字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm in China, but it certainly feels like I'm in Great Britain. 我人在中國,但是卻有置身於大英帝國的感覺 Hong Kong, under British rule, has grown a modern western city in an eastern setting. 香港在被英國殖民後,搖身一變,成為佇立東方世界中的西方現代城市 And right in the center of downtown Hong Kong are the British Cricket Club grounds. 香港的市中心建有英格蘭板球運動比賽的場地 Cricket has been played on these grounds since 1880. 1880 年起板球運動便已開始在這開打 Hong Kong is a peculiar place. 香港是個很奇妙的地方 It's a British colony until just 1997 and 由英國政府殖民統治到 1997 年 because of that the British culture here is so visible. 因此,這裡處處可見英國文化 This ferry was set up by 這個渡口是 the British in 1888. 1888 年時英國政府設立的 Day and night the 5 star ferry comes and goes, 無時無刻都有五星渡船在此進進出出 providing core harbor transportation. 提供不可或缺的港灣運送 These trams, brought over by the British in the early 1900s. 這些電車在 20 世紀早期由英國輸入引進 If you go to London you'll see double-decker buses that actually look exactly like the buses here. 你如果去倫敦,也可以看到和這裡一模一樣的雙層巴士 Do you notice what side of the road they're driving on? 有沒有注意到他們開車時是靠哪邊走呢? So many of the street names, road names, are British. 這裡好多街名、路名都和英國相關 The famous Happy Valley racetrack, reputedly the most beautiful in the east. 當地著名的跑馬地馬場據說是東方最美的賽馬場 Rolling through this park and I stumbled upon a legit bowling green, 經過這座公園時,我發現一座正統的草地滾球場 a place where they play bowls. 供大眾玩草地滾球的地方 Old, old, old, British sport. 這是個非常、非常、非常古老的英國運動 That is just right 這裡就位於 here in the middle of Hong Kong. 香港的正中央 The British brought good administration and 英國人引進良好的管理體系 a gracious way of living. 以及雅緻的生活方式 Typified by these homes and apartments on Victoria Peak. 太平山上的房屋及住宅可視為典型代表 Around the late 1600s, early 1700s, Britain started trading with China. 在 17 世紀後期以及 18 世紀早期,英國開始與中國有貿易上的往來 China had all sorts of stuff that the West wanted; porcelain, silk. 中國境內許多物品都很吸引西方人,像是瓷器、絲織品 But there was one thing that Britain loved more than anything else: the herb called tea. 但是英國特別喜愛其中一樣,就是俗稱茶葉的草本植物 China was really the only place on earth that was producing tea on a massive 當時世界上只有中國大量生產茶葉 scale and the people back in Britain became totally hooked on it. 而遠在英國的人們深深為之著迷 But there was one snag for the British government when it came to the tea trade, which is that 但是當英國政府想跟中國進行茶葉貿易時遇到一個阻撓 the Chinese emperor would only take pure silver bullion, basically coins and like 那就是中國皇帝只同意英國以那些用純銀製造的銀幣、 bars of silver, in exchange for tea. That was the deal and the British were fine 銀條等來交換茶葉。而英國人也樂意接受 with that, they were like whatever man, we'll pay for this, it's such a valuable thing. 這個條件。他們的反應就像是說,無所謂啦,我們願意,因為茶葉是極品 Eventually britain's treasury ran really low on silver and it became a national 到最後英國國庫純銀存量不足,擴大成為國家 crisis so Britain came up with a horribly unethical solution to their tea 危機,因此英國想出了一個糟糕至極、非常不道德的方案 silver problem. 來解決以銀換茶所遇到的問題 They started smuggling in opium, the 他們開始走私鴨片 highly addictive narcotic that was illegal in China. 是種因極易上癮而被中國列為非法麻醉藥 Britain would sell 英國將鴉片賣給 this opium in exchange for Chinese silver, which they then used to buy tea 中國人來換回純銀貨幣,再拿那些貨幣來買茶業 and this was the solution to their problem: an illegal drug trade, which is 這就是他們解決問題的方式:用非法的毒品交換 just mind-blowing to me. 這真的讓我大吃一驚 Eventually, the Chinese government caught on to this illegal drug trade and 後來中國政府抓到了這非法毒品的買賣 they cracked down. 並因而大受打擊 They seized all the opium and threw twenty thousand chests 他們沒收所有的鴉片,並將總量兩萬箱 of opium into the sea. 的鴉片全丟到海裡 Britain wasn't happy about China 英國相當不滿中國沒收 seizing all of its opium, so it showed up with its big gunboats 所有鴉片一事,因此出動戰艦 and started a war, the Opium Wars. 與中國開戰,也就是鴉片戰爭 They eventually negotiated a series of peace 他們最後達成和平協議 deals and a part of those deals was that China was going to give this rocky 而協議中的一條即是中國需將這座當時 island that didn't really have many people living on it, to Britain. 沒有很多居民的石島割讓給英國 In the text of the treaty they put that the British will have Hong Kong for 99 years, 在條約文本裡,明確記載香港歸英國,為期 99 年 but the diplomat who negotiated the treaty said later that in his mind 但當時負責協調條約的官員後來表示 ninety-nine years was quote "as good as forever." 他認為 99 年相當於永久的意思 Meaning no intention of ever giving it back. 也就是英國當局並無將香港歸還中國的打算 So Britain's thirst for tea 英國對茶葉的渴求 brought them into a war with China that eventually gave them a new colony: Hong Kong, here in Asia. 致使他們與中國戰爭,並因而在亞洲獲得新的殖民地──香港 Hong Kong a British colony, a tourist paradise for duty-free 香港為英國殖民地,是遊客天堂 shoppers. 購物可免稅 China, communist China, lies only a few miles away just across the border. 中國,共產主義政府,與香港僅咫尺之遠 Just walked into the grocery store to meet Billy, who's a historian here and we're 現在我在商店,跟比利約了見面,他是歷史學者 just looking at a bunch of maps, which is like my kind of activity. 我們在看一堆地圖,這事我常做 So one of the things the British did as soon as they got here, is they started 所以英國政府到香港所做的第一件事就是 drawing their own borders in the city to divide them from the local Chinese. 劃分城市邊界,用以隔離當地的中國居民 Now let's talk about tea again. 讓我們回到茶葉 It remains a symbol as to the different 它仍然代表著 cultures that exist here in Hong Kong. British influence versus the Chinese influence. 香港內境迥異的文化,展現出英、中兩國對香港的影響 The British prefer milk in their tea with crumpets and scones and little cakes. 英國人喜歡在茶裡加奶,並搭配煎餅、司康鬆餅以及小蛋糕 Whereas the Chinese will tell you they do not pervert their tea with milk 中國人則會表示他們鍾意品嘗原味的茶 and they drink tea with dim sum, little buns and cakes. 且同時要與點心、小包子和糕餅一塊享用 A British tea situation looks very different. 英式茶點看起來相當不同 These two traditions played 這兩種傳統 out side-by-side in the city for many years. 並存在這個城市很多年了 in a divided way with the Chinese 在劃分後,中國人待在 down in their crowded slums drinking their tea in their tea houses and the 下方擁擠的貧民區,於茶坊中喝著茶 British up on the hills in their aristocratic homes 而英國人則在山丘上高貴氣派的房屋裡 sipping their milk tea, but eventually over time those boundaries dissolved and 啜飲著他們的奶茶,但是最終這界線崩解 the two cultures started to blend and fuse together. 兩種文化逐漸交會、融合在一起 To where today, the tea 時至今日, culture has cropped up that is a perfect fusion of the two. 由兩種文化完美結合的茶文化崛起 But I hate to break it to you Britain, 99 years is not forever like the British 但是英國啊,我不想潑你冷水,99 年並不等同永久,這真的不如那位英國 diplomat thought it was going to be. 官員所想的那樣 The actual handover ceremony is about to start. 正式的回歸儀式即將舉行 British role officially comes to an end 英國統治將正式告終 with a handover ceremony just before midnight. 因為回歸儀式即將於午夜前舉行 A five star flag of China, soon 中國的五星旗很快就會 to be sovereign over Hong Kong again. 再次在香港升起 I should like on behalf of Her Majesty 我謹代表女皇陛下 the Queen and of the entire British people to express our thanks, admiration, 與全英國人民向全香港人民表達我們的感激、讚賞、 affection, and good wishes to all the people of Hong Kong. 喜愛以及祝福 The stroke of midnight, the red star flag of China will go up. 午夜降臨,中國的紅色五星旗升起 For me, it was pure betrayal. 對我來說,這無疑就是背叛 We're, like, being abandoned by the Brits. 我們就像是被英國遺棄 There was pride in this mix of like the Chinese values 雖然是中國人, and I guess are the western values. 但是我猜,他們也有了以西方人為榮的觀念 An identity of a citizen is not, like, 公民的身份並不是 determined by your passport something. 由護照之類的東西來決定 It's something that you treasure, 公民身份是你會珍惜的東西、 the culture we are living in. 也代表著我們生活的文化 We feel lost in our identity. 但是我們卻對於自己的身份感到不知所措 Our generation has very complicated identities. 我們這一代有很複雜的身份 Britain giving Hong Kong back to China is the beginning of a new chapter for 在回歸中國之後,香港這個城市也開啟了新的篇章 the city and so next week I'm going to explain what happens when China tries to 下周我將說明當中國設法 erase this border between Hong Kong and Mainland China and how the people here 想消除香港與大陸人民間的隔閡時發生了甚麼事,並闡述當地人民有多麼 are resisting. 抗拒這件事
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 Vox 英國 香港 中國 茶葉 鴉片 156年的英國統治如何塑造香港? (How 156 years of British rule shaped Hong Kong) 417 28 Evangeline 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字