing Olympics, when the problem became more obvious, the true extent 即使過了北京奧運,這項問題看似浮出台面 of pollution was swept under the rug. 但對比真正污染的程度仍是冰山一角 China has never offered journalists free reign to poke around, and has long denied any major 中國從未給記者自由報導的權力,也時常否認 problems caused by the air pollution. 任何造成空氣污染的主因 However, a joint study involving the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning and the 然而,中國環境規劃研究院和世界衛生組織的一項聯合研究 World Health Organization found that somewhere between 350,000 to 500,000 Chinese people 發現介於 350,000 到 500,000 的中國人 are “prematurely” dying from lung cancer due to pollution. 因為空氣污染而「過早」死於肺癌 Unfortunately, there are people who try to hand wave these numbers away. 不幸的是,有人試圖將這些數據掩蓋 China's government has tried to keep journalists from even talking about the issue, and they've 中國政府嘗試要記者避免談論這項議題 done their best to keep the numbers out of international reports whenever possible. 也盡可能地保持國際上所報導的數字 While some would suggest that all the smoking in China is the main cause, the study makes 雖然有些人認為在中國吸煙是造成肺癌的主因,但研究明確顯示 it clear that the number of people dying from lung cancer have continued to rise even as 即使抽煙人口早已下降,因肺癌造成的死亡人口 the number of smokers has declined. 依然持續上升 9. 第九 They Are Burning Petcoke As Fuel 中國以燃燒石油做為燃料 The United States likes to feel that they're a much cleaner country than China, and that 美國認為他們比中國更注重空氣衛生 they're doing more to deal with the crisis of pollution and renewable energy. 所以他們想在空氣污染與再生能源危機多盡份心力 However, the situation is more complicated than it seems. 然而,情況比想像中複雜很多 The United States and other countries are happy to buy products made using Chinese industry 美國與其他國家樂於購買中國工廠製的商品 while claiming to take the high road themselves. 並聲稱自己抉擇是正確的 The United States has put its foot down on certain fuels such as petroleum coke (petcoke). 美國也已經放棄了某些燃料,像是石油焦 This fossil fuel is a byproduct of the oil refining process and is much, much dirtier 這種化石燃料是煉油過程所產生的副產品,也比燃煤 than burning actual coal. 更加、更加地骯髒 While America don't use the fuel, the US exports it to China so America can make some 雖然美國不使用燃料,但他們將這些燃料副產品出口到中國 money off this byproduct instead of just letting the dangerous pollutant “go to waste.” 從中獲取利潤,而不是就讓這些危險的污染源就此「浪費掉」 Every year, the amount of petcoke exported to China grows, because it's an incredibly 每一年,中國進口石油焦的數量增長,因為這種燃料十分便宜 cheap fuel and China is dealing with the industrial demands of much of the modern world. 再加上中國是在現金時代處理大部分工業需求的國家 While it's cheap, it is hardly sustainable. 雖然這類燃料便宜,卻無法持久 With carbon emissions already out of control, using a fossil fuel that's dirtier than 隨著碳排放量早已失控的情況,使用比煤炭更容易造成污染的 coal is going to make an environmental crisis approach even faster. 化石燃料助長了環境危機發生 Of course, the rest of the world is partly to blame for selling the stuff in the first 當然,其他部分國家首先將這樣的情況歸咎於 place. 出售這些東西 Sometimes it's better to think about protecting the world from catastrophe than it is about squeezing 有時候我們最好先保衛世界免於釀成災難,而不是想著從我們已經浪費的資源裡 every last cent of profit out of your waste. 擠出一些僅剩的利潤 8. 第八 Record Algae Growth 記錄藻類生長 While algae blooms aren't necessarily dangerous to humans, they're usually a bad sign for 雖然藻類茂盛對人類沒有絕對危險,但他們對當地生態系統來說 the local ecosystem. 是不好的徵兆 Large blooms of algae have been surfacing every year in the Yellow Sea near the Qingdao 在青島旁邊的黃海,每年都有大量藻類浮出海面 Province, and the problem seems to be worsening. 問題也似乎越來越嚴重 These huge piles of algae sitting on top of the water create an enormous mess, and in 大量的藻類布滿水面造成巨大的混亂 2013 the local government was tasked with trying to clean up a bloom that was larger 在 2013 年,當地政府的任務就是清理這些面積超過 than 11,000 square miles. 11,000 平方英里的藻類 These algae blooms greatly affect the local marine life, which often simply can't survive 藻類的繁殖影響當地海洋生物極大,這些生物往往無法在 the conditions they're forced to deal with. 他們被迫身處的環境下生存 The algae tends to block the sun's rays, and can also greatly change the chemical balance 藻類的生長會擋住陽光照射,也會嚴重影響到水中化學變化 of the water. 的平衡 To make matters worse, the algae can start to cause problems to humans when it decomposes 讓事情演變更糟的是,藻類分解所散發的有毒氣體至大氣層 and sends toxic fumes into the atmosphere. 可能開始會給人類帶來一些麻煩 When the Olympics were hosted in China, the government had to spend millions and enlist 奧運在中國舉辦時,政府必須花費數萬以及聘用 10,000 人 the aid of 10,000 people to clean the algae up enough to allow the games to continue. 協助清理藻類才得以讓活動繼續進行 The damage from that year alone was estimated to cost local seafood farmers roughly 100 根據估算,就那麼一年便讓當地海鮮農民 million dollars. 損失了大約一億美金 Part of the problem may be seaweed farmers, who are scraping waste into the water that 部分問題的原因也可能是海藻農民,他們會在適合的情況下,將廢物刮入水中 later turns into algae blooms when the conditions are right. 之後變成海藻大量繁殖 Of course, many experts feel that if industrial pollution wasn't so bad those conditions 當然,很多專家認為如果工業污染沒有這麼嚴重 wouldn't be there. 這些條件也不存在 7. 第七 They're Approaching A Water Crisis 中國正面臨水源危機 When you think of a country with a serious water crisis, China isn't what comes to 講到水源危機岌岌可危的國家,中國並不會是 mind. 我們預料中的答案 But China is approaching a crisis, even though they would appear to have plenty of water 但中國正在面臨這個問題,即使他們看似擁有 to go around. 充足的水源 To begin with, many industrial plants are located near water sources and dump their 首先,很多工業廠房位在靠近水源附近的地方,並沒有徹底做回收或任何處理 waste directly into the water, with very little recycling or treatment. 直接將廢物倒入水裡 Oftentimes sewage isn't treated properly or at all, and ends up in the same sources 在一般情況下,污水處理不當或壓根沒處理的話 of water intended for industry, drinking and bathing. 工業、飲用,和洗澡水都會使用到同個水源 If that wasn't enough, since the 1960s, 10,000 bodies have been found in water sources. 這樣還不夠的話,從六零年代開始,有 10,000 具屍體在水源中被尋獲 Apart from pollution, China is also destroying some of their water sources. 除了污染,中國也在破壞一些水源 Due to industry using water without sustainable practices, many of China's rivers are drying 由於工業用水沒有持續的處理行動,許多中國的河流 up. 都開始乾涸 Many different ruined rivers and lakes will affect other water sources and make the crisis 被不同方式破壞的河流和湖泊影響其他水源 worse. 也讓水源危機更糟糕 On top of all that, China has an infrastructure problem when it comes to getting water where 最重要的是,在中國需要水的地方遇到了 it needs to be. 基礎建設的問題 Most of China's people and the agriculture that keeps them fed are located in the north, 大多數的中國人口以及他們賴以為生的農物都位在北方 but the large majority of the country's natural water is still located in the south. 但豐富的國家天然水源仍在南方 And even if you can get water, you may not want to drink it. 就算你獲得水,你也不會想喝它 Some experts believe that half the drinking water in major cities is unsafe to consume, 有些專家認為在大都市一半的飲用水都很不安全 and groundwater supplies are in a similar state of pollution. 而地下水的供應也處於類似的污染狀態 6. 第六 They're Starting To Experience Conditions Similar To A Nuclear Winter 他們開始要經歷類似核冬天的氣候 A nuclear winter is a theoretical scenario that would occur in the aftermath of multiple 核冬天是在多次核爆發生後 nuclear bomb detonations. 形成的理論情形 Apart from the dangers of the radiation itself, the ash that accumulates in the air would 除了輻射本身的危險外,灰燼在空氣中累積 block the sun's rays for a period that may last years. 會遮住陽光照射的時間會維持好幾年 This would cause the planet to cool, and would greatly impede photosynthesis. 這會造成植物枯萎,也會大大阻礙光合作用 It would be almost impossible to grow crops. 幾乎無法種植農作物 Aside from the radiation, this may soon be a reality in parts of China. 除了輻射,這件事實很可能即將在中國部分區域發生 As the country's smog problem worsens, and the government becomes less able to sweep 隨著國家霧霾問題惡化,政府方面也無法刻意隱藏這項問題 it under the rug, more Chinese scientists are delving into the miasma, and it's not 越來越多中國科學家開始研究瘴氣 good news. 這並不是件好事 One scientist concluded that the smog in some areas is already bad enough that it could 一位科學家得出了結論:霧霾在某些區域已經嚴重到 be severely impeding photosynthesis. 足夠嚴重阻礙光合作用 She believes that if the problem isn't dealt with soon, it could spread to much of the 她認為如果這項問題沒有馬上處理妥當 country and put agriculture across China at serious risk. 會蔓延到全國絕大多數的地區,使中國的農物面臨嚴重災害 5. 第五 Improperly Designed Garbage Incinerators Are Polluting The Atmosphere 垃圾焚化爐的不良設計正污染大氣層 China is struggling to contain the insane amounts of waste the country produces. 中國正在努力控制該國產生的失控數量的廢物 Landfills are quickly overfilling, leaving them with nothing to do but simply destroy 垃圾掩埋場很快就溢出了,這讓他們只想著銷毀他們的垃圾 the garbage if they can. 不做任何事情 In many situations, this has led to a strategy of garbage incineration, with the fumes vented 由於許多情況,這導致了焚燒垃圾的策略,讓這些廢氣 straight into the atmosphere. 直接排放到大氣中 While this probably doesn't sound like a great idea even in the best of situations, 即使在最好的情況下,這也聽起來不是好主意 there are some incinerator plants in China that are having a serious environmental impact. 中國有些焚化爐對環境有嚴重的傷害 Regulations aren't well designed and there are a plethora of incinerator facilities that 規則不完善,以及過多的焚化設備 aren't even close to standard, belching nasty smoke into the air with mercury and 甚至沒有接近標準,把含有水銀以及任何你想像得到的毒藥之惹人厭的空氣 every other poison you could imagine. 瀰漫到空氣中 The horrible toxic fumes that spew forth have caused protests by everyone near them, and 噴出有毒的可怕空氣導致附近居民出聲抗議 they're an obvious threat to everyone's health for miles. 這些很明顯對人類的健康是個威脅 4. 第四 It's Become The Largest Dumping Ground For E-Waste 成為電子垃圾最大的聚集地 E-waste is an increasingly vexing problem for the world. 電子垃圾成為全球越來越嚴重的問題 When old electronics are tossed out they often aren't properly recycled because it's 舊的電子器物被丟棄時通常無法妥當回收,因為相當耗時 too time consuming, unsafe or expensive. 不安全,也很昂貴 In many cases, a venue that recycles old cell phones and computers may just take all that 在許多情況下,回收舊手機和電腦可能只需要將所有垃圾運動到另一個國家 junk and send it to another country to pick over as they please. 接著任意挑選 This is technically illegal, but there's little deterrent. 在繼續上說是違反的,但沒什麼威懾力 Using both the guise of donations and straight up smuggling, China has becoming the leading 以佯裝捐贈與直接走私並用,中國已經成為 importer of e-waste to the point that 70% of the world's e-waste is ending up there. 電子垃圾的主要進口國家,全世界有 70 %的電子垃圾都在那裡銷毀 One town called Guiyu has become a hot zone for the stuff, and many entrepreneurs have 其中貴嶼鎮就是熱門區,許多企業家為了獲得 risen up around mining old electronic garbage for valuable metals and other useful scrap. 有價值的金屬以及其他有用的廢料,他們開始開採破舊的電子垃圾 Unfortunately, this is terrible for their health and the environment. 很不幸的,這樣的行為對他們的健康與環境非常糟糕 The process often involves burning plastic or using hydrochloric acid, neither of which 開採過程常常要用到燃燒塑膠或使用鹽酸 is good for the user or the atmosphere. 不管哪一樣都對使用者或環境不好 To make matters worse, this pollution has also affected the town's water supply and 讓情況更糟的是,這樣的污染也影響了鎮裡的水源供給 rice crops. 以及稻米作物 While the local government is trying to stop the flood of e-waste into the town, they face 雖然當地政府試著阻止鎮裡的電子垃圾氾濫,卻被當地居民抵制 resistance from some residents because it's the only way they know how to make a living. 因為這是他們唯一能過活的辦法 3. 第三 Pollutants Are Making The Food Supply Unsafe 污染物造成不安全的食物供應 It stands to reason that if China's air and water isn't doing well, their soil probably 照理來說,如果中國的空氣與水源都不好,他們的土壤 isn't faring much better. 大概也好不到哪去 The problem with the soil may actually be more serious than any others. 土壤的問題確實比任何問題還嚴重 While many farmers are worried about the constant pollution levels they're exposed to, most 雖然許多農民都在擔心他們所面臨的污染不斷上升 of the country is worried about the safety of their food supply — a supply they're 但大部分的人更擔心他們的食物供應之安全性— increasingly unable to trust. 越來越無法信任的供應 The soil problem has been one of the most carefully guarded secrets in China. 土壤問題已經是其中中國掩藏的秘密之一 In fact, a few years ago the Chinese government conducted a study of the soil in order to 事實上,中國政府在幾年前進行了土壤研究 assess environmental concerns. 以評估環境問題 The results have never been released, which led to speculation that they're worse than 結果還沒有公開,這讓人們臆測 anyone could have imagined. 結果可能比任何人想像得還糟糕 To give you some idea, a group of Chinese officials found levels of cadmium beyond what's 為了讓你清楚一些,中國官員發現在 155 樣稻米樣品中 recommended as safe in 155 samples of rice. 鎘的含量超出了規定安全標準 One official commented that eight million acres of Chinese farmland was so poisoned 其中一位官員說中國有八百萬畝農地都含有重金屬污染 with heavy metal contamination that it should no longer be used to grow crops. 無法再種植農作物 The worst part is that it's almost impossible for Chinese consumers to know whether or not 最糟糕的是中國的消費者幾乎不可能知道 their food is contaminated. 他們所吃的食物是否被污染 2. 第二 Cancer Villages 癌症村 Since the late 1990s, international activists and groups in China have been working on the 從 20 世紀 90 年代末開始,中國的國際運動與組織已經在癌症村 problem of cancer villages. 關心當地的問題 A cancer village is a small town of 100 or so residents that's extremely close to industrial 癌症村是只有 100 位左右居民的小鎮 plants. 非常接近工業工廠 These plants are constantly producing some of the nastiest pollutants on earth. 這些工廠不斷生產一些對地球最有害的污染物 People from the villages describe it as a nightmare, with chemically tainted water that 鎮里的居民都說那裡像是夢魘,無法淨化的化學污染水源 can't be purified and clouds of toxic ash floating through the air. 以及有毒的灰燼飄浮在空中 The Chinese government doesn't want to address or even acknowledge the problem, but like the smog 中國政府並不想解決或承認這件事,但就像霧霾 the problem has become bad enough that no amount of covering up can hide it. 問題早已嚴重到不需要加以掩飾 Unfortunately, these villages are unlikely to go away anytime soon. 不幸的是,這些城鎮大概不會那麼快消失 As it turns out, the richer citizens of China don't like pollution when it affects them, 事實證明,在中國較富有的市民不喜歡污染事件影響到他們 so they've been pressuring the government to move industrial plants. 所以他們會向政府施壓以遷移工業工廠 The government obliges and moves them near poor villages that lacks the political influence 政府迫使工廠遷移到貧民村莊區,在那裡沒辦法對政治產生影響 to do anything about it. 所以他們無法對此有所舉動 1. 第一 It Affects The Entire World 污染影響全世界 While it's important for China to help its own country, the problem affects more than 雖然中國要幫助自己的國家很重要,但問題是他們的影響 just China. 不只發生在中國 The massive amount of pollution is starting to affect the rest of the world, and the results 大量的污染開始影響世界上其他國家 aren't pretty. 結果不大樂觀 Scientists at Texas A&M University ran climate simulations both with and without China's 德克薩斯州 A&M 大學的科學家以有無中國現今的空氣污染進行了氣候模擬 current air pollution and found troubling results. 發現了令人不安的結果 According to their simulations, cyclones in the Pacific Ocean are being strengthened by 根據模擬結果,太平洋氣旋因為污染增加而變強 the pollution levels, and there's an increase in ocean storms in general. 一般來說,風暴洋也會增加 If that wasn't bad enough, tracing the pollutants led to the conclusion that some of it's 如果這還不嚴重,就得追溯有些污染物直達美國西部 reaching the western United States, and much of the pollution levels in those states could 這些州的污染提升 be blamed on China. 絕大部分得歸咎於中國 As the study points out, this is massively ironic because the United States — and other 正如研究所指出,諷刺的是美國 — 或是其他已開發國家 — developed countries — rely on China for cheap consumer goods. 或是其他已開發國家,都得依賴中國便宜的消費品 While many countries have outlawed practices that are bad for the environment, they turn 雖然很多國家已經禁止對環境有害的行為 around and buy massive amounts of goods from countries that continue to poison the environment. 他們轉而向那些繼續破壞環境的國家購買大量的商品 Countries like China fill a void by allowing us to get things for cheap while feeling like 像中國這樣的國家,時常以便宜的價格讓我們買到東西來填補空白 we're taking the high road by enacting tougher pollution laws at home. 雖然我們在自己國內以最好的途徑制訂更嚴格的污染法律 These countries' economies quickly become based on manufacturing, and the cycle becomes 很快地,這些國家都以製造業為基礎 hard to break. 這個循環也難以打破 While China may need to change, it's a problem of more than just their making. 雖然中國需要改變,但問題不僅僅是他們製造什麼 If we want China to stop polluting, the rest of the world needs to find a more environmentally 如果我們想要阻止中國造成的污染,其他的國家必須找出 sustainable way to produce the goods that drive our economies. 更環保且永續的方法來製造商品以促進經濟
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 中國 污染 藻類 空氣 垃圾 國家 雅思口語-part3-環境污染 (Top 10 Ways China Is Ruining Its Own Environment) 10985 472 ben 發佈於 2018 年 12 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字