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  • We all feel in control of our actions and thoughts.

  • Its what defines us.

  • But as biology and technology begin to intertwine,

  • the question remains:

  • Could your brain be hacked?

  • The truth is the brain is an electrical device,

  • and because of this we can interface it to our own electronic devices.

  • In fact hundreds of thousands of people are already taking advantages of this

  • with cochlear implants.

  • A type of hearing aid that mimics sound to the brain through electrical impulses.

  • However, electricity isn't exactly precise.

  • It ends up spreading signals across many neurons in the brain.

  • And in the case of hearing, it can make the signal muddy or blurry.

  • To solve this problem, researchers have found a way to use light,

  • which you can aim and is much more precise,

  • to stimulate the desired part of the brain.

  • And its this light that may be the key to very specific control

  • over the brain.

  • But first these cells must somehow learn how to use light

  • as an input source.

  • As crazy as it may seem, a harmless, non-reproducing virus is used to insert genes into the desired neurons or brain cells.

  • These genes are taken from other organisms that use light to survive

  • such as algae.

  • Surprisingly, we use the same genetic and cellular mechanisms as them,

  • so if you take DNA from one and insert it in another, it still works.

  • These genes encode for proteins that allow the neurons or brain cells to act as a solar cell.

  • As a result, they react to incoming light and convert it to an electrical signal, while cells without the new DNA remain unreactive.

  • All we need now is an optical source to shine light on these neurons when we want them activated.

  • Create this set up within the reward systems of the brain and you could make someone happy with the push of a button.

  • Stick it into the motor cortex and you could control parts of movement.

  • And this is exactly what scientists have done.

  • This mouse has fibre optic cables wired into its right motor cortex, which controls movement to the left.

  • As soon as the light is shone into its altered solar panel neurons,

  • it cannot help but run to the left.

  • Its thoughts and actions have been hacked.

  • So what happens when we begin to stick technology into our brains?

  • On the one hand, it may open the door to managing physically debilitating diseases, personality disorders or even conditions such as depression.

  • Turn on or off the necessary cells,

  • and voila.

  • Heck, the average person may be able to integrate this technology in order to augment their vision,

  • or play video games in their mind.

  • And as we begin to understand the intricacies of the brain which regions specifically control which actions and thoughts,

  • this technology will bear even more significance.

  • However, the ethical concerns and risks lurk quietly around the corner.

  • So knowing your brain could be hacked,

  • would you want this technolgy in your brain?

  • Don't forget, AsapSCIENCE now has t-shirts in both white and black.

  • Links are in the description.

  • And if you want the inside scoop on upcoming episode ideas and behind the scenes,

  • check out our personal Instagram and Twitter handles.

  • And subscribe for more weekly science videos!

We all feel in control of our actions and thoughts.


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B1 中級 美國腔

你的大腦會被黑客攻擊嗎? (Could Your Brain Be Hacked?)

  • 350 14
    irischeng15511108 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日