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The creation of the potato chip is a rather snarky, surprising, and idiosyncratic story.
When French fries made their way to America, they soon became a restaurant mainstay.
Many restaurants served fries as their signature dish.
Believe it or not, they were once considered very hoity-toity.
In 1853, George Crum was a chef at the Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York.
1853 年,洋芋片發明人 George Crum 在紐約州 Saratoga Springs 小鎮的 Moon's Lake House 擔任主廚。
Their signature dish was none other than Moon's Fried Potatoes, or as the aristocrats would say, "Potatoes served in the French Manner."
One day, just like any other, a customer some believe to have been Cornelius Vanderbilt himself ordered fries.
某一天,有位據說是 Cornelius Vanderbilt(史上最富裕美國人之一)本人的客人來到了餐廳,點了薯條。
Upon being served, Cornelius scoffed and sent them back.
餐點一上桌,Cornelius 就嘲笑著將薯條給退了回去。
He deemed the fries soggy and not crispy enough.
This insanity continued a few more times until Crum lost it.
這樣荒唐的行為反覆了好幾次,直到 Crum 暴走。
I mean, he really lost it.
He fired back, cutting the potatoes paper-thin and frying them up.
You see, back in 1853, eating with your hands was a major faux pas, making Crum's revenge even more diabolical.
要知道的是,在 1853 年,用手吃東西是極為失禮的,這使得 Crum 的報復更加過分。
By cutting the potatoes paper-thin, there would be no way that Cornelius could use his fork, forcing him to use his hands.
把馬鈴薯削成跟紙一樣薄,Cornelius 絕對沒辦法使用叉子,只能用手進食。
Crum's plan backfired, kind of, as the patrons dug in with both hands, and loved them.
Crum 的報復似乎沒什麼效果,因為這位客人不僅用雙手碰食物,更對被削成薄片的馬鈴薯愛不釋手。
Saratoga Chips were born.
Saratoga 洋芋片自此誕生。
They became a Saratoga dining staple.
Soon thereafter, they took the world by storm.
Crum himself even opened his own restaurant with baskets of chips displayed on each and every table.
Crum 甚至開了自己的餐廳,並在每桌都上放著一籃籃的洋芋片。