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Ah! And that's how you make the perfect taco.
Oh, man, I'm so
[Echoing] bored!
Does somebody need one of my tacos?
Aw, is food all you ever think about?
We're in Monte Macabre!
We should be exploring this weirdo town,
not selling tacos.
I love cooking tacos.
The preparation of a fine tortilla
is an art unto itself.
Oh, you're an artiste now.
Well, I'm one, too.
Here's my masterpiece. Heh heh!
There are two kinds of people in this world, Victor,
those that create art--
And those that destroy it.
[ Chuckles ] Oof!
How dare you?!
I can't believe you just did that!
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
Mmm, mmm!
Hola, hola!
Mis ninos tan Lindos Como estan.
How's the taco business going?
Good, Grandma.
[ Sniffs ]
Wait a minute.
Have you two been food-fighting again?
Both: No.
Listen, you two are half-brothers,
but you barely know each other.
Take this time to learn about yourselves
and explore your quiltude with your abuelita.
Now, I'll be back later to check on you two ninos.
But in the meantime...
clean this mess up!
Okay, I love you. Bye.
[ Laughs ]
Why do you always have to start stuff?!
[ Munching ]
Whoa! What is that?
Victor: It looks like some kind of dog
that died from eating your tacos.
Come on, come on! Let's chase it!
Wait! This doesn't feel right!
[ Both panting ]
[ Whoosh! ]
Finally what?
We're finally gonna have some fun this summer!
[ Hawk shrieks ]
Ow! Hey, Val, good thing
you're built like a big butt cheek
or that would have hurt, huh?
[ Laughs ]
Shut up, Victor.
Who knows what mess you got us into now.
[ Rumbling ]
What the taco?!
Ah! This just keeps getting better.
Uh, wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what! What is that?
A mumm--
Achi: Say, you two aren't supposed to be here.
You aren't dead -- yet. [ Laughs ]
Hey, why did you take us, you dumb dog!
Take?! Ha!
You two really are some babozos, aren't you?
You followed me...
into the realm of the dead.
And those two up there are the keepers of the realm.
Now, you either stay here forever
or you play their game.
Games? What game? I love games!
You see, you're in a maze, right?
Can you guess what will happen
if you don't escape by death-o-clock?
We -- we -- death -- I mean, die.
Wow! We got a smart one over here, eh!
[ Laughs ]
The game starts now!
Oh, and thanks for the tacos, eh?
They sucked!
[ Both snickering ]
Yes, yes, yes! A game!
Yeah, played with our actual lives.
No, I know, but how hard can it be?
[ Screaming in distance, splat ]
Now, let's get moving, Panzon.
Is it me, or am I nailing this maze?
I kind of feel like I'm nailing this maze, right, Val?
You're so obtuse.
Whoa, thanks, man.
Chupacabra: Psst, hey!
To the Chupacabra Item Shop!
Hey, take one of these helpful items.
We have this map of the maze,
a Get Out of Maze Free card,
and -- ooh -- a smartphone with a maze app on it.
Yeah, or this!
Now, this is going to really help us, man.
Oh, a fine choice, little man.
[ Chuckles ]
Have you lost your mind?!
We could have gone home!
No, no, I get it, I get it.
But at least I'll look cool, you know.
Now, come on. I'm, like, 90% sure it's 100% this way.
[ Crying ]
[ Growling ]
[ Roaring ]
No, wait, Victor! That was the wrong one!
Oh, just great! We're back at the beginning.
Nice job, Victor.
What, me? Well, look at you.
I don't see you helping.
I've been trying to help!
But every time I do, you rush in
and make decisions for us.
You're just like Dad.
I wish you would have stayed with him.
Yeah, well, I wish you were dead!
[ Chuckles ] Wish granted.
[ Rumbling ]
[ Snickering ]
Hey, this maze is unfair!
Now, send us home!
[ Roaring ]
I think -- I think I -- I think I'm dying!
You're not allowed to die!
Hey, boneheads, put my brother down!
[ Grunts ]
[ Laughter ]
Think, Victor, think! What would Val do?
That's it!
Why don't you eat some tacos?!
Oh, my!
Wait a minute!
Hey, did you two cook those tacos?
Come on, tell me the truth.
Why? Do you like them?
Like 'em? We love 'em! We're huge fans.
Isn't that right, Hun?
My name is Mic, Lord of the Underworld,
and this here's my bro-bro, Hun.
You've already met our dog, Achi.
He's always on the hunt for good tacos in Monte Macabre.
Hey, I thought you hated my tacos.
What can I say? I have bad taste!
[ Laughs ]
I could eat an eternity of these!
Oh, it's too bad you still gotta die.
Wait, wait! What if I gave you the recipe?
Hmm. Go on.
Yeah, we'll give it to you --
if you sent us home. [ Chuckles nervously ]
Even better than that,
he can make them for you for all eternity!
Infinity tacos!
Victor, shush it!
You know what?
Throw in some churros,
and you've got yourselves a deal!
But don't let us catch you around here again, or else...
[ Both screaming ]
Hey, Vic, guess what?
We're back!
Oh, yeah.
Both: ♪ We're back, we're back ♪
♪ We're back, we're back, we're back ♪
Yeah, thanks to...
Well, thanks to you, Valentino.
Sorry I've been such a jerk.
Your tacos really do taste amazing.
That's good, Vic, 'cause you're gonna help me cook 'em.
Can I cook 'em with this mask on so no one sees me being lame?
Wait, huh?
Um, Val,
you're not going to believe this, but...
[ Laughter ]
Victor, what is it?
Well, you know how this place
always seemed kind of dead?
Grandma Chata: Victor, Valentino?
There you are.
Val, you've got to see this.
Both: Whoa!
It's time for you to learn the truth
about Monte Macabre!
Both: [ Laughs ] Yes!
Oh, a fine choice, little man.