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  • 16-year-old Hattie has never really had a place to call home. Shuttled between relatives,

  • she's more Hattie-here-and-there than Hattie-somewhere-of-her-own. That's why, when her scoundrel uncle, Uncle

  • Chester, leaves Hattie his homestead claim in Montana, Hattie barely thinks twice before

  • shipping out to prove up. But what's one 16-year-old girl versus the vagaries of the

  • Montana wilderness?

  • Hattie has no idea what she'll find in Montana. A place of her own, she hopes. But Uncle Chester's

  • shanty, debts, and ornery cow aren't exactly what Hattie had imagined.

  • Still, Hattie is undeterred. She braves the cruelty of a Montana winter, the muck of a

  • Montana spring, and the hellish heat of a Montana summer, all so she can finish her

  • uncle's fencing, harvest her crops, and hand over the $37 that will make Uncle Chester's

  • stubborn land officially Hattie's own.

  • Above all, Hattie Big Sky is a book about finding where you belong, and finding more

  • expansive meanings of love, family, and of course, home. But don't take that to mean

  • that this book is mushy or slow-going. On the contrary, Hattie's life on the Montana

  • prairie is filled with near-disasters. And Hattie proves to be a courageous heroine who's

  • as strong as any man in Montanamaybe stronger.

  • So does Hattie prove up? Does she make her deadline? You'll find out when you read

  • this bookor when we talk about the sequel to Hattie Big Sky, coming up next week!

16-year-old Hattie has never really had a place to call home. Shuttled between relatives,


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B2 中高級 美國腔

"哈蒂大天"|60秒書評--------。 ("Hattie Big Sky" | 60second Book Review)

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    Rain 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日