字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Whatcha' doing? 你在幹嘛? Reading my horoscope. What's your sign? 看我的星座運勢啊。你是哪個「符號」? What do you mean my "sign"? 什麼意思? Like your zodiac sign. 你的星座「符號」 What? 什麼? Your star sign? Which one of these? 你的星座。是哪一個? Oh! I'm Capricorn. 噢!我是摩羯座的 Oh, OK. Hmm... It says you should be more careful this month. 喔好喔⋯⋯運勢分析說你這個月要小心一點 Yeah, whatever! 最好是啦! Zodiac Signs: Part I 十二星座:第一部分 Hi everyone, welcome back to VT English! I'm your host, Kelsi. 大家好,歡迎再次收看 VT English!我是主持人 Kelsi Today I'm going to teach you how to say the 12 zodiac signs, or star signs, in English! 今天我要來教大家十二星座的英文怎麼說 Along with each sign, I'll also be teaching you some useful vocabulary for describing personalities. 提到每個星座時,我也會教大家一些形容個性的實用詞彙 Aries 牡羊座 The first star sign is Aries. 第一個星座是牡羊座 If you were born between March 21st and April 19th, you are an Aries. 牡羊座的生日在 3/21 和 4/19 之間 Aries are said to be independent go-getters. However, they can also be impulsive. 牡羊座是獨立進取的人,但有時候也很衝動行事 Let's take a look at these three keywords. 我們來看這三個關鍵字吧! Independent 獨立的 Someone who is independent can do things on their own. They don't need to rely on other people. 獨立的人可以自己完成事情,不需要依靠他人 Go-getter 進取的人 A go-getter is someone who goes after their goals. They work hard and are eager to succeed. 進取的人會努力追求自己的目標。他們努力不懈,而且渴求能成功 Impulsive 衝動的 Someone who is impulsive does things without thinking or without proper planning. 衝動的人會在沒有仔細思考或妥善規劃的情況下行事 An example of a famous Aries is Emma Watson. 一個有名的牡羊座是艾瑪・華生 Oh my god. I want them all. 喔天啊,我每隻都想要 Hello. 你好 I'm dying. I can't even concentrate on what you're saying. 萌死了,我根本沒辦法專心聽你講話 Taurus 金牛座 The next star sign is Taurus. 下一個星座是金牛座 If you were born between April 20th and May 20th, you are a Taurus. 如果你的生日介於 4/20 和 5/20 之間,你就是金牛座 Tauruses are known for being patient and reliable, but also stubborn. 金牛座的人很有耐心、可靠,但也很固執 Patient 有耐心的 Someone who is patient deals with delays or problems calmly, without getting annoyed. 有耐心的人能夠心平氣和地面對延遲或問題,而不覺得煩躁 Reliable 可靠的 A reliable person is someone who you can count on. 一個可靠的人是你可以信任的 If they say they'll do something, they will actually do it. 如果他們說他們會做某件事,他們就真的會做 Stubborn 固執的 If you are stubborn, you are unwilling to change your mind, even if there are good reasons to do so. 如果你很固執,就算有好的理由你也不願意改變想法 One famous Taurus is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. 一個著名的金牛座是巨石強森 What if you kiss me? 如果你吻我會怎樣? What? 什麼? What? Did you just say you wanted to kiss me? 什麼?你剛剛說你想吻我嗎? Umm... Do you think it'll work? 呃⋯⋯你覺得可行嗎? I mean, I don't have almost 10 million subscribers for no reason. You know what I mean? 這個嘛,我有將近 1000 萬個訂閱者不是沒有原因的。你懂我的意思嗎? So we should just probably do it. 那我們就應該這麼做 Gemini 雙子座 The next star sign is Gemini. 下一個星座是雙子座 If you were born between May 21st and June 20th, you are a Gemini. 如果你在 5/21 和 6/20 之間出生,那你是雙子座 Geminis are said to be creative and are usually the life of the party. However, they can also be inconsistent. 雙子座很有創意,是在社交情境下炒熱氣氛的焦點人物。但是他們也可能反覆無常 Creative 有創意的 Someone who is creative is good at using their imagination and thinking of new, original ideas. 有創意的人善於利用他們的想像力產生新的、獨特的想法 The life of the party 社交情境下炒熱氣氛的焦點人物 This phrase describes someone who is social and fun. When they go to a party, they make it more lively. 這個片語描述了一個善於社交且風趣的人。當他們去參加派對時,他們能夠活絡氣氛 Inconsistent 反覆無常的 If someone is inconsistent, they do things differently every time. This makes them hard to rely on. 反覆無常的人每次都會做不同的事情,讓人很難依靠他們 One celebrity that is a Gemini is Angelina Jolie. 有一位名人是雙子座:安潔莉娜・裘莉 Well, well. 唉呀 Cancer 巨蟹座 The next star sign is Cancer. 下一個星座是巨蟹座 If your birthday is between June 21st and July 22, you are a Cancer. 如果你的生日是在 6/21 和 7/22 之間,你是巨蟹座 Cancers are known for being kind-hearted and good at reading people. 巨蟹座的人貼心且善於察言觀色 However, they also have a reputation for being moody. 但是,他們也喜怒無常 Warm-hearted 貼心的 Someone who is warm-hearted is kind and understanding. 貼心的人善良且有同理心 Good at reading people 善於察言觀色 If someone says that you are good at reading people, 如果有人說你善於察言觀色, they are saying that you are good at understanding the thoughts and feelings of other people 意思是你善於理解別人的想法和感受 Moody 喜怒無常 If someone is moody, they get into a bad mood easily. 如果某人喜怒無常,他們很容易情緒低落。 One celebrity that has the star sign Cancer is Tom Hanks. 巨蟹座名人代表之一:湯姆.漢克斯 But they will rue the day. 但他們會後悔莫及的 Leo 獅子座 The next zodiac sign is Leo. 下一個星座是獅子座 If you were born between July 23rd and August 22nd, you are a Leo. 如果你出生於 7/23 和 8/22 之間,你是獅子座 Leos are considered to be confident and loyal, but they are also known for being a bit bossy. 獅子座被認為是有信心且忠誠的,但他們也有點蠻橫 Confident 有信心的 If someone is confident, they are sure of themselves and their abilities. 如果有人有信心,他們肯定自己,也清楚了解自己的能力 Loyal 忠誠的 Someone who is loyal will stand by or support their family, friends, or partner. They won't betray them. 忠誠的人會支持他們的家人、朋友或伴侶。他們不會背叛親近的人 Bossy 蠻橫的 Bossy people order others around, or tell them what to do. 蠻橫的人會命令他人,或告訴別人該做什麼 One Leo that you probably know of is Barack Obama. 你可能知道的一個獅子座是美國前總統歐巴馬 I don't see any promotions for the last eight years. 過去八年我沒有看到你有任何升遷 That's not always good. Can you explain that? 這並不見得是好事。你能解釋一下嗎? Honestly, there wasn't a lot of room for advancement in my last job. 老實說,我上一份工作沒有太多的升遷機會 The only one with a more powerful position was my wife. 唯一位階在我之上的是我太太 OK. Good. 好,非常好 Virgo 處女座 The last star sign that we're going to introduce in this video is Virgo. 我們在這部影片最後介紹的星座是處女座 If your birthday is between August 23 and September 22, you are a Virgo. 如果你的生日是在 8/23 到 9/22 之間,那你就是處女座 Virgos are said to be down-to-earth and diligent, but they can also be worry warts. 處女座的人腳踏實地且勤奮,但他們也常庸人自擾 Down-to-earth 腳踏實地的 If someone is down-to-earth, it means they are practical and reasonable. 如果某人腳踏實地,這意味著他們是實際和講道理的 Diligent 勤奮的 Diligent describes someone who puts a lot of effort and care into their work. 勤奮的人會在工作中付出很多努力和心思 Worrywart 常庸人自擾的人 A worrywart is simply someone who worries a lot. 一個庸人自擾的人會患得患失 A well-known Virgo is Michael Jackson. 一個處女座的名人是麥可・傑克森 We'll introduce the other half of the zodiac signs in our next video. 我們會在下一部影片中介紹另外六個星座 Remember to subscribe so that you don't miss it! 記得訂閱,這樣你就不會錯過! We upload videos every Tuesday at 7pm. 我們每週二晚上 7 點發布新影片 And please leave a comment below letting us know your zodiac sign. 請在下面留言,讓我們知道你的星座
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 星座 雙子座 腳踏實地 貼心 勤奮 生日 VT English | 十二星座攻略&超實用單字解析 (上篇) (VT English | Talking about Zodiac Signs (Part I)) 13032 2730 Kelsi 發佈於 2018 年 06 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字