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  • Hello. I'm Margot Politis. Welcome to Study English, IELTS preparation.

  • Today we're going to talk about the environment. Global warming is caused by the presence of

  • greenhouses gases in the atmosphere. One of the worst greenhouses gases is carbon dioxide.

  • We're going to look at the language of cause and effect while we find out why these greenhouses

  • gases are a problem.

  • The main problem is our use of fossil fuels. So what we've done is put the whole natural

  • system out of balance by digging up coal and oil that took about 200 million years to accumulate

  • and we're releasing it all in about 100 years. So it's put the whole system out of balance

  • at the moment, which has resulted in higher levels of these gases in the atmosphere.

  • That was Dr Roger Francey talking about the natural system. He says that the natural system

  • is out of balance.

  • He also talked about the causes and effects of this.

  • Listen for the main cause of the natural system being out of balance.

  • The main problem is our use of fossil fuels.

  • He says: The main problem is our use of fossil fuels.

  • So if we look at a table of cause and effect, we can say that the use of fossil fuels is

  • a cause, and the natural system out of balance is an effect.

  • Listen again.

  • The main problem is our use of fossil fuels. So what we've done is put the whole natural

  • system out of balance by digging up coal and oil that took about 200 million years to accumulate

  • and we're releasing it all in about 100 years.

  • So the natural system has been put out of balance by people digging up and burning coal

  • and oil. This releases gases into the atmosphere. Coal and oil are fossil fuels.

  • So if we go back to the table of cause and effect, we can say that digging up and burning

  • coal and oil is another cause.

  • See if you can hear another effect.

  • The main problem is our use of fossil fuels. So what we've done is put the whole natural

  • system out of balance by digging up coal and oil that took about 200 million years to accumulate

  • and we're releasing it all in about 100 years. So it's put the whole system out of balance

  • at the moment, which has resulted in higher levels of these gases in the atmosphere.

  • It's put the whole system out of balance, which has resulted in higher levels of gases

  • in the atmosphere.

  • So here, the natural system out of balance is now a cause.

  • It has resulted in, or caused, higher levels of gases in the atmosphere.

  • This is an effect.

  • To express these relationships, there are many different word choices.

  • We can use verbs like causes, leads to, results in.

  • So we can express the relationship like this:

  • A causes B A leads to B

  • A results in B

  • Listen to an example here:

  • The main problem is our use of fossil fuels. So it's put the whole system out of balance

  • at the moment, which has resulted in higher levels of these gases in the atmosphere.

  • Our use of fossil fuels has resulted in higher levels of gases.

  • But we can also express the cause/effect relationship the other way round:

  • Higher levels of gases are the result of our use of fossil fuels.

  • Notice that we use a noun phrase here. This is very common.

  • We can use nouns like the result, the effect, the consequence.

  • If we look at these effect relationships, we can say:

  • B is the effect of A B is the result of A

  • B is the consequence of A

  • Remember that it's always important to have a variety in your language. Make sure you

  • use both nouns and verbs to express causes, and effects. This will make you written work

  • and your speech sound more interesting.

  • OK, so Dr Francey and his team have designed a new way of measuring one of the worst greenhouse

  • gases in the earth's atmosphere: carbon dioxide.

  • Listen for what they're trying to find out.

  • We need to understand what happens in the tropics - that's where the biggest forests

  • are and that's where some of the biggest changes are occurring in terms of human modification

  • of those forests through conversion to agriculture and regular burning of these forests.

  • Our interest is not so much in that diurnal or daily variation. We're interested in what's

  • happening on time scales of days or months or years.

  • They are interested in what's happening over days, months or years.

  • Their interest is not so much in diurnal or daily variation.

  • The conjunction 'or' here works to connect alternative meanings.

  • In this sense, 'or' means that is, I mean.

  • We're interested in diurnal, that is daily, variation.

  • We're interested in diurnal, I mean daily, variation.

  • The second word defines the first. It tells the reader or listener what the more unfamiliar,

  • technical word means.

  • Listen again for what diurnal means.

  • Our interest is not so much in that diurnal or daily variation.

  • He says diurnal or daily.

  • Diurnal means daily.

  • See if you can work out the meaning of CO2 here.

  • One of the main causes of global warming is CO2, or carbon dioxide.

  • CO2 or carbon dioxide

  • CO2 is carbon dioxide

  • When you're looking at environmental issues, like global warming and greenhouses gases,

  • it's often necessary to be familiar these kinds of chemical terms.

  • You should try to learn the more common ones, like CO2.

  • You might want to keep a copy of the periodic table in your notebook. That's the list of

  • all chemical elements and their abbreviations.

  • Here are some of them:

  • hydrogen is H but helium is He

  • Notice that with abbreviations of elements, the first letter is always a capital, and

  • the others are always small.

  • See if you can guess these ones:

  • oxygen that's O

  • and carbon is C. But they're not always that easy:

  • lead is Pb

  • and sodium is Na

  • OK, now let's listen to Dr Francey talk about the new CO2 measuring device.

  • Then we'll look at the names of countries and nationalities.

  • There's been interest from Korea, Japan, France and Malaysia, where the analyser could be

  • installed on a 100metre tower on the island of Borneo.

  • She says there's been interest in their device from Korea, Japan, France and Malaysia.

  • It's important to learn and recognise the English names of the major countries of the

  • world, their nationalities, and how to spell and pronounce these.

  • It's a good vocabulary exercise to make lists of these families of words.

  • To help you remember them, try grouping countries according to how the nationalities are formed.

  • Notice that they're all spelt with capital letters.

  • We have the -an group:

  • Australia, Australian

  • Korea, Korean

  • Malaysia, Malaysian

  • Fiji, Fijian

  • We have the -ese group:

  • Japan, Japanese

  • China, Chinese

  • Vietnam, Vietnamese

  • Then there's the -i group:

  • Bangladesh, Bangladeshi

  • Kuwait, Kuwaiti

  • And some nationalities are formed in an irregular way:

  • France, French

  • New Zealand, New Zealander

  • Philippines, Filipino

  • And watch the change in spelling with that one!

  • Why don't you start your own list of English names for countries and their people. Some

  • countries also take separate adjectives that you can learn along with them.

  • And that's all for Study English today.

  • I'll see you next time. Bye bye.

Hello. I'm Margot Politis. Welcome to Study English, IELTS preparation.


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A2 初級 澳洲腔

學習英語 - 系列1,第6集:溫室氣體。 (Study English - Series 1, Episode 6: Greenhouse Gases)

  • 35 2
    大呆危 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日