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  • Hey guys, welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof

  • is in the singing! You know, we've talked a lot about belting, and about range, and

  • distortion. I want to slow things down a little bit and talk about soul and feel, so I chose

  • Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers. We'll do it first, we'll talk about it after,

  • like we always do. Let's soul. Here we go

  • Okay. All right. So, what's really cool about this, that it isn't about the range

  • and belting. By the way, if you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel.

  • That would be awesome! I have a singing course called How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else,

  • and I take every single one of these songs and I break them down step-by-step. Now like

  • I said, we talk a lot about belting, and a lot about range, and a lot about distortion.

  • But I want to talk about soul, and how we finesse into the sounds. So, I'm not going

  • to goAin't no sunshine!” I'm not like, killing it on this, at all. What I'm

  • doing is, I'm still cutting back the air, like we've talked about in other tutorials,

  • but I'm actually warming up the breath. So, you knowAin't no sunshine when she's

  • gone, it's not warm when she's away, ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and this house

  • just ain't no home, anytime she goes away…” You you can hear like this whisk of air pass

  • across the cord. Now, the overuse of air is the enemy to the voice. So, what we do, I

  • literally am holding my breath. So I hold my breath back, and I only allow enough air

  • to give me my desired effect. Okay? So, Instead of goingAin't no sunshine!”

  • And cutting back the air entirely, or instead of FluteyHootie soundhhhhain't

  • no sunshine…” Letting too much air, I mitigate it, and I goAin't no sunshine

  • when she's gone…” And I kind of put a little bit of air to give me that smoky

  • woodsy feel, but I do it with finesse and I'm really careful.

  • So, anyway, I cover all of this in my singing course, How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else.

  • You can click here, to check out the course. Come join my singers forums. I have close

  • to 10,000 people in there now. Like 8500 or 9000 people, and it's growing like crazy.

  • You can join for free, and check out, for like-minded singers like you that want to

  • learn this kind of stuff. You don't have to spend a ton of money. You can check it

  • out first, see if you like it, if it's something you're into. Also, check out my Facebook

  • page. You can find me on Twitter, on Pinterest, on tumblr, all kinds, I'm all over the place.

  • Anyway, if you like what you heard, please like and subscribe, and we have more coming

  • your way, and thank you for joining me.

Hey guys, welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof


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A2 初級 美國腔

Aint No Sunshine--比爾-威瑟斯--翻唱--肯-坦普林聲樂學院 (Aint No Sunshine - Bill Withers - cover - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy)

  • 90 1
    Kumucu Kusadha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日