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  • The diversity of mammals is amazing.

  • Theycan be as huge as these whales,

  • or as tiny as this cute little balancing mouse.

  • They can be noisy like this howler monkey, or quiet

  • like this hedgehog with its sharp, pointy spines.

  • Even though they're amazingly diverse, all mammals have a number of common characteristics

  • you should know about, so you can recognize and differentiate them.

  • All mammals are viviparous, they are born from their mothers' womb. In their early

  • stages of life, they feed on milk, which they get from their mothers' breasts where the

  • mammary glands are. And that's why they're called mammals. And when they're little,

  • they're so cute, aren't they?

  • Mammals reproduce by internal fertilization

  • when a sperm cell and an egg join inside the female.

  • As you can see, they have teeth inside their mouths,

  • and lips around them so they can eat and suck milk.

  • Most mammals' bodies are covered with hair,

  • and all mammals breathe with their lungs, even if they live in the sea.

  • Look at these dolphins coming to the surface for air.

  • The body temperature of mammals doesn't

  • depend on whether it's cold or hot outside,

  • because they can maintain their own internal temperature.

  • Almost all mammals are terrestrial, like camels, and jaguars.

  • Some live in the sea and are called Marine mammals,like these dolphins,and these seals,

  • There's even a flying mammal, bats are the only mammal that flies.

  • Mammals have four limbs, which vary depending on where they live.

  • Land mammals have legs,so

  • they can walk,and run when they need to,and Jump.,and sometimes even climb.

  • Marine mammals have fins so they can swim very fast...

  • And flying mammals have wings so they can fly through the sky...

  • Do you know which is the most wonderful mammal that lives on Earth?

  • Human beings!

  • People are mammals too...

  • How mammals feed Depending on what they eat, mammals can be

  • classified into different groups. Herbivores only eat plants and their teeth

  • are especially designed for grinding.

  • Horses, sheep and llamas are herbivorous mammals.

  • Some very special herbivores are called ruminants. They swallow their food almost without chewing

  • it, and some of it is digested normally, but some of it is stored in their stomach, and

  • when they want to, they regurgitate it into their mouth to digest it again.

  • Cows, giraffes and goats are ruminants. Carne means skin or meat in Latin, and that's

  • what carnivores eat: the flesh of other animals. Their teeth are large and sharp for hunting

  • and tearing at their food. Carnivores that eat insects and other invertebrates

  • are called insectivores,like these anteaters.

  • Omnivorous mammals feed on both meat and plants.

  • Bears, monkeys and humans are omnivores: we can eat a tasty burger with lettuce and tomato.

  • So, let's remember,

  • Mammals are viviparous, and in their early stages of life

  • they feed on milk from their mother's breasts,

  • They have lips and breathe with their lungs,

  • Their body temperature does not depend on the environment they are in,

  • and depending on their food sources, they may be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.

  • Easy, right? So goodbye for now, everybody!

  • And don't forget to subscribe to Happy Learning!

The diversity of mammals is amazing.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

哺乳動物|兒童教育視頻 (Mammals | Educational Video for Kids)

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    keep-going 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日