字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Today we're here at National Museum of Taiwan History. 今天我們來到了臺灣歷史博物館 It is said that there are a lot of educational 聽說在這座博物館內設有許多 and academic stuff in here in this museum. 教育性 學術性的文物 So if you want to learn something, 所以如果你想學習新知識 let's go check it out. 就讓我們一起進去瞧瞧吧 National Museum of Taiwan History 國立臺灣歷史博物館 is a museum dedicated to Taiwan 是一個屬於臺灣人的博物館 The route is arranged in chronological order 以歷史時間為主軸的參觀動線 And lead its visitors to take a glimpse at 帶領我們一窺在臺灣 the history of the residents on this island 這塊土地上的住民歷史 Starting from the daily life of indigenous people, 從原住民的生活樣貌 to the ancient boat of Han people, 漢民祖先的古舟 the Dutch rule and the Japanese rule, 以至於荷據 日治 and the chaotic society after World War II, 及二戰後的紛紛擾擾 the journey is an overview of Taiwan's modern history 書寫出一部臺灣近代史 The museum itself is a time machine that 進入館內猶如坐上了時光機 takes us on a journey to the history of Formosa 讓我們一起暢遊臺灣歷史 This is my friend, Yu Chen, 這是我的朋友雨辰 Hi, every one Hi 大家好 Could you please give me 可以請你帶我 a tour in National Museum of Taiwan History? 參觀一下臺灣歷史博物館嗎 Ok, follow me 好的 大家請跟我走 In terms of its spatial design, 臺灣歷史博物館在空間建築方面 National Museum of Taiwan features high ceiling and large span, 挑高及大跨距的建築設計 providing a spacious exhibition venue 讓展覽空間不受空間的限制 Walking inside it is just like having a time travel 走進空間就像穿越時空一樣 Hsuanhui, we're now here at 軒慧 我們現在來到這邊 the permanent exhibition gallery of National Museum of Taiwan 就是國立臺灣歷史博物館的常設展 The exhibition is called “Our Land, Our People: the Story of Taiwan” 斯土斯民臺灣的故事 This exhibition displays 這個展區所呈現的是 關於臺灣 常民 土地 生活的情節內容或故事 the stories of Taiwan, it's people, the land, and the life here 也可以看到臺灣不同時期的樣貌喔 You can see what Taiwan is like during different periods of time 我們現在看到的場景 What we see now 就是我們的媽祖出巡 is the Matzu Patrol and Pilgrimage. 在這個展區可以看到臺灣的 In this exhibition, you can see the religious beliefs 民間信仰與習俗 and customs of Taiwanese people 這裡看到的物件其實都有特別的含意喔 The objects here have their special implications 例如 走在最前面敲鑼 For example, the person in front of the procession beating drums 打鼓的稱為「報馬仔」 and gongs is called “Bao Ma Zai (the informer)” 報馬仔的眼鏡沒有鏡片 Bao Ma Zai doesn't wear glasses 臺語的說法是「沒有眼鏡仁」 In Taiwanese, “glasses without glass” 他的諧音是「不能目中無人」 is a metaphor telling people “not to be defiant” 是不是很有意思呢 Isn't it interesting? 你們不覺得這個景象很眼熟嗎 Don't you think this scenary is quite familiar? 沒錯 That's right! 在臺南你總是能夠偶然地看到這樣的景象 In Tainan, you can always see such a scenery once a while. 因為臺南有很多廟宇 Because there are lots of temples, 因為臺南有很多廟宇 例如媽祖廟 like Matzu temple and other temples, 例如媽祖廟 例如媽祖廟 like Matzu temple and other temples, 例如媽祖廟 他們常常會走上街頭 they would always go on the road, 並演奏特殊的樂器 and play some musical instruments, 讓人們知道媽祖來了 to tell people that Matzu is coming. 這是我們的特別活動 This is our special feature 雜細攤 It's a grocery store stand 那你要來體驗一下嗎 Do you want to give it a try? 好啊 來 交給你 Ok, here. It's on you now. (話玲瓏 賣雜細) (Peddling, selling) 這個是我們的雜細攤 This is a Taiwanese grocery store stand 也是我們的叫賣 It's a regular activity where tourists can experience 臺灣味 the peddler convention in Taiwan 在常設展 定期會推出的一個活動 It's a part of the permanent exhibition 這個雜細攤好復古喔 The grocery store stand is archaic 有很多童玩 There are many traditional toys, 也有蚊香 mosquito coils, 還有除頭蝨的器具 and tools to remove head lice 有些東西現在已經看不到了 You don't see them elsewhere nowadays 非常的特別 They're very special 哇 瞧瞧這些古早味的玩具 Wow! See, these old-style stuffs, 我還發現了一個很有趣東西 and I just found something really cool! 有看到這個嗎 See this one? 你知道這是什麼嗎 You know what this is? 這是一個跳繩 This is a jump rope. 是由很多條橡皮筋所做成 This is made of a lot of rubber bands, 不需要花一百多塊臺幣 and you don't even have to spend 你就能得到一條跳繩 a hundred Taiwanese dollars to get a jump rope. 你只需要搜集很多橡皮筋 All you need is to collect a lot of rubber bands, 並將它們綁在一起 and just tie them up, 你就可以跳跳繩了 and then you can jump, 並且同時運動 and do some sports. 這間博物館很特別的是 One special thing about this museum is that 這間博物館常常會有結合歷史故事的 there are sometimes some random drama performances 戲劇演出上演於館內 combining history stories here in the museum. 所以如果你多來參觀博物館 So, if you visit here more frequently, 你或許能夠有機會看見這些 maybe you would get the chance to encounter this crazy, 特別的表演 special performance. 臺史博除了常設展外 In addition to permanent exhibitions 還有許多得展覽喔 There are also many other exhibitions in National Museum of Taiwan 這些展覽當中 也有許多是由民眾捐贈展 Many of the exhibitions here are sponsored by Taiwanese people 在參觀展覽的過程中 During the visit, 我發現展覽的角度非常多元 I found that the exhibitions are displayed in many different ways 同樣的主題 你會看到許多不同的面貌 You get to see the different aspects of a theme 讓展出的主題有更多樣貌 They increases the variety of the exhibition 現在來到的這個地方是兒童廳 We're now here at the exhibition venue for children 臺史博除了常設展外 Aside from permanent exhibitions, 兒童廳裏有故事屋 劇場的表演 there are story houses and theater performances 也有許多手作課程 as well as DIY activities in the venue for children 非常受歡迎喔 They're very popular 我對這間博物館的展覽印象非常深刻 I'm really impressed with the exhbitions going on in this museum. 那請問有沒有更好的方式可以取得 So is there a better way that we can get more 博物館的資訊呢 information from this museum? 我們的館有我們的官方網站 We have an official website for the museum 所以大家可以搜尋國立臺灣歷史博物館 You can google National Museum of Taiwan 除了官網 In addition to the official website 也有許多可以跟民眾互動的平臺喔 we have a lot of platforms where you can keep in touch with use 特別是館內有許多不定期的活動 There will be new events from time to time 都需要追蹤一下才不會錯過喔 Remember to subscribe to us to get the latest news! 我在臺灣歷史博物館真的玩得很愉快 I really had a great time in National Museum of Taiwan History. 所以如果你想知道我今天學到了什麼 So, if you want to know what i've learned today, 就來參觀臺灣歷史博物館吧 just come and visit National Museum of Taiwan History.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 臺灣 博物館 歷史 展覽 參觀 臺南 熱鬧的臺南EP4.國立臺灣歷史博物館 (Hot Tainan EP4.National Museum of Taiwan History) 123 19 Hot Tainan 哈臺南 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字