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  • Welcome to Seoul,


  • the capital of the Republic of South Korea.


  • For decades the city known as The Miracle of The Han, kept its head down,

    數十年來,這座以「漢江奇蹟」聞名的城市 一直保持著低調風格

  • barely raising a ripple as the country rebuilt in the decades

    自韓戰結束後 幾十年的國家重建期間

  • following the Korean War.


  • Today, Seoul has re-emerged as an economic powerhouse and the epicentre of Hallyu,

    如今首爾再次成為經濟強權 同時也成為韓流中心

  • a Korean wave of culture that is sweeping the world's smartphones,

    韓國文化潮流深深影響 全球智慧型手機

  • food halls and dance floors.


  • But Seoul wasn't always so outgoing.


  • In the 14th century,

    14 世紀時

  • a 12-mile fortress wall encircled Korea's ancient capital;

    一座綿延 19 公里的堡壘城牆 環繞著韓國古都

  • its gates closed each night to keep marauding Siberian tigers and invaders at bay.

    夜裡深鎖的城門阻擋了 飢餓的西伯利亞虎和劫掠的入侵者

  • Since then the city has spilled out far beyond and above

    此後,這座城市的規模 遠遠超越了

  • its great city gates and Guardian Mountains.


  • 21st century Seoul is a city where glass and steel towers

    在 21 世紀的首爾 您可以看到

  • and the ancient curves of palace roofs coexist.


  • It's a city where the brushstrokes of the past

    這座城市 藉著傳統繪畫與當代公共藝術

  • and contemporary public art tell stories of tradition and inspiration.

    向人們細說著 傳說與啟示的故事

  • Coming to grips with Seoul's incredible size and sweeping narrative can be a little daunting,

    面對首爾如此大的城市規模 想要徹底了解可沒那麼容易

  • so start your adventure at the K-Style Hub,

    就從韓風體驗館 K-Style Hub 開始冒險之旅吧!

  • a state-of-the-art visitor centre.


  • Where South Korea's past, present and future converge,

    展現了南韓的過去 現在和未來

  • from the latest in K-Pop to its timeless national parks,

    從最新的韓國流行音樂 到歷史悠久的國家公園

  • from the cutting edge of K Design to culinary traditions which have taken centuries to perfect.

    從最前衛的韓國設計 到百年傳統美食這裡都有

  • And while you're here, why not slip into the traditional dress.

    來到這裡不妨試穿一下 韓國的傳統服飾

  • Dressing up Hanbok-style doesn't just put you in touch with Koreas proud past,

    體驗韓服不僅能讓您更了解 韓國輝煌的歷史

  • it also gives you free admission into many of Seoul's most revered historic places.

    身穿韓服還能免費進入 許多備受尊崇的首爾歷史名勝

  • At the head of Gwanghwamun Square sits the gleaming statue of Sejong the Great,

    英姿煥發的世宗大王銅像 座落在光化門廣場前

  • the 15th century Joseon-dynasty king whose reign oversaw a golden age of literature,

    15 世紀的李氏朝鮮王朝 在他的統治下見證了文學

  • science and technology.


  • The great leader sits before the grandest of Seoul's five royal palaces,

    這位偉大的君主就坐立於 首爾五大皇宮中最壯麗的景福宮前

  • Gyeongbokgung, the Palace of Shining Happiness.


  • A residence of Joseon Dynasty rulers from the late 1300s until 1910,

    13 世紀末至 1910 年期間 這座李氏朝鮮王朝歷代君主的住所

  • the palace has endured fires, invasion, and wars.


  • Wander through the palace's ornate gates, pavilions, halls and throne room,

    漫步穿越王宮華麗的大門 涼亭、大廳與朝廷

  • which in accordance with Confucian principles,


  • are perfectly balanced by the simplicity of the pine-covered mountain backdrop.

    這與松葉茂密的雅淡山景 達到了絕妙平衡

  • Take a short bus or subway ride to the east,


  • to explore the adjoining palaces of Changdeokgung and Changgyeongung,

    探索緊緊相依的 昌德宮與昌慶宮

  • which are separated by a simple stone wall.


  • In the tranquil confines of Changdeokgung's secret garden,

    在靜謐的昌德宮 有座祕密花園

  • sit for a while by the pond where kings once paused from royal duties and dramas

    您可以在池塘邊稍坐片刻 這裡曾是皇帝卸下宮廷瑣事

  • to write poetry beneath the ginko, walnut and plum trees.

    在銀杏、胡桃和李樹下 吟詩作對之處

  • To the south at Deoksugung Palace,


  • see the changing of the guard which takes place three times each day.

    還可看到每天三輪的 衛兵交接儀式

  • Then explore the eclectic mix of palace buildings,


  • such as the pavilion where coffee-loving King Gojong enjoyed his daily cup,

    例如愛好咖啡的高宗皇帝 每天在這涼亭享受一杯咖啡

  • paving the way for his country's future caffeine obsession.

    讓這個國家在未來興起了 一股咖啡熱潮

  • Just to the west, is the last of Seoul's great palaces,

    不遠的西面 就是首爾的最後一座大宮殿

  • Gyeonghuigung, a royal refuge in times of unrest.


  • After exploring Seoul's vast temple complexes,


  • see how government officials and ordinary Koreans once lived.

    再來看看以前政府官員 與韓國平民的生活方式

  • At the Namsangol Hanok Village,


  • ancient buildings and traditions have been preserved

    可以看到古老的建築 和傳統文化

  • in one of the most scenic and tranquil areas of Seoul.

    這裡是首爾最秀麗恬靜的 地區之一

  • To see how Seoul's citizens furnished their homes,


  • visit the Korea Furniture Museum in Seongbuk-gu.


  • Here, over 2000 exquisite pieces of practical craftsmanship

    在這裡的 10 間傳統房屋中 您將可以看到

  • are displayed within ten traditional houses.

    超過 2000 種實用工藝作品

  • The story of Korean craftsmanship continues at the National Museum of Korea,

    韓國的工藝故事可延續至 韓國國立中央博物館

  • which houses national treasures


  • such as the Ten Story Pagoda and priceless white porcelain from the Joseon era.

    例如十層石塔與李氏朝鮮時代 流傳下來的珍貴白瓷

  • But it's in Seoul's busy streets where the past and present really rub shoulders,

    但只有在首爾熱鬧的街道上 您才可以感受古今交織的獨特氣氛

  • and where the two Korean loves of shopping and food go hand in hand.

    以及結合購物與美食的繽紛世界 這可是韓國人的兩大最愛

  • Close to Seoul's Great South Gate, step into Koreas largest marketplace,

    在首爾的南大門附近 有著韓國最大的市場

  • Namdaemun Market, where locals have been bargaining hard for over 600 years.

    也就是南大門市場 當地人已經在這裡討價還價逾 600 年

  • If you're looking for beauty products,


  • join the one million shoppers who stream into neighboring Myeong-dong

    不妨到鄰近的明洞 隨著每日的百萬人潮

  • each day to hit the 1000 cosmetic stores.


  • And when your head starts to spin, take a snack break.

    覺得頭昏眼花時 可以來點小吃放鬆一下

  • From lobster tails to foot long ice creams, the options here are almost limitless!

    從烤龍蝦尾到巨無霸冰淇淋 這裡有著近乎無限的美食選擇

  • A few blocks north is Insadong,


  • where you can disappear for days amid the labyrinth of antique, curio and craft stalls.

    這是到處是古玩、古董及工藝品攤販 會讓您流連忘返好幾天

  • While just a short bus ride away at the Dongdaemun Market,

    搭上公車 不久即可抵達附近的東大門市場

  • you could spend months browsing the fashions on offer

    這裡有 26 間購物中心與 30,000 家特色商店

  • in the area's 26 malls and 30,000 specialty shops.


  • Blow the dust off the old wares and vintage bargains

    在廣藏傳統市場 有許多珍貴的老古董

  • at the Gwangjang Traditional Market,


  • then treat yourself to some of the best Korean pancakes in the city.

    接下來該好好享用 這城市最美味的韓式煎餅

  • If you're a seafood lover,


  • cross the river to the futuristic Noryangjin Fish Market,

    那就穿過漢江 到新潮的鷺梁津水產市場逛逛

  • where the skilful vendors at 700 stalls

    看這裡的 700 家攤販

  • sell, slice and cook every kind of seafood imaginable!

    熟練地叫賣及料理海鮮 您想像得到菜色這裡通通有!

  • Looking for some Gangnam style?

    想體驗一下江南 Style 嗎?

  • Head just upriver to the Samseong-dong,


  • whose exclusive boutiques and wide boulevards have made it

    時尚的精品店與寬敞的林蔭大道 讓這個地方成了

  • the Beverly Hills of Seoul.


  • But it's not all bling in Gangnam,


  • you'll find plenty of bliss here too.


  • Pass through the Gate of Truth and spend a few hours in the wooded surrounds

    穿越真理之門 花上數小時

  • of the Bongeunsa Buddhist Temple,


  • a peaceful antidote to the fierce pace of Seoul's shopping.

    緩和一下在首爾購物的 緊張步調

  • Seoul is filled with quiet spaces.


  • Also in Gangnam, stroll past the stadiums and museums of the 24th Summer Olympics,

    江南的奧林匹克公園 曾舉辦過第 24 屆夏季奧運會

  • at Olympic Park.


  • Across the river,


  • relax with locals amid the leafy glades of Seoul Forest.

    您可以在綠樹成蔭的 首爾森林公園中與當地人一同放鬆身心

  • While just downriver, enjoy the ponds and playful sculptures at Yongsan Park.

    下游的龍山公園 有著許多池塘與趣味雕像

  • Namsan is one of Seoul's Guardian Mountains,


  • marking the southern limit of the ancient capital.


  • The city has long since grown around it


  • and today the mountain has become one of the city's favourite green getaways.

    今日的南山已成為遠離城市喧囂 最受歡迎的大自然休閒場所

  • At Namsan Botanical Garden,


  • follow the winding paths through fields of wildflowers and pine forests.

    沿著蜿蜒小徑 穿過野花林和松樹林

  • Then hike, or take the cable car to the peak,


  • and take in the sweeping views from the old city walls or from Seoul's iconic tower.

    並從舊城牆或首爾地標塔上 一覽廣闊的城市風光

  • Running right through the busy heart of downtown Seoul,

    越過首爾市中心的 繁華心臟地帶

  • another landmark has also been given a new lease on life.

    另一處地標 也在此重獲新生

  • After centuries of neglect,


  • Cheonggyecheon Stream has been transformed into a 7-mile corridor of serenity and creativity.

    清溪川已經變身成為長達 11 公里 並充滿祥和與創意的長廊

  • Take time out just a few feet from some of the city's busiest streets,

    在距離城市繁忙街道的不遠處 可以休息片刻

  • in a space so quiet you can sometimes hear the sweet sounds of bird song and whispering lovers.

    在如此安靜的環境中 您偶爾會聽到鳥鳴與愛人耳語

  • Leave the bright lights and noise of the city even further behind,

    遠離城市的霓虹與喧鬧 到更遠的地方

  • amid granite-studded peaks of Bukhansan National Park.

    盡情徜徉在花崗岩峰頂圍繞的 北漢山國立公園

  • Take the 45-minute subway ride from central Seoul

    從首爾市中心搭乘 45 分鐘的地鐵

  • and spend the day hiking through the crisp mountain air,

    即可展開一日的漫步之旅 在山林中享受清新的空氣

  • past ancient temples and rushing streams.


  • Just 55 miles from Seoul is another daytrip which will give you pause for deep reflection,

    在僅距首爾 89 公里有另一處一日遊地點 會帶給您深刻的省思

  • the truce village of Panmunjom.


  • After three years of brutal warfare, it was here in 1953,

    歷經 3 年的殘酷戰爭後 1953 年南北韓雙方

  • where the armistice was signed between North and South Korea.

    在這裡簽署了 停戰協議

  • From the observation post, look out upon the eerie silence of the DMZ,

    從瞭望塔望去 您可以看到非軍事區的詭異寂靜

  • the 2.5-mile wide buffer zone that separates the two Koreas.

    這塊 4 公里寬的緩衝區 將韓國一分為二

  • Yet despite the tense atmosphere here,


  • there is also a prevailing sense of hope.


  • On returning to Seoul, spend a little time at the War Memorial of Korea

    返回首爾的途中不妨花點時間 參觀一下韓國戰爭紀念館

  • to truly appreciate the scale and trauma of the Korean War,

    讓您真正感受韓戰的規模 與帶來的創傷

  • a conflict that tore a country in two, involved 22 nations,

    這場衝突將國家一分為二 也波及了 22 個國家

  • and cost millions of lives.


  • Besides displaying all the usual machinery of war,

    除了展示一般軍武 這裡更是一處

  • above all, this is of place of remembrance, longing, and determination.

    滿載紀念 渴望與決心之地

  • When the sun gets low and the city lights up,


  • locals gather on the banks of the Han to see the Banpo Bridge

    當地人會聚集於漢江旁 觀看盤浦大橋的

  • erupt in waves of water and light.


  • It's in moments like these that South Koreans reflect on life's possibilities,

    在這樣的時刻中 南韓人民反思生命的可能性

  • and are reminded that they are capable of anything they put their minds,

    並提醒自己擁有能力 可以實踐任何想法

  • imaginations and hearts to.


  • And Seoul,


  • The Miracle on The Han is certainly proof of that.

    漢江奇蹟 就是最好的證明

Welcome to Seoul,



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