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  • [knocking]

  • Where Jessica at?

  • Uh... You're...

  • I'm here for Jessica. Get her.

  • Sorry. Um... [elevator dings]

  • I wasn't expecting...

  • [girls laughing] Mmm. Look at that!

  • Can I talk to you for a second first?

  • I don't know, man.

  • I got another waiting for me in, like, an hour.

  • Wait. What time is it?

  • Like, 2?

  • I have to pick her up at 7, so...

  • Yeah, an hour.

  • Yeah, I'm gonna need to talk to you first. Come on in.

  • [sighs]

  • So you're gonna take Jessica out.

  • Yeah, I mean, sure, man. I don't care. Whatever.

  • Well, this is Jessica's first time going out with somebody

  • and, um... I think I'm pretty liberal

  • but I just feel a little nervous as I'm sure you understand--

  • [coughs] Nerd!

  • And-- You just... aren't what I was expecting.

  • Sweet.

  • [SCOTT] Mmm... I wouldn't use that word.

  • I thought you'd be like a high school kid.

  • [laughs]

  • Who still goes to high school?

  • I mean, basically everybody.

  • Losers.

  • How about you tell me about yourself before you...

  • ruin her forever?

  • [MACK] Oh, no problem, dude.

  • I'm, uh, 20 something.

  • I actually don't know my age

  • because my mom used my birth certificate

  • to light my dad's car on fire when I was a kid.

  • But it really wasn't her fault because she thought

  • I wasn't her kid at the time.

  • She has, like, no memory of being pregnant.

  • She says there's, like, this five year period where

  • she was blacked out all the time

  • and when she came to, I was just there.

  • She was like, "Who the hell is this kid bringing me a beer?"

  • [laughs] So, yeah, she thought she was just

  • burning some random piece of paper, not, like,

  • the thing that tells you how old I am.

  • I'm like, "I get it, Mom. It's cool. It happens."

  • So, yeah. It's always just kinda been a ballpark thing.

  • But people say I look young for my age.

  • But you don't know how old you are.

  • I still look young. Duh.

  • Okay, well. That was informative.

  • So... where Jessica at?

  • Yeah...

  • I'm not sure about this.

  • Are you scared?

  • - [SCOTT] Of you? - Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Sweet.

  • No, not sweet. Look, I'm trying not to be the control freak.

  • I just wanna make sure Jessica is in good hands.

  • Aw, dude. My hands are the bomb.

  • I can literally pick up a watermelon with one hand.

  • Like, the whole thing.

  • Wow.

  • And then I can chuck it through my dad's window!

  • 'Cause that's what he gets for leaving us, Dad!

  • Uh...

  • Watermelons are pretty big.

  • I don't know if you knew that, dude.

  • Yeah, I... knew that.

  • Can I get a beer?

  • No!

  • But I'm gonna get one.

  • Look, it seems like you've been through some stuff.

  • I just wanna make sure you treat Jessica well.

  • Oh, don't worry. I got her.

  • No, see, the wink actually made me worry.

  • No, don't worry. I got her.

  • You did it again. It's not helping.

  • Is Jessica a bad girl?

  • What?

  • Like, does she do bad things and you have to be like,

  • "Ooh, Jessica. You're bad."

  • I... wouldn't... say that... to her... like that.

  • "Bad, bad girl."

  • No! She's good.

  • I don't mind if she's bad. I've taken out a lot of bad girls.

  • Some bad boys, too.

  • Sure.

  • [MACK] I kinda like it when they're bad.

  • 'Cause then I can teach 'em some discipline.

  • No, you don't need to "discipline" Jessica.

  • She's good.

  • Oh, they all start out good.

  • And then they're with me.

  • And they're like, "Ooh. Dad's not around. I can be bad."

  • She's always been good!

  • You never scolded her? Spanked her?

  • Sprayed her with the hose?

  • Who would do that?

  • [MACK] My dad.

  • Hey, do you have any watermelons around here?

  • This isn't gonna work out.

  • Dude. I get it.

  • I look all, like, hard and stuff,

  • and it makes people be like...

  • "Whoa".

  • Well said.

  • But I promise, deep down I'm a real softie.

  • Mmmm...

  • Why don't we let Jessica decide for herself?

  • Jessica!

  • [footsteps]

  • Your dog walker's here. Do you wanna go out with him?

  • Are you a bad girl?

  • No, she's a good girl!

  • You're a good girl.

  • See?

  • I'm sorry. I just think it's too much for her to--

  • [footsteps]

  • They all start off good.

  • She-- She needs to be home by 3.

  • Um...

  • Just call me if you need anything. Anything at all.

  • You're gonna be a good girl, Jessica.

  • Good girl.

  • Don't worry.

  • I got her.

  • Bad, bad girl.

  • [dog barks]



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A2 初級 美國腔

壞男孩 (短片) (Bad Boy (Short Film))

  • 141 1
    Agnostic 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日