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  • - What was crazy for me,

  • everyone knew it because of the intelligence community,

  • what was crazy to me though was finding out

  • that the Russians starting hacking the Democrats

  • on the day that Trump said "Russia, if you're listening,

  • (audience loudly laughs)

  • "help us find Hillary's emails."

  • That was the day when it happened.

  • Which is mind blowing when you think about it

  • because it's like, just because he did it in public,

  • it's not a big scandal.

  • Like, if he said the same thing to the Russians in private,

  • this would be the biggest scandal America's ever seen.

  • It would be like he asked the Russians

  • to hack the Democrats and then they hacked them,

  • but because he did it in public,

  • it's somehow not a big deal.

  • Like, I don't know how to explain it.

  • It's like, there's no other instance

  • where doing a bad thing publicly is better.

  • (audience loudly laughs) Do you know what I mean?

  • Like, no one's on the subway

  • seeing somebody masturbate and being like,

  • "well, I mean, I'm glad he's doing it in public,

  • (audience laughs and applauds)

  • "yeah, that makes it a lot better."

  • (upbeat rock music)

- What was crazy for me,


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B1 中級

特朗普公開做了一件壞事並沒有讓它變得更好 - 幕後花絮 | 每日秀場 (Trump Doing a Bad Thing Publicly Doesn’t Make it Better - Between The Scenes | The Daily Show)

  • 491 12
    Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日