字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, I'm Kristen Lester, a story artist here at Pixar. 嗨,我是 Kristen Lester ,是皮克斯的故事畫家。 Today we're going to talk about story structure, the way we organize and tell our stories. 今天我們要來講講故事架構,也就是我們安排講述故事的方式。 But before we begin, have you guys heard the joke about the mushroom that goes to the discotheque? 但在開始之前,你們聽過一個蘑菇走進舞廳的笑話嗎? A mushroom walks into a discotheque and he walks up to a lady and he asks her to dance. 一顆蘑菇走進舞廳,他走向一位小姐,想要邀請她共舞。 She says, "Ewww, gross, no, you're a mushroom!" 她說,「噁,才不要,你是蘑菇!」 So he walks up to another lady and asks her to dance. 所以他就走向另一個小姐,邀她共舞。 "Nah, I'm not interested." 「吶,我沒興趣。」 Lady after lady after lady, rejected, rejected, rejected. 一個小姐輪過一個小姐,他一再被拒絕。 Nobody wants to dance with him. 沒有人想和他跳舞。 Finally, the mushroom walks over the the bartender. 最後,蘑菇走到酒保面前。 And he's so confused, he says, "I don't get it, why does nobody want to dance with me?" 他困惑極了,就說:「我不懂,為什麼沒有人想和我跳舞?」 "I mean, I'm a fungi." 「我的意思是,我可是個有趣的小子 (fun guy)。」 See, this joke has a structure. 你看,這個笑話有一個結構。 It's got an opening, a buildup in the middle, and an ending, which is, you know, the punchline. 它有開頭、中段、和一個結尾,也就是最後來個畫龍點睛。 That structure is a big part of what makes it funny. 它之所以好笑很大一部分取決於這個架構。 Structure is the answer to the question, what do you want the audience to know, and when? 故事結構能夠回答這個問題:你想讓觀眾在何時知道什麼? If you get the order wrong, it could be a real problem, check it out. 要是把順序弄錯了,就可能會出問題,你看哦。 Hey, can I tell you a joke? 嘿,我可以和你說個笑話嗎? Alright, so there's this fungi and, shoot, I messed up the opening. 是這樣的,有一顆蘑菇 (fun guy),然後 ...... 該死,我搞砸開場了。 OK, OK, hey, can I tell you a joke? 好吧,重來。嘿,我可以跟你說個笑話嗎? Alright, so there's a mushroom who walks into a discotheque and then there's a bartender there. 就是啊,有一顆蘑菇走進舞廳,然後有一個酒保。 Aw, darn it. 噢,糟糕。 I messed up the middle. 我搞砸中段了。 Hey, hey, hey, can I tell you a joke? 嘿,我跟你說個笑話好不? Alright, so, there's a mushroom who walks into a discotheque and there's a bunch of ladies on the dance floor. 有一顆蘑菇走進一間舞廳,舞池裡有許多小姐。 He asks them to dance and they say, "yes." 他邀她們跳舞,她們說「好啊。」 (marker scribbling) Dang. (馬克筆塗寫聲) 該死。 Without conflict, joke over. 沒了衝突,笑話也完了。 See, structure is important. 看吧,結構很重要。 Just as structure is a big part of telling a funny joke, it's also essential to making a movie that has the emotional impact you want on your audience. 架構是構成一個好笑話的要素之一,對於拍攝一部電影也是,比如是一部要讓觀眾有情感衝擊的電影。 This is a great example. 來看一個好例子。 Nemo! 尼莫! In earlier versions of Finding Nemo, the structure of the story was very different than the final film. 在《海底總動員》的早期版本中,故事架構和最後定下來的非常不一樣。 The director wanted to interweave scenes of Nemo's parent's lives before they had kids as flashbacks throughout the whole movie. 導演希望把尼莫父母生小孩之前的故事透過倒敘手法,穿插到故事情節中。 So you would see them meet. 你會看到他們相遇。 Hello. 你好。 Fall in love. 看他們愛上彼此。 And eventually move into their house at the drop off in little scenes throughout the film. 最後在整部電影劇情突降時搬入他們的家。 Oh honey, it's beautiful. 噢親愛的,這裡美極了。 The main story of Marlin and Nemo and their journey was pretty much the way it is now. 馬林和尼莫的故事主線還有他們的旅程和現在的大致相同。 But, with the flashback structure, it wasn't until the end of the film that you would find out that Marlin's wife Coral... 但是有了倒敘的結構,觀眾要到電影結尾才會知道馬林的妻子珊瑚 ...。 Coral, look out! 珊瑚,小心! And all of her eggs were killed by a barracuda. 以及她所有的卵都被一隻梭魚殺了。 When they showed the movie with this structure, they had one big problem, the audiences, well, they didn't like Marlin. 當製作團隊按照這個架構呈現這個故事時出現了一個大問題,那就是觀眾不喜歡馬林。 Looking at their story structure, the team realized that, in this version of the film, the audience didn't find out why Marlin was acting this way towards his son until the movie was almost over. 觀察了故事架構後,團隊發現在這個版本的電影中,觀眾要到電影都要結束了才會明白馬林的愛子心切。 So they decided to re-edit the movie and remove almost all of the flashbacks, leaving only the scenes where Coral and Marlin's home is attacked by the barracuda, killing Coral and all of her eggs except for Nemo. 所以他們確定重新編輯電影,然後移除幾乎所有的倒敘鏡頭,只留下當珊瑚和馬林的家被梭魚攻擊時,珊瑚被和她所有的卵都殺害了,唯獨剩下尼莫。 They moved these scenes to the beginning of the movie. 他們將這幾幕挪到故事開頭。 I promise. 我保證。 I will never let anything happen to you. 我絕對不會再讓你受到任何傷害。 This change in the story structure changed the audience feelings about Marlin a lot. 故事架構改變之後,觀眾對馬林的觀感也改變了許多。 They knew right from the beginning how much Marlin had lost and how brave it was for him to go after Nemo, and they loved him for it. 他們從開頭就能知道馬林曾失去了多少,還有他出外尋找尼莫是多麼勇敢的事,觀眾也因此愛上他。 In the case of Finding Nemo, finding the problem was a matter of rearranging the story structure. 在《海底總動員》的例子中,找到問題的辦法就是重新安排故事架構。 Of course, all our movies are different, and their story structure challenges are too. 當然,所有電影都是不同的,他們各自的故事架構挑戰也都不盡相同。 In this lesson, we'll look at the many different ways we think about story structure here at Pixar. 在這堂課程中,我們會探討皮克斯故事架構的各種想法。 And you'll get to try out for yourself different approaches to structuring your story. 你也會有機會運用不同的方式安排你的故事架構。 Hm, I wonder if I told the mushroom jokes in flashbacks it'd be funnier. 嗯 ......我在想要是我用倒敘手法來講蘑菇笑話會不會更好笑。 Probably not. 或許不會。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 架構 蘑菇 故事 笑話 尼莫 舞廳 【解析皮克斯】如何安排故事脈絡? (Pixar in a Box: Story Structure) 20595 1263 April Lu 發佈於 2019 年 02 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字