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  • Dementia isn't technically a disease, but more of a way to describe a set of symptoms

    癡呆症在技術上不是一種疾病 更像是一種描述一系列症狀的方法

  • like poor memory and difficulty learning new information, which can make it really hard


  • to function independently.

    獨立運作。 通常癡呆是由對大腦中細胞的某種損傷造成的

  • Usually dementia's caused by some sort of damage to the cells in the brain, which can

    其可以來自多種疾病。 阿茲海默症

  • be from a variety of diseases.


  • Alzheimer's disease, now referred to as Alzheimer disease, is the most common cause

    阿茲海默症被認為是神經變性疾病 意味著它對大腦中的神經元引起變異或損失

  • of dementia.


  • Alzheimer disease is considered a neurodegenerative disease, meaning it causes the degeneration,


  • or loss, of neurons in the brain, particularly in the cortex.

    雖然阿茲海默症的原因尚未完全了解 兩個主要的,但在其過程中經常被討論

  • This, as you might expect, leads to the symptoms characteristic of dementia.


  • Although the cause of Alzheimer disease isn't completely understood, two major players that


  • are often cited in its progression are plaques and tangles.

    稱為澱粉樣前體蛋白的分子,或APP, 這個傢伙一端在細胞內

  • Alright, so here we've got the cell membrane of a neuron in the brain.


  • In the membrane, you've got this molecule called amyloid precursor protein, or APP,

    和損傷後自我修復。由於APP的蛋白質, 就像其他蛋白質,它被使用

  • one end of this guy's in the cell, and the other end's outside the cell.

    隨著時間的過去,它被分解和回收。 通常,它被稱為alpha分泌酶的酶

  • It's thought that this guy helps the neuron grow and repair itself after an injury.


  • Since APP's a protein, just like other proteins, it gets used and over time it gets broken


  • down and recycled.


  • Normally, it gets chopped up by an enzyme called alpha secretase and it's buddy, gamma

    並產生稱為澱粉樣蛋白β的單體。 這些單體傾向於更具化學性“粘性”

  • secretase.

    並且僅在神經元外部結合在一起 並形成所謂的β-澱粉樣蛋白斑塊

  • This chopped up peptide is soluble and goes away, and everything's all good.

    - 這些單體的這些團塊 這些斑塊可能潛在地進入神經元之間

  • If another enzyme, beta secretase, teams up with gamma secretase, then we've got a problem,

    這可能妨礙神經元至神經元信號傳導 如果腦細胞不能接收信號和傳遞信息

  • and this leftover fragment isn't soluble, and creates a monomer called amyloid beta.


  • These monomers tend to be more chemicallysticky”, and bond together just outside


  • the neurons, and form what are called beta-amyloid plaquesthese clumps of lots of these monomers.

    並引起可能損害周圍神經元的發炎 澱粉樣斑塊還可以沉積在

  • These plaques can potentially get between the neurons, which can get in the way of neuron-to-neuron

    腦中的血管周圍,稱為澱粉樣血管病 會削弱了血管的管壁

  • signaling.


  • If brain cells can't signal and relay information, then brain functions like memory can be seriously


  • impaired.

    00:02:45,510 --> 00:02:50,459 阿茲海默症的另一個大部分是纏結 這些實際上發現在細胞內

  • It's also thought that these plaques can start up an immune response and cause inflammation

    而不是β-澱粉樣蛋白斑 就像其他細胞一樣,神經元通過其細胞骨架保持在一起

  • which might damage surrounding neurons.

    其部分由微管組成 這些軌道樣結構基本上

  • Amyloid plaque can also deposit around blood vessels in the brain, called amyloid angiopathy,


  • which weakens the walls of the blood vessels and increases the risk of hemorrhage, or rupture


  • and blood loss.


  • Here's an image of amyloid plaque on histology, these clumps are buildups of beta amyloid,


  • and this is happening outside the cell.

    酶將磷酸基團轉移至tau蛋白。 然後tau蛋白改變形狀

  • Another big part of alzheimer disease are tangles, and these are actually found inside


  • the cell, as opposed to the beta-amyloid plaques.

    並導致阿茲海默症 - 神經原纖維纏結的產生

  • Just like other cells, neurons are held together by their cytoskeleton, which is partly made


  • up of microtubules, these track-like structures essentially act like a minecart shipping nutrients


  • and molecules along the length of the cell.

    這裡是組織學的圖像顯示在細胞內 形成的這些神經原纖維纏結

  • A special protein called tau makes sure these tracks don't break apart, kind of like railway


  • ties.

    一個,大腦萎縮或收縮,並且迴旋變窄, 這是大腦的脊髓狀化

  • Although again, not completely understood, it's thought that the beta amyloid plaque

    隨著那些變窄, 作為在迴旋之間的溝槽的sulci變得更寬

  • build-up initiates pathways inside the neuron that leads to activation of kinase, an enzyme


  • that transfers phosphate groups to the tau protein.

    所以這是病理生理的一部分 但為什麼這會發生在一些人而不是其他人?

  • The tau protein then changes shape, stops supporting the microtubules, and clumps up

    阿茲海默症可以分為兩組 - 散發性和家族性

  • with other tau proteins, or gets tangled, and leads to the other characteristic finding


  • of Alzheimer diseaseneurofibrillary tangles.


  • Neurons with tangles and non-functioning microtubules can't signal as well, and sometimes end

    而且散發性占絕大多數情況 隨著散發性阿茲海默症,風險隨年齡增長顯著

  • up undergoing apoptosis, or programmed cell death.

    影響約1%的60-65歲的人和50%的85歲以上的人 事實上

  • Here's an image of histology showing these neurofibrillary tangles formed inside the


  • cell.

    載脂蛋白E基因或APOE-e4的e4等位基因。 研究人員已經表明

  • As neurons die, large scale changes start to take place in the brain, for one, the brain

    遺傳一個e4等位基因的患者發展阿茲海默症 的風險增加

  • atrophies, or shrinks, and the gyri get narrower, which are the characteristic ridges of the

    並且對於繼承了兩個e4等位基因的患者 而言風險增加更多。

  • brain.


  • As those get narrower, the sulci, which are the grooves between the gryi, get wider.


  • With atrophy, the ventricles, fluid-filled cavities in the brain, get larger.


  • So that's the pathophysiology part, but why does this happen in some people and not


  • others?


  • Well Alzheimer disease can be split into two groups - sporadic and familial.

    稱為早發性阿茲海默症 家族性佔5%至10%的病例

  • Sporadic's used to describe the late-onset type where the exact cause isn't very well

    並且可由幾種基因突變引起 首先,第14對染色體或第1對染色體

  • defined, and is probably a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors.

    的PSEN-1或PSEN-2基因突變分別 與早發性阿茲海默症有關。

  • Sporadic accounts for the vast majority of cases.

    這些早老素-1或早老素-2的基因編碼 兩者是γ-分泌酶的蛋白質亞基。

  • With sporadic Alzheimer's, the risk increases significantly with age, affecting around 1%

    這些PSEN-1或PSEN-2基因中的突變 可改變γ分泌酶剔除APP的位置

  • of people age 60-65, and 50% of people over age 85.

    產生不同長度的β澱粉樣蛋白分子 這似乎更容易的結塊和形成斑塊。

  • In fact, a gene that's been identified as possibly contributing to an increased risk


  • of alzheimer disease is the e4 allele of apolipoprotein E gene, or APOE-e4.

    21三體綜合徵或唐氏綜合徵, 其涉及第21對染色體的額外複製。

  • Researchers have shown that the risk of developing alzheimer disease increases for patients that


  • inherit one e4 allele, and increases even more for patients who inherited two e4 alleles,


  • one from each parent.

    因此推測APP的表達增加 並且可能增加澱粉樣蛋白斑塊的量

  • Apolipoprotein E helps break down beta-amyloid, but the e4 allele seems to be less effective


  • than other alleles, like the APOE-e2 allele, meaning patients are more likely to develop

    阿茲海默症的症狀惡化,因為斑塊和纏結累積 並且神經元損傷累積

  • beta-amyloid plaques.


  • Familial alzheimer disease is used to describe cases where some dominant gene was inherited


  • that speeds up the progression of the disease, so sometimes familial alzheimer disease is

    他們早餐吃什麼 然後他們進一步喪失運動技能

  • referred to as early onset Alzheimer's.

    使得像吃飯沒有幫助變得十分困難 語言也受到影響,使得溝通更加困難

  • Familial accounts for between 5 and 10% of cases, and can be caused by several gene mutations.


  • First, mutations in the PSEN-1 or PSEN-2 genes genes on chromosome 14 or chromosome 1, respectively,


  • have been linked to early-onset Alzheimer's.


  • These genes encode for presenilin-1 or presenilin-2, both protein subunits of gamma-secretase.

    在後期,他們變得臥床不起 最常見的死亡原因實際上是感染,如肺炎。

  • Mutations in these PSEN-1 or PSEN-2 genes can change the location where gamma secretase

    00:07:57,580 --> 00:08:01,610 阿茲海默症的診斷是非常困難的,因為確定性地顯示 一個人患有阿茲海默症的唯一方法

  • chops APP, producing different length beta amyloid molecules, which seem to be better


  • at clumping up and forming plaques.


  • Another known genetic cause of Alzheimer's is trisomy 21, or down syndrome, which involves

    目前,沒有治療阿茲海默症的方法 雖然有藥物存在

  • an extra copy of chromosome 21.


  • It turns out that the gene responsible for producing APP is located on chromosome 21,

  • which means that people with down syndrome have an extra APP gene, and so presumably

  • increased expression of APP, and possibly increased amounts of amyloid plaque.

  • For this reason, familial Alzheimer disease often progresses by age 40.

  • Symptoms of Alzheimer disease worsen as plaques and tangles build up, and neuronal damage

  • accumulates.

  • In the early stages, symptoms may not even be detectable, as it progresses, patients

  • lose short-term memory, like for example they may not be able to remember what they had

  • for breakfast that morning.

  • They then progress to loss of motor skills, making things like eating difficult without

  • help.

  • Also language becomes affected, making it more difficult to communicate.

  • Eventually they lose long-term memory, like forgetting the name of their spouse or even

  • that they're married, and progressively become more disoriented, which can be dangerous,

  • because they might wander from home and get lost.

  • In late-stage, they become bedridden, and the most common cause of death is actually

  • infection, like pneumonia.

  • Diagnosis of Alzheimer disease is really tough, because the only way to definitively show

  • that a person had Alzheimer's is by performing a brain biopsy after autopsy.

  • Usually a clinician will therefore make a diagnosis after excluding other causes of

  • dementia.

  • Currently, there isn't any cure for Alzheimer disease, some medications exist, but the benefits

  • are small and there haven't been any medications that clearly and definitively halt the progression

  • of Alzheimer's.

Dementia isn't technically a disease, but more of a way to describe a set of symptoms

癡呆症在技術上不是一種疾病 更像是一種描述一系列症狀的方法


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