字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Brainy Dose Presents: Brainy Dose 出品: How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet – 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness! 如何戒掉害羞和寡言的個性 - 12 個克服害羞的技巧! Do you have a hard time meeting new people? 你是否很難認識新朋友? Do you find yourself declining invitations? 你是否總是拒絕邀約? You could very well be shy. 那你可能是個害羞的人。 Shyness is when you spend too much time in your head, judging yourself, based on other people's standards and opinions. 害羞是指你花太多時間胡思亂想,根據他人的標準和意見來評斷自己。 You are constantly trying to figure out how you should be acting and behaving in various situations. 你總是在思考不同的情境下該有的行為舉止 。 Fortunately, you can use the following strategies to learn how to overcome shyness and become more confident in life. 幸好,你可以透過以下的策略克服害羞,並在生活中變得更有自信。 Number 1 - Accept Yourself 第一點:接納自己 If you are always trying to fit in, you are doing nothing more than wearing yourself out. 如果你總是在迎合別人,你只是在耗費自己的心神。 You need to understand that not everyone will like you, and this is ok. 你需要知道不是所有人都會喜歡你,但沒有關係。 It's normal. 這很正常。 Everyone experiences times of insecurity and self-consciousness. 每個人都有感到不安和自卑的時候。 It's not just you. 不只是你。 If you accept yourself and your qualities, things will be much easier for you. 如果你接受自己和自己的特質,一切就會容易許多。 Number 2 - Become Self-Aware 第二點:自我覺察 If you want to overcome shyness and social anxiety, you need to understand that people are not looking at you. 如果你想克服害羞和社交焦慮,你要明白人們的焦點並不是你。 Most of them are far too busy looking at themselves. 大多數人都自顧不暇。 When you are around people, seek within yourself. 在人群中時,試著向內探索。 Observe your thoughts. 觀察自己的想法。 By simply admitting your shyness, you can reduce your anxiety, which in turn will help you relax. 光是坦誠自己害羞就能減輕焦慮,從而幫助你放鬆。 Once you become self-aware, you will be on your way to improvement. 一旦能做到自我覺察,你就踏上了自我提升之路。 Number 3 - Embrace Your Strengths 第三點:擁抱你的優勢 In order to gain confidence and self esteem, find something you enjoy and know you are good at. 要增加信心和自尊心,你得找到你喜歡且擅長的事物。 Focusing on doing this very thing, whatever it is, could help you overcome your shyness. 專心做這件事,無論是什麼事,它都有助於克服害羞。 Think about how your unique strength gives you an advantage over other people. 想想你特長賦予你的優勢。 Knowing that you possess some unique quality will boost your self-confidence. 了解自己擁有的特質能提升你的自信。 It will help you accept yourself wholeheartedly. 這有助於你全心接受自己。 Number 4 - Take Care of Yourself 第四點:好好打理自己 Taking care of yourself can totally boost your confidence! 好好打理自己絕對能提升你的信心! Even just small things, like shower, flossing your teeth and keeping your nails trimmed can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. 即使只是小事,像是沖澡、用牙線、修指甲都能讓你覺得自己有很大的不同。 When you add dressing well in addition to good hygiene, you will be surprised by how much better you feel about yourself! 除了保持衛生之外,如果穿著得體,你會驚訝地發現對自己的感覺好了很多。 With this increased confidence, you'll no longer fear meeting new people and striking up conversations. 自信心增加後,你就不會怕認識新朋友和開啟對話。 Number 5 - Practice Talking 第五點:練習說話 This one is very important. 這一點很重要。 If you don't start talking to people, you'll never stop being shy and awkward! 如果你不開始主動跟別人說話,你永遠無法擺脫害羞和尷尬的處境! Try to be a bit more talkative and practice talking more openly with friends, family and even complete strangers. 試著稍微健談一點,練習與朋友、家人,甚至是陌生人敞開心胸地聊天。 Talk to people at bars, restaurants or wherever you are. 在酒吧、餐廳或其他地方和別人交談。 Approach others and strike up a conversation. 主動接近他人並開啟對話。 This will give you a chance to meet new people, and you'll be facing your fear of talking to others. 這讓你有機會認識新朋友,也讓你面對和別人交談的恐懼。 Number 6 - Start Focusing on Others 第六點:開始將焦點放在別人身上 Shy people often feel that they have to come up with amazing topics to talk about. 害羞的人常認為要想出超棒的話題。 But this is not the case. 但並非如此。 Try to focus more on others. 試著多將焦點放在他人身上。 This will help take your mind away from your shyness. 這有助於轉移你害羞的感受。 People always like talking to others who seem interested in them, so ask a lot of questions and be genuinely interested. 人們都喜歡跟對自己感興趣的人交談,所以盡量多提問,並真心地投入對話。 Before you know it, you'll be so deep in conversation that you'll completely forget about your shyness. 很快地你就會發現你聊得太投入而忘記害羞。 Number 7 - Take a Deep Breath 第七點:深呼吸 When you're around new people, you feel the anxiety and it overwhelms you quickly. 當你身邊都是不認識的人,你會覺得焦慮且喘不過氣。 Next time, just excuse yourself and head over to the restroom or a quiet corner and then close your eyes and breathe. 遇到這種情況,找個藉口離席,走到洗手間或安靜的角落,然後閉上眼睛、好好呼吸。 Concentrate on your breathing, and breathe in and out, slowly. 專注地呼吸,緩慢地吸氣、吐氣。 Do this for a few minutes if possible. 可以的話持續幾分鐘。 This exercise will help you relax. 這會幫助你放鬆。 Number 8 - Relax Your Muscles When Anxious 第八點:焦慮時放鬆肌肉 Relaxing your muscles is another great way to deal with anxious situations. 放鬆肌肉是另一個緩解焦慮的好方法。 You can do this by focusing on a specific part of your body. 專注在特定的身體部位。 Then tighten those muscles for a few minutes, releasing slowly. 繃緊該部位的肌肉幾分鐘,然後慢慢地放鬆。 Start from your toes and then move up gradually. 從腳趾開始,然後慢慢地往上。 At the same time, you can also practice deep breathing. 同時你也可以練習深呼吸。 Number 9 - Make Eye Contact As Much As Possible 第九點:盡量維持眼神交流 Making eye contact is one of the best confidence building activities you can do! 眼神交流是建立自信心最棒的方法之一! Direct eye contact helps create a more emotional and meaningful connection. 直接的眼神交流有助於建立更具情感和意義的連結。 Have you ever noticed that when you are with a group, the person who is looked at the least is the one who talks the least? 你有沒有發現在團體中,眼神交流最少的那個人,往往也是話最少的人? The more eye contact you make, the more interested you seem. 眼神交流越頻繁,就顯得你越感興趣。 It lets the other person know that you're interested in the conversation. 這讓其他人知道你對這個談話有興趣。 This makes them feel comfortable. 這讓其他人感到自在。 Number 10 - Focus on the Moment 第十點:專注當下 When you focus on the present moment, you take your attention away from your self-consciousness. 當你專注在當下,你就不會把焦點放在自我意識上。 The next time you are having a conversation with someone, focus on the words they are saying. 下次你和其他人對話時,專注在他們講的話 Focus closely on what they're talking about. 仔細聽他們在講什麼。 Focus on their tone and expressions. 注意他們的語調和表達方式。 If you completely become absorbed by what the other person is talking about, you automatically shift your focus away from your shyness. 如果你完全沉浸於他人談論的事,你自然就會把焦點從害羞轉移到他人在談論的事情上。 Number 11 - Mimic Others' Interactions 第十一點:模仿他人的互動方式 If you have a hard time interacting with someone and you feel yourself getting all tense, try to mimic them. 如果你覺得與他人互動很困難,會讓你感到很緊張,試著模仿他們吧! I don't mean full out mimic every single thing they are doing, but you can mimic their posture and tone. 我不是說要完全模仿他們在做的事情,但你可以模仿他們的姿勢和語調。 This tends to naturally give off the vibe that you understand what they're saying and you enjoy the conversation. 這往往會自然而然地讓他人覺得你懂他們在說什麼而且你很喜歡這個話題。 Number 12 - Start Saying Yes Instead of No 第十二點:開始說「好」,停止說「不」 Whenever you say no, you create a barrier. 每當你說「不」,你就製造了一個屏障。 You're closing all the doors. 你杜絕了所有的機會。 When you say no, you're missing out on a chance to meet new people and explore new situations. 當你說「不」,你就錯過了認識新朋友和探索新局面的機會。 Instead of always saying no to everything, give yourself a chance and start saying yes! 別總是拒絕所有事,給自己一個機會,開始說「好」吧! This will allow you to be around people and socialize with others who share your interests. 這會讓你更融入人群,讓你能和志同道合的人進行交流。 If you constantly put yourself around people, you will get used to it. 如果你時常融入人群,你就會習慣。 And this will definitely help you stop being shy and quiet. 這一定能幫你戒掉害羞和寡言的個性。 By doing these self confidence tips every day, you can slowly overcome shyness and become more confident, until you can publicly display who you are, without fear of being judged. 藉由每天實踐這些提升自信心的小技巧,你就能慢慢地克服害羞,變得更有自信,直到你可以在公開展現真實的自己,不再害怕被批判。 Thanks for watching and subscribing! 感謝大家的收看和訂閱! Please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE if you want to keep these videos coming. 想看更多這類的影片的話,請記得按讚、留言和分享。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 害羞 焦慮 自信心 放鬆 目光 模仿 超有效!克服害羞的 12 個實用技巧 (How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet - 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness) 43438 2744 Evangeline 發佈於 2021 年 04 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字