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- What was crazy for me,
everyone knew it because of the intelligence community,
what was crazy to me though was finding out
that the Russians starting hacking the Democrats
on the day that Trump said "Russia, if you're listening,
(audience loudly laughs)
"help us find Hillary's emails."
That was the day when it happened.
Which is mind blowing when you think about it
because it's like, just because he did it in public,
it's not a big scandal.
Like, if he said the same thing to the Russians in private,
this would be the biggest scandal America's ever seen.
It would be like he asked the Russians
to hack the Democrats and then they hacked them,
but because he did it in public,
it's somehow not a big deal.
Like, I don't know how to explain it.
It's like, there's no other instance
where doing a bad thing publicly is better.
(audience loudly laughs) Do you know what I mean?
Like, no one's on the subway
seeing somebody masturbate and being like,
"well, I mean, I'm glad he's doing it in public,
(audience laughs and applauds)
"yeah, that makes it a lot better."
(upbeat rock music)