字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Royal weddings like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's here in Windsor are expensive affairs. 哈利王子和梅根在溫莎的皇室婚禮花費驚人 The last royal wedding, for Prince William and Kate Middleton, 上一次威廉王子與凱特的皇室婚禮 cost an estimated $34 million dollars. 花費了大約三千四百萬美元 And that's low compared to the price tag for Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding, 這跟查爾斯王子與黛安娜的婚禮比起來還是少很多 which is predicted to have totaled a hefty $150 million in today's dollars. 他們婚禮花費以現在的幣值來看約一億五千萬美元 You've got to be pretty rich to foot bills this big - so just how rich is the royal family? 要辦得起這樣的婚禮口袋一定要夠深,所以,皇室到底多有錢呢? The personal finances of Britain's royal family are kept very private, 皇室成員的個人理財狀況保密到家 but let's try to break it down. 不過我們還是試著來分析看看 What we do know is that Queen Elizabeth II is the wealthiest member of the royal family. 我們目前所知的是,女皇伊莉莎白二世是皇室成員中最有錢的人 Forbes estimates the queen's personal net worth is around $530 million. 富比士預估女皇的個人資本淨值約為五億三千萬美元 That's a lot - but for context, not enough to put her on the list of the world's richest people. 這聽起來很多,不過卻無法與世界的超級有錢人競爭 So where does the queen's money come from? 那女皇的錢從哪裡來呢? It's a little complicated, but it can all be traced back to three main sources: 說來有點複雜,但可以主要分成三個來源 her personal wealth and income, the Sovereign Grant and the Privy Purse. 她的個人收入、皇室專款及皇室私庫 Okay, let's start with personal wealth and income. 好,我們先從個人收入來看 This includes assets from the queen's investment portfolio and private estates. 這裡面包含了女皇個人的投資和私人財產 The queen's personal investment portfolio includes things like her private jewelry and art. 像是私有的珠寶及藝術品都是女皇個人的投資 Then there's her property - like the Balmoral Estate in Scotland 還有她的房地產,像是位於蘇格蘭的巴摩拉別墅 and the Sandringham Estate in the English countryside. 還有英國近郊的桑德林漢姆別墅 The queen inherited both from her father 這兩棟別墅皆是女皇繼承自他父親 and their combined value is estimated to be around $175 million. 而這兩棟總價約為一億七千五百萬美元 When it comes to her personal income, the queen also has a lucrative hobby: horse racing. 說到她的個人收入,女皇有個很有賺頭的興趣-賽馬 It's reported she's raked in $9 million over the past three decades from the sport. 據報導,她過去 30 年因賽馬而賺進了九百萬美元 Okay, now let's look at the second source of the queen's money: the Sovereign Grant. 接下來我們可以來談談女皇的第二個資金來源-皇室專款 This is a lump sum the queen receives from the government to pay for official duties, 這是政府撥款給女皇來支付公事上的花費 things like receptions, travel and maintenance of the royal palaces. 像是接待貴賓、出差和皇宮的維修費 The Sovereign Grant for 2017 and 2018 is around $100 million. 2017 和 2018 的皇室專款約有一億美元 The Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth's husband, receives an additional annual allowance 伊麗莎白女皇的丈夫-愛丁堡公爵每年會收到 from parliament of nearly $500,000 to carry out his public duties. 由國會補助的近五十萬美元款項來支付他的公事支出 So where does the money in the Sovereign Grant come from? 那這個皇室專款又是從哪裡來的呢? The short answer is U.K. taxpayers. 最簡單的回答是-英國納稅人 In 2016 and 2017, the queen collected around 90 cents per person in the country. 2016 和 2017 年,女皇會從每個納稅人所繳的稅中抽取 0.9 美元 That's the cost of one single first-class stamp. 這正是一張第一家庭的郵票的價格 Okay, let's go back to the queen's third source of income: the Privy Purse. 那我們來接著來看女皇的第三的收入來源-皇室私庫 This is a fancy way of referring to the money generated by 皇室私庫這個名詞是一個比較華麗的辭藻 a very large plot of land, property and assets called the Duchy of Lancaster. 其實就是指由蘭卡斯特公爵領地所擁的大片土地、房產和資產的營運利潤 The Duchy's main purpose is to provide income for the Duke of Lancaster. 公爵領地最主要的目的就是替蘭卡斯特公爵創造收入 That's a title that has represented the reigning sovereign since 1399. 從 1399 年開始,在位君主就是蘭卡斯特公爵 And yes, the queen is sometimes referred to as the "Duke" of Lancaster. 沒錯,女皇有時候也會被稱為蘭卡斯特「公爵」 It's estimated the value of the Duchy of Lancaster is around $700 million. 蘭卡斯特公爵領地有約七億美元的價值 The queen receives an annual income of around $25 million from that. 公爵領地每年會帶給女皇將近兩千五百萬美元的收入 The queen's son, Charles Prince of Wales, 而女皇的兒子-威爾斯親王查爾斯 receives a similar income from the Duchy of Cornwall. 也從康沃爾公爵領地獲得與女皇相當的收入 That's because he's heir to the crown. 這是因為他是王位的繼承人 His estimated net worth is around $400 million. 查爾斯王子的資本淨值約為四億美元 In total, the queen's immediate family is valued at more than $1 billion. 女皇的直系血親的資產總計約有十億美元 Wealth estimates for the younger generation of royals are around 較年輕的皇室成員像是 $30 million for Prince William, 威廉王子約有三千萬美元 $7 million for the Duchess of Cambridge 劍橋公爵夫人有七百萬美元 and $25 million for Prince Harry. 而威廉王子則有兩千五百萬美元 This all adds up to a lot of money. 這全部加起來的確是非常驚人的數字 But sometimes people think the royal family is worth even more. 但有些人覺得皇室成員的價值不是能用錢來衡量的 Well it turns out a lot of the most valuable assets aren't actually owned by the royal family. 不過最有價值的資產卻並非皇室所擁有 They're a part of two separate funds. 其中,有兩個不同的專款基金會 One is an organization called the Crown Estate, valued at a whopping $17 billion. 一個是英國皇家財產局,坐擁一百七十億美元 It's a real estate business that includes major chunks of property around the United Kingdom. 主要經營英國各地許多的不動產 The Crown Estate is managed by an independent board of directors 英國皇家財產局是由獨立的董事成員所經營 and its profits go to the U.K. Treasury. 且所有的利潤的則都會進到英國國庫 The second fund is the Royal Collection Trust. 第二個專款基金會是英國王室特藏信託 This includes a lot of the things you would typically associate with Britain's royal family. 你可能最先會想到英國皇室婚禮 We're talking palaces, famous art collections and of course, the crown jewels. 但其實包含了宮殿、著名藝術品當然還有皇室的珠寶 The total value of the Royal Collection is estimated to be around $15 billion. 英國王室特藏信託的價值約為一百五十億美元 But since it's part of a trust that's passed down from generation to generation, 但由於這個信託是世世代代傳承下來 the queen doesn't personally own these valuable assets. 所以女皇個人並不擁有這些資產 There's no question the royal family is rich. 總而言之,皇室很富裕是無庸置疑地 But simply measuring up their assets might not actually give us a full picture of their wealth. 即使看了這些皇室的資產,可能還是無法想像他們到底有多富裕 It's estimated the monarchy's brand brings in more than 「皇室」這個品牌每年都 $1 billion to the U.K. economy every year. 為英國帶來約一億美元的商機 Now that's a number fit for a queen. 這個數字才符合女皇的形象嘛! Hey guys, it's Elizabeth. Thanks so much for watching! 哈囉,我是 Elizabeth。感謝收看! Be sure to check out more of our videos over here. 別忘了去看看其他的影片! We're also always taking your suggestions for future ideas, so leave them in the comments section. 我們也會參考你的意見來當作未來影片的題材,所以要記得留言哦! And while you're at it, subscribe to our channel. 也千萬別忘記訂閱我們的頻道唷! Cheerio! 掰掰!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 女皇 美元 英國 王子 收入 婚禮 大公開!英國皇室到底多有錢? (How rich is the royal family? | CNBC Explains) 2685 253 HsiangLanLee 發佈於 2018 年 06 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字