字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Well it is weird! 倫敦佛洛伊德博物館 I think it's extremely weird! 1.精神分析是什麼? (精神分析是不是很奇怪?) Definitely weird. No question about that. 是很奇怪沒錯! It's weird because 我認為精神分析極度奇怪 what it's thinking about 絕對奇怪 what it's addressing 毫無疑問 is the nature of being human. 精神分析很奇怪 It's addressing the parts that 因為它思考的、探索的 是身為人的本質 we don't normally reach. 它探討的 是我們一般無法觸及的部分 It's weird because it deals with 它奇怪 因為它處理的不是大太陽底下發生的事 stuff that goes on out of the daylight 它處理的是晚上的活動 it's a night-time activity. 夢、性、我們犯的錯誤 It's dreams. It's sexuality. 它是性幻想的世界、黑暗思想的世界、陰森的世界 It's mistakes we make. 它探索的是隱藏的事情 It's the world of sexual fantasy. 你把這些事情隱藏起來,尤其是為了不讓自己發現 It's the world of perhaps the dark thoughts, 「你之前受的教育以及所有思考的習慣 a spooky world. 在在都會讓你與精神分析對立。」 It's about the hidden things -1916年佛洛伊德「精神分析引論」 the things particularly that you keep - 會談治療 - hidden from yourself. 精神分析是會談治療 Psychoanalysis is a talking cure 但更該問的問題是 but it would be more correct to ask the question: 精神分析有哪些種類? 'What are psychoanalyses?' 因為精神分析眾說紛紜 because there are lots of different versions. 但各種說法間的共通點是 What they probably all have in common is that 精神分析是透過談話來進行 it's a practice of talking. 各種精神分析主張一致同意的 One the things that all these psychoanalyses 是「無意識」這個概念 have in common is an idea of 有的時候 我們會把無意識想成一個很深的儲藏處 something called 'the unconscious'. 在你的腦子裡 Sometimes we think about the unconscious 很多事情埋在這個空間裡 as being some deep reservoir 佛洛伊德曾說 some place in your head 他擁有考古學書籍,比心理學書籍還要多 where things are buried. 心靈有著層層的結構 Freud once said that he had more 就像考古學的開鑿探勘 archaeology books than psychology books. 當他開始探究病人的心靈 His view was that the mind was structured by layers 就像考古學家穿透地層深入挖掘 like in archaeological digs 繼而發現失落許久的零星片段 and when he was excavating his patients' minds 然而,分析師如今不僅是與石頭工作 it was just like an archaeologist digging down 他們用來分析的零星片段 and discovering fragments from a long-lost time. 包含了散落的記憶、各種幻想、兒時的願望 Now the analyst doesn't work with stones 他和 被分析者把這些拼湊在一起 the fragments he works with are bits of memories, 建構出 被分析者的早期經驗 fantasies, infantile wishes, 那些早已被掩埋不見天日的 and he pieces those together with the analysand 卻依然是他日後正常生活的基礎 to construct the early history of the analysand 至於要是產生了新的症狀,更是如此 that has become buried 病人可能有一些症狀 but that still is a foundation of his adult life 例如:失眠、飲食失調、令人不安的性行為 and particularly of any symptoms 讓人不知所措的想法 且自己不喜歡這些想法 he might have developed. 藉由討論這些症狀 So someone might come with a symptom 以及回溯過去的經歷 let's say a problem in sleeping, 病人可以從自己過去發生的事情上 看到一些東西 a disturbance in their relation to eating, 比如家庭的過去 a sexual practice that they find disturbing, 藉由談論,付諸語言 thoughts that overwhelm them that aren't welcome. 來改變症狀、改變生活、改變痛苦的體驗 Through talking about these 「在一串聯想中,曖昧的詞語成為分岔點 and through tracing their history 沿著分岔而來的新軌道 the person might encounter elements 川流的新思維,就是我們正在搜尋的。」 from their own history 1905年佛洛伊德「一個歇斯底里個案的分析片段」 perhaps from their family history 病人走進來的時候問我 and through talking about them, 「我們要做什麼呢?就是說話而已嗎? through articulating them, 這對我在超級市場裡恐慌症發作,會有什麼幫助?」 there'll be a change to the symptom 的確,這當然有幫助 there'll be change to that person's life 因為我們假設 在恐慌發作的背後 there'll be a change to that person's 有一些潛意識的動機 experience of suffering. 而語言的功能 是可以揭露一些言詞 Patients ask me when they come in: 可以帶出其他的言詞 和其他的意義 'Well is that all we are doing? Just talking? 從無意識的層次 How is this going to help me with my 提升到意識的層次 panic attack in the supermarket?' 我隨意舉個例子 Well, it helps because we assume that 有一個女人幾天前曾對我說 behind the panic attack are some unconscious motives 日前,他在花園裡裁剪玫瑰 and language can function like a lift 她說:紅色的玫瑰! where words can lift other words and other meanings 對於紅玫瑰的強調 引發了我的注意 from the level of the unconscious 我問她:她對於紅色的玫瑰有什麼想法呢? to consciousness. 她說:噢!我想起了爸爸的葬禮 So, take an example: 他的第二任老婆 丟了紅玫瑰到他的墓裡 A woman had told me that the previous day 當作愛的象徵 she had been cutting roses in her garden. 而在那個當下 'Red roses', she said - she emphasised red roses. 她感到無比的悲痛 妒火中燒 So I became alert to this, I asked her 所以「玫瑰」這個狀似無奇的字 what she thought about red roses. 從無意識揭露、引導出葬禮這個詞 She said: 'Ah! I remember my father's funeral, 透過各種意義的連結、聯想 where his second wife threw a red rose 比起原本單純的裁剪玫瑰花 into his grave 已連結成一個完完全全不一樣的故事 as a token of love.' 這就是精神分析進行的方式 And at that moment she felt a pang of pain, 「與其說我們經營著生活 a pang of jealousy. 還不如說 我們的人生是被未知 So the word 'rose', an innocent word, 無法掌握的力量所經營著」 had drawn up from the unconscious 1923年佛洛伊德「自我與本我」 the word 'funeral' 佛洛伊德認為「人」無法控制他(她)自己 through a chain of associations 佛洛伊德有一句名言 and with the word 'funeral' 「自我並不是自己房子的主人。」 a whole completely different story was connected 自我所住的這棟房子 than the original one about cutting roses. 你可以說那是一棟鬼屋 That's how psychoanalysis works. 你試圖掌管生活於其間的地方 The Freudian human being 可你做不到 is a human being who 這就是無意識,它控制著我們 is not in control 當代文化 喜歡把人看做只有單一面向 of him or herself. 被為了達到目的的各種手段所宰制 Freud famously said: 追求幸福、財富與成功 'The ego is not master in his own house'. 好似人類慾望可以簡化成只有物質 The house in which the ego lives 相反的,精神分析看到的慾望 is, you could say, it's a haunted house. 是從語言的間隙中浮出 You try to be in control of your living space 從語言的縫隙、從錯誤、從口誤 but you're not. 從人生中不斷重複的失敗中浮現出來 It's the unconscious that controls us. 如果有東西被迫進入無意識 Contemporary culture likes to see human beings 無意識就會用它可以表達的方式回來 as one dimensional: 或用無意識可以呈現自己的方式回來 they're governed by instrumental ends 口誤就是其中一個 the search for happiness 「只能從微弱跡象中 才顯露出來的事情 就因此而不重要的嗎?」 for wealth, for success 1916年佛洛伊德「精神分析引論」 as if human desire can be reduced to simple objects. 如果無意識竄出 用難以處理的方式呈現 Psychoanalysis, on the contrary, 例如:你總是會對喜歡的女生暴力相向 sees desires as emerging 這樣就會對你的人生帶來很多問題 in the gaps in speech, 目前許多處理人類苦痛的精神醫學 與認知治療的做法 in the cracks in what you're saying, 把症狀視為過失、錯誤、偏離軌道、適應不良 in your mistakes, in your slips of the tongue, 醫療介入或治療的目的 就是要矯正這些錯誤 in the failures that you repeat 把迷途羔羊帶回正軌,移除他們的症狀 again and again in life. 認知療法是去找出心理的「病態元素」 If something's been forced into the unconscious 透過另外的心理運作 針對「病態元素」提供矯正計畫 and it tries to come back 精神分析的做法非常不同 as whatever it can express itself as 症狀的出現,並非等待著被去除 or however it can manifest itself 症狀的出現 是因為他們需要被傾聽、被聽見 then something like a slip of the tongue would be that. 症狀並不是過失 或學習錯誤 If the unconscious bursts out 症狀是線索 指引我們找到病人的個人真實 in other ways that are more difficult (臺灣 吾境思塾 楊明敏 校閱) checked by Yang M.M. ,iAnalysis ,Taiwan like you always you know, you feel violent towards any woman that you begin to get attached to or something then maybe that's going to cause a lot more problems in your life. Many psychiatric and cognitive approaches today to human suffering see people's symptoms as mistakes, as errors, as deviations as maladjustments with the aim of medical intervention or therapy being to correct them, to bring the person back to the norm, to get rid of their symptoms. The cognitive approach is that you identify as it were 'pathological elements' in the mind and then you have a programme of correction of those pathological elements through additional mental work. Psychoanalysis has a very different approach: symptoms aren't there to be got rid of, they're there to be listened to, to be heard with idea that a symptom isn't a mistake, a learning error, but rather a clue to that person's individual truth.
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 分析 精神 佛洛伊德 症狀 意識 玫瑰 什麼是精神分析?第1部分:它很奇怪嗎? (What is Psychoanalysis? Part 1: Is it Weird?) 162 18 Christina Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字