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Haiti is known for its fantastic cuisine.
So while I'm here what if I learn how to make
Haitian food and a perfect place to do it
is a place called World Central Kitchen.
I thought maybe I could learn to make Haitian food
and in return maybe I would teach them how to toast
a Pop-Tart.
Or just eat it raw.
You're Mi-Sol Chevallier. I am.
Am I saying it well?
Mi-Sol. Mi-Sol Chevallier.
You are the chief.
You run World Central Kitchen is that right?
Bonjour, sak pase?
[Group] Bonjour, Conan.
Now that's very nice I love the way you say it.
It's like a von Trapp family
thing. (laughs)
[Mi-Sol] First you have to learn how to hold your knife.
Hold my knife.
I'm not even doing it, I'm just watching her do it.
No, no. What, what!
That's a sliced onion.
What's wrong with that?
Can we just pretend that it was okay.
Okay this one here.
This is marijuana.
Thyme. Oh, thyme.
Thyme. Thyme.
Okay. It's marijuana.
Okay we're gonna make
a filet of red snapper.
What is this here,
this is? This is shrimp.
This is shrimp. Yes.
And does shrimp go in here anywhere?
No, we're making, no, no.
I could add, we could add, we could make a whole new
Haitian dish. Of course.
That's right I'm gonna combine both of you
and make a Haitian dish that's never been made before.
This guy's amazing.
Sure we glad we met him.
There's just one problem you both have to die.
That's all right (laughs).
I put this on top?
Pepper on top. Pepper, onion.
Just sprinkle it? As much as you want.
Look everybody.
(clapping) Nice?
He's not clapping.
He didn't clap.
Why didn't he clap?
You'll see I'll get you, what's his name?
I'll get him. Lucian.
Lucian will learn to respect me.
(laughs) My invention.
Lucian you didn't think of that did you?
Now. Now we wait.
Ready? Yes.
[Group] Wow!
Yes! (clapping)
Look at that!
Thank you
for cooking with us.
Oh yes, thank you for cooking with us.
(clapping) (bell rings)
Orders up!
The World Central Kitchen School relies entirely
on charitable contributions to donate
please go to worldcentralkitchen.org.