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  • (slow music)

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Thank you.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Well, welcome to Morocco.

  • We just arrived, so definitely gonna need this ice coffee.

  • We are so excited to be here,

  • and huge thanks to Urban Decay for partnering with us,

  • and sending us to this beautiful location.

  • We can't wait to share our experience with y'all,

  • but first we're gonna pound this coffee,

  • and then check into our hotel.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • Okay, so we made it outside our hotel,

  • and now we're going to go exploring.

  • - We've got our map

  • ready. - Oh my gosh, look at it.

  • - It's so old school, I love it.

  • - Yeah, we have no Wi-Fi,

  • so we're gonna rely on the map, wish us luck.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Cheers, babe.

  • - Cheers.

  • - What a lovely first day.

  • - Mhm.

  • - Very nice and relaxing, isn't it?

  • - Absolutely.

  • - Had a good explore.

  • - We did, we were walking around the souks,

  • and a lot of them are closed,

  • because today is a holiday, Eid al-Fitr.

  • But it was nice to see everything less frantic,

  • and we got to just kinda peruse, and see some cool things.

  • There's a lot of counterfeit stuff.

  • Right? - There is a lot

  • of counterfeit stuff.

  • - Very tempting to buy one. - Yeah, we're gonna come back

  • with loads of Supremes,

  • so next photo you see me with Supreme dufflebag,

  • it's not going to be real.

  • - Yeah, I'm just going to be loaded up in Gucci, Givenchy.

  • I did get one thing from the stalls.

  • - [Ben] Yeah.

  • I got this really cute necklace

  • and I got it for $15.

  • Not bad. - Yeah, it's not bad.

  • - I haggled! - You haggled.

  • - Yeah, she wanted it for 20,

  • but I was like, 10?

  • - She really wanted it for 20.

  • - Yeah, really, really.

  • - Almost shouty for 20.

  • (guitar music)

  • - [Jenn] Good morning. - [Ben] Good morning.

  • - [Jenn] What a spread eh?

  • - [Ben] Yeah, we got some mushrooms,

  • some potatoes, some eggs.

  • - This looks bomb.

  • (Moroccan music)

  • (birds chirping)

  • Ah, good morning everyone!

  • We are currently having breakfast.

  • Got myself a beautiful plate of delicious food.

  • And I just finished getting ready.

  • I went for a really soft, orange, smoky eye,

  • using Urban Decay's Born To Run palette.

  • For my eyes I just put Accelerate all over the lids

  • and then I blended it out with Still Shot

  • and I absolutely love the way it looks.

  • I'll do a full get ready with me tomorrow

  • when we've got a little bit more time,

  • because today we're kind of in a rush

  • because we're heading to the stone desert camp

  • and we'll be looking at the camels,

  • riding the dune buggies, so really excited about that.

  • Gonna sip on this coffee and we'll see you there!

  • Cheers!

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - As you can see we're looking very good right now.

  • Quad bike's behind us.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - [Ben] How you feelin' babe?

  • - I feel good.

  • - [Ben] You done well.

  • - I'm very proud of myself.

  • - [Ben] Yeah.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Excellent. - Eh?

  • - [Jenn] You've never looked better.

  • - Yeah, 'cause most my face is hidden.

  • (laughing)

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - We're on a camel now.

  • Got some scarves and some new garb.

  • - It's lovely. It's very relaxing.

  • - Exactly what we needed.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Alright, we're about to head into the Jacuzzi.

  • - Look at it.

  • - But it is so friggin' gorgeous.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Top three Jacuzzis of my life.

  • Ben borrowed one of my robes.

  • - [Ben] I stole one of her robes.

  • - [Jenn] It looks really good.

  • - Very manly, floral robe.

  • - [Jenn] It feels sleeky eh?

  • It looks good on you.

  • - Thanks babe.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Ah, oh my gosh, I love Iced Americanos in the morning.

  • I've already done my foundation and my brows

  • just to speed up the process. \\

  • And I'm gonna move straight into the eyes.

  • I'm using Urban Decay's Born To Run palette

  • and this has been so freaking amazing to use on the trip

  • because check out how many colors there are.

  • Normally when I travel I have to pack like

  • three or four eye shadow palettes

  • because I love options.

  • I love having the safety of using whatever

  • kind of eye shadow look that I want

  • but with this palette there is literally everything

  • that I'll need.

  • Like I've got my oranges, my violets,

  • my greens, my blues,

  • my neutrals, everything.

  • And so today, I think I'm gonna be

  • a little bit more adventurous and do kind of like a

  • purpley orange look so let's get started.

  • So the first color I'm going to dip into is Wild Heart

  • which is like a shimmery violet.

  • And I'm just going to apply that all over my lid as a base.

  • So now that Wild Heart is on, I'm gonna use Baja

  • which is an orange shade as my transition color.

  • So now that Baja is on, I'm going to use Still Shot

  • which is this really pretty peachy shade

  • and I'm going to use that to buff everything out.

  • I honestly never thought that violet and orange

  • could look so good together but I think it's because

  • they're so close in the color family that

  • it just kind of works.

  • They both have warm tones

  • and they just really pair well together.

  • I'm just getting my ring finger

  • and going back into Wild Heart,

  • and I'm just gonna pad it in the center of my lids

  • just to bring back that violet back.

  • So I'm gonna go into Still Shot again

  • and I'm going to apply it all underneath my eyes.

  • To kind of just give it more dimension.

  • For the inner corner I'm going to use Blaze

  • which is a gorgeous champagne shade.

  • I'm gonna apply that right over here

  • to brighten up the eyes.

  • So the eye shadow is done.

  • That was so simple.

  • I'm just going to do like a little cat eye wing

  • and some mascara, maybe some falsies and call it a day.

  • For bronzer I'm using Urban Decay's beach bronzer

  • and I'm just going to cut some cheekbones.

  • Finishing it off with highlight.

  • So I just popped on an orange lip

  • and now I'm going to set everything with

  • Urban Decay's All Nighter.

  • They came out with this really cute travel size edition

  • so it's perfect to carry around with you.

  • Put it on your carry-on.

  • (spraying sound)

  • Oo, that is so damn refreshing.

  • So here is the finished look.

  • I think it looks super cute and really fresh for Morocco

  • and this palette has been a frickin' godsend.

  • Look how thin it is too.

  • This is great for packing

  • because you've got all these colors

  • in such slim packaging.

  • I was able to put it in my makeup bag with ease.

  • And I love the packaging.

  • These photos were taken all by the Urban Decay team.

  • So this is all the places that they travel to.

  • So I see Las Vegas, Greece, San Francisco.

  • But I know that this palette is near and dear

  • to the whole Urban Decay team

  • and truly this is awesome to travel with.

  • This is one of the many looks that you can create

  • using this palette.

  • And I honestly feel like I haven't even dug into like

  • the greens and blues yet,

  • which I will probably do tonight or tomorrow, we'll see.

  • Before we leave I'm going to set Ben's face

  • with the All Nighter as well.

  • Let's get his first impression.

  • - Yeah, so Jen's done her makeup bit so now it's my turn.

  • This is the real thing so you can just freshen me up.

  • Oh, I love that.

  • - See? - It's great.

  • - Yeah so you just set everything,

  • I mean there's nothing to set on his face

  • but I mean, it's just going to keep everything locked in.

  • Whatever is already there.

  • - All Nighter.

  • What it's just that the dirt and stuff

  • that's already there.

  • The sweat from the sun.

  • This is lovely.

  • It's very refreshing.

  • I always wanted a nice spray, thank you.

  • So this is Urban Decay's All Nighter.

  • So guys check it out, the link is below.

  • - That's great, that's great.

  • Having lunch by the pool.

  • Yeah we're just getting some work done.

  • - So the easiest way to work when

  • you're somewhere like this.

  • - Yeah, so romantic.

  • So serene.

  • - Mhm, been a good day.

  • Had a massage, got some cool photos.

  • A little relax, getting some work done.

  • We're gonna go see the market in a bit.

  • - Mhm.

  • - Go for dinner, Nomad.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - So here we are in the souks.

  • This is our third time here in the entire trip

  • and we have an objective.

  • We wanna get at least like three or four things.

  • Maybe some souvenirs, maybe a shirt.

  • We'll see.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Hi guys, we have finally made it to Cafe Nomad.

  • Had a lovely time around the market.

  • It's very tiring because everyone wants us to buy stuff.

  • But we got through, we got a couple of nice items.

  • And so now we're about to have some din-dins.

  • - We're so excited to be here.

  • I actually didn't get,

  • actually I got one shirt at the souks,

  • it's like an Marrakech graphic tee

  • which I think is so cute.

  • And Ben actually got way more things than I did.

  • - Gucci scarf. Obviously it's real.

  • And then I got a couple of tops.

  • And I'm going back to Morocco in a week. (laughs)

  • So I get to wear it then.

  • - I love that Ben loves Morocco so much

  • he's going twice in one, one.

  • - [Ben] Yep, what are the chances?

  • - What are the chances?

  • - Anyway guys thank you very much and we'll see you soon.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - Good Morning everyone.

  • - Hello everybody.

  • - Today is our final day in Marrakech, so sad.

  • - We are at,

  • - Jardin Majorelle.

  • - It's a lovely gardens.

  • We just got here, going to have a walk around.

  • - Look at the nature, it's like a really just

  • nice botanical garden, so.

  • - Yeah, it's very shady.

  • - Going to have a little wander.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • Alright.

  • - Hey guys.

  • - A little outfit change.

  • A little lunch.

  • - It's very nice here.

  • - Mhm.

  • - Where we going next?

  • - We're going to the Castle Bahia.

  • It was recommended by a subscriber,

  • so thank you so much for the recommendation.

  • We're going to head on there after we have our lunch.

  • - So we'll see you guys at the next spot.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • - [Jenn] Pasta.

  • - We're having some pasta.

  • Because we're in Morocco.

  • - [Jenn] Yes.

  • - Why not?

  • - [Jenn] We made some friends.

  • - Hello

  • - [Jenn] Georgina.

  • - And we also have pasta.

  • - Italian way.

  • - [Jenn] Thank you.

  • Wow.

  • - We all got one each, and then Jenn got three for herself

  • - I know, I did get a lot.

  • (rhythmic music)

  • So we were just enjoying our lovely champagne

  • and we got a lovely package from a subscriber

  • but her name is Katar.

  • Thank you so much.

  • She left us all these yummy snacks.

  • - And it's great because a minute ago we were saying

  • we wanted a snack.

  • - Uh huh, but the kitchen is closed, so.

  • - Then we find out lovely Katar has come to save the day.

  • - It smells like,

  • - Mmm.

  • - Oh my god.

  • So enjoying these man.

  • - Yeah. - I love chips.

  • - Mirabella.

  • The problem is you see us opening

  • and having a couple of bites.

  • We will eat all of these.

  • - So this next one is called Bimo.

  • It's a perfect biscuit.

  • - Yeah, it is.

  • Tonik, I do apologize if I am pronouncing it wrong.

  • - You probably are.

  • - Probably, so apologies for that, but this is very nice.

  • - Cheers.

  • Cheers. - Take two.

  • Mmm. These are amazing!

  • - The Frity Frit, Classic ranch flavor.

  • - Frity Frits. Look it up.

  • - Wait this wasn't, this was called Golden.

  • Merendina.

  • - They're so good. - Thank you so much!

  • - Thank you very much.

  • This has been absolutely delicious.

  • We're going to relax, have some more champagne

  • and just look at the view!

  • I mean look at it, it's lovely.

  • And it's night time but you can still see.

  • (rhythmic music)

(slow music)


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B1 中級 美國腔

爵去摩洛哥 (Jenn Goes To Morocco)

  • 135 14
    cc12cc1210c 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日