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  • CBS's hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory delights in poking fun at its male characters

    CBS的熱門情景喜劇《大爆炸理論》讓人津津樂道。 惡搞

  • for their fanboy obsessions with comic books, video games, and

    痴迷漫畫 書籍、電子遊戲和...

  • Dungeons & Dragons!”


  • Often the punchlines aren't really jokes per se. Instead laughs are derived by simply

    很多時候,笑點並不是真正的笑話。 本身。相反,笑聲是由簡單的

  • referencing something that sounds vaguely nerdy.


  • Sheldon: "Did you just shut the TV off in the middle of the classic Deep Space 9, Star Trek

    謝爾頓:"你剛才是不是把電視關在了。 星際迷航

  • the Original Series Trouble with Tribbles crossover episode?"

    原創系列《小精靈的煩惱 跨界的情節?"

  • I suspect this is one of reasons why so many people involved in geek subcultures

    我懷疑這也是為什麼這麼多的人 眾多宅男宅女

  • tend to dislike the show so much. It's essentially one long joke at their expense.

    傾向於如此不喜歡這個節目。它的 基本上是以他們為代價的一個長篇笑話。

  • But I'd argue here's something more pernicious going on just under the surface.

    但我想說的是,這裡有更惡毒的東西。 在表面之下的事情。

  • Leonard: "So it's cool if I cry a little?"


  • Penny: "Yeah, I probably wouldn't." Leonard: "Yeah..."

    Penny:"是啊,我可能不會。" Leonard:"是啊......"

  • Beyond its general mocking of geekdom, the show is relentless in making fun of

    除了其對極客領域的普遍嘲諷。 節目不遺餘力地取笑。

  • its male characters for not living up to traditional expectations of manhood.

    其男性角色,因為不符合 對男子漢的傳統期望。

  • On the surface it might seem like these nerdy nice guys represent a welcome

    表面看來,這些 宅男好漢代表歡迎

  • alternative to the macho archetypes that we've all come to expect from Hollywood.

    的大男子主義原型的替代方案。 我們都期待著好萊塢的到來。

  • But on closer inspection we find that, despite their status as nerdy outsiders,

    但仔細觀察,我們發現。 儘管他們的身份是書呆子外人。

  • these guys are still complicit in many of the most destructive aspects of toxic masculinity.

    這些傢伙還在同流合汙。 毒性男子氣概最具破壞性的方面。

  • Leonard: "Yes, but our society has undergone a paradigm shift. In the information age, Sheldon,

    倫納德:"是的,但我們的社會已經經歷了。 一個模式的轉變。在信息時代,謝爾頓。

  • you and I are the alpha males. We shouldn't have to back down.

    你和我都是雄性動物我們不應該 不得不退讓。

  • I'm going to assert my dominance face to face."


  • In my previous video essay about the Adorkable Misogynist trope I discussed

    在我之前的視頻文章中,關於 我討論過的 "可愛的厭惡女人的特例"。

  • the creepy, entitled and often sexist ways in which these geeky guys treat women.

    傲慢、自大和經常的性別歧視 在這些宅男對待女人的。

  • Howard: "Get it? They're laughing. We're laughing. Then we get them up to about

    霍華德。"明白了嗎?他們在笑。我們是 笑了。然後,我們讓他們到約

  • .15 blood alcohol level, and tell them we're millionaires."

    .15的血液酒精含量,並告訴他們 我們是百萬富翁。"

  • But I think it's also worth examining how they treat each other...

    但我認為,這也值得研究一下,如何做到 彼此對待...

  • Raj: "The first thing we need is a theme. I'm thinking...turn of the century Moulin Rouge."

    "首先我們需要一個主題" "The first thing we need is a theme. 我在想... I'm thinking... 我在想... I'm thinking... 世紀之交的紅磨坊" turn of the century Moulin Rouge."

  • Leonard: "I'm thinking you need a testosterone patch."

    倫納德:"我覺得你需要一個。 睪丸素貼片。"

  • ...and by extension how the show's writers end up reinforcing a whole bunch of

    ......以及該劇的編劇們是如何 拔苗助長

  • regressive ideas about what it means to be a “real man.”

    思想倒退 要做一個 "真正的男人"。

  • Leonard: "Beer, wings, sliders. We can watch the football game. I even painted my stomach."

    倫納德:"啤酒、雞翅、滑條。我們可以看 足球比賽。我甚至還畫了我的肚子。"

  • There's a running gag on the show about how Leonard doesn't understand sports or

    在節目中,有一個插科打諢,關於 倫納德怎麼不懂體育或

  • other activities that are stereotypically associated with men.

    的其他活動 與男人有關。

  • Penny: "Go sports?"


  • Leonard: "Well, in case you were in the mood for baseball, I didn't want to look ridiculous"

    倫納德:"好吧,萬一你在。 棒球的心情,我不想看起來很可笑"

  • Leonard: "Go, go, go, YES! Are you people watching this? Is this amazing or what?!"

    倫納德:"走,走,走,YES!你們是人嗎? 看這個?這到底是神奇還是什麼?"

  • Penny: "Sweetie, that's a highlight from the '98 championship game."

    竹篙:"親愛的,這是一個亮點,從。 98年的冠軍賽。"

  • Leonard: "Oh. I did not know that."


  • The joke relies on the assumption that all men are supposed to like sports,

    這個笑話是基於這樣的假設:所有的 男人應該是喜歡運動的。

  • and therefore it's inherently funny and absurd if a guy doesn't.

    是以,它本質上是有趣和 荒唐,如果一個人不。

  • Now sitcoms are, of course, supposed to be funny


  • but as with all comedy, it's important to ask: Who are we meant to laugh with?

    但就像所有的喜劇一樣,重要的是要 問:我們是要和誰一起笑?

  • And who are we meant to laugh at?


  • Howard: "Hey."

    霍華德 Howard:"嘿"

  • Notice the laughter in this scene stems almost entirely from seeing Howard

    請注意,這一幕的笑聲源於 幾乎完全來自於看到霍華德

  • wearing an apron.


  • Raj: "What's with the gloves?"


  • Howard: "They complete my ensemble. What do you want?"

    霍華德。"他們完成了我的合奏。什麼? 你想要什麼?"

  • The humor relies on the sexist idea that domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning

    幽默依靠的是性別歧視思想,即 烹飪和清潔等家務活

  • are women's work, and therefore, Howard's masculinity is somehow diminished by

    是婦女的工作,是以,霍華德的。 男性氣質在某種程度上被削弱了。

  • being forced to clean the house. This reductive mix of sexism and emasculation

    被迫打掃屋子。這 雌雄同體

  • is really at the heart of the show's comedic formula.

    是該劇真正的核心。 喜劇公式。

  • Sheldon: "When I fail to open this jar, and you succeed, it will establish you as the

    謝爾頓:"當我沒能打開這個罐子時,而且... 你的成功,將使你成為

  • alpha male. I'm not strong enough, Leonard, You'll have to do it."

    我不夠強壯 Leonard我不夠強壯 Leonard 你必須要做。"

  • Sheldon: "Go ahead. It's pre-loosened."


  • Notice that these jokes aren't designed to challenge or subvert the limiting and

    請注意,這些笑話並不是用來 挑戰或顛覆侷限性和

  • often toxic ideas about what it means to be a "real man."

    往往是關於什麼意思的有毒想法 做一個 "真正的男人"。

  • "Do you want some help with that?" Leonard: "No, no, no."

    "你需要幫忙嗎?" 倫納德:"不,不,不。"

  • Instead, the punchlines reinforce this notion that guys who aren't physically strong,

    反而是衝鋒號強化了這一概念 那些身體不強壯的傢伙。

  • tough, or athletic are unmanly.


  • Leonard: "That's enough cardio for me. I'm gonna stretch out before I hit the weights."

    倫納德:"對我來說,有氧運動已經夠了。我是... 要去伸展之前,我打的重量。"

  • And therefore worthy of ridicule.


  • Howard: "Hold on. Pause. Something doesn't make sense."

    霍華德。"等一下。暫停一下。有些東西不 有意義。"

  • In order to move forward in this discussion, we're going to have to get academic just

    為了推進這一討論: 我們將不得不得到學術只是。

  • for a minute, and very quickly define a couple of terms. Those are

    分鐘,並非常迅速地定義了一個 幾個術語。這些是

  • Hegemonic Masculinity and Hypermasculinity.


  • Hegemonic Masculinity is a term that's used to describe the socially constructed ideal

    霸道的男性氣質是一個術語,用於 描繪社會建構的理想

  • of manhood. It's characterized by things like physical strength, aggression, domination,

    的男子氣概。它的特點是: 體力、攻擊性、支配性。

  • suppression of emotions, and heterosexuality.


  • The ideal varies somewhat based on factors like geography, but here I'm

    根據不同的情況,理想的情況有些不同 地理等因素,但在這裡我是

  • concerned with white Western manhood as shaped by Hollywood. For obvious examples

    關心西方白人男子氣概,因為 由好萊塢塑造的。顯而易見的例子

  • think of Conan the Barbarian, James Bond, or Captain America.

    想到《野蠻人柯南》、《007》。 或美國隊長。

  • All the guys on the Big Bang Theory are depicted as embodying the exact opposite

    《生活大爆炸》裡的人都是 恰恰相反

  • of that Hegemonic ideal.


  • Howard (gravelly voice): "I'm Batman."


  • So much so, that simply seeing them dress up as their favorite superhero is

    以至於僅僅看到他們的穿著 作為他們最喜歡的超級英雄是

  • in and of itself a punchine.


  • Howard: "Ow!...I mean [gravelly] Ow."

    霍華德 Howard. "嗷!..:"嗷!......我是說......""嗷"

  • The important thing to understand about this manhood ideal is that it's a fiction.

    重要的是要了解 這個男人的理想是,它是一個虛構的。

  • It only really exists in the cultural imagination. Which means that men can

    它只真正存在於文化中 想象力。這意味著,男人可以

  • never really actually achieve it.


  • However, it's still a standard against which men are held and compared.

    然而,它仍然是一個標準,可以用來衡量 男人們舉行和比較。

  • The social expectations and pressures on men to try to achieve some version of it is real

    社會對男子的期望和壓力 苟且偷生

  • as is the social status either lost or gained based on a man's perceived proximity to

    得失如斯 基於一個男人的感知,接近於

  • that ideal.


  • The term Hypermasculinity is a little different.


  • It refers to the set of attitudes and behaviors associated with the pursuit of that

    它指的是一系列的態度和行為。 與此相關的

  • Hegemonic ideal.


  • Hypermasculinity includes things like aggressive competition,

    超男性化包括以下內容 積極的競爭。

  • sexual conquest, and destructive or risk taking behaviors like fighting,

    性徵服,以及破壞性或 打架等冒險行為。

  • reckless driving, or heavy drinking.


  • Hypermasculinity is also obsessively anti-feminine.

    超大男子主義也是執著的 反女性化。

  • Now keep that in mind because it's going to be imporant a little later.

    現在,記住這一點,因為它是怎麼回事 稍後才會重要。

  • Hypermasculine behaviors are how men are taught to perform their manhood, to prove

    男性的陽剛之氣行為是怎樣的? 教會他們表現自己的男子氣概,以證明

  • that they are closer to that fictional ideal than the other men around them.

    他們更接近那個虛構的理想。 比身邊的其他男人。

  • Leonard: "Oh no!"


  • The four geeks on the Big Bang Theory are shown constantly attempting to perform

    大爆炸理論》中的四個怪胎是 畫面中,不斷嘗試表演

  • some version of hypermasculinity.


  • Sheldon: "Now prepare yourself for what may come."

    謝爾頓:"現在準備好迎接 可以來。"

  • Wil Wheaton: "Oh Sheldon, do you really think we're going to fight?"

    威爾-惠頓:"哦,謝爾頓,你真的。 以為我們會打起來嗎?"

  • Their spectacular failures in their quest to prove their manhood then provides

    他們在追求過程中的驚人失敗 以證明他們的男子氣概,然後提供

  • the ironic hook behind much of the shows comedy.

    噱頭 喜劇。

  • Leonard: "I say this one time, instead of wimping out, let's be bad-asses!"

    倫納德:"我說這一次,而不是。 懦弱,讓我們成為壞蛋!"

  • Raj: "Ok. I'll be a bad-ass, but only if you pinky-swear to be one too."

    拉吉:"好吧,我就做個壞蛋,但前提是要有 你小指頭髮誓也要做一個。"

  • Now you'd think a bunch of geeks who are regularly derided for being unmanly would

    現在,你會認為一群宅男誰是 俗氣

  • be supportive of each other's insecurities.


  • And although there are fleeting moments of compassion between the four friends

    雖然有短暫的時刻 四海之內皆兄弟

  • they spend much of their time mocking and humiliating each other for not

    他們成天嘲笑 互相羞辱,因為不

  • living up to the manhood ideal.


  • Sheldon: "I see you decided to go with pathetic and frightened."

    謝爾頓:"我看你是決定要和 可悲又害怕。"

  • Raj: "It's one of his best moves."


  • Sheldon: "I'm having female problems."


  • Leonard: "If you're cranky and retaining water, I have a theory."

    倫納德:"如果你脾氣暴躁,保留了 水,我有個理論。"

  • Raj: "I have to talk to her about this."


  • Howard: "Geez, why do you girls always want to talk about things?"

    霍華德。"天啊,為什麼你們這些女孩總是... 要不要談談事情?"

  • This may seem a little counter-intuitive; why would nerds who are bullied for

    這看起來似乎有些反常。 為什麼書呆子誰是被欺負的

  • not acting manly enough, then turn around and replicate that same behavior within

    不爺們兒,回頭是岸 並將同樣的行為複製到

  • their own circles? Well, it's because one ways men learn to perform manhood...

    他們自己的圈子?嗯,這是因為一個 男人學習表演男人的方法...

  • Sheldon: "None shall pass."


  • by exerting power over others.


  • Remember when I said that one of the characteristics of Hypermasculinity was

    記得我說過,其中一個 超男性化的特點是

  • an obsession with being anti-feminine?


  • Sheldon: "A girls' night? I don't know if I'm up for an evening talking about

    Sheldon:"女生之夜?我不知道,如果 我想和你聊一個晚上

  • rainbows, unicorns, and menstrual cramps."


  • Time and again we see the men on the show demeaning women and expressing a casual

    我們一次又一次地看到節目中的男人們。 貶低女性,隨意表達

  • distain for anything considered "girl stuff."

    蔑視任何被認為是 "女孩的東西"。

  • Howard: "Sex In the City? Yikes!"


  • Penny: "Hey, I happen to love this movie."


  • Howard: "Fine, let's watch it. Maybe all our periods with synchronize."

    霍華德。"好吧,我們看吧。也許所有 我們的時期與同步"。

  • Anti-feminine attitudes are also connected to the ways that men police each other's

    反女性的態度也與此有關。 男人們互相監督的方式。

  • presentation of manhood.


  • Sheldon: "Because of your lactose intolerance you switched over to soy milk. Soy contains

    謝爾頓:"因為你的乳糖不耐受 你換成了豆漿。大豆含有

  • estrogen-mimicking compounds. I think your morning Coco Puffs are turning you into a

    雌激素模擬化合物。我想你的 早晨的可可泡芙讓你變成了一個。

  • hysterical woman."


  • Just so we're clear, when men insult and belittle other men by calling them women,

    只是讓我們清楚,當男人侮辱和 貶低其他男人,稱他們為女人。

  • that is an extension of misogyny.


  • Leonard: "You're controlling, you're irritating..."

    倫納德:"你在控制,你在。 煩人的......"

  • Sheldon: "There you go again: nag, nag, nag. You're only proving my point little lady."

    Sheldon:"你又來了:嘮叨,嘮叨,嘮叨。 你只是在證明我的觀點,小姑娘。"

  • Nowhere is this dynamic as clear as in the show's treatment of Raj.

    這種動態沒有任何地方比在 該劇對拉吉的處理。

  • Raj: "Edward's only pushing you away because he loves you."

    拉吉:"愛德華只是把你推開了。 因為他愛你。"

  • Raj: "I've got everything we'll need for the big game: low-fat turkey jerky,

    拉吉:"我已經準備好了我們需要的一切。 大遊戲:低脂火雞肉乾。

  • low-carb beer, 100 calorie snack packs."


  • Leonard: "Pick up a Y-chromosome while you were there? You might be short one."

    倫納德:"趁著你還在,撿個Y染色體吧。 在那裡?你可能是短的一個。"

  • Howard: "I won't be making fun of you or the things you like, or the fact that you

    "我不會取笑你,也不會取笑你。"我不會取笑你,也不會... 你喜歡的東西,或你的事實,你

  • [singing] just wanna have fu-un."

    [唱]只是想有fu -un。"

  • In practically every episode over ten seasons, the other characters on the show

    在幾乎每集超過10 季,劇中其他角色

  • make fun of Raj for acting too much like a woman.

    嘲笑Raj太像 一個女人。

  • Raj: "It wasn't a pajama party. It was just a couple of bros hanging out, giggling,

    Raj:"這不是睡衣派對。It was just 一對兄弟掛出,傻笑。

  • eating cookie dough, and watching Princess Bride."

    吃著餅乾麵糰,看著 公主新娘。"

  • Howard: "Please stop talking."

    霍華德 Howard:"請不要再說話了"

  • As you might expect, the jokes targeting Raj for not being manly enough

    正如你所預料的那樣,這些笑話針對的是 拉吉,因為他不夠男人

  • are steeped in a thick layer of homophobia.


  • Howard: "Wow!"


  • Raj: "And that's not even the best part. See, I have one too."

    拉吉:"這還不是最精彩的部分。 你看,我也有一個。"

  • Raj: "Check it out, you can wear yours and we can have little sword fights whenever we want."

    拉吉:"你看看,你可以穿你的,然後。 我們可以隨時進行小規模的劍術比賽。"

  • The humor consistently codes Raj's more effeminate behaviors and interests as gay

    幽默始終如一地碼著Raj的更 娘娘腔

  • and that's always the punchline.


  • Raj: "May I have a Grasshopper with a little umbrella, please?"

    拉吉:"請問我可以用一隻蚱蜢嗎? 小雨傘,好嗎?"

  • Howard: "No, you may not." Raj: "Why?"

    霍華德 Howard:"不 你不可以" 拉吉:"為什麼?"

  • Howard: "I'm not sitting here with a guy drinking a Grasshopper with a little umbrella."

    霍華德。"我不會和一個人坐在這裡 打著小傘喝著螞蚱"。

  • Raj: "Fine. I'll have a chocolate martini."


  • Howard: " Wrong! Again!"


  • Raj is the only one of the four guys who after 230 episodes still doesn't have a

    拉吉是四個人中唯一的一個 230集後,仍然沒有一個。

  • steady girlfriend.


  • Raj: "Do have any idea what it's like to be the only one without a girlfriend?"

    拉吉:"你知道這是個什麼感覺嗎? 只有你一個人沒有女朋友?"

  • Raj: "Even if I get one someday, I'll still be the guy who got a girl after Sheldon Cooper."

    拉吉:"即使有一天我得到了一個,我還是會。 是那個在謝爾頓・庫珀之後得到一個女孩的人。"

  • All the others have had their long-term partners join the main cast.

    所有其他的人都有其長期的 夥伴加入主力陣容。

  • I don't think it's a coincidence that the character most ridiculed for being the

    我不認為這是一個巧合。 最被人恥笑的人物

  • most unmanly in a group of men specifically coded to be unmanly, is also the only

    巾幗不讓鬚眉 編碼的不男子漢,也是唯一的一個

  • man of color on the show.


  • And as such, Raj fits neatly into Hollywood's long-running tradition of mocking and

    是以,拉吉很適合好萊塢的。 嘲諷和

  • diminishing the sexuality of Asian men.


  • At times, Raj seems comfortable with his softer, more effeminate version of manhood.

    有時,Raj似乎對自己的 更柔和、更娘娘腔的男人味。

  • TV: "Bridget Jones' Diary." Raj: "Oh my god, I'm crying already."

    電視:"布里奇特・瓊斯日記" "天啊 我已經哭了" "Oh my god, I'm crying already."

  • But the show and the other male characters are not, and they let Raj and us as the

    但該劇和其他男性角色 不是,他們讓拉吉和我們作為。

  • audience know that there is something wrong with him for not being manly enough

    聽眾知道 匹夫無罪,懷璧其罪

  • every chance they get.


  • Leonard: "What's up? Howard: "Not his testosterone levels."

    倫納德:"怎麼了? Howard:"不是他的睪丸素水準"

  • Raj: "Excuse me, I happen to very comfortable with my masculinity."

    拉吉:"對不起,我恰好很。 我的陽剛之氣很舒服。"

  • Howard: "How is that possible?"


  • In her 1995 book, Masculinities, RW Connell lays out the theory that there's not just

    在她1995年出版的《男性化》一書中,RW Connell 奠定了理論上的基礎,不僅有

  • one form of masculinity, but rather many different forms of manhood that all exist

    一種形式的陽剛之氣,而是許多的 形形色色

  • within a hierarchy.


  • The white heterosexual hypermasculine ideal is at the top of that hierarchy, and then all

    白人異性的低男性化理想。 處於該層次結構的頂端,然後所有的

  • other forms of masculinity are made subordinate to it.

    其他形式的陽剛之氣被製造出來 隸屬於它。

  • Forms of manhood that are in any way associated with homosexuality

    男子漢的形式,在任何方面都是 同志

  • or femininity are pushed further down on the hierarchy.

    或女性氣質被進一步推低。 層次。

  • Sam Spade: "When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it."

    Sam Spade: "當你被拍。 你會接受並喜歡它。"

  • This hierarchical structure then creates a social system wherein men are encouraged

    這種層級結構就形成了 一種鼓勵男子的社會制度;

  • to compete with other men for status and dominance,

    與其他男人爭奪地位和 主導地位。

  • even within their own peer groups and subcultures.

    甚至在同齡人中 和亞文化。

  • Leonard: "You want some more?"


  • This is why even men who are bullied for not meeting the hypermasculine ideal

    這就是為什麼即使是被欺負的男人,也會因為 不合男兒本色

  • often feel the only way they can be seen as real men...

    往往覺得只有這樣才能被人看到 作為真正的男人...

  • Howard: "Well, come on! Get up!" Leonard: "Stay down, bitch."

    霍華德:"嗯,來吧!"嗯,來吧!起來吧!" 萊納德:"趴下,婊子。"

  • ... is by diminishing someone else.


  • Raj: "I am Shiva the Destroyer. I will have the woman."

    拉吉:"我是毀滅者溼婆。我將 有了這個女人。"

  • Howard: "I'm warning you, I was judo champion at math camp."

    霍華德。"我警告你,我是柔道。 數學夏令營的冠軍。"

  • The relationship dynamics between Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj provides us with

    倫納德之間的關係動態。 Sheldon Howard和Raj為我們提供了

  • a microcosm of how this hierarchy of masculinities works.

    這種等級制度的一個縮影。 男子氣概的作品。

  • Raj: "Dude, I'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, but do you have to do all that

    拉吉:"哥們,我很高興你終於有了一個。 女朋友,但你必須做所有的,

  • lovey-dovey stuff in front of those of us who don't?"

    鴛鴦戲水 誰不知道?"

  • Sheldon: "Actually he might have to. There's an economic concept known as a

    謝爾頓:"其實他可能不得不這樣做。有 經濟學概念

  • positional good, in which an object is only valued by the possessor because it's not

    位性善,其中對象只是 價值的擁有者,因為它不是。

  • possessed by others."


  • Howard: "It's not true. My happiness is not dependent on my best friend being

    霍華德。"這不是真的。"這不是真的。我的幸福是 不依靠我最好的朋友是

  • miserable and alone." Raj: "Thank you."

    悲慘而孤獨。" 拉吉:"謝謝你。"

  • Howard: "Although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little bit of a perk."

    霍華德。"不過如果我說我是在撒謊 這不是一點福利。"

  • Practically every aspect of their friendship from the personal to the professional

    他們之間的友誼幾乎是方方面面的 從個人到專業

  • revolves around competition.


  • Leonard: "OW!"


  • Leonard: "Why'd you do that?"


  • Sheldon: "To send a message: she is not for you."

    "為了傳遞一個資訊 "她不適合你"

  • Raj: "Back off Sheldon." Sheldon: "What?"

    "退後,謝爾頓。" Sheldon:"什麼?"

  • Raj: "If you do not stop hitting on my lady, you will feel the full extent of my wrath."

    拉吉:"如果你不停止打我小姐的主意。 你會感受到我的憤怒的全部程度。"

  • Leonard: "Howard, relax. I am not interested in your girlfriend."

    倫納德:"霍華德,放鬆。我不是... 對你的女朋友感興趣。"

  • Howard: "I hope not because you don't want to mess with me."

    霍華德。"我希望不是因為你 不想惹我。"

  • Howard: "I'm crazy."

    霍華德。"I'm crazy."

  • Leonard: "Do it."


  • In fact, their entire lives are defined by a never ending game of one-upmanship.

    事實上,他們的一生都是由 一場永無止境的單挑遊戲。

  • Sheldon: "Don't just stand there; take your breasts out."

    謝爾頓:"別光站在那裡,拿著。 你的乳房出來。"

  • On the Big Bang Theory, just like in the real world, women are often leveraged

    在《大爆炸理論》中,就像在。 現實世界中,女性往往被利用

  • as symbols of status within groups of male friends.

    作為群體中地位的象徵 男性朋友。

  • Penny: "What was that for?"


  • Leonard: "To show people when they don't believe me."

    倫納德:"讓人們知道,當他們 不相信我。"

  • The show consistently frames manhood as something that's either reaffirmed or

    該劇始終將男人的形象定格為 重申或

  • diminished by the ability of the guys to "score" with women.

    削弱了這些人的能力。 與女人 "得分"。

  • Howard: "Wow! Sex at work?"


  • Leonard: "Leave it alone. That's my girlfriend."

    倫納德:"別管它。那是我的 女朋友。"

  • Howard: "Sorry." Leonard: "--who just had sex with me at work!"

    霍華德 Howard:"對不起" 萊納德:"--誰剛剛在工作時和我發生了性關係!"

  • Howard: "Damn, how'd you swing that?"

    霍華德 Howard:"媽的,你怎麼揮的?"

  • Leonard: "Two women at the same time? Nice job, player!"

    倫納德:"兩個女人同時出現? 幹得好,玩家!"

  • Whenever any one of the four nerds doesn't have a girlfriend, the others will ridicule

    每當四個書呆子中的任何一個人不 交女朋友,別人會嘲笑你的

  • him for it.


  • Howard: "Knock, knock." Leonard: "Who's there?"

    霍華德。"敲門,敲門。" Leonard:"誰在那裡?"

  • Howard: "I have a girlfriend and you don't."


  • Sheldon: "I have a functioning and satisfying relationship with a female. You have none."

    謝爾頓:"我有一個正常的、令人滿意的。 與女性的關係。你沒有。"

  • Under the narrow constraints of hypermasculinity, the only thing worse than

    在狹隘的限制下 超男氣質,唯一的事情比壞的

  • being unable to acquire a woman is being controlled by one.

    泡不到女人就是 由一個人控制。

  • Howard: "I downloaded an app that might be helpful in this situation."

    霍華德"我下載了一個應用程序,可能是 在這種情況下,是有幫助的。"

  • [sound of a cracking whip]


  • Now the women on the show do occasionally join in with the ridicule.

    現在節目中的女性偶爾也會 湊熱鬧

  • Penny: "Alright, who's ready for another beer?"


  • Leonard: "I'm good." Raj: "No thank you."

    萊納德:"我很好。" 拉吉:"不用了,謝謝你。"

  • Penny: "Girls."


  • But the vast majority of the put-downs of nerdy mend don't come from women

    但絕大部分的放養的 宅男不宅女

  • Sheldon's phone: [sound of cracking whip]

    Sheldon的電話[Sound of cracking whip]

  • ...they come from other men.


  • Sheldon: "Amy please. I am trying to figure out a way to intellectually emasculate a

    謝爾頓:"艾米,求你了。我想知道 閹割的方法。

  • dear friend of mine."


  • Raj: "Hey, while you you decide, who's better in bed: big hot Zack or

    拉吉:"嘿,當你你決定的時候,誰是。 在床上更好:大熱扎克或

  • wheezy little Leonard?"


  • There is an unfortunate tendency in our culture to try to pin the blame for men's

    我們有一個不幸的傾向,就是 試圖將男人的責任歸咎於文化。

  • emasculation on women, but most of the time the perpetrators are men who are

    對婦女的閹割,但大多數人都不知道。 肇事者是男人,他們是

  • participating in this competition for dominance.

    參加本次比賽的 主導地位。

  • And in so doing, they become complicit in the very structures that harm and exclude them.

    而在這樣做的時候,他們成為了同謀。 傷害和排斥他們的結構。

  • Penny: "You know for a group of guys who claim they spent most of their lives being

    佩妮:"你知道對於一群人來說,他們是誰? 聲稱自己大半輩子都在

  • bullied, you can bee real jerks. Shame on all of you."

    欺負,你可以蜂真正的混蛋。 你們都不要臉。"

  • All this competitive and anti-feminine behavior is framed by the show as harmless,

    所有這些競爭和反女性的 行為被節目框定為無害。

  • as good-natured fun, as normal and natural and inevitable for men.

    嬉皮笑臉,順理成章 也是男人的必然。

  • But the reality is that the social pressures that society places on men to engage

    但現實是,社會壓力 社會要求男子從事的活動

  • in this hypermasculine competition is anything but harmless.

    在這場超男性化的競爭中 是什麼,但無害。

  • It can be dangerous for men and for those around them,

    它可能對男性和那些 在他們周圍。

  • both in terms of physical health and emotional well-being.

    在身體健康方面和 情緒健康。

  • It makes it difficult if not impossible for straight men to be vulnerable and

    這使得它很難,如果不是不可能 直男的脆弱和

  • caring with others, which in turn, makes it very hard to build close, supportive

    與他人的關愛,這又使其成為 很難建立密切的、支持性的

  • friendships with women and with other men.


  • Sheldon: "That's quite a gesture on your part. You've shown yourself to be the bigger man."

    Sheldon:"你的姿態真不錯。 "你已經證明了自己是個大男人"

  • Howard: "Thank you."


  • Sheldon: "Which I find totally unacceptable.


  • I must be the bigger man."


  • But unlike Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj, who are locked into a perpetual

    但與Leonard、Sheldon、Howard、以及... 拉吉,他們被鎖定在一個永久的

  • competition by their writers, men in the real world have a choice.

    他們的作家、男人在競爭。 現實世界有選擇。

  • We can choose to reject the battle for dominance, and instead embrace empathetic

    我們可以選擇拒絕爭奪 霸氣,而不是擁抱同理心的

  • and supportive forms of manhood.


  • Thanks so much for watching. If you like these long-form video essays about the

    非常感謝您的觀看。如果你喜歡 這些長篇視頻文章關於

  • intersections of entertainment and masculinity, then please consider going

    娛與樂的交集 男性氣質,那麼請考慮去

  • over to Patreon and helping to fund this project.

    在Patreon和幫助 以資助這個項目。

  • There's also a link to Paypal in the description below.

    中還有一個Paypal的鏈接。 下面的描述。

  • I will see you all again next month with another video essay.

    下個月我和大家再見 又是一篇視頻作文。

  • Subtitles by the community


CBS's hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory delights in poking fun at its male characters

CBS的熱門情景喜劇《大爆炸理論》讓人津津樂道。 惡搞

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