字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You can never plan for everything. 計劃永遠趕不上變化 There's always a point where it's time to stop talking and start doing. 坐而言總是不如起而行 I can't imagine how anybody passes a problem 我無法想像會有人明明知道解決方法 卻將問題放著不管 that they know that they can fix, and doesn't try to fix it. 我無法想像會有人明明知道解決方法,卻將問題放著不管 PITTSBURGH, PA 賓州,匹茲堡 I feel an absolute obligation to serve. 為國家服務是我畢生的職志 Military service in my family goes all the way back to 我的家族是軍人世家,參與過南北戰爭、二戰和越戰等 the Civil War and World War II, Vietnam, 大大小小的戰爭 The mythology of my family 我的家族傳奇要從我的祖父說起。這是他的小刀 started with my grandfather, his pocket knife. 我的家族傳奇要從我的祖父說起。這是他的小刀 I always wondered what the heck did he ever cut with this thing? 我一直在想這把刀到底能用來切什麼 There was never a moment where I thought I wouldn't become a soldier. 對於成為軍人這件事我從未動搖過 I did two tours in Iraq as a helicopter pilot. 我曾兩度前往伊拉克執行任務,負責駕駛直升機 I knew he was an amazing pilot. 我知道他是名出色的飛行員 He was the top of his class in flight school, so 他在飛行學校的成績名列前茅 I was always very confident in his piloting abilities. 因此我對於他的飛行技術相當有信心 He always reminds me of that as well, when we're driving. 我們開車聊天時,他也常炫耀自己技術有多好 I'm right at home in the chaos. 我對混亂的情況習以為常 You've got three to four radios, ground guys talking, wing men talking, 我們配有三到四組無線電 隨時接收地勤和其他飛行員的訊息 In an instant your brain needs to be able to shift, 我們必須在瞬間切換應變 but then I got injured. 但後來我受傷了 And that caused me to lose my ability to fly. 因此無法再駕駛直升機 He was literally pulled out of Iraq and dropped home with three kids. 他被強制從伊拉克遣送回國,只能在家陪三個孩子 One day you're a soldier, and then over night 我一夕之間失去了軍人的身分 they rip off that tag and slap veteran on your chest. 軍方將我強制退役,讓我從現役軍人變成「退役軍人」 And they don't really tell you what veteran means. 卻沒有說明「退役軍人」代表什麼意思 What is a veteran, what is it going to be to be a veteran? 到底什麼是退役軍人? 退役軍人的生活又是什麼模樣? Before I went in the military, 在我投入軍旅生涯之前 math was the thing where people were like: 數學一直是我的強項。許多人都對我說 "Hey, you are really, really good at this." 「你的數學真的很好耶」 It's the thing that helps me understand the universe. 我能夠藉由數學瞭解整個宇宙 I thought: "Okay, I'll go get a physic degree of some kind." 於是我想:「不如去讀個物理之類的學位吧!」 He couldn't do it, he couldn't get the math right 他沒能做到,他無法正確計算 and he said things were just getting jumbled up in his head. 他說他腦中的思緒會糾結在一起 I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, 醫生診斷我患有創傷性腦損傷 some people call it concussion syndrome. 又稱為腦震盪症候群 I missed math, I mean I loved just doing math 我好懷念數學,那種單純為了解題的計算過程 for the sake of doing math. 我好懷念數學,那種單純為了解題的計算過程 And so, I retaught myself a new way of doing math. 於是我決定透過嶄新方式學習數學 I went back and started from literally elementary school level math, 我重新從國小程度的數學著手 addition and subtraction type stuff. 學習加減法等原理 I applied to Pitt and was accepted to the engineering program 後來我申請進入匹茲堡大學,並獲得工程學系錄取 and wanted to see if I could be involved in some engineering 我希望學習到的工程相關知識 helping veterans, and helping the people I care about. 能對退役軍人和我關心的人有所貢獻 A roast with potatoes and bacon. 烤肉搭配馬鈴薯和培根 Is that my job? 那是我的工作嗎? That's your job for the time being here. 目前是由妳負責沒錯 The fact that my son has autism is just one little part of me. 我的兒子患有自閉症,這只是我人生中的一小部分 But almost his entire existence is defined by that autism. 但卻幾乎決定了他的整個人生 Tristan is pretty much non verbal. Tristan 不太會說話 -What? -Tristan. - 你說什麼? - Tristan Okay, if you're done buddy, you're done. 好,你說了算 I'm sure that he has dreams and aspirations just like everybody else. 我相信他和其他人一樣有希望達成的夢想和目標 It's hard to want so badly to know what they're thinking 我很想瞭解他的想法卻做不到 and to not be able to. 這令我相當難受 I found there was a field called rehabilitation engineering. 有一天我發現了復健工程這個領域 It's technologies that improve people's quality of life 這個領域的宗旨是透過科技改善生活品質 and their independence. 賦予人們更多自主性 I thought: "Man, if my son's ever going to be independent, 我心想:「如果我兒子能獨立自主,就能和一般人一樣享受生活。」 he's going to have to have these kind of things around him." 我心想:「如果我兒子能獨立自主,就能和一般人一樣享受生活。」 I you look up rehabilitation engineering, 如果在網路上搜尋「復健工程」 the first thing that pops up is a place near Pittsburgh, 第一筆搜尋結果就是匹茲堡附近的一處機構 and I thought: "Man, I got to go be a part of that." 我心想:「我一定要加入這個機構。」 Human Engineering Research Lab (HERL) UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 人體工學研究實驗室 (HERL) 匹茲堡大學 It's kind of like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 這裡就像《歡樂糖果屋》一樣 except for it's robots instead of Oompa Loompas. 只不過到處都是機械裝置,而不是奧柏倫柏人 (Oompa Loompa) Our vision is a world where everyone with a disability 我們的宗旨是協助世界各地的殘疾人士 can participate on a level playing field 讓他們能夠發揮無窮潛力,像一般人一樣勇敢逐夢 to their greatest extent possible. 讓他們能夠發揮無窮潛力,像一般人一樣勇敢逐夢 The human, the right thing to do is to make things 我們的目標不僅是做出堪用的工具 not just able to be used, but to be used 而是要製作出簡單好用的工具,使人人受惠 with the same sort of joy or ease as I do. 而是要製作出簡單好用的工具,使人人受惠 We want to lift people up to be at eye level 比方說,我們希望能協助行動不便者,讓他們達到交談對象的視線高度 with the person they're having a conversation with. 比方說,我們希望能協助行動不便者,讓他們達到交談對象的視線高度 Climb a curb without it being this huge, drawn-out, dramatic thing 我們製作出輕巧、可快速抬升的裝置 because the curb cut is not anywhere nearby. 讓行動不便者在沒有無障礙坡道的情況下,也能順利爬上路階 To create an arm that can open a door, but also grab an egg. 我們開發出可以開門及拿起雞蛋的機械手臂 To help transfer someone from a chair to a bed or to the toilet. 協助行動不便者從椅子移動到床上或廁所 I had to prepare the software to support the research that we do. 我負責準備研究所需的軟體 We were incredibly inefficient on the computing side, HERL 的運算效率一直不太理想 so the biggest change I think that I've helped to make is 我認為最大的改變,就是我協助將 HERL 使用的技術標準化 to sort of standardize the technologies we use, 我認為最大的改變,就是我協助將 HERL 使用的技術標準化 so that they're not a barrier. 讓研究能夠順利進行 Android is this underlying platform that you can just do anything with. Android 這個基礎平台具有無限可能 It has such an active community of people designing and innovating, 這個平台擁有氣氛活絡的社群,成員也充滿了創意和創新想法 so that we can bring in somebody else's tools to solve a problem, 我們可以導入其他人的工具來解決問題 so that we don't have to learn a new technology each time, 不需要每次都去學習新技術 we can just start working. 這讓我們可以專心研發 The type of person that I think has a propensity to join the military, 我認為想要從軍的人,都有一份使命感和樂於助人的心 has a feeling of service and commitment 我認為想要從軍的人,都有一份使命感和樂於助人的心 to something greater than themselves. 他們總是將別人的事情擺在第一順位 That's it. 就是這樣 Okay. 好的 All the way up? 還要繼續往上嗎? I have to remember to hit the right button. 我得記住要按右邊的按鈕 You ready? Let me know if you need me to slow down. 你準備好了嗎? 想要我減速的話,就說一聲 Sometimes you get so close to the process itself. 有時我會親自參與整個過程 Everything is wires and ones and zeros and 一切從零開始,從編寫程式到測試成品 all of a sudden you get to the subject trials. 一切從零開始,從編寫程式到測試成品 You have a human being come in and start using your product. 然後會有人開始使用這項產品 You see the potential for it to change your life 知道自己開發的產品能夠造福有需要的人 and all of a sudden it's this big wow moment. 真的是一件很美好的事情 I realized the service doesn't end when you get out of the military, 我從中瞭解到,卸下軍人身分並不代表無法再幫助別人 it just changes. 只是換個方式幫助別人而已 Debby? Debby? They're so tough, my children. 我的孩子都非常堅強 They're so much tougher than I am. 甚至比我還堅強 Every now and then, I'll see them solve a problem and I'm like: 每次看到他們解決問題時,我總是想 "Man, if they can do that, they're going to be just fine." 「只要他們能夠做到,以後就可以照顧自己了。」 Those moments come to me and I feel such peace all of a sudden. 在這種時刻,我都會覺得很放心 Will I ever get to talk to my son? 我每天都在期盼,希望有一天可以跟兒子溝通 That's something I think about every day. 我每天都在期盼,希望有一天可以跟兒子溝通 Of course I'm hopeful. 我相信這個願望一定會實現 And that's part of why I became an engineer, 正因如此,我才決定成為工程師以及踏入復健工程這個領域 it's part of why I got into this field, 正因如此,我才決定成為工程師以及踏入復健工程這個領域 is that I'm not going to sit around and wait 待在原地等待別人伸出援手並不是我的作風 for somebody else to fix the problem. 呆在原地等待別人伸出援手並不是我的作風 There's not a minute to be wasted 善用每分每秒 thinking about anything, but the good things that we can do. 想想該怎麼做才能讓每件事變得更加美好 To all those using technolog to build a better world 獻給所有運用科技改善生活品質的人 Search on. 持續探索
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 Google 軍人 數學 匹茲堡 一般人 兒子 為服務而活 (Living to Serve) 153 9 Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字