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Okay class, today we'll be learning algebra
as you can see,
the equation we have up here is
2a, plus 7,
minus c, equals
b over 6
plus, square root of 9
*Wengie happy music*
so the first value a, equals
so the second value b
equals a plus 1
so now, class
what.. is.. c..?
I've told you before!
no toys in class!
now I have to confiscate them
but miss, these aren't toys, they're squishies!
Well unless those squishies, magically become school supplies,
I don't want to see them in class again!
No fair!
*happy music*
*happy music*
Hey guys! It's Wengie!
super secret announcement hugs!
So today we'll be doing some DIY
squishy school supplies
these are so adorable
I can't wait to show you!
And also I have a special announcement
I partnered with UV to bring you guys something special
so without further ado,
lets get on with the video
Letsss go!
*happy music*
the inspiration for this squishy pen
is my unicorn pen right here
it's pretty magical,
but I think we can make an even better one
all you'll need is a piece of memory foam cut up into a roughly pen size length,
an ink tube from any ballpoint pen,
and some needle and thread
the first step I like to do is
roughly draw out a shape of the object you
want to cut out
in this case, I drew a unicorn horn
it doesn't have to be exact,
but it's useful as a guide for me personally
so using your guide, just
roughly start cutting out small pieces
of your memory foam
this can be quite time consuming but
but you definitely don't want to rush this part because
if you cut off too much by accident,
you can't really fix it unless you start over again
so just put on some music, take your time
and enjoy the process
*loading sound*
once you have your rough shape done,
you want to start cutting out more carefully
along the edges to make your shape as neat as possible
eventually, you want to use some fine scissors
to smooth out the small ridges in your shape to give it a super smooth look
*happy music*
when you're happy with the shape,
you'll want to pass some thread through a large needle
tie a knot at the end and
pass it straight up through the base of the horn
right out through the tip
next, anchor the thread at the tip
then slowly twirl it around your horn
using some light pressure to give it a spiral pattern
when you reach the bottom,
just tie it off with your initial thread
and cut off the excess
next, you'll want to take some puffy paint
or 3D paint to paint your horn
this means when you squish it, it won't crack
I used blue, purple and pink
obviously, but you can pick whatever colours you like most
paint your horn using a gradient pattern
and you'll end up with something like this
*happy music*
when it's dry,
take your ink tube and insert it
into the base of your unicorn horn
with the pen nib still poking out
next, I hot glued the pen into place
and even added a metallic end to finish the look
this pen not only matches my other unicorn theme pens
but it's so fun to write with and squish at the same time
and I love how colourful and vibrant it looks
Okay! Special announcement time!
Hello Mia
So I partnered with Yoobi to create this limited edition Wengie and Yoobi box.
It is going to be so cute.
There is so much unicorn goodness in this.
I've partnered with Yoobi because it's a stationary brand that gives a back.
For every item that Yoobi sells, they give one to a U.S. classroom in need.
I can't wait to show you guys what's in the box.
Okay so the first thing guys
This box is esthetic, it's holographic, it's got clouds.
I designed this myself out of all the things that I love
Can you tell?
And in this box there are five amazing items I want totalk about
So the first one is this really cute pencil case you can put in your binder
And of course it's a sleepy corn, which is adorable!
Next is this amazing glitter journal, which I think is super mesmerizing✨
Look at the glitter move
And it has some matching glitter pencils as well, which there is like as set of six
And to match what we have already, we have some really cute Washi tapes
We have pink glitter and a rainbow Washi tape
And also we can't have this box without a unicorn pen.
How cute is this?
And finally I'm leaving the best item for last
This is fully customized, you can only get it in this box
It is a holographic Wengie sticker set
It's got unicorns, it's got my Wengie logo which is absolutely adorable
Both in the color, and also the holographic it's got like little diamonds and hearts
Basically everything that I love and you can use this to decorate your binders, your books, your notebooks.
I cant wait to see what you guys create
So these are all my items that I chose myself for you guys
If you guys love it as much as me and don't forget, it's making an impact
So for every box we sell you are actually donating five school supply items to a kid in need.
With this Wengie and Yoobi box, your not only getting magical unicorn items, we're making an impact as well
And this box is available for pre-order right now so don't forget to check the description box for the link.
Now it's time for the next squishy DIY. Let's go!!
You can't make a squishy set without including a donut
So I thought I'd make a huge donut that I could use as a book cover decoration.
First I use a round plate to trace a circle onto a piece of memory foam
Using that as a guide, cut out your donut shape as best you can.
Don't worry if you get tired, I had to take a few breaks in this particular DIY
Once you have your shape done, you want to use some pliers to rip out small but of foam in the center to create the donut hole.
Try to bore a hole through to the other side first
And then you should be able to use scissors to neaten the hole
Next use some orange puffy paint to paint the entire donut.
When it's dry, use some pink paint to paint the strawberry glaze icing on the top.
You'll need to do another layer of the pink to make the layer look super shiny and glazed.
When it's dry, you'll have a pink strawberry donut which feels amazing to squish.
Next you want to add some sprinkles, s just use a narrower brush to dot on your sprinkles in what ever colors you want.
Next, I took a plain notebook and used some A6,000 (?)on the base of the donut to stick it right onto the front cover.
Finally, I painted some sprinkles on to the book cover as well to give the impression sprinkles were falling onto the donut.
I was so happy with how this turned out.
And the donut looks so real and delicious
It was starting to make me hungry
This donut was super satisfying to squish because all the layers of paint had suck into the foam which made it extremely slow rising.
The other great thing about this squishy is that it can double as a pillow
Just remember if you get in trouble sleeping during class then DO NUT blame it on me
So my favorite summer fruit is watermelon
So I thought I'd make a watermelon pencil grip.
Trace out a semi-circle onto the foam and cut that shape out
You kinda want to wedge it so that the straight edge is thinner than the curved edge
So here, it's starting to look like a watermelon piece
Next, paint the curved surface using green puffy paint and extend the green color slightly around the edges to mimic that watermelon rind.
Next, use white paint to paint that part of the watermelon no one eats.
Finally, use pink paint to paint the juicy part of the watermelon itself.
When the skin is dry I mix a darker shade of green to paint some texture onto the skin, to make it look more realistic.
Then I use a toothpick with some black paint to paint on the seeds
When it's dry, take some pliers and start making a hole right through the center of the watermelon.
It doesn't need to be very wide for your pencil to fit through since the foam will stretch once the pencil is inside and that's it.
A squishy watermelon pencil grip
This is a super fun way to customize your pencils and also ensure that your fingers never get sore again
Because this squishy grip is so comfortable!
So I have this super cute rainbow pencil case and I thought I would challenge myself to try and make a squishy rainbow pencil case.
I first started by tracing a larger piece of foam using the original pencil case as a guide.
Next, cut this shape out carefully.
Again settle in with some music because this one will take a while
When you're done, cut a line right down the middle of the curve surface.
This will form the opening of your pencil case
Next, you want to use some pliers to slowly and carefully rip out small bits of foam to hollow out the inside of your rainbow case.
Definitely do this one slowly and carefully because if you're too rough...
…you might rip the foam through to the other side
You can test to see if the space if large enough when you think it's ready
Next, all you need to do is paint to rainbow colors straight onto the pencil case while painting the remainder of the surfaces pink.
When it's all dry, just simply fit a white zipper into the rainbow case opening and hot glue the zipper to the edges of the opening
Press the edges together firmly to make sure it sticks well and you're done.
I was so surprised and excited to see how well this DIY turned out.
The rainbow squishy case looked amazing and it's great to squish as well because there's still a ton of foam in the sides so I can barely even feel the stuff (?) inside
I know the surfaces was still a little wrinkled, but if you have the patience to smooth it all out, then you definitely can.
I guess this could be a great emergency pillow as well, now that I think about it.
(kitty purr)
So I have this loose USB stick and figured what better way to protect it than to use a fluffy white cloud.☁
The first step is to draw a rough semi-circle shape onto a piece of memory foam.
Next, cut it out with some large scissors first, until the shape is pretty much right
Then I use some fine scissors to trim the small bumps until the surface looks smooth
Next a use these fine scissors to cut four ridges into the curve shape to turn the shape into a cloud ✂
This method was the easiest for me to do, but you might have another way you find easier.
When you're happy with the shape, paint it white using some white fluffy paint and let it dry.
Next you want to use a tooth pick to paint a cute face
I just drew two eyes, a mouth, some pick cheeks, and then added some shiny white dots in the eyes.
Next, I cut a small slit into the base of the cloud, applied some A6,000 glue to my USB stick and stuck it in.
And once it's dry, you're done
I thought this tiny cloud USB squishy looks super cute
If I had this in my pencil case, I would honestly just squish it all day
Alright guys, I hope you guys enjoyed these DIY squishy school supplies
Let me know what your favorite one is down below
Also, the Wengie and Yoobi box is available for pre-sale right now,
Don't forget to head to Yoobi.com to grab it there are limited boxes available so grab it quick
The link is in the description box down below
Also, once you get our box, don't forget to share all the pictures with me on #WENGIEXYOOBI
And don't forget to tag me and Yoobi
I can't wait to see all the pictures and like them
Remember guys, life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.
So let's be the best unicorns we can be
And also don't forget that my new song CAKE is out now
So don't forget to head over to my music channel and watch it, listen to it, or get it on iTunes, Spotify, or GooglePlay
The link is down below
Also huge shout out to the #Wengificationsquad member of the week
And the #Wengiecorn of the week
If you guys want to find out how to get your own shout out next week don't forget to check out the description box down below.
And also follow me on social media during the week to see what I'm up to.
And until next week, I'm gonna miss you guys so much so I'll see you guys then
Buy guys! Love you!!