字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 They say that the movement won't work in Kansas. 大家都說這場動員在堪州是行不通的 They say, "Don't go to Kansas, 大家都說:「不要去堪州, they won't accept you there. 他們不會接納你的 They won't share your values there, 那裡的人的價值觀不同, that you won't have common ground with anyone." 你和他們不會有任何交集。」 We all know that that is not true. 我們大家知道其實不是這樣 Welcome to Wichita, home of Koch Industries, 歡迎來到威奇托,科氏工業集團總部所在地 as in billionaire Republican megadonors 是的,就是那個科氏——共和黨大金主 Charles and David Koch. 查爾斯和大衛・科赫 This district hasn't sent a Democrat to Congress 這個選區已經有超過 20 年沒有選出 in over 20 years. 民主黨國會議員了 Trump won the general election in Kansas by a landslide. 川普當年在堪州的全民投票階段大勝 But the left has an interesting story here. 然而左派在這裡的發展也挺有趣的 Bernie Sanders got twice as many votes 在民主黨的初選,桑德斯在該州獲得的選票 as Hillary Clinton in the primary. 是希拉蕊的兩倍 Sanders's message of universal health care 森德斯對於全民健保以及 and affordable education resonates with Kansans. 可負擔的高等教育的訴求引起堪州人的迴響 I'm a single father. 我是單親爸爸 My occupation right now is construction. 我的職業是營造業 I do a lot of remodeling. 我做很多裝潢的工作 I'm a huge supporter of Bernie. 我非常支持桑德斯 And I think it's awesome that Alexandria, you know, 我也覺得寇蒂茲能夠在獲勝 won the election there. 是很棒的 Thousands here recently lined up 上千人已經在這裡排隊 to see rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 想看到民主黨新星歐加修-寇蒂茲 and Senator Sanders. 和議員桑德斯 The pair came to Kansas to rally 他們倆來到堪州, for progressive Democrat House candidates. 為進步派民主黨參選人站台 Leftists are hoping that Ocasio-Cortez's stunning win 左派人士希望歐加修-寇蒂茲在紐約 in New York's 14th District can serve as a model 第 14 選區驚人的成績能夠作為同理念候選人的樣板, even in red states. 即使是在共和黨鐵票區 The people support the ideas that James is campaigning on. 人民其實支持 James 的訴求, All right? 沒錯吧? It's just a question of bringing them to the polls. 問題在如何反應成選票 If James wins here, 如果 James 這次能贏, this will be not only another 這不只代表國會又多了一名 progressive member to the Congress, 進步主義的人選, this'll be a shot heard around — not just this country — 這也會引起迴響——不只在我國境內—— the world. 在全世界都會 I'm excited and humbled to be here. 我很興奮能夠在這裡,也覺得自己很渺小 Happy people. 快樂的人們 Because I'm a teacher 因為我是老師, and have concerns about funding, 也對教育經費的問題感到擔憂, not only in my classroom, but just across districts, 不只是在我的教室內,很多學區都有這個問題, I felt it was important to come. 所以我覺得參加這次活動是很重要的 I work in a population that is very impoverished. 我的學生家裡環境都不好 During the winter you would see our kids 冬天的時候,孩子們都 coming to school in blankets. 裹著棉被來上學 I'm so happy to introduce Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 我很高興能夠歡迎歐加修-寇蒂茲 This is the defining moment, 這是個重要的一刻, not just for the state of Kansas, 不只是對堪州來說, but for this nation. 對整個國家來說都是 The thing is is that there are a lot of working families here. 事實上,這裡有很多勞工家庭 There's a lot of blue collar here. 很多藍領階級 And I think the reason that Trump won resoundingly here 我覺得這是川普能在這裡大勝 was because of that. 的原因 It was very empowering to hear her speak. 聽她演講讓人非常振奮 She comes from the Bronx. 她是從布朗克斯來的 I grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Wichita, 我自己是在威奇托最窮的地區之一長大 so it's very moving to be here today 所以來這裡讓我很感動 because it hits home. 因為讓我感同身受 You all are very lucky, and very blessed 你們大家都很幸運 to have James Thompson as a candidate. 能夠有 James Thompson 這樣的候選人 To have a man that so truly cares for the needs 能夠有一個如此將勞工階級的需求 of working-class people 放在心上, and fights for the dignity of his neighbors. 並為了自己左鄰右舍奮鬥的人選 You're very lucky. 你們非常幸運 Because I know what it's like to struggle to make ends meet. 我知道了解省吃儉用,但是還是幾乎月光的感覺 What it's like to have to choose between, 知道不得不在花費上做選擇, you know, paying for food for your kids or paying the rent. 像是買東西給孩子吃,或是繳清房租 It's a long shot for Thompson. Thompson 的選戰會很艱辛 But even if he comes close, 就算最後差一點點就成功, it will be further proof of concept for progressives 對進步派人士,那些想要重組民主黨, who want to reimagine the Democratic Party 從共和黨奪回權力的人來說, and take back power from Republicans. 也會是個例證 We must've gotten off at the wrong stop 我們一定是下錯站了 because people told me that Kansas 因為大家都說堪州是 was a Republican state. 共和黨的鐵票區 Doesn't look like that today. 今天看起來不是這樣
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheNewYorkTimes 民主黨 共和黨 桑德斯 選票 勞工 紅色國家會迴應左派的進步運動嗎?| 紐約時報新聞 (Will Red States Respond to the Left’s Progressive Movement? | NYT News) 269 6 Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字