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Welcome back to BBC Learning English!
歡迎回到 BBC 英文!
I'm Sam and today we're looking at the difference between come back and go back.
我是 Sam今天我們要來研究 come back 和 go back 的不同之處
They both mean to return, but we use them differently.
We use come back when we return here.
如果我們用come back 表示,我們會回到這裡
So, for example: I am in the BBC building now.
所以,舉例來說,我現在在 BBC 大樓裡
Tonight I will go home, and tomorrow I will come back here - like a full circle.
We use go back to mean that we return there.
我們用 go back 來表示我們回到那裡
For example: I am at work now, and tonight I will go back home.
I am not at home now, but tonight I will go back – half the circle.
So, please come back to BBC Learning English for more videos!
所以,要回來 BBC 英文收看更多影片喔!