字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 1. You buy bread based on how thick you want the slices to be. 1. 你可以根據你想要的土司厚度來買土司 2. If you're worried about your cold groceries on the trip home, most modern Japanese supermarkets 2. 如果你擔心你的冷凍食品在回家路上會壞掉,大多數日本都市內的超級市場 have free dry ice machines for you to use, specifically for that reason. 有免費的製冰機給你使用,特別是為了保冰 3. Convenience stores keep balls of paint underneath their counters for workers to throw at thieves, 3. 便利商店在櫃台下方備有顏料球給員工丟向竊賊 marking their clothes and body to make it easier for the police to catch them. 讓他們的衣服跟身體沾上顏料,好讓警察更容易逮到他們 I threw one of these at a thief once when I was working at a conbini 當我在便利商店工作時,我曾向一個竊賊丟過一顆 and because I was a pitcher 因為我以前是個投手 I was able to hit him! 我是有辦法丟到他的! But I don't know if the police ever found him. 但我不知道警察是不是有找到他 4. Everyone knows how common convenience stores, aka conbinis, are. 4. 每個人都知道便利商店有多常見,當地也稱做「conbini」 It's said that you're almost always within walking distance of a conbini. 據說,你總是能在步行距離內找到一間便利商店 Knowing that, there are actually more dental clinics in Japan than there are conbinis. 據我所知並非如此,實際上日本的牙科診所比便利商店還多 Twice as many, if you count each dentist. 如果你以每個牙科醫生來計算,會比便利商店多上一倍 There's even a whole Japanese Wikipedia page called “The Problem of Too Many Dentists”. 甚至有一整頁的日本維基百科在討論「牙科醫生過剩的問題」 5. You can order a smile for free at Japanese McDonald's, even as delivery. 5. 在日本的麥當勞你可以點一份免費的微笑,即使是外送也有 6. Japan imported the culture of suits and ties from Europe, meaning most Japanese tie stripes 6. 日本從歐洲輸入西裝與領帶的文化,代表大部分日本領帶條紋 slant up to the right, the opposite of most American ties, which slant up to the left. 從右向左斜,與大部分美國領帶相反,那裡是從左向右斜 7. School buses in Japan are mostly used for kindergarteners only, and boi those are some 7. 在日本校車大多數只用來接送幼兒園孩童,而那些大多是一些 adorable buses. 很可愛的巴士 8. Most Japanese streets don't have names. 8. 大部分日本街道沒有街名 Your address is instead determined by a block and house numbering system. 相對地你的地址會根據街廓與房屋編號系統來決定 9. There's a package delivery company called (Kuroneko) Yamato, which means black cat Yamato. 9. 有一間包裹遞送公司名叫 Kuroneko Yamato,意思是黑貓宅急便 Not only is their logo cats, but when they leave an attempted delivery slip in your mailbox 不只是因為他們的商標是貓,還有當他們留下一張嘗試遞送的紙條在信箱裡 it has indentations cut out in the shape of cat ears 紙上會有一個貓耳形狀的鋸齒剪裁標記 so that blind people can easily recognize the slip. 如此一來盲人也能輕易辨認這張紙條 10. If you're not home when the mailman delivers a package, they will leave a number for you 10. 如果郵差送包裹時你不在家,他們會留下電話讓你可以連絡他們 to call, so they can redeliver within a 2 hour time window of your choosing. 如此一來他們就能在 2 小時內,依照約定的時間再次遞送 11. If you call before 6pm-8pm (depending on the company), they can often redeliver the same day. 11. 如果你在晚上 6 點至 8 點間聯絡(每個公司不同),他們通常可以在同一天再次遞送 And while many numbers go to call centers, some numbers call your mailman in their truck directly. 還有,雖然許多電話會接到服務中心,也有些號碼會直接撥到車上的郵差那裡 12. Japanese houses depreciate in value, like cars. 12. 日本房屋會逐漸貶值,像車輛一樣 A standard Japanese house reaches negative value, by the time it's 15-30 years old, meaning 一棟一般的日本房屋價值在屋齡 15 至 30 年時會達到負值 empty land is worth more than land with an old house. 代表空地比上面存有老屋的土地更值錢 13. This is in part due to many reasons. 13. 這部分有許多原因 Many houses in the past were built cheaply in expectation of this cycle and then not 許多房屋過去在建造時,因為預料到房屋價值的週期,所以建築花費較低 well-maintained. 並且沒有維護得很好 Constant updated earthquake safety regulations lead to newer houses being safer. 時常更新的地震安全規範使得新房屋也變得更安全 And technology is always improving so newer houses have better features, like better insulation 而科技日新月異,所以新房屋也會有更好的設備,像更好的隔音材料 and, in some cases, even central heating and cooling! 還有,在某些房屋裡甚至有中央空調系統! 14. While old houses were generally demolished over time and then built anew, these days 14. 雖然許多老屋通常會直接拆掉再蓋新的,這些年來 as housing quality increases, more and more people are opting for renovating old houses 當房屋品質越來越好,越來越多的人選擇修建老屋 or apartments rather than tearing them down. 或公寓,而非直接拆掉 15. Because of the aging population combined with urbanization, small Japanese towns and villages 15. 因為高齡化加上都市化,日本小型城鎮與村莊 are increasingly at risk of disappearing altogether. 正面臨完全消失的危機 In 2015 Japan had an estimated 15,568 terminal villages, or villages where more than 50% 在西元 2015 年,日本估計有 15,568 個村莊即將消失或是超過 50% of the population is over the age of 65. 的人口在 65 歲以上 That was 20% of the villages surveyed. 在所有已調查的村莊裡佔約 20% Only 5 years before it was 15%. 在 5 年前的比例是 15% 16. There were also 801 villages where ALL of the residents were aged 65 or older. 16. 其中還有 801 個村莊的居民全都在 65 歲以上 And 306 villages where all residents were 75, or older. 其中更有 306 個村莊所有居民都在 75 歲以上 17. Japan's aging population has resulted in changing infrastructure. 17. 日本人口下部結構改變導致人口高齡化 They have car stickers that specifically mark elderly drivers. 他們有製作一些特別標示高齡駕駛的車用貼紙 They also have stickers for people who have been driving less than a year. 他們也有貼紙是給上路未滿一年的新手駕駛用 18. Of course handicapped parking spots are a thing, but some places also have designated 18. 當然身心障礙車位是一定有的,但有些地方也會指定 spaces near the entrance for senior drivers. 鄰近出口的空間為高齡駕駛車位 19. Most expressways in Japan, which are often suspended above ground, are heftily tolled. 19. 大部份日本高速公路會架高在地面上方,這種道路的過路費很高 A trip from Nagoya to Tokyo, which is less than the distance between Houston and Dallas, 一趟從名古屋到東京的旅程,距離比休斯頓到達拉斯還短 costs approximately $80 one way just to use the expressway. 進出高速公路單程需要大約 80 美金過路費 20. Almost everyone backs into parking spaces in Japan. 20. 在日本幾乎所有人都是倒車進停車格 With smaller spaces you have more control over backing in. 在如此狹小的空間,倒車才能更好掌控鄰車間距 And it's safer pulling out in what are often densely packed and highly populated parking lots. 而且在擁擠且人口眾多的停車場中,正面離開停車格比較安全 21. Driver training costs roughly 2 - 4,000 dollars and you have to go to a driver school for about a month. 21. 駕駛訓練課程需要大約 2 - 4,000 美元,而且你需要到駕訓班上一個月的課 22. You can shorten that to two weeks by going away to an actual driver training camp. 22. 你可以改上駕駛訓練營就能將時間縮短到兩週 No seriously, you stay there overnight and everything. 說真的,你會一天到晚待在那裡學所有的東西 23. More people in Japan use trains as their primary mode of transportation than any other country 23. 在日本有很多民眾以火車做為他們主要通勤工具 in the world—30.5% compared to the next highest of 17.2% in Switzerland. 比世界上任何其他國家都多 — 30.5% 高於第二名的瑞士 17.2% 24. Construction barriers are often shaped like cute animals. 24. 許多施工柵欄會做成可愛動物的外型 Because why not? 因為,為何不呢? 25. Many Japanese shopping centers these days have electric car chargers near the entrance. 25. 近幾年,許多日本購物中心在入口附近設有充電站 There was a report that said there are now more electric car chargers in Japan than gas 有個報告顯示現在日本充電站比加油站還多 stations, but that counted each charger separately as well as personal chargers. 但那個數據將每個充電座獨立來算,也計入了個人的充電座 But it's still a good step in the right direction! 儘管如此還是向正確的方向邁進了一大步 26. In Japan, half the country's electrical grid operates at 50 Hz 26. 在日本,國內一半的電網運作在 50 赫茲 and half operates at 60 Hz. 另一半則是 60 赫茲 This is because when Japan began introducing electricity to large cities, Tokyo purchased 這是因為當日本開始輸入電氣裝置到大城市時,東京從德國購買了 a 50 Hz generator from Germany and Osaka purchased a 60 Hz generator from the US. 50 赫茲的發電機,而大阪則是從美國購買 60 赫茲的發電機 Both systems eventually spread and now it's too expensive to switch one over. 最後兩種系統都擴散開來了,而現在要把另一種換掉的話,成本太高 During the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11, this meant that the southern half of Japan 在地震與 311 海嘯發生時,這代表的南半部的日本 couldn't provide backup power to the northern half because of the incompatible grids. 無法提供後備電力給北半部使用,因為電網不一致 27. In the past some electrical equipment like microwaves couldn't be used in the other 27. 過去某些電器設備,像微波爐,沒辦法在國內另一半的地區使用 half of the country, but these days most products have been designed to work on both a 50 and 60 Hz system. 但這些年來大部分產品已被設計成可以運作在 50 赫茲與 60 赫茲系統 28. The Japanese music industry is the second highest grossing music industry in the world after the US. 28. 日本音樂產業的市場規模是世界第二大,僅次於美國 29. This is spurred by the fact that Japanese people buy more physical CD's and music DVD's than any other country in the world. 29. 蓬勃發展的原因是日本民眾比世界上其他國家的人民更常購買實體 CD 與音樂 DVD 72% of music sales in Japan are still physical, compared to only 15% in the US. 日本實體 CD 的銷售比例仍高達 72%,相較之下美國只有 15% 30. In the land of the rising sun, 30. 在日出之地 the sun literally rises AT 4:30 AM in cities like Tokyo and Nagoya in the height of summer. 夏至時,像東京跟名古屋這樣的城市裡,太陽升起的時間大約在早上 4 點 30 分 31. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and some species of Japanese 31. 竹子是世界上生長最快速的植物之一,日本某些品種的竹子 bamboo can grow up to a meter a day in its early growth. 在生長前期一天可以長 1 公尺 32. New bamboo shoots are also incredibly strong and capable of growing through wood, stone, 32. 新生的竹筍相當有力,能夠穿過木頭、石頭 and sometimes even concrete. 有時甚至水泥也可以 This combined with its fast growth have led to rare but very real cases of Japanese people 有力加上快速生長的特性,導致一些相當罕見但真實存在的案例,日本人 waking up in the morning to find a bamboo shoot growing in the middle of their house. 有時在早上起來會發現一隻竹筍從房子中間長出來 33. Hydrangeas were first cultivated in Japan, and as a result Japan has a much larger variety 33. 繡球花是由日本先開始栽種的,因此日本的繡球花品種 of hydrangeas than America. 比美國還多 You'll find them along roadsides all over the country. 在日本,你到處都可以發現路邊種有繡球花 34. The name of this Japanese species of hydrangea, which Jun used in his cooking video, is Dance Party! 34. 這個日本品種的繡球花,Jun 在料理影片裡用到的,名叫舞會 35. Many common Japanese monsters in anime and mythology 35. 很多動畫與神話中常見的日本怪物 are based off of real animals and insects. 是根據真實世界的動物與昆蟲來設計 36. There are so many cicadas in Japan that they come out every year. 36. 日本有很多的蟬,牠們每年都會出沒 The sound of cicadas is the quintessential sound of summer. 蟬叫聲是典型的夏天的聲音 You'll notice them often in the background of TV shows, anime, and video games to establish the summer setting. 你會注意到牠們經常出現在電視節目、動畫與遊戲的背景,以此建立夏天的氛圍 37. Because cicadas are so omnipresent, the average Japanese person is probably able to identify at least 6 different species by their songs. 37. 因為蟬在日本無所不在,平均每個日本人能夠從叫聲辨認出來的蟬的品種至少有六種 Abura-zemi 日本油蟬 Kuma-zemi 熊蟬 Tsukutsukuboushi 寒蟬 Minmin-zemi 斑透翅蟬 Niinii-zemi 蟪蛄 Higurashi 暮蟬 38. Japan has only two native species wild cats, which are both found only on remote islands 38. 日本只有兩種原生野貓,兩種都只在偏遠島嶼找得到 so you're probably never going to run into any of them. 所以你可能從來沒有碰過牠們 They are the leopard cat on Tsushima island, and the Iriomote cat on Iriomote island. 一種是對馬島的石虎,另一種是西表島的西表山貓 39. Japan has been rabies-free since 1957, and as a result if you want to bring a pet into 39. 日本從西元 1957 年開始有狂犬病,因此,如果你想要攜帶寵物進入 the country it requires a 6 month quarantining process to make sure it doesn't have rabies. 這個國家,需要 6 個月的檢疫過程,確保寵物沒有狂犬病 40. Japan has almost no general practitioners. 40. 日本幾乎沒有普通科醫生 This means that when you go to the doctor you're almost always going directly to a specialist. 意思是當你去醫院,你幾乎是直接面對專科醫生 41. 77% of Japanese people have a gene variation that gives them both dry earwax and significantly 44. 77% 日本人都有基因變異,他們的耳垢是乾的 decreased body odor. 還有體味也大幅減少 42. Japanese over the counter drugstore medications come in three categories based on how disruptive the side effects are. 42. 日本的無處方藥房的藥物根據副作用分為 3 大類 Category 1 drugs, like Loxonin (a pain medication), can't be bought unless you consult the in-store 第一類藥品,像 Loxonin (一種止痛藥),沒有先向店內藥師諮詢就不能購買 pharmacist first, even though it's technically an over the counter medication. 儘管它是一種非處方用藥 43. The birth control pill wasn't legalized until 1999 due to questions concerning the 43. 在西元 1999 年以前避孕藥都是非法的,歸因於安全問題 safety, and partly because of that only 1-3% of Japanese women use it even today. 還有一部分是因為即使現在也只有 1-3% 的日本女性在使用 44. Carrying swords around in public was made illegal in 1876 in an effort to remove power 44. 西元 1876年在公共場合隨身攜帶刀劍是違法的,因為當局努力 from the samurai class. 將武士階級的武裝移除 45. Today, it remains illegal to own a sword in Japan unless the sword is licensed by the government. 45. 如今,在日本擁有刀劍仍然違法,除非有政府授權 46. Only Nihonto, or Japanese swords, either antique swords or swords made by registered smiths 46. 只有日本刀,不論是古董刀或是合格鐵匠製作的刀可以被授權 can be licensed, meaning it is entirely illegal to own foreign-made swords in Japan. 意思是在日本擁有外國製刀劍是完全違法的 47. Japanese sword smiths can't change the methods they use to make swords, meaning even modern 47. 日本刀匠不能改變製刀方法,意思是即使是現代 swords are still made the same way as Japanese swords of the past. 刀劍,也完全依循古法製作 48. The steel used to make Japanese swords, tamahagane, is also produced the traditional way. 48. 以前製做日本刀劍的鋼鐵,玉鋼,也是以傳統方法製作 There is a position called murage who is the manager of this process. 有一個職位叫 murage 是負責管理製程的人 One of his jobs is to judge the temperature of the fire by eyesight, and because of this, 他其中一項工作就是用眼睛判斷火焰的溫度,也因為如此 historically many of them eventually went blind. 歷史上有許多人最後都失明了 49. In the Meiji period, because it became so difficult for people to carry swords, and 49 在明治時代,因為攜帶刀劍變得太困難 for manufacturers to make swords, the demand dropped significantly and many prominent sword 還有工匠製作刀劍也不容易,需求明顯下降,許多卓越的刀劍鐵匠 smiths switched to making kitchen knives that have no such regulations. 轉而製作沒有太多規範的廚房刀具 50. And because the technology used to create kitchen knives has continuously improved over 50. 而因為過去製作廚房刀具的技術日益精進 time, now Japanese cooking knives can be made sharper than katana swords. 如今日本廚具可以做得比武士刀還鋒利 Thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video! 感謝 Skillshare 贊助這支影片! Skillshare is an online learning community that offers thousands of classes for basically Skillshare 是一個線上學習社群,提供數以千計的課程 everything you can imagine, from creative projects to cooking classes, professional 內容幾乎包含所有你能想像的事物,從創意專案到烹飪課、專業設計 design and business classes, and even Japanese lessons! 與商業課程,甚至是有關日本的課程 Rachel actually got ideas and recipes for my birthday presents from Skillshare last 去年 Rachel 真的就從 Skillshare 得到了慶生禮物的靈感與食譜 year and honestly I loved them. 老實說,我也很喜歡 Anyone can take a class, try a project, or even sign up to teach classes. 每個人都可以選一堂課、試試一項專案,甚至登入進去教課 Once you become a member you can take an unlimited number of classes and premium membership is 一旦你成為會員,你可以不受限制地選擇課程,而且付費會員資格 less than $10 a month. 一個月不到 10 元美金 The first 1,000 people to sign up with our link below can get a free two month trial! 前 1,000 名從我們的連結登入的人可以獲得兩個月免費試用! Thank you for watching! 感謝你的收看!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 日本 房屋 赫茲 便利商店 村莊 駕駛 關於日本的 50 個冷知識 (50 Facts About Japan) 13109 806 Evangeline 發佈於 2018 年 08 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏